April 23, 1998 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 6687 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM replenished her spirit at the Carmel Mission mediately faced the dual challenges of restruc­ Basilica where she was a faithful parishioner. turing both a centralized economy and authori­ HON. RON KIND She cared for her fourteen grandchildren and tarian political system. Unlike the often erratic OF WISCONSIN five great-grandchildren with her own special progression of other post-Soviet nations, IN T HE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES kind of gentle compassion, providing a model Ukraine has moved cautiously and steadily to­ of humanity that they will carry with them al­ ward a free-market economy and multi-party Thursday , Apr il 23, 1998 ways. democracy. Just last month, Ukraine success­ Mr. KIND. Mr. Speaker, the announcement Her death at the age of 87 was a loss, but fully held its first national Parliamentary elec­ by the House leadership to allow an open and her generous spirit will continue to warm and tions under a new democratic Constitution and honest debate on campaign finance reform nurture the community through the memories recently passed federal election law. Nearly has been cheered by editorials and reform ac­ she has left with us. seventy percent of the citizenry turned out to tivists throughout the country. I, however, am cast a ballot in this monumental election. withholding my enthusiasm. We have been Any transition of this magnitude, however, given false promises before and I will not cele­ RECOGNIZING GEORGE DICKINSON will naturally encounter both progress, as well brate until we actually take part in a truly open as setbacks. Ukraine, as Europe's second­ debate on this issue on the House floor. HON. GLENN POSHARD largest nation with 51 million citizens, has I am not yet convinced that our goal of OF ILLINOIS faced particular challenges in transforming a passing meaningful reform will happen given IN THE HOUSE OF REP RESENTATIVES misguided and convoluted Soviet economic the history of the Republican leadership in the system into a transparent and viable economy, Thursday , April 23, 1998 House and the Senate on this issue. In spite open and appealing to eager foreign investors. of the support of a majority of the members of Mr. POSHARD. Mr. Speaker, I would like to Many American investors have faced signifi­ the Senate, reform was defeated by proce­ take a moment to recognize the achievements cant obstacles and complications attempting to dural maneuvers. In the House a majority of and services of my constituent, George Dickin­ operate in this difficult environment. the members have been advocating for a year son of Flora, Illinois, who serves as Scout­ The fiscal year 1998 Foreign Operations Ap­ and .a half in support of campaign reform, yet master for Boy Scout Troop 282. He has vol­ propriations bill, signed into law by President we haven't gotten a vote. I hope that the lead­ unteered for the Boy Scouts of America for Clinton last year, requires U.S. Secretary of ership has finally seen that the public wants fifty years and has remained committed to this State Madeline Albright to "certify no later Congress to do something about big money in organization and his community. than April 30, 1998 that the government of politics. George has demonstrated excellent service Ukraine has made significant progress toward Mr. Speaker I will continue my effort to keep to his troops by teaching them how to survive resolving complaints by U.S. investors." With­ this issue at the forefront until I am assured in the wilderness and respect others. Over the out such certification, the· U.S. shall , under that an open honest debate will happen on past fifty years, he has taken his troops on a law, withhold fifty percent of the fiscal year campaign finance reform. The people of west­ variety of trips to help them understand the 1998 foreign assistance funding to Ukraine, ern Wisconsin will accept nothing less. great outdoors even better, including a trek to not including funds used for nuclear safety the Philmont Boy Scout Ranch in New Mexico, purposes. Given our country's vital long-term canoeing the boundary waters of Minnesota, strategic interest in Ukraine, however, it is my HONORING FILIPINA S. MACAHILIG and hiking the Appalachian trail through Geor­ hope that investor complaints have been suffi­ gia. It is refreshing to know we can rely on ciently resolved to warrant Secretary Albright's HON. SAM FARR role models such as George to mentor our certification on April 30. OF CALIFORNIA youth. American and Ukrainian officials alike have IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVE S George has received numerous awards stated that the development and improvement from the local and national Boy Scout coun­ of Ukraine's business climate is crucial for Thursday , Apri l 23, 1998 cils, including the Silver Beaver Award, the Ukraine's continued path toward a true, mar­ Mr. FARR of California. Mr. Speaker, I rise District Award of Merit and the Veteran Scout­ ket-oriented economy. While America should to note the passing of a woman whose loving er Award. He is dedicated to his Troop and commend the reform efforts attained by care for her family and community spanned dedicated to the service of the Boy Scouts. Ukraine in 1997, which have resulted in the half the world, for over half a century. George is not only an exemplary role model lowest rate of inflation since independence, Filipina S. Macahilig began life in Manila, for the Boy Scouts of Troop 282, but also for the stabilization of Ukraine's monetary unit, graduating from the University of the Phil­ the state of Illinois and it is with the greatest and the continued privatization of state-owned ippines before working as a nurse through honor that I can represent George in this enterprises, it is equally important for Ukraine World War II. The children at the schools on body. Mr. Speaker, please join me in recog­ to achieve deregulation in product licensing Panay Island were comforted by her tender nizing George Dickinson for his milestone fifty and to pursue further restructuring of its en­ and competent care. years of service to the Boy Scouts and the ergy and agricultural sectors. It is my hope At war's end, Ms. Macahilig moved to the Flora community. that Ukraine can achieve these additional, United States, first to San Francisco and then much-needed reforms through the assistance to the Monterey Peninsula, where she contin­ of continued U.S. engagement. ued to care for the ill and infirm. She and her UKRAINE Acknowledging America's role in Ukraine's beloved husband Edel raised her large family: continued economic development, former am­ four sons, Rene, Felicisimo, Requiro and HON. BOB SCHAFFER bassador to Ukraine William Green Miller re­ Edilberto, and four daughters, Alice, Berna­ OF COLORADO cently stated, "the United States has the ca­ dette, Suzanne and Teresita, all of whom IN THE HOUSE OF REP RESENTATIVES pacity to continue the levels of support it has graduated with highest honors and became given in the past, and in fact, should look to outstanding members of their communities. Thursday , April 23, 1998 increase those levels in order to ensure a suc­ Her warmth extended outwards into the com­ Mr. BOB SCHAFFER of Colorado. Mr. cessful outcome." The Ukrainian government munity through her service as a longtime Speaker, in August 1991 , the people of has indicated that without increased foreign in­ member and officer of the Filipino Community Ukraine courageously and proudly proclaimed vestment, many structural reforms already in Organization of the Monterey Peninsula. She independence from the Soviet Union, and im- place would be difficult to maintain. For this e This "bullet" symbol identifies statem ents or insertions which are not sp oken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates w ords inserted or appended, rather than sp oken, by a Member of the H ouse on the floor. 6688 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS April 23, 1998 reason , the Ukrainian government recently ance, legal consultations, life and medical in­ HONORING ARTHUR MITTELDORF formed the Special Task Force on Corporate surance, and representation at benefit appeal Governance and Shareholder Rights. The pur­ hearings. UDW is also working on legislation HON. SAM FARR pose of this task force is to enhance the in­ and local initiatives to establish legal recogni­ OF CALIFORNIA vestment climate in Ukraine and improve its tion and collective bargaining rights for inde­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES competitiveness in the international market­ pendent providers. place. Thursday, April 23, 1998 Having completed these successful accom­ The existence of informal and unofficial Mr. FARR of California. Mr. Speaker, I rise economies remains a frequent complaint plishments, UDW is now in the second phase today to honor Arthur Mitteldorf, a devoted among businesses attempting to operate in of its campaign to organize the remaining conservationist and warm friend and respected Ukraine. Such malfeasance can most properly 6,000 independent providers. member of the community. be attributed to Ukraine's years under Soviet As a friend and supporter of UDW for many Mr. Mitteldorf's contributions cannot be rule, where such practice was commonplace, years, I want to sincerely congratulate the measured. Throughout the years, he freely and does not reflect the overall will or potential UDW Organizing Committee and its members gave of his time and knowledge to environ­ of the nation. Rather than turning our backs on receiving this significant award from the mental advisory committees. He wrote persua­ on a promising democracy because it retains San Diego-Imperial Counties Labor Council for sive articles and commentaries on topics such unfortunate remnants of a failed, oppressive your many long hours and labor-intensive as air quality, hazardous materials, and the political doctrine, it is my belief that we should work in the cause of justice! consequences of building dams.
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