H) YOL. XXIX. CKANBURY, MIDDLESEX COUNTY, N. J., FRIDAY, JANUARY p, 1914. NO. 27. Sunday Services. Jr. O. U. A. M. Elects. Willing Workers To Meet. Hopewell to Have Public i •;"!••; !••:• ;-:-I"M-M-K-I-:-H-M-I-MK-I-K-:-H-H-I-I-M-M'-I-1"I"I-H-1-I' . SuDday, January 11th—Morning, Jr. O.- U. A. M. No. 60 of Cranbury The Willing Workers Mission Band Library. We Make Right Anything That Gpes Wrong. Preaching in th<T First church by Rev.met Wednesday evening and elected will meet Sunday afternoon in the First Members of the Round About Club Adoloa Allen. Second church by Rev. fficers for the year. At this meeting Presbyterian chapel. The leaders are of-Hopvewell are pressing a movement C..L. Ebell. Methodist church by Rev. Vank Reid was received into member- Alexander Butcher and Henry Wilson'. to establish a free public library • in I Here Are Some Truly Remarkable Values '.'. J. E.^Curry. ihip. They are: Program • their town. IN MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING that will .Evening—Union Bervico in the Councilor, Ancil M. Davison, Jr. Devotional Service, • • A public meeting is to be called next surely appeal to the ecoiiomicnl}'y inclined. Methodist church, preaching by Rev.Vice-Councilor, Clilford Chamberlin A Prayer for the Nation Henry Wilson- week with tbe idea of forming an or- A Suggestion for A Happy New Year, ganization to be known as the Hope- RIGHT NOV-We nrc srllintl M*n'« Suit! nnd OverooniH Adoloa- Allen. - ' . Conductor, Arthur Ervin. at the following reduced1 priced i • Warden,: Raymond Wicoff Alex. Butcher well Free Public Library Association r Week of Prayer Service. $12.00 Suits and Overcoats SOW $9.00 Inside Sentinel, LeRoy Davison 'A Word, from Sitka, Alaska, • and the opening of headquarters in the i 515.00 Suits and Overcoats NOW $11.25 The.Week of Prayer Services have Outside Sentinel, - Joseph Wicoff Rue Grover central section of the town. ?16.00 Suits and Overcoats NOW $13.50 been well attended and' the pastors of Assistant Recording Sec. W. W. Wolker Christmas at Ellis Island, The Round-About Club, which was §20.00 Suits and Overcoats NOW $15.00 the three churches have preached very Trustee^ M. A. Rue • Milton Vanderveer originally a tennis organization, heads 523.00.Suits and Overcoats HOW $18.75 appealing sermons. It is hoped that Comrades from other Lands Among the the subscription with $200, and it is Tho famous Benjamin mako inspiration, has been given and that Bank Stock High. Breaker Boys, expected that a fund of $500 will be t And we are closing out Boys' Fancy Worsted and Cassi- "The truth has been received into Fifty shares of stock: of the Mechanics Miss Bertha Applegate raised within the next few weeks. It mere Norfolk Suits at 25 Per Cent'off regular prices. honest hearts." National Bank of Trenton were sold on Solo, Miss Helen Murray is placed to charged a fee of 50 cents Come, look at tliese exceptional bargains and if you do not think that Monday at high prices. The stock, . Y. P. C A. A Young Temperance Soldier, for membership in the association and •we are offering the best values—don't buy. owned by the estate of Calvin Barcalow, George Applegate ' The Y. P^C. A. of the Second church such will carry the use ofbooks free of of Somerville, was sold'by Supreme Echoes from Rally at Jame3burg, will meet Sunday evening in the chapel cost. SEE OUR WINDOWS. Court Justice James J. Bergen, trustee, By the Delegates The State Library Commission is in- and the meeting will be led • by Miss for prices ranging from $225.50 ta Marie Groves. Memories of China and a Chinese terested in the project and will loan $235.50 per share. The par value is Hymn, Miss Murray the association a large number of books. 1 Social Club. $50. The highest price paid for stock Closing Prayer and Hymn Miss Sarah Askew, of the State Li- The iSocia! Club will meet nest Mon- of the bank was $236, secured at a salo brary Commission, is aiding the club Honor Roll for December. day evening with Mr., and Mra. W. H. n the office of Charles H. Paterson in its undertaking. Those on tbe honor roll of Cranbury Johnson. three months ago. The Hopewell Business Men's League school the last month are : TAYLOR OPERA HOUSE STORES.TRENTON. N.J. is expected to endorse the project and h Entortainmeut January 21. Birthday Celebration, NiDth Grade—Henry Wilson, Mar- n help it along. - M193 Clara Chamberlin will give an Mr. and Mrs. WalterMc Dougall en- garet Perrine, Alexander Butcher, Lu- i evening of readings on Wednesday tertained on Saturday a party of young cille Chamberlin, Edna Walker. evening, January 21st. in the First ;irls in honor of the iifteenth birthday Eighth Grade—George Applegate. Presbyterian chapel, under the auspices of their daughter Matilda. Those Seventh Grade—Enid Walker. of the Willing Workers Mission Band. present were Misses Margaret Perrine, Sixth Grade—Earl Butcher," Ger- Flannelet for . IF\ "WILLIAMS Lucille Chamberlin, Edna Walker, trude Davison, George Bogart, Wm. The Heading- Circle. YOUK JEWELER FOR 34 YEARS. Inilay O'Neil, Grace Farr, Anna Apple- Hall. The_ Circle will jneet next Wednes- gate, Margaret Applegate, Myra Egnor, Fifth Grade—Mary Woolston, Mary Warmth "We are carrying one of the largest, most complete and beat selected day, January ' 14th, with Mrs. J. J. Mary Hutchinson, Matilda Me Dougall, Symmes, Lewis Chamberlin, Isaiah .during the coldest weather— stock of Bradley.- Subject, Newspapers and of Cranbury, Hannah Bennett, of Long Wilson, Percy Wilson, Ernest Grean. night or day—will ward off DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, Magazines. Branch and Elizabeth Craig, of Hights- Fourth Grade—John Nolan, James discomfort and colds, and en- (JUT GLASS and CLOCKS in the State. Wednesday, February eighteenth, is town. The young people spent a Collins, Lawrence Malan, Harold Give us an opportunity to show you. a few minutes of your time will the probable'date of the midwinter happy time with games and music and O'Neil, Frieda Schnell, Hazel Hutchin- able one to enjoy plenty of be greatly appreciated. reception. refreshments were served. son, Frances Bradley. fresh air. • Repairing of all kinds l>y Skilled Workmen. Water Company Annual Meeting Mr. aud Mrs. Me Dougall also cele- Third Grade—Mary Hart, Marian brated the anniversary of their wedding Flannslst. Skirts The Cranbury Water Company will Hughes, Gertiude Harder, Harvey which occurred twenty years ago on Getting more popular as hold their anuuul meeting on Jauuary Phares, Lizzie Schnell, Addison Mc- Saturday. women experience their good A. F. WILLIAMS, 20th for the purpose of electing a board Dougall. Second Grade—Kathryn Barlow, Al- points. THE REASONABLY PRICED JEWELER, of directors and other necessury busi- Entertained Triangle Club. ness. berta Grover, Margaret Dock, Sadie At 50c—All white, or white 23 East State Street, TRENTON, N\ J. Miss Ethel Cole entertained the Cohen, Ruth Campbell, Katherine with pink, blue or gray stripes Farm Sold. members of the Triangle Tennis Club Collins. The John A. Wyekoff furm at at her home Friday evening. Cards —ruffled. Finished with First Grade—Jamen Dey, Banks lace, feather-stitching or scal- Cranbury was sold yesterday to John and games furnished amusement for Stahl. •»••!• •!•»•!• • •!' • »..!••'I.•'»• ••!••.I. •!•«<• .».<..<• •i.. <..».» White of Freehold. The sale wa the evening. - Those present were the Reception Grade—Mary Perrine, loped edges. Trenton's Best Clothes Shop made through the W. .H. Johnson Misses Olive Petty. Sara Perrine, Edward Schnell, Stanley Barclay. At 75c, $1—Finer grades, f BLOCK'S For Men, Youths and Boys "BLOCK'S • agency. Clementine Lewis, Mary Spaulding, with more or better finish or Florence Perriue, Helen Butcher, Isa- Theodore F. Williamson. Officers to be Installed. trimming. A Peep in Our Windows Will Tell the Tale. belle dnedeker, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel died at his home near Acqueduct Mon- Extra sizes—59c and 75c. The new officers for Pioneer Grange Bennett, Holland Dey, Harold Menaugh day night aged 67 years. He had been will be installed on Tuesday evening Waldo Perrine, Charles Butcher, David in ill health for some time and is sur- Flannslet Gow-ns by Fred Grove aud hi3 daughter Mi?s Lewis, Charles Symmes of Cranbury; vived by his wife and one son. Mary Grove. Mr. Grove was master Miss Eva Bowne of Spotswood and Funeral services were held yesterday At 75c—white with stripes, Biggest Price for the Phiiusboro Grange last year. Miss Matilda Davison of Jamesburg. from his late home, Rev. N. T. Brown collarless or with collar. Telephone Co. To Elect. officiating. Interment was made in the Neatly finished. Haines-Hoft'man. A meeting of the Farmers & Traders Dutch Neck cemetery under the direc- At $1—All white, or white Telephone Company will be held to The marriage is announced of Miss tion of A. S. Cole, Son & Co. with gray, blue or pink stripes. Laura Hoffman, daughter of the late Cuts morrow at the Walker-Gordon Farm "With scalloped edges or fancy William Hotfman, of Monroe Township Nearly ],000 Hear Prof. B. P. for the election of officers and directors Stout Sing. stitching. With collar or In the Store's History for the year. to Charles Haines, of New York, The bride is a sister of I. C. Hoffman of the Nearly 1,000 persons packed into the without. On All Men's and Boys' To Elect Directors. arm of A. S, Cole, Son & Co, Central Baptist church Trenton, Thurs- At §1.25, $1.50—Finer ma- day night to hear the sermon in song The annual meeting of the stock terial in these ; same colors.
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