Property of the Watertown Historical Society watertownhistoricalsociety.org Accuracy, Variety, Origtmalitf, "The tow* meeds the paper Brevity, ETM/MJMM, than the paper need* mndNEWS! t*e tews." ' DEVOTEDmoton TO THE WHOLE COMMUNITY—NOTHING ELSE OR LE88 Vol. XIV. No. 23. WATERTOWN, CONN* FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1927. TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR. BIRTHDAY PARTIE8 HONOR PUPILS I . UP-TO-DATE AODRES8 ' structionists to befog tiie issues and 1 _ . 77—:, , . « , destroy the rights and blessings of Many little maids have been hap- The roll of honor for the Water- • 6r.etln . from the National Society.; y • * py celebrating birthdays this week. fl Ubert gecured fc h town high school for the. past month • Daughter, of Founder, and Patriot, and toil and sacrifice of l| the Many Zeidler celebrated her sev- WHO'S WHO THIS WEEK of America, to the Thirty-Sixth a founders from the days of Plymouth enth birthday Saturday by entertain- is as follows: Continental Congress, D. A. R. Rock and Jamestown to the adoption ing fifteen little friends at her home Seniors—Evelyn Balch, Joseph of the Constitution of the United on Scott avenue, wheje a pleasant Barry, Russell Beach, Virginia The following is the complete ad- States? I think not, when we sense afternoon of games and a birthday Columbia Lodge N'o. 12, K. of P.,| A play. "The Whole Town's Talk- dress given by Mis. John Laidlaw Beardslee, Frances Clark, Sterling the dangers into which we are drift- luncheon "was enjoyed. Her guests will hold a dance in Columbia Hall, i.':-\" will be presented in the Corn- Duel, president Of tlie National Soci- Dains, Eleanor Johnson, Helen Lew- ing through careless apathy and in- were Virginia Bronson, Dorothy Dos- Thursday evening, May 19. ! miinity theater the 20th by the St.ety, Daughters of Founders aud Pa- is, Mary Minor, Abbie Seaver, Jose- difference. Before we meekly ac- ter. Myrtle Norton, Nelson Booth, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Bean and son ••"::< ncis dramatic club of Torrlngton triots of America, on Friday eve- phine Wildman. U! ct-jii the "new soc'al order" at the Stephen Canty, Junior Reinhold, Mo- James are spending the summer in | "''' "«• auspices of St. Mary Mag-. nlnir, April 22: Juniors—Joseph Bryan, Arthur hands of "liberal!: i" and socialism na and Shirley Budge, Joseph Buck Manchester, Vt. ^^^^^ church of Oakville. The play Madam President (i»-i:eral and Carver, Leonard Flisher, Evelyn Gre- let us examine what it is we are Leo Hanning of Highland avenue Wil> to have been presented in theMembers of the Thirty-Sixth lngham,_ Alice Heminway, Jean | gory( Howard Hlckcox. Marjorie j community house which re- Continental Congress assembled being asked to throw on the scrap- Whay, Carmen Belflt, Elsie Water- W Hughes, Rose Flynn, Inez LaVigne, has accepted a position with the Wa-; burned. here at home in Mi-morial Con- heap. man, and Priacilla Atwood. Anna Kracunas, Jeanette Lindsay, terbury American as local correspon- Harold Comfort of the Princeton tinental Hall: The Constitution of the United A birthday cake with six candle* Grace Mack, Grace Towle, Mary dent. (irailuato school, Princeton, N. J., States gathers up and contains with- was the center of attraction on theWargo, Eleanor Richards, Alice Ban- There will be a special meeting of I am glad and proud to bring you luncheon table decorated in pink and and a former teacher in Haverford, greetings from the National Society, in Itself all the individual rights and ning, Elizabeth Logue. Pa., has taken the place left vacant liberties which men have been evolv- white at which Virginia Bronson en- Sophomores—Irene Balch, Mar- Daughters of Founders and Patriots in tin- Latin department of Taft of America. Many ask who anding from the days of the Anglo-Saxon tertained her little friends. Singing, guerite Dwyer, Loraine Krants, Bar- on Friday evening. school by the recent death of Sidney what we are and how does one getself-governing village communities games and music made it a happy bara Platt, Helen Strubell, Susie afternoon for her guests, who were F. L. Convard of Main street has H. Morton. In. It is a case of many are called until now. Under it this country Warner, Richard Beach, George moved to. Waterbury. Marjorie Olson, Dorothy Doster, Miss Louise. Fenton spent the but few are chosen. You have to has expanded from a thin line of col- Budge, Richard Davis, Reginald Ev- Harvey Crowell has purchased a descend. Irom a founder who settled onies on the At>* tic seaboard to Charlotte Bates, Muriel Vaill, Judy ans, Woodland Shockey. week-end visiting in Amherst, Mass. Hull, Alice Heminway, Thelma Day- new Overland six sedan. in this country between the years an empire extending from coast to Freshmen—Muriel Magee, Kather- Mrs. Alfred Ryden and daughter ton, Myrtle Norton, Mary Zeidler, 1607 and 1687, and come down in ancoast. It has stood the tests of ex- lne Meyer, Herbert Morrow, Jean- Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Lewis of Dan* Kiina motored to Amherst, Mass., on Mary Mclntyre, Carmen Belflt, Pria- bury were recent guests at the home Sunday. unbroken line through an intermedi- perience and has remained a work- ette Neal, Alice Plumb, Marlon Ran- ing proposition, expanding to meet of Mr. and Mrs. Howard F. Potter. ate ancestor who was a patriot of cilla Atwood, Sherman Camp, Nel- I som, Barbara Reynolds, Dorothy Mrs. Theodore Lilley, who has the growing needs of the country, but Mrs. John H. Cassldy was a recent bi-i-n a patient at St. Raphael's hos- tlie American Revolution, and this son Booth. Phillips Weld, Edwin ; lcp> Ruth skilton, Robert Brandley, without changing its fundamental Reade, Leonard Carley and Richard visitor at the home of her parents pital in New Haven, has returned unbroken line mast be the direct Florence Doolittle, Rose Wargo, Hel- paternal line of either your tui ivnrp and woof. It puts Into practice Hull. en Wasilesky, Cassie Kanawlch, Dor- in Norwich. to iit-r home on the Woodbury road. HL' ' i he fundajru-nt.-.l ifJeas of local and On Monday afternoon Patricia othy Hoffman, Anna Case, Mary James Farrell of Highland avenue A daughter was born on Monday or your mother. We invite yoiflui •tJ::aiiv" • 'T-gnveriiment which Butterfleld celebrated her fourth Brida, Mayme 'Booth, Curtiss Hick- Is a patient in St. Mary's hospital at tin' Waterbury hospital to Mr.to come in. CTur President Gf ral are bred In tut: K* of the English birthday by entertaining a number of cox, Milton Anderson. in'Waterbury. and Mrs. John Cassette of the Taft is already in and sbe is a goou ;>n« rate aud wn> ' *nt here by Pil- her little friends. A birthday cake Grade S—Charles Buckingham, Mrs. S. B. Morton Is spending school. to follow. I am dOTvt; on the program grim nnd Cm-all . It is the gospel with four lighted candles graced the Henry Copeland, Evelyn Edwards, some time visiting with relatives in Joseph Farrell of Thomaston spent for greetings,-but the chairman ot ol a "govi-ri:!ii*"n.., whose just powers center of the table at which the Lester Hotchklss, Irving Levenherz, Philadelphia, Pa. tlii- week-end in town. the program committee asked me toare derived from the consent of the luncheon was served. Tiny dolls Henry Mattoon, Wlllard Norton, Mar- Miss Novella Fischer entertained Harold Ashwortb, who has been speak for about fifteen minutes or governed." I'nder it the country has so on those founders of our nation. and bonbon baskets marked each Karet Parker, Elsie Randall, Mabel the Ariston League at her home on visiting friends in Chicago, has re- grown and prospered beyond the ros- place. Among the" guests were Bet- j Sweeney, Mary Kaschak. Cutler street Wednesday evening. turned to his home on Cutler .street. The principles of the founders are iest dream of the founders. It has being challenged. ty Anne Bryan, Nancy Magee, Har- Grade 7—Francis Besancon, Ray- cherished and secured those bless- ry Hassell, Jean Marie Flynn, Vir- The founders themselves are being ings of liberty by means of which mond Besancon, Louise Campbell, JUDGE HAMLIN ELECTED TO PLAY AT WE8T POINT ginia Atwood, Betty, Margaret and William Clarke, Albert Degutis, made the subject of cheap flippancies our people are in* happiest and the Christine Butterfleld and John Fox. A large number of Watertown by a host of detractors. most-prosperous in the world, hav- Paul Foster, Sulamlth Goldstein, Chosen Chairman of First Ecclesiast- baseball fans will make the trip to Mabell Hickcox, Winnlfred Lindsay, The founders can stand it, but theing the highest standards of living LOCAL LEGIONNAIRES TO GO TO ical Society's Committee at Annual West Point, N. V., on May 16 to, Hazel Lynn, Marlon McCleary, Al- . Meeting Tuesday American people are coming to theand enjoying privileges which attract PARI8 ' witness the baseball game between the down-trod-lea, of all other coun- fred Scott Smith, Katherine Soren- The annual meeting or the. First the cadets and the Bucknell unlvers- point where they, at least, will not son, Harold Werner. stand for it much longer. tries. Why do fry all come here Reservations for the ninth annual Eccleslastical Society in Lltchfleld ity nine of Lewisburg, Pa. Harold if America is as'Avrong in its ideas 'convention of the American Legion was held in the chapel of the church These detractors who are challeng- SEYMOUR HANDBALL McCleary, son of Mrs. Samuel Mc- and policies, and is as backward a to be held In Paris, France, next "CY' on Tuesday of. this week. Francis Cleary of Echo Lake road, plays'sec- ing the fundamental principles of CHAMP this country and trying to make the place to .live in as the "liberals" September, received at National M.
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