COUNTRY / REGION Exhibit Frame No Exhibitor · Title of Exhibit Score Medal GP-FEL-GPC No

COUNTRY / REGION Exhibit Frame No Exhibitor · Title of Exhibit Score Medal GP-FEL-GPC No

BY COUNTRY / REGION Exhibit Frame No Exhibitor · Title of Exhibit Score Medal GP-FEL-GPC No AUSTRALIA 2-101 21001-21005 Duberal, Ross British Military Admin istration of 82 V Malaya 2-201 22001-22005 Xavier, Paul Fiji - King George VI - The Definitives 83 V 2-202 22006-22013 Lower, Harry South Australia's "Postage" Long Stamps 88 LV SP (Previous title: South Austra li a's Long Stamp: The Second "Postage" Series) 2-203 22014-22018 Blinman, Michael New South Wales 1888-1913 87 LV 2-204 22019-22023 Presgrave, Departmental Stamps of South Australia 90 G Anthony 1868-1874 2-301 23001-2300 5 Benson, Yung Tunisia, from the Sardinian, French & 80 V Italian Post Offices to 1940 2-302 23006-23010 Morgan, Timothy The Scroll Issue of Canada 84 V 2-303 23011-23015 Barsdell, Paul Postage Due Stamps with in French West 89 LV SP Afr ica 2-304 23016-23020 Stafford, Glen Nicaraguan Postage and Official Stamps. 88 LV SP The Seebeck Era (1890-1899) 3-201 32001-32005 Chadderton, Republic of China Airmail Rates to 86 LV Bruce North America 3-301 33001-33005 Fuller, Darryl The Development of Commercial Airmail 87 LV Routes in the Caribbean (Previous title: Airmail Postal History of the Caribbean ) 4-201 42001- 42008 Stafford, Glen Nicaraguan Postal Stationery "The 90 G Seebeck Era" 4-202 42009- 42013 We lden, Linda Australian Aerogrammes 1944-1965 78 LS 5-201 52001-52008 Ling, Chung Airmails of British Borneo 1926-1941 88 LV 5-202 52009-52013 Walker, Martin Aerial Messengers of South Australia 83 V 10- 001 10001-10005 Moore, John 1989-1991 Australian Sporting 85 LV Definitives 10-002 10006-10010 Collyer, David Architecture Series 4th Definitive 81 V Republic of South Afr ica 11 - 001 11001-11005 Figg, David Strike a Light!! 85 LV 11-002 11006-11010 Figg, David Jetties of South Australia 77 LS 13 -201 McMahon, fan Postal Stationery Co llector 83 V BANGLADESH 2-205 22024-22028 Zarif, Mannan Post Liberation Provisional Issues of 82 V Bangladesh 3-202 32006-32010 Khurshid, Hasan Bangladesh Became Refugee the Period 73 s of Liberation War 1971 12-201 12201-12202 Ibn e Hossain, Bangladesh Theme on Foreign Philately 65 SB Ashrar 12-202 12203 -12205 Ibne Hossain, Postal Stationery with error variety 70 s Ashrar Bangladesh 12-301 12301-12305 Ajme Sheikh, Bangladesh: A Study of Definitive Issue 77 LS Nafisa Anjum 12-302 12306-12310 Ajme Sheikh, India: Pre-Independence Postage Stamps 80 V Nafisa Anjum & Postal History use in Bengal CHINA 3-302 33006-33010 Li, Zhifei Frank Albanian Postal History to 1925 85 LV 4-204 42022- 42026 Li, Zhifei Frank New Zealand Postal Stat ionery 1876-1936 90 G 29 Exhibit Frame No Exhibitor Title of Exhibit Score Medal GP-FEL-GPC No 4-205 42027-42031 Zhang, Weiwei Gibraltar Postal Stationery 1877-1938 85 LV 5-203 52014-52018 Chen, Shan Opening and Development of China's 92 G SP International Air and Postal Service (1924-1949) 6-001 60001-60005 Zheng, Ji Launching Activities of Xichang Satel lite 78 LS Launch Center in China 7-202 72006-72013 Chen, Pu The Smallest State w ith the Largest 88 LV SP Church - St Peter's Bas ili ca in Vatican City 7-203 72014-72018 Chen, Shenghui The Horse, Distant Memories 88 LV 7-204 72019-72023 Fan, Shihong Smoking, From Epidemic to Control 85 LV 7-205 72024-72028 Guo, Hongme i A talk about Headgea r 78 LS 7-206 72029-72033 Li, Shaoke The Charm of Chinese Zod iac Culture 75 LS (Previous title: Fascination of Shengxiao Cu lture) 7-207 72034-72038 Sun, Zan Learning Western Painting through the 87 LV Louvre 7-208 72039-72043 Wang, Jiaxing First Aid 87 LV 9 - 001 90001-90005 Li, Yonghong The Fiscal Stamps reg istered for use in 85 LV the Northeast a rea in China and printed or overprinted in this area (1914-1932) 10- 003 10011-10015 Guo, Jiyu Hong Kong Zodiac ATM Stamp (1987- 85 LV 1998) 10-004 10016-10020 Yang, Chenglu Domestic Express Item of China Post 78 LS 10-005 10021-10025 Zheng, Minmin Hong Kong ATM Stamps (1986-1998) 83 V 12-117 12139-12141 Wang, Yixiang Play Table Tennis! 82 V SP 13-101 Wang Yinchang, Stamps of Honeybee 77 LS Zh ang Weiwei & Miao Xiaoqing 13-102 Chen, Su Fuzhou Philatelic History 75 LS 13-202 Fuzhou Philatelic Banyan City Philately 72 s Association 13-301 Zheng, Minmin Practical Hong Kong Stamp Catalogue 80 V (1997-2016) 14- 601 14601 Zheng, Jun Sleep 0 CP 14-602 14602 Yan, Xuebin Horse Carriage 0 CP 14-607 14607 Xiao, Yonghua Sugarcanes 0 CP CHINESE TAIPEI 1- 001 10001-10008 Ho, Mic hae l Bolivia: The 19th Century US Banknote SP/GPHC Company Issues 2-206 22029-22036 Lin, Tzu- Mu China: Surcharge Issue of 1897 95 LG 3-203 32011-32018 Mah, Lang- Moe China: The Development of Yunnan 91 G Postal System 1901-1949 3-204 32019-32026 Tsai, Wen-Lung The Postal History of Impe rial China 92 G SP 1897-1911 4 -206 42032-42036 Ho, Michael Honduras Postal Stationery 93 G SP 9 - 002 90006-90013 Hsu, Chun-Yu Taiwan: Revenue of Taiwan (1908-1949) 90 G 10-006 10026-10033 Ho, Min Yun Dragon Circ ling Two Carps Postage 92 G SP Stamp 30 Exhibit Frame No Exhibitor Title of Exhibit Score Medal GP-FEL-GPC No 12-101 12101-12103 Ch e n, Hank Economical Sized Postal Card s of Taiwan 80 V (1974-1996) 12-102 12104-12106 Shih, Miao-Jen Postal Cards and Envelopes 2018 of 80 V Taiwan 12-204 12209-12211 Lai, Chen-Chien Taiwan 2016 Postal Card, Envelopes and 8 1 V It's Surcharges 12-303 12311-12315 Liu, Li-Chi Pos t a l Ca rds and Envelopes 2015 of 80 V Taiwan 12-304 12316 -12320 Liu, Yu-Chi Posta l Cards and Envelopes 2014 of 80 V Taiwan 13-103 Yu , Tzau-Nien Posta l Hi stor y Research Vo ! 35 86 LV 13 -104 Chinese Ta ipei Chinese Taipei Philatelic Magazine Vo l 83 V Philatelic Society 95 13 -105 Chinese Ta ipe i Ch inese Ta ipei Philatelic Federation 87 LV Philatelic Journal 22 Federation 13-203 Ho, Huei-Ching Seminars a nd Activities Proceedings 85 LV (2 018) Vo ! 27 13-204 Lu , Sung-Liang New Ta ipei City Philatelic Magazin e 80 V (2 017) Vo ! 6 13 -205 Yo u, Jason Collectors' Philatelic Annual Report 82 V (2018) Vo ! 30 HONG KONG 1-003 10017-10024 Kwan, To Wa h Empress Dowager Jubilee a nd its SP/GPHC Tony Surc h arged Issues 2-305 23021-23025 Halewood, The Queen Elizabeth II Definitive Iss ues 84 V Nicholas Joh n of British Guiana and Guyana 3-205 32027-3 203 1 Wong, Siu Po The Development of Fukie n Postal 86 LV Services (Our ing Ch inese Impe ria l & Republican Periods) 3-206 32032-32036 Shaw, Pang Chui Britis h Military Pos t in Hong Kong 81 V 3-207 32037-32041 Wong, Chi Fa i Cancellations on 1880 & 1882 Issues of 77 LS Iva n Ho n g Ko n g Queen Victoria 2 Ce nts 3-208 32042-32049 Au , Francis Early Mail of China 1753-1845 95 LG 3-209 32050 -32054 Ch e ung, Andrew Postal His tory of the French Post Offices 88 LV SP in China 3-303 33011-3301 5 Schne ider, Robert Ma lta Postal Hist ory in the early 92 G a dhesive age 4-207 42037-42041 Ke i, Kok Ying Fre n ch lndo- China Post a l Statione r y 85 LV (1892-1943) 12-103 12107-12108 Leong, Ka Yi Mys t ery 73 s 12-205 12212-12213 Wong, Sze Ki Hero 67 SB 12-20 6 12214-12215 Li , Wai Hung Extraordinary Life: How to live a 70 s meaningful life? INDIA 2-207 22037-22041 Ramach a ndra n, India: Kingdom of Coch in 83 V M 3-210 32055-32062 Jhunjhunwala , Postal History of Br itis h Indi a (1854-76) 91 G SP Rajesh 31 Exhibit Frame No Exhibitor Title of Exhibit Score Medal GP-FEL-GPC No 3-211 32063-32067 OK, Prakas h The Comprehensive Postal History of 8 3 V Cochin State (171 3-1949 AD). India (Previous title: Cochin State Postal History (18th Century to 1949) 3-212 32068-32072 Na ir, Pos t a l Markings of Travancore Anchal , 78 LS Mohanachandran India 7-101 71001-71005 Kakad, Anand Birds of the pheasant fa mily 80 V 7-102 71006-71010 Saraf, Pramod Feathe re d Wonders 65 SB Kumar 7-103 7 1011-71015 Mo nteiro, Da nie l Waterfowl - A Journey through its life 71 s 7-104 71016-71020 Thakre, Vindhya Fishing - A Way of Life 68 SB 7-105 71021-71025 Thakre, Manohar Fi s h es - We May Not be Knowing? 70 s 7-209 72044-72048 Sharma, Dinesh Summe r Olympic Games 80 V Chandra 7-301 73001-73005 Chaurasia, Huma n Health & Di seases 71 s Sandeep 7-302 73006-73010 Dubey, Ashwani World Scout Movement 70 s 7-303 73011-73015 K, Sridhar The Candle on the water 66 SB 9-003 90014-90021 Suri, Anil Fisca ls of Mysore, India 90 G 11 - 003 11011-11015 Tyagi, Pankaj Luck now close to m y h eart 70 s 12-104 12109-12110 Srinivasan, Ha r s h UN ESCO World He i rt age Sites in India 68 SB Baradhan 12-105 12111-12113 S, Abishek A Rainbow Family 70 s 12-207 12216-12217 Bagmar, Sayam Unusual Stamps of the World (Five 68 SB Sanjay Senses) (Pre vious title: Odd Shaped Stamps of the World) 12-3 05 12321-12324 Sharma, Avinash Ol ympic Games 82 V SP 14-201 14201 Ganguli, Rahul Mode rnisation of India Post 0 CP 14-603 14603 Srinivasan, Magpi e in nature and myth 0 CP Paramasivam 14- 604 14604 Srinivasan , The World of Flamingos 0 CP Paramasivam INDONESIA 2-208 22042-22046 Rachmanto, Budi Nethe rlands Indies Postage Stamp 1892- 83 V 1923 "Princess and the early 3 Queen Wilhe lmina Series" 2- 209 22047-22051 Saputra, Martin The Japa nese Navy Occupation in the 87 LV Tanudjaya Dutch East Indies 1942-1945 2-210 22052-22056 Saputra, Ma rtin Japanese Occupation in the Dutc h East 83 V Tanudjaya Indies - Sumatra Is land 1942-1945 4-208 42042-42046 Tandra, Lyd ia Posta l Ca rd of Dutc h East Indies 1874- 83 V 1949 4-209 42047- 42051 Putranto, Tono Netherlands Indies Postal Card 1874- 92 G SP Dwi 1933 King Willem Ill a nd Nume ra l Series 7-106 71026-71033 Putranto, Tono Journey of an old king from Sere ngeti 96 LG SP Dwi 7-107 71034-71038 Adiutama, The Primates 77 LS Bahrudin 7-108 71039-71043 Samad Thahir,

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