US 2014007 3604A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2014/0073604 A1 Bourdelais et al. (43) Pub. Date: Mar. 13, 2014 (54) LADDER-FRAME POLYETHER A63/69 (2006.01) CONUGATES AOIN 25/00 (2006.01) A613 L/488 (2006.01) (71) Applicant: UNIVERSITY OF NORTH AOIN 43/16 (2006.01) CAROLINAAT WILMINGTON, (US) AOIN 55/08 (2006.01) AOIN 43/90 (2006.01) (72) Inventors: Andrea Bourdelais, Wilmington, NC GOIN33/52 (2006.01) (US); Daniel G. Baden, Wilmington, NC A613 L/4375 (2006.01) (US); Elizabeth Elliott, Wilmington, NC (52) U.S. C. (US) CPC ................ A61K47/22 (2013.01); G0IN33/52 (2013.01); G0IN33/502 (2013.01); A61 K (73) Assignee: UNIVERSITY OF NORTH 31/69 (2013.01); A61 K31/4375 (2013.01); CAROLINA AT WILMINGTON, A6 IK3I/4188 (2013.01): A0IN 43/16 Wilmington, NC (US) (2013.01); A0IN 55/08 (2013.01); A0IN 43/90 (2013.01); A0IN 25/00 (2013.01) (21) Appl. No.: 13/840,296 USPC 514/64; 435/7.1:435/7.9; 435/7.92; 435/29; Filed: Mar 15, 2013 504/193; 504/245; 504/276; 504/292; 514/279; (22) 514/283: 514/387: 514/450:546/37; 546/48; Related U.S. Application Data 548/304.1: 548/405; 549/354 (62) Division of application No. 12/893,344, filed on Sep. 29, 2010. (57) ABSTRACT Publication Classification Disclosed are compounds that are conjugates of ladder frame polyether compounds and biologically active compounds or (51) Int. C. research compounds, pharmaceutical formulations compris A6 IK 47/22 (2006.01) ing the conjugates, and methods of transporting the conju GOIN33/50 (2006.01) gates across biological membranes. US 2014/0073604 A1 Mar. 13, 2014 LADDER-FRAME POLYETHER delivering, without limitation, biologically active com CONUGATES pounds, (for example, Small molecule therapeutic drugs, nutraceuticals, hormones, proteins, peptides, amino acids) BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION and research compounds (for example fluorescent markers, colorometric dyes, radioactive ligands) (collectively, herein 0001 1. Field of the Invention after active agents) across biological membranes. 0002 The invention relates to ladder frame polyether con 0009. The invention comprehends conjugate molecules, jugates and their use to transport molecules (cell permeable, and salts, Solvates, hydrates, or coordination compounds cell impermeability/low permeability) across cell mem thereof, wherein the escorter molecule portion facilitates branes/cell walls/organelle membranes/organelle walls in liv entry of at least one active agent into cells and/or Subcellular ing organisms, tissues, cell cultures or membrane prepara organelles. A linker component may be part of the conjugate tions (collectively, hereinafter “biological membranes'). to provide for retention of biological activity of the active 0003 2. Description of the Related Art agent, or allow release of the active agent, through one or 0004. There are many obstacles in developing treatments more of various mechanisms, from the escorter. which allow the delivery of a compound across a biological 0010. The conjugates of the invention have numerous membrane to its active site in a biological system. The deliv potential advantages. Firstly, the conjugates of the invention ery of an active agent has been assisted, primarily, through the promote the intracellular entry of a variety of useful bioactive use of certain peptides (see, e.g., U.S. Publication Application compounds and markers across biological membranes at Nos.: 20060293242: “Transporting of Taxoid Derivatives pharmacokinetic rates. Secondly, the conjugates allow for through the Blood Brain Barrier’: 20080234197: “Method(s) transportation through the blood-brain barrier. Thirdly, the of stabilizing and potentiating the actions and administration compositions of the invention incorporate various linkers that of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)”; and allow pharmacologically-relevant dosage rates of drug 20090074857: “Glycerophospho-lipids for the improvement released from escorter-active agent molecules to be engi of cognitive functions'. neered into such compositions, thereby potentially increasing 0005 Ciguatoxins were identified as a new class of com their biological efficacy, safety and usefulness. pounds, known as ladder frame polyethers, from an extract of predatory fish from the South pacific. Subsequently, many DETAILED DESCRIPTION more polyether ladder compounds have been isolated from marine organisms. A ladder frame polyether compound is a 0011. In an embodiment, the invention provides conju synthetic, natural or semi-synthetic compound having two or gates that may be represented by Formula I: more fused cyclic ether moieties. Examples of these com pounds include, but are not limited to, brevetoxins, maitotox ins, yes.Sotoxins, gambierols, hemibrevetoxins, brevenals, X tamulamides, and brevisins. The ladder frame polyether com 1 “(A), pounds listed above is not intended to be exhaustive or lim iting. Many of these compounds have unique biological activities such as acting on ion selective channels. where L is a ladder frame compound; 0006 Examples of drugs that do not cross biological X represents an optional linker, membranes very easily include many anticancer drugs (doxo each A is independently a biologically active compound or rubicin, paclitaxel, Vincristine, and vinblastine), azidothima research compound; and dine used to treat HIV, and neurotrophins (small polypep q represents an integer of from 1-5. tides) to treat neurodegenerative disorders. Examples of 0012. In Formula I, A is depicted as being covalently con compounds with low membrane permeability that are cur nected to L, optionally through linker X. rently being used as biological tools could be enhanced by 0013 For clarity, where q is greater than 1, the manner of increasing their transport across membranes include, without covalently connecting each A group to L is independent from limitation, charged fluorescent compounds, charged fluores the manner of connecting other A groups, and may be a direct cently labeled compounds, pH sensitive dyes, ion sensitive covalent connection of A to L, or an indirect connection dyes, selective organelle stains, and antibodies. through a linker X. When more than one linker group X is employed, the linker groups are the same or different. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION 0014 Particular conjugates of Formula I include those 0007. The inventors have discovered that ladder frame where q is 1, 2, or 3. polyether compounds, when conjugated to membrane imper 0015. In one embodiment, the disclosure provides a con meable compounds Such as large polar and/or ionic com jugate comprising a ladder frame polyether compound and at pounds and/or Zwitterionic compounds, provide conjugates least one of the groups consisting of biologically active com that are rapidly transported across the cell membranes and pounds and research compounds, or a salt, Solvate, hydrate or cell walls. This indicates that the ladder frame polyether coordination compound thereof. In another embodiment, the compounds are useful in transporting other compounds at least one compound is a biologically active compound. In across cell membranes and cell walls that would not other yet another embodiment, the at least one compound is a wise be easily transported into cells. research compound. 0008. The present invention is directed to conjugates of a 0016. In one embodiment, the disclosure provides a con ladder frame polyether compound (collectively, hereinafter, jugate comprising a ladder frame polyether compound and escorter) and at least one biologically active compound or the at least one biologically active compound, which is a drug research compound, and salts, Solvates, hydrates or coordi or pro-drug. In another embodiment, the biologically active nation compounds thereof. It is further directed to methods of compound is a pesticide. US 2014/0073604 A1 Mar. 13, 2014 0017. In one embodiment, the disclosure provides a con compound. In a particular embodiment, the coupling com jugate comprising a ladder frame polyether compound and prises creating a bond from the molecule to a linking group, the at least one research compound, which is a fluorophore. and then creating a bond between the linking group and the 0.018. In certain embodiments, the disclosure as described ladder frame polyether compound. In an alternative embodi above provides a conjugate wherein the ladder frame poly ment, the coupling comprises creating a bond between the ether compound is a brevisin compound. ladderframe polyether compound to a linking group, and then 0019. In certain embodiments, the disclosure as described creating a bond between the linking group and the molecule. above provides a conjugate further comprises one or more 0029. In still another embodiment, the invention provides linkers connecting one or more of A to L. In some embodi methods for determining the effect of a biologically active ments, the at least one compound is a biologically active molecule or a research molecule on a target species. These compound. In other embodiments, the at least one compound methods comprise administering the biologically active mol is a research compound. ecule or the research molecule to the target species, as a 0020. In one embodiment, the disclosure provides a phar conjugate, where the conjugate comprises the biologically maceutical formulation comprising a pharmaceutically effec active molecule or the research molecule covalently linked, tive amount of the conjugate of as described in the above optionally through a linker group, to a ladder frame polyether embodiments and
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