A Quantum-Logic Gate between Distant Quantum-Network Modules Severin Daiss,1, ∗, y Stefan Langenfeld,1, y Stephan Welte,1 Emanuele Distante,1, 2 Philip Thomas,1 Lukas Hartung,1 Olivier Morin,1 and Gerhard Rempe1 1Max-Planck-Institut fur¨ Quantenoptik, Hans-Kopfermann-Strasse 1, 85748 Garching, Germany 2ICFO-Institut de Ciencies Fotoniques, The Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology, Mediterranean Technology Park, 08860 Castelldefels (Barcelona), Spain The big challenge in quantum computing is to realize scalable multi-qubit systems with cross-talk free addressability and efficient coupling of arbitrarily selected qubits. Quantum networks promise a solution by integrating smaller qubit modules to a larger computing cluster. Such a distributed architecture, however, requires the capability to execute quantum-logic gates between distant qubits. Here we experimentally realize such a gate over a distance of 60m. We employ an ancillary photon that we successively reflect from two remote qubit modules, followed by a heralding photon detection which triggers a final qubit rotation. We use the gate for remote entanglement creation of all four Bell states. Our non-local quantum-logic gate could be extended both to multiple qubits and many modules for a tailor-made multi-qubit computing register. Quantum computers promise the capability to solve problems classical communication [15]. The general working principle that cannot be dealt with by classical machines [1]. Despite re- has first been demonstrated with photonic systems based on cent progress with local qubit arrays [2–4], foreseeable imple- linear optical quantum computing [16, 17] and, more recently, mentations of quantum computers are limited in the number of in isolated setups with material qubits like superconductors in individually controllable and mutually coupleable qubits held a single cryostat [18] and ions in a single Paul trap [19]. in one device due to residual cross-talk, coupling constraints, Here we realize a non-local, universal quantum gate between and restricted space [5], to mention just three challenges. A two distant and completely independent quantum modules us- solution to scale up the computational power is to embed the ing a radically different and conceptually simple approach. qubits into a non-local quantum network that, in essence, forms Our scheme relies on a single photon as a flying ancilla qubit a large quantum machine [6]. This enables a modular approach that we reflect successively from two distant network modules to quantum computing, where small and spatially separated [20, 21]. They are connected by a 60 m fiber link and each processing modules with accessible qubits can be arbitrarily contains a stationary qubit. The photon reflections establish connected with quantum links to carry out more complex joint two passive and in principle deterministic local gates between calculations [5,7]. the photon and the qubits in the modules [8]. Combined with a First elementary and fully coherent quantum networks with final measurement of the photon and feedback on the stationary distant qubits have already demonstrated their ability to trans- qubit, our protocol implements a heralded, non-local quantum fer quantum states or to create entanglement between distant controlled-NOT (CNOT) gate. It has the advantage that the net- quantum nodes [8–10]. This has been achieved with optical work modules are always ready for a gate operation and that a fibers that can carry photonic qubits, typically between differ- typically fragile entangled state does not need to be prepared ent parts of a building or between nearby buildings. Combined and held available but is generated on the fly. The scheme is with the small size of the modules containing the qubits, this related to a local photon-photon gate protocol that was recently is a key prerequisite for a distributed quantum computer with realized with the role of material and light qubits interchanged a potentially huge number of individually addressable qubits. [22]. The gate operation can be readily incorporated in a larger For example, our modules are not much larger than a few cm3 modularized quantum computer that is distributed over several arXiv:2103.13095v1 [quant-ph] 24 Mar 2021 and can hold multiple independent atomic qubits [11]. To- buildings (Fig.1A). gether with shared laser systems and single-atom reservoirs for uninterrupted operation [12], the number of connected modules Our setup is schematically shown in Fig.1B. It comprises and qubits can be straightforwardly scaled up. Replacing our two modules in separate laboratories each made up of a sin- free-space-optics modules with miniaturized cavity technology gle 87Rb atom trapped at the center of an optical cavity with [13] could increase this number even further. a finesse of 60 000. We employ a light source to send photons A mandatory step to extend state-of-the-art networks to a to the modules and single-photon detectors register successful distributed quantum computing architecture is the ability to photon transmissions through the system. The resonators are perform non-local two-qubit gates between arbitrary network single-sided and light interacting with them leaves predom- modules. Towards this goal, gate teleportation has been pro- inantly through the incoming channel and is reflected. Two 2 posed [14]. This technique constitutes a generalization of tele- ground states of each atom j"zi = 5 S1=2;F = 2; mF = 2 2 portation and allows the construction of a quantum computer and j#zi = 5 S1=2;F = 1; mF = 1 serve as the qubit ba- using previously shared entanglement, local operations and sis. We use a pair of Raman lasers to perform qubit rota- 2 FIG. 1. A quantum-logic gate between two distant qubit modules in a network. (A) An elementary computing cluster formed by distributed qubit modules linked with optical fibers (red lines). The modules are connected to light sources (blue stars) and single-photon detectors (blue half discs) which feed classical communication channels (black antennas). (B) Enlarged view on our two qubit modules. They consist of an atom-cavity system each and are linked using an optical fiber and circulators. An ancilla photon is sent from a light source via the two modules to a polarization detector. The measurement result is communicated via a classical channel (double black line) to the first module for a conditional state rotation. (C) The quantum circuit diagram of our protocol which realizes the non-local quantum gate between the states jΨai and jΨbi of the atomic qubits. (D) The relevant level scheme of the used atomic species 87Rb. p tions between them. The cavities are tuned to be resonant with coming linear polarization jAi = 1= 2 (i jRi + jLi), this rel- 2 the atomic transition j"zi $ jei = 5 P3=2;F = 3; mF = 3 ative phase shift between jRipand jLi flips the polarization to (Fig.1D). Both systems are in the strong coupling regime, thus an orthogonal state jDi = 1=( 2i)(i jRi − jLi) if the atom is the coherent atom-light interaction in the resonator modes have in a coupling state j"zi. As the polarization remains unchanged higher rates than the respective decays of the intra-cavity field for an atom in j#zi, the reflection can entangle the photonic and the atomic excitation [23]. Due to tailored light shifts on qubit to the atomic state and it thus forms the basic building the energy levels of the atom, right-circular polarization jRi block of our non-local quantum gate. couples to an atomic transition, whereas left-circular polariza- tion jLi does not. For an atom in j"zi and coupling light in The circuit diagram for our protocol is shown in Fig.1C. jRi, this leads to a shift in the resonance frequency of the atom- We start with a right circular polarized photon jRi with a du- cavity system [8]. In this situation, an impinging photon reso- ration of 1 µs (full width at half maximum) and use a wave nant with the empty resonators cannot enter the cavities and is plate to convert it to the linear polarization jAi. In practice, directly reflected. Only for an atom in the non-coupling state we approximate the single photon by a weak coherent laser j#zi or for left-circularly polarized light jLi, the photon en- pulse with an average photon number of n¯ = 0:07 ± 0:01. ters the resonator before leaving again through the incoupling We tune it to be resonant with the empty resonators and re- mirror. In this process, it acquires a relative π phase shift com- flect it from the first cavity, thereby entangling the photon po- pared to directly reflected light, constituting a quantum Z gate larization and the atomic spin. The light is subsequently sent between the photonic and the stationary qubit [8]. For an in- through a quarter wave plate and a 60 m long optical single- mode fiber to the other module located 21 m away. Passing a 3 circulator, the photon is reflected from the second system re- sulting in an atom-atom-photon entangled state. Finally, the light is sent to a polarization-detection setup measuring in the linear basis of jAi = jDi. The detection of the photon acts as a herald of a successful gate operation and triggers a rotation of the state of the first qubit conditioned on the measurement outcome. The resulting overall protocol realizes a non-local quantum gate. In the basis of j"zi = j#zi for the first atom and in the superposition basis of j" i = p1 (j" i + j# i) and x 2 z z j# i = p1 (j" i − j# i) for the second atom this gate acts as a x 2 z z CNOT j"z"xi −! j"z"xi j"z#xi −! j"z#xi (1) j#z"xi −! j#z#xi j#z#xi −! j#z"xi : Here we adopt a common notation for the two distant qubits with the first (second) state belonging to the qubit in the first FIG.
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