K4MZU Record WAP WACA Antarctic Program Award

K4MZU Record WAP WACA Antarctic Program Award

W.A.P. - W.A.C.A. Sheet (Page 1 of 10) Callsign: K4MZU Ex Call: - Country: U.S.A. Name: Robert Surname: Hines City: McDonough Address: 1978 Snapping Shoals Road Zip Code: GA-30252 Province: GA Award: 146 Send Record Sheet E-mail 23/07/2020 Check QSLs: IK1GPG & IK1QFM Date: 17/05/2012 Total Stations: 490 Tipo Award: Hunter H.R.: YES TOP H.R.: YES Date update: 23/07/2020 Date: - Date Top H.R.: - E-mail: [email protected] Ref. Call worked Date QSO Base Name o Station . ARGENTINA ARG-Ø1 LU1ZAB 15/02/1996 . Teniente Benjamin Matienzo Base (Air Force) ARG-Ø2 LU1ZE 30/01/1996 . Almirante Brown Base (Army) ARG-Ø2 LU5ZE 15/01/1982 . Almirante Brown Base (Army) ARG-Ø4 LU1ZV 17/11/1993 . Esperanza Base (Army) ARG-Ø6 LU1ZG 09/10/1990 . General Manuel Belgrano II Base (Army) ARG-Ø6 LU2ZG 27/12/1981 . General Manuel Belgrano II Base (Army) ARG-Ø8 LU1ZD 19/12/1993 . General San Martin Base (Army) ARG-Ø9 LU2ZD 19/01/1994 . Primavera Base (Army) (aka Capitan Cobett Base) ARG-11 LW7EYK/Z 01/02/1994 . Byers Camp (IAA) ARG-11 LW8EYK/Z 23/12/1994 . Byers Camp (IAA) ARG-12 LU1ZC 28/01/1973 . Destacamento Naval Decepción Base (Navy) ARG-12 LU2ZI 19/08/1967 . Destacamento Naval Decepción Base (Navy) ARG-13 LU1ZB 13/12/1995 . Destacamento Naval Melchior Base (Navy) ARG-15 AY1ZA 31/01/2004 . Destacamento Naval Orcadas del Sur Base (Navy) ARG-15 LU1ZA 19/02/1995 . Destacamento Naval Orcadas del Sur Base (Navy) ARG-15 LU5ZA 02/01/1983 . Destacamento Naval Orcadas del Sur Base (Navy) ARG-15 LU6Z 22/12/1995 . Destacamento Naval Orcadas del Sur Base (Navy) ARG-16 LU1ZS 18/12/1993 . Teniente de Navió Juan Camara Base (Navy) (aka Dest. Naval Bahía Luna) ARG-17 LU5ZR 13/01/1982 . Destacamento Naval Petrel Base (Navy) ARG-18 EM1LV/P 29/01/1999 . Groussac Refuge (Navy) (aka Hipolito Bouchard Refuge) ARG-18 LU/FT5YK 11/02/2011 . Groussac Refuge (Navy) (aka Hipolito Bouchard Refuge) ARG-18 LU/UX1KA 17/02/1998 . Groussac Refuge (Navy) (aka Hipolito Bouchard Refuge) ARG-18 LU1Z/UT1KY 23/12/2000 . Groussac Refuge (Navy) (aka Hipolito Bouchard Refuge) ARG-19 LU9AQS/Z 24/02/1994 . Scientific Livingston Camp (IAA) ARG-2Ø LU/R1ANF 22/09/2006 . Alejandro Carlini Station and Jubany Meterological Center (Baliza Potter LH included) ARG-2Ø LU1ZI 19/01/2011 . Alejandro Carlini Station and Jubany Meterological Center (Baliza Potter LH included) ARG-2Ø LU2ZC 05/02/1990 . Alejandro Carlini Station and Jubany Meterological Center (Baliza Potter LH included) ARG-2Ø LU3ZI 02/12/1983 . Alejandro Carlini Station and Jubany Meterological Center (Baliza Potter LH included) ARG-2Ø LU5ZI 30/01/1982 . Alejandro Carlini Station and Jubany Meterological Center (Baliza Potter LH included) ARG-21 LU4ZS 29/12/1991 . Vicecomodoro Gustavo Marambio Base (Air Force) ARG-22 LU3ZY 27/11/1981 . Corbeta Uruguay Station (IAA) (expired 1982) ARG-23 LT5X 24/03/2013 . Tierra del Fuego Province (Observatorio Lighthouse) ARG-23 LU/DJ8QP 03/02/2012 . Tierra del Fuego Province (Tierra del Fuego Island) ARG-23 LU/PY2TJ 04/11/2009 . Tierra del Fuego Province (Tierra del Fuego Island) ARG-23 LU1XP 29/03/2017 . Tierra del Fuego Province (Tierra del Fuego Island) ARG-23 LU1XPK 21/12/2011 . Tierra del Fuego Province (Tierra del Fuego Island) ARG-23 LU1XQS 01/01/2013 . Tierra del Fuego Province (Tierra del Fuego Island) ARG-23 LU1XS 19/02/2012 . Tierra del Fuego Province (Tierra del Fuego Island) ARG-23 LU1XT 17/01/2000 . Tierra del Fuego Province (Tierra del Fuego Island) ARG-23 LU1XU 20/02/2013 . Tierra del Fuego Province (Tierra del Fuego Island) ARG-23 LU2XP 03/05/2015 . Tierra del Fuego Province (Tierra del Fuego Island) ARG-23 LU2XPK 20/03/2014 . Tierra del Fuego Province (Tierra del Fuego Island) ARG-23 LU2XZ 15/03/2012 . Tierra del Fuego Province (Tierra del Fuego Island) ARG-23 LU3XX 28/02/2012 . Tierra del Fuego Province (Tierra del Fuego Island) ARG-23 LU3XYL 03/04/2014 . Tierra del Fuego Province (Tierra del Fuego Island) ARG-23 LU4XPE 18/04/2014 . Tierra del Fuego Province (Tierra del Fuego Island) ARG-23 LU5XP 07/03/2015 . Tierra del Fuego Province (Tierra del Fuego Island) ARG-23 LU6XV 16/04/2013 . Tierra del Fuego Province (Tierra del Fuego Island) ARG-23 LU7XWC 26/01/2012 . Tierra del Fuego Province (Tierra del Fuego Island) ARG-23 LU7XX 06/04/2012 . Tierra del Fuego Province (Tierra del Fuego Island) ARG-23 LU8XP 02/02/2010 . Tierra del Fuego Province (Tierra del Fuego Island) W.A.P. - W.A.C.A. Sheet (Page 2 of 10) Ref. Call worked Date QSO Base Name o Station . ARG-23 LU8XW 31/03/2012 . Tierra del Fuego Province (Tierra del Fuego Island) ARG-24 LU/FT5YJ 06/03/2009 . Bahia Dorian Refuge ARG-28 LU4CJM/Z 14/01/2017 . Francisco Gurruchaga Naval Refuge (aka Refugio Armonía - Harmony Haven) . AUSTRALIA AUS-Ø1 VKØAL 08/08/1968 . Amery Station (ANARE) AUS-Ø2 VKØFY 13/11/2013 . Richard Casey Station (ANARE) AUS-Ø2 VKØGB 13/11/2013 . Richard Casey Station (ANARE) AUS-Ø2 VKØMP 27/03/1989 . Richard Casey Station (ANARE) AUS-Ø3 AXØBP 25/01/2009 . Davis Station (ANARE) AUS-Ø3 VIØANT 27/12/1994 . Davis Station (ANARE) AUS-Ø3 VKØAC 11/02/1998 . Davis Station (ANARE) AUS-Ø3 VKØBP 27/12/2008 . Davis Station (ANARE) AUS-Ø3 VKØDE 26/12/1993 . Davis Station (ANARE) AUS-Ø3 VKØERZ 11/02/1998 . Davis Station (ANARE) AUS-Ø3 VKØNE 08/04/1992 . Davis Station (ANARE) AUS-Ø3 VKØTS 13/07/1999 . Davis Station (ANARE) AUS-Ø4 VKØJJJ 27/04/2013 . Douglas Mawson Station (ANARE) AUS-Ø5 VKØVK 26/10/1963 . Wilkes Station (ANARE) (ex U.S. Knox Base) AUS-Ø7 VKØCW 22/01/1983 . Heard Island Station (ANARE) AUS-Ø7 VKØEK 30/03/2016 . Heard Island Station (ANARE) AUS-Ø7 VKØHI 28/01/1983 . Heard Island Station (ANARE) AUS-Ø7 VKØIR 14/01/1997 . Heard Island Station (ANARE) AUS-Ø7 VKØWR 14/03/1969 . Heard Island Station (ANARE) AUS-Ø8 VKØKEV 27/03/2011 . Macquarie Island Station (ANARE) AUS-Ø8 VKØKH 10/03/1980 . Macquarie Island Station (ANARE) AUS-Ø8 VKØSJ 13/10/1986 . Macquarie Island Station (ANARE) AUS-Ø8 VKØTH 07/01/2012 . Macquarie Island Station (ANARE) AUS-Ø8 VKØWH 19/08/1996 . Macquarie Island Station (ANARE) . BELGIUM BEL-Ø2 OR4TN 05/12/2009 . Belgian Princess Elisabeth Station . BULGARIA BGR-Ø1 LZØA 30/12/1995 . St.Kliment Ohridski Base . BRAZIL BRA-Ø2 PY2ASK/P 06/01/1994 . Comandante Luiz Antonio de Carvalho Ferraz Base BRA-Ø2 ZXØDX 30/01/1998 . Comandante Luiz Antonio de Carvalho Ferraz Base BRA-Ø2 ZXØECF 04/01/1995 . Comandante Luiz Antonio de Carvalho Ferraz Base . REPUBLIC OF CHILE CHL-Ø1 CE9/CE2LOL 29/12/1994 . Capitan Arturo Prat Base CHL-Ø1 CE9/CE3AOJ 13/03/1994 . Capitan Arturo Prat Base CHL-Ø1 CE9/CE5BYE 10/01/1994 . Capitan Arturo Prat Base CHL-Ø1 CE9/CE5COX 16/02/2010 . Capitan Arturo Prat Base CHL-Ø1 CE9AP 28/12/1983 . Capitan Arturo Prat Base CHL-Ø1 CE9BIZ 12/01/1994 . Capitan Arturo Prat Base CHL-Ø1 CE9EP 06/01/1999 . Capitan Arturo Prat Base CHL-Ø1 XR9JA 15/02/2010 . Capitan Arturo Prat Base CHL-Ø2 CE9AA 11/02/1994 . General Bernardo O'Higgins Riqueime Base (Army) CHL-Ø2 CE9OH 05/01/1994 . General Bernardo O'Higgins Riqueime Base (Army) CHL-Ø3 CE9/R1ANF 30/12/2001 . Julio Ripamonti Base (INACH) CHL-Ø4 CE9XX 17/03/2011 . Presidente Pedro Aguirre Cerda Base (Air Force) CHL-Ø5 CE9/CE3MMV 17/12/1993 . Presidente Eduardo Frei Montalva Base (Air Force) CHL-Ø5 CE9PWE 03/03/1994 . Presidente Eduardo Frei Montalva Base (Air Force) CHL-Ø5 XR9H2O 01/01/2014 . Presidente Eduardo Frei Montalva Base (Air Force) CHL-Ø6 CE9VPM 10/01/2012 . Presidente Gabriel Gonzáles Videla Base (Air Force) CHL-Ø7 CE9R 04/02/2003 . Profesor Julio Escudero Base (INACH) CHL-Ø8 CE9MFK 15/12/1995 . Base Dr. Guillermo Mann (Formerly Camp Shirreff) CHL-Ø9 CE9SAC 09/02/1995 . Teniente Luis Tomás Carvajal Villarroel (Air Force) CHL-Ø9 CE9SDJ 09/02/1995 . Teniente Luis Tomás Carvajal Villarroel (Air Force) W.A.P. - W.A.C.A. Sheet (Page 3 of 10) Ref. Call worked Date QSO Base Name o Station . CHL-1Ø CE9PUA 24/01/1994 . Teniente Rodolfo Marsh Martin (Air Force) CHL-13 CE8/CE6RC 01/01/2013 . Magallanes and Antartica Chilena Region CHL-13 CE8/DJ8QP 29/01/2012 . Magallanes and Antartica Chilena Region CHL-13 CE8/UA4WHX/P 05/01/2014 . Magallanes and Antartica Chilena Region (Riesco Island) CHL-13 CE8DMT 24/03/2013 . Magallanes and Antartica Chilena Region (Navarino Island) CHL-13 CE8EIO 22/02/2014 . Magallanes and Antartica Chilena Region CHL-13 CE8RNK 25/01/2013 . Magallanes and Antartica Chilena Region CHL-13 CE8VJG 28/01/2015 . Magallanes and Antartica Chilena Region CHL-13 CE9/PA3EXX 15/01/2011 . Magallanes and Antartica Chilena Region (Herschel Island, Hermite Islands) CHL-13 CE9/VE3LYC 01/09/2011 . Magallanes and Antartica Chilena Region (Herschel Island, Hermite Islands) CHL-14 CE9/CE3RAC 12/10/1997 . Teniente Arturo Parodi Alister Station (Air Force) CHL-15 CE9/K2ARB 23/01/2009 . Antonio Huneeus Gana Base (INACH) CHL-18 CE9/UA4WHX 20/12/2013 . Puerto Williams Station CHL-2Ø 3G9JA 31/01/2016 . Hornos Island Meteo Station . PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA . CZECH REPUBLIC . GERMANY DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC DDR-Ø1 Y9ØANT 25/06/1990 . Georg Forster Station (Before 3 October 199Ø) . FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY DEU-Ø1 DPØLEX 14/01/1983 .

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