Presorted Standard U.S. Postage Paid Austin, Texas Permit No. 01949 TPA TEXAS PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION TheAustinVillager.com This paper can be recycled Vol. 42 No.8 Phone: 512-476-0082 Email: [email protected] July 11, 2014 2020thth AnniversaryAnniversary ofof EssenceEssence MusicMusic INSIDE FestivalFestival DeliversDelivers ‘Party‘Party WithWith aa Purpose’Purpose’ By Naomi Richard This year’s milestone 4- The 20th Anniversary day celebration featured of Essence Music Festival both world-renowned and delivered a ‘Party With a up-and-coming performing Labor force boost Purpose’ including perfor- acts, as well as the employment among RAPPIN’ mances by legendary country’s top speakers, blacks by 1.3 %. greats like Prince, Lionel authors, leaders, innova- See SIX Tommy Wyatt Richie, Jill Scott, Mary J. tors and celebrities – who Page 4 When the Blige, Charlie Wilson, came together to enter- Tamar Braxton, Ledisi, tain, excite, engage, in- President comes Stephanie Mills and Em- form and inspire the Fes- to town. powerment Sessions with tival community of more such powerbrokers as than 543,000. Here we go again! It seems Bishop T.D. Jakes, Steve During Sunday’s Es- like every time it’s Harvey, Alicia Keys, Robin sence Gospel-Fest, attend- Correctional facilities announced that President Roberts, Rev. Al Sharpton ees enjoyed an all-star exhibit inadequate Barack Obama is coming to and Iyanla Vanzant. gospel tribute to illustri- teaching in South. town, Governor Rick Perry Over the past two ous vocalist Yolanda See JUVENILE always tries to find a way to decades, “…the Festival Adams, hosted by legend- Page 5 upstage him. And this time is has become one of the ary Pastor Donnie no exception. most important forums for McClurkin with perfor- As soon as it was non hip-hop black music mances by Kim Burrell, announced that the president and culture,” as reported Kierra Sheard, James For- was coming to town for a by the New York Times. fundraiser, the governor See ESSENCE, page 4 Mary J. Blige (Photo by Naomi Richard) immediately tried to insert Jack and Jill of America, Delegating refugees himself into the agenda. This Brown Announced as 1st nd toward self reliance, time he is using the current Inc. Celebrates 22 building opportunities. border situation to advance HT Hercules Scholar See COALITION his purpose. While the Biennial Beautillion Page 6 president and every one else in American knows that we Recipient Former Trojan are currently having a Tom Joyner an- deportation crisis because of nounced Arsenio Brown is is now a 1st the many children who have the first Huston-Tillotson Class Airman entered the country, they University Hercules again place the whole Scholar for July 2014. problem on the back of Last year, Arsenio President Obama. was the Junior Class presi- The main purpose of the dent and president of his President’s trip is for chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha fundraisers, but he was doing Fraternity, Inc. (Delta chap- a couple of other things too. ter). He was also elected One fundraiser was at the president of the Senior Beau Brice Edward Dudley, Jr. (first place Brown home of Film Maker Robert Class for 2014-2015. And, Madison Scholar) pictured with Dorothy Madison, Rodriquez on Wednesday. he maintained a 3.53 av- (both of whom are attor- Beautillion Austin founder, and Sheldy Starkes, The next one was Thursday erage! neys), that are the forces Jack and Jill Austin Chapter President. at the home of Aimee Boone Perhaps it is his veg- behind Arsenio’s passion Cunningham, who serves as etarian lifestyle coupled to strive and achieve. Ac- AUSTIN, TEXAS – The The Honorable Judge the Assistant Secretary of the with the influence of his cording to him, “In order 2014 Beautillion season Clifford Brown joined Ms. Center for Reproductive two older brothers, to be successful, your fo- culminated with an el- Ashley Goudeau of KVUE Rights. Broderick and Fletcher See SCHOLAR, page 5 egant evening at the News, as the master and Alvarez-Medrano President Obama also Hilton Austin Hotel on mistress of ceremony, re- Air Force Airman spoke at the Paramount Need a Late Night Ride? June 21, 2014. The spectively. Nineteen (19) 1st Class Eric J. Alvarez- Theater on Thursday. The Need a Late Night Ride? Beautillion is the Jack & Jill outstanding, charismatic Medrano graduated from event was free and some Capital Metro Offers Austin Chapter’s signature young men were pre- basic military training at people stood in line for 24 Capital Metro Offers event, a biennial sented to the Austin com- Joint Base San Antonio- hours on Tuesday to get the Safe and Sober Options. fundraiser that recognizes munity. The evening in- Lackland, San Antonio, tickets. The President also Safe and Sober Options. young African American cluded dinner and dancing, Texas. hosted a Round Table men of character, achieve- as well as the formal pre- The airman com- discussion and invited ment and integrity. This sentation of each of this pleted an intensive, eight- Governor Perry to attend. At year’s theme, “Raising the year’s participants. In true week program that in- press time the Governor had Bar: New Challenges, New Beautillion tradition, Aus- cluded training in military not responded to the invitation, Strategies,” emphasizes tin vocalist, Sondra discipline and studies, Air but continued to insist that the the need for this genera- Johnson, treated the audi- Force core values, physical president go to the border. tion of leaders to elevate ence to an awe-inspiring fitness, and basic warfare Perry is now being joined their performance as they opening of “You Raise Me principles and skills. by both Senators Cornyn and prepare to meet and ex- Up,” setting the tone for Airmen who com- Cruz in this request. In the ceed the lofty standards the evening, and later, in plete basic training earn meantime, the president has a and expectations required tribute to the honorees, four credits toward an as- bill in congress that request to compete on the world singing “You’ll Never Walk sociate in applied science more funds that are needed to stage. The room was en- Alone.” Following the for- degree through the Com- solve the problem. And while AUSTIN, Texas — Now that summer is here, more chanting, the young men mal presentation, guests munity College of the Air our 2 senators are in Texas people are taking advantage of the longer daylight were dashing, and the were mesmerized by the Force. talking about how critical the hours and fun things to do around the city, including lovely escorts, the belles, traditional waltzes with Alvarez-Medrano problem is at the border, they late night offerings around town. For those seeking a were beautiful. Special the mothers and then the is the son of Pamela are needed in Washington to safe and sober ride home after the festivities are over, guests included Congress- belles, followed by an out- Medal of Austin. vote on this bill. However, Capital Metro has many convenient and low-cost op- woman Eddie Bernice standing performance by He is a 2009 every time President Obama tions to choose from. Johnson and Council- the 2014 beaux. Beaux graduate of Anderson High comes to Texas, Governor Two services, the Night Owl and E-Bus, operate woman Sheryl Cole, now a performance coaches School, Austin. He earned Perry tries to find a way to especially late into the night to ensure people get home candidate for Austin were: 2006 Beaux Keith a bachelor’s degree in safely. 2013 from Texas State Uni- embarrass him. I wonder what See NIGHT OWLERS HAVE CHOICES, page 7 Mayor. See BEAUX, page 2 he will think of next? versity, San Marcos. Page 2 ~ July 11, 2014/THE VILLAGER www.theaustinvillager.com THE COMMUNIQUÉ CONGRATULATIONSCONGRATULATIONS TOTO OUROUR 20142014 JACKJACK ANDAND JILLJILL BEAUTILLIONBEAUTILLION SCHOLARSHIPSCHOLARSHIP WINNERSWINNERS && BEAUXBEAUX Beau Beau Beau Beau Beau Aarik Ryan Douglas Marshall Marcus Kevin Langston Miles Brice Edward Charles Clanton Cole Deary Dudley, Jr. Beau Cameron DeShaun Jones (second place Madison Scholar) pose with Dorothy Madison, Beautillion Austin founder, and Sheldy Starkes, Jack and Jill Austin Chapter President. Beau Beau Beau Beau Beau Kendrick LaDarius Albert Phillip Bakari Jaward Eyo Essien Okon James Lacy Fowler Hawkins IV Henderson Ita Johnson Jack and Jill Associates’ Andrea Bryant Schol- arship presented to Beau Dewayne LaRue Bryant by Susan Johnson, Associates Chair, Sheldy Starkes, Austin Chapter President, and Mel Bryant. Beau Beau Beau Beau Beau Ross Nicholas David Milton Jamal Exalton Ryan Nicholas- Jordan Tyler Newman Porter, IV Sawyer Page Vaughn Washington Charles (University of Jack and Jill Austin Chap- sored by Ball Business Con- Mrs. Mary Castleberry; an Houston), son of Mr. ter Father’s Auxiliary; · sulting; · Beau image workshop hosted by Michael Ray Charles & Beau Bakari Jaward Jamal Exalton Sawyer, Jr. Edge of Your Seat Consult- Mrs. Andrea Renee Henderson (University of (Prairie View A&M Univer- ing; ballroom dancing Mary Castleberry, Vice President of the Links, Charles, sponsored by Ms. Arizona Honors College), sity), son of Mr. James Ed- classes by Wilson Dean Inc., Austin Chapter, with Sheldy Starkes, presents Melissa Harvey;· son of Mr. Philbert ward Sawyer, Jr. and Mrs. Kline of the American scholarship to Beau Landon Godsey. Beau Douglas Marshall Henderson and Mrs. Jill Cheryl Pauline Sawyer, Academy of Music and Clanton (University of Henderson, sponsored by sponsored by Sigma Pi Phi Dance; college writing and Notre Dame), son of Dr. the Jack and Jill Austin Fraternity, Inc., Gamma study skills, Drs. Terrance Mark S. Clanton and Mrs. Chapter Father’s Auxiliary Gamma Boulé; · & Lynn Eaton; a golf out- Cynthia Clanton, spon- ; · Beau Sterling Beau Ryan Nicholas-Page ing; a business roundtable sored by the Jack and Jill Devonte Hillard (Univer- Vaughn (Our Lady of the hosted by the Texas Cable Austin Chapter Father’s sity of Wisconsin), son of Lake University), son of Mr.
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