University of Hawai‘i, Institute for Astronomy Publications in Calendar Year 2004 The names of authors listed as affiliated with IfA in each ar- &Wainscoat, R. J. Twenty-Three High-Redshift Super- ticle are in boldface. novae from the Institute for Astronomy Deep Survey: Doubling the Supernova Sample at z > 0.7. ApJ, 602, Abazajian, K., et al., including Siegmund, W. A., & Sza- 571–594 (2004) pudi, I. The Second Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. AJ, 128, 502–512 (2004) Bendo, G. J., & Joseph, R. D. Nuclear Stellar Populations in the Infrared Space Observatory Atlas of Bright Spiral Abbas, M. M., LeClair, A., Owen, T., et al. The Nitrogen Galaxies. AJ, 127, 3338–3360 (2004) Isotopic Ratio in Jupiter’s Atmosphere from Observations by the Composite Infrared Spectrometer on the Cassini Bettoni, D., Mazzei, P., Della Valle, A., Franceschini, G. D. Spacecraft. ApJ, 602, 1063–1074 (2004) A., & Aussel, H. Optical and Spectroscopic Follow-Up of the Deeper FIR Selected Sample. Mem. Soc. Astron. Abel, N. P., Brogan, C. L., Ferland, G. J., O’Dell, C. R., Italiana Suppl., 5, 267–271 (2004) Shaw, G., & Troland, T. H. Physical Conditions in Orion’s Veil. ApJ, 609, 247–260 (2004) Beuzit, J.-L., et al., including Roddier, C., Roddier, F., & Mart´ın, E. L. New Neighbours. III. 21 New Compan- Allen, S. W., Schmidt, R. W., Ebeling, H., Fabian, A. C., ions to Nearby Dwarfs, Discovered with Adaptive Optics. &van Speybroeck, L. Constraints on Dark Energy from A&A, 425, 997–1008 (2004) Chandra Observations of the Largest Relaxed Galaxy Clusters. MNRAS, 353, 457–467 (2004) Binzel, R. P., Rivkin, A. S., Stuart, J. S., Harris, A. W., Bus, S. J., & Burbine, T. H. Observed Spectral Properties of Andersen, M., Knude, J., Reipurth, B., Castets, A., Nyman, Near-Earth Objects: Results for Population Distribution, L. A.,˚ McCaughrean, M. J., & Heathcote, S. Molecular Source Regions, and Space Weathering Processes. Icarus, Cloud Structure and Star Formation near HH 216 in M 16. 170, 259–294 (2004) A&A, 414, 969– 978 (2004) Boehnhardt, H., et al., including Meech, K. Results from the Andrews, S. M., Reipurth, B., Bally, J., & Heathcote, S. R. ESO Large Program on Transneptunian Objects and Cen- The Irradiated Herbig-Haro Jets Near σ Orionis. ApJ, taurs. Earth, Moon & Planets, 92, 145–156 (2003; c 606, 353–368 (2004) 2004) Andrews, S. M., Rothberg, B., & Simon, T. Mid- Boesgaard, A. M. The Light Elements: Lithium, Beryllium, Infrared and Submillimeter Observations of the Illumi- and Boron. In Carnegie Observatories Astrophys. Ser., nating Source of McNeil’s Variable Nebula. ApJ, 610, Vol. 4: Origin and Evolution of the Elements (Cambridge L45–L48 (2004) Univ. Press), 117–137 (2004) Ardila, D. R., et al., including Williams, J. P. AResolved Boesgaard, A. M., Armengaud, E., &King, J. R. Beryl- Debris Disk around the G2 V Star HD 107146. ApJ, 617, lium Abundances in F and G Dwarfs in Praesepe and L147–L150 (2004) Other Young Clusters from Keck HIRES Observations. Audard, M., et al., including Simon, T. Coronae of Cool ApJ, 605, 864–873 (2004) Stars. In IAU Symposium 219: Stars as Suns: Activity, Boesgaard, A. M., Armengaud, E., King, J. R., Deliyan- Evolution, and Planets, 243–248. nis, C. P., & Stephens, A. The Correlation of Lithium and 2 Avila, R., & Chun, M. R. AMethod for High-Resolution CN Beryllium in F and G Field and Cluster Dwarf Stars. ApJ, Profiling in the First Few Hundred Meters. Proc. SPIE, 613, 1202–1212 (2004) 5490, 742–748 (2004) Boesgaard, A. M., McGrath, E. J., Lambert, D. L., & Barger, A. J., ed. Supermassive Black Holes in the Dis- Cunha, K. Boron Benchmarks for the Galactic Disk. ApJ, tant Universe. Astrophys. & Space Sci. Library, Vol. 308 606, 306–318 (2004) (Kluwer, 2004) Bottinelli, S., & Williams, J. P. Modeling the Millimeter Barnes, J. E. Shock-induced Star Formation in a Model of Emission from the Cepheus A Young Stellar Cluster: Ev- the Mice. MNRAS, 350, 798–808 (2004) idence for Large Scale Collapse. A&A, 421, 1113–1119 Barris, B. J., & Tonry, J. L. Redshift-independent Distances (2004) to Type Ia Supernovae. ApJ, 613, L21–L24 (2004) Bottinelli, S., Ceccarelli, C., Lefloch, B., Williams, J. P., et Barris, B. J., Tonry, J. L., et al., including Aussel, H., al. Complex Molecules in the Hot Core of the Low-Mass Chambers, K. C., Connelley, M. S., Donovan, D., Protostar NGC 1333 IRAS 4A. ApJ, 615, 354–358 (2004) Henry, J. P., Kaiser, N., Liu, M. C., Mart´ın, E. L., 1 Bottinelli, S., Ceccarelli, C., Neri, R., Williams, J. P., et Burke, B. E., et al., including Tonry, J., Luppino, G., & al. Near-Arcsecond Resolution Observations of the Hot Onaka, P. The Orthogonal-Transfer Array: A New CCD Corino of the Solar-Type Protostar IRAS 16293-2422. Architecture for Astronomy. Proc. SPIE, 5499, 185–192 ApJ, 617, L69–L72 (2004) (2004) Bresolin, F., Garnett, D. R., & Kennicutt, R. C. Abundances Butler, N., et al., including Wainscoat, R., Ebeling, H., & of Metal-rich H II Regions in M51. ApJ, 615, 228–241 Luppino, G. Results of X-ray and Optical Followup Ob- (2004) servations of the Short/Hard GRB 020531. In ASP Conf. Bresolin, F., & Kudritzki, R. P. Stellar Winds of Hot Ser. 312: Third Rome Workshop on Gamma-Ray Bursts Massive Stars Nearby and Beyond the Local Group. In in the Afterglow Era, 201–204 Carnegie Observatories Astrophys. Ser., Vol. 4: Origin Capak, P. L. Probing Global Star and Galaxy Formation Us- and Evolution of the Elements (Cambridge Univ. Press), ing Deep Multi-Wavelength Surveys. PhD Thesis, UMI 283–296 (2004) Publ. No. 3139760 (2004) Bresolin, F., Pietrzynski,´ G., Gieren, W., Kudritzki, R., Capak, P., Cowie, L. L., Hu, E. M., Barger, A. J., et al. A Przybilla, N., &Fouque,´ P. On the Photometric Vari- Deep Wide-Field, Optical, and Near-Infrared Catalog of ability of Blue Supergiants in NGC 300 and Its Impact a Large Area around the Hubble Deep Field North. AJ, on the Flux-weighted Gravity-Luminosity Relationship. 127, 180–198 (2004) ApJ, 600, 182–187 (2004) Carr, J. S., Tokunaga, A. T., &Najita, J. Hot H2O Emission Briel, U. G., Finoguenov, A., & Henry, J. P. EPIC-XMM- and Evidence for Turbulence in the Disk of a Young Star. Newton Observations of Two Nearby Galaxy Clusters. ApJ, 603, 213–220 (2004) Proc. SPIE, 5488, 156–164 (2004) Carraro, G., Bresolin, F., Villanova, S., Matteucci, F., Patat, Briel, U. G., Finoguenov, A., & Henry, J. P. XMM-Newton F.,&Romaniello, M. Metal Abundances in Extremely EPIC Observation of the Galaxy Cluster A 3667. A&A, Distant Galactic Old Open Clusters. I. Berkeley 29 and 426, 1–9 (2004) Saurer 1. AJ, 128, 1676–1683 (2004) Brittain, S. D., Simon, T., Kulesa, C., & Rettig, T. W. Inter- Castets, A., Reipurth, B., &Loinard, L. Millimeter Observa- + α stellar H3 Line Absorption toward LkH 101. ApJ, 606, tions of the HH 222 Region. A&A, 427, 895–899 (2004) 911–916 (2004) Chiang, E. I., Millis, R. L., Buie, M. W., Wasserman, L. H. Brogan, C. L., Devine, K. E., Lazio, T. J., Kassim, N. E., & Meech, K. J. Resonant and Secular Families of the Tam, C. R., Brisken, W. F., Dyer, K. K., & Roberts, Kuiper Belt. Earth, Moon & Planets, 92, 49–62 (2003; M. S. E. A Low-Frequency Survey of the Galactic Plane c 2004) = ◦ Near l 11 :Discovery of Three New Supernova Rem- Chon, G., Challinor, A., Prunet, S., Hivon, E., & Szapudi, nants. AJ, 127, 355–367 (2004) I. Fast Estimation of Polarization Power Spectra Using Brogan, C. L., Goss, W. M., Lazendic, J. S., & Green, A. J. Correlation Functions. MNRAS, 350, 914–926 (2004) OH (1720 MHz) Maser Search toward the Large Magel- Clark, B. E., Bus, S. J., Rivkin, A. S., Shepard, M. K., lanic Cloud. AJ, 128, 700–708 (2004) &Shah, S. Spectroscopy of X-Type Asteroids. AJ, 128, Budavari,´ T., Connolly, A. J., Szalay, A. S., Szapudi, I., 3070–3081 (2004) Csabai, I., & Scranton, R. Angular Clustering with Pho- Clarke, C., Reipurth, B., &Delgado-Donate, E. Multiple tometric Redshifts. In Astrophys. & Space Sci. Library, Protostars, Jets, and the Origin of Brown Dwarfs. In Vol. 301: Multiwavelength Cosmology (Kluwer), 55–58 IAU Colloquium 191: The Environment and Evolution (2004) of Double and Multiple Stars, Rev. Mexicana Astron. As- Buie, M. W., et al., including Meech, K..Procedures, Re- trof´ıs. Conf. Ser. 21, 184–194 (2004) sources and Selected Results of the Deep Ecliptic Survey. Coil, A. L., Newman, J. A., Kaiser, N., Davis, M., Ma, C., Earth, Moon & Planets, 92, 113–124 (2003; c 2004) Kocevski,D.D.,&Koo, D. C. Evolution and Color De- Buratti, B. J., et al., including Meier, R., & Owen, T. C. 9969 pendence of the Galaxy Angular Correlation Function: Braille: Deep Space 1 Infrared Spectroscopy, Geometric 350,000 Galaxies in 5 Square Degrees. ApJ, 617, 765– Albedo, and Classification. Icarus, 167, 129–135 (2004) 781 (2004) Burgett, W. S., et al. Substructure Analysis of Selected Low- Coil, A. L., et al., including Kaiser, N. The DEEP2 Galaxy Richness 2dFGRS Clusters of Galaxies. MNRAS, 352, Redshift Survey: Clustering of Galaxies in Early Data. 605–654 (2004) ApJ, 609, 525–538 (2004) Burke, B. E., et al., including Luppino, G. A., & Tonry, Comeron,´ F., Reipurth, B., Henry, A., & Fernandez,´ M. J. L. Broadband (200–1000 nm) Back-Illuminated CCD Extending the Census at the Bottom of the Stellar Mass Imagers. In Astrophys. & Space Sci. Library, Vol. 300: Function in Chamaeleon I. A&A, 417, 583–596 (2004) ScientificDetectors for Astronomy: The Beginning of a Cotˆ e,´ P., et al., including Tonry, J.
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