British Archives fourth edition British Archives fourth edition A Guide to Archive Resources in the United Kingdom Editors Janet Foster and Julia Sheppard Consultant Editor Richard Storey © Palgrave Publishers Ltd 2002 Softcover reprint ofthe hardcover 4th edition 2002 978-0-333-73536-7 All rights reserved. No reproduction, copy or transmission of this publication may be made without written permission. * No paragraph of this publication may be reproduced, copied or transmitted save with written permission or in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, or under the terms of any licence permitting limited copying issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency, 90 Tottenham Court Road, London WlT 4LP. Any person who does any unauthorised act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages. The authors have asserted their rights to be identified as the authors of this work in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. First published 2002 by PALGRAVE Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 6XS and 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. 10010 Companies and representatives throughout the world P ALGRAVE is the new global academic imprint of St. Martin's Press LLC Scholarly and Reference Division and Palgrave Publishers Ltd (formerly Macmillan Press Ltd). ISBN 978-1-349-65230-3 ISBN 978-1-349-65228-0 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-1-349-65228-0 This book is printed on paper suitable for recycling and made from fully managed and sustained forest sources. Cataloguing-in-publication data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. Cataloguing-in-publication data is available from the Library of Congress 10 9 8 765 4 3 2 1 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 Transferred to Digital Printing 2012. Contents Acknowledgements VI Foreword Vll Introduction IX How to Use this Book XV U seful Organisations and Websites XVll Useful Publications XXIX Entries Appendix I: institutions which have transferred their archives 701 Appendix II: institutions which reported having no archives 704 Appendix III: institutions which did not respond; requested not to be included; or supplied insufficient information 705 Main Index 707 Key Subject Guide 807 V Acknowledgements We are again indebted to our many colleagues and friends for their support and assistance during the compilation of this edition. Their encouragement has helped us immensely. For this edition we enjoyed the benefit of Richard Storey's 'retirement', which enabled hirn to join us as consulting editor providing an extensive knowledge of the archive scene, important assistance with checking copy and proofs, and a constant source of sound advice. Revision of the Useful Publications section was considerably helped by suggestions and contribu­ tions from the following: Sally Brown, Heather Creaton, Simon Fowler, Jenny Haynes, Serena Kelly, David Lee, Alexandra Nicol, Richard Olney, Jonathan Pepler, Lesley Richmond, Anthony Richards and Rosemary Seton. The Wellcome Trust has again made this work possible through generously allowing us the use of its facilities and services. Tracy Tillotson patiently dealt with the endless correspondence and revi­ sions and thus we owe her a huge debt of gratitude. Other staff at the Wellcome Library have been very tolerant of the effects of the burdens imposed, particularly during the latter stages of produc­ tion. Michael Clark, of the IT Department, resolved a number of problems with the original data­ base. The Librarian, David Pearson, has always recognised the importance of the book and took practical measures to enable its completion. Assistance with the database was given by Christine Kane and, at Alpha Index, Stuart Martin and Philip Meldrum. Anna Lloyd, Sophie Lucas and Christi Daugherty undertook the laborious data entry corrections at proof stage. Ruth Austin gave careful attention to the final proofreading. Excellent copy-editing and advice was supplied by Caroline Richmond, whose knowledge of the book and attention to detail have, yet again, proved invaluable. Chris Boulter worked hard as our production manager at Macmillan du ring the early stages, while latterly, with the change to Palgrave, we have been fortunate to work with AlisonJones, who pulled out all the stops to help us in the final stages. Finally, for their amazing and never-failing support, Janet would particularly like to thank her life partner Jessamy Harvey, in addition to Margaret Crockett, her business partner and friend of us both, and J ulia would like to thank John Orbell and her friends. vi Foreword British Archives was first published in 1982. It remains the only book providing a general guide to archives throughout the United Kingdom and is recognised as the principal reference work in its field. For this fourth edition the book has again expanded. It now has 1,231 entries and a total of 478 institutions were contacted for possible inclusion as new entries. There has been a large amount of revision within existing entries - partly this involved introducing details of e-mail and website addresses. Even more time-consuming has been the keeping track of changes consequent upon yet another round of local authority reorganisation in addition to the funding initiatives for special collections within the higher education sector. A major development has been the decision, reached in agreement with the Business Archives Council, to include business archives for the first t~me, which are if anything even more prone to constant change than the local authority reposito­ nes. The archive scene in the United Kingdom, as elsewhere, has been transformed by the explosion in electronic access to information. A huge number of projects have made possible access to cata­ logues, lists and guides on the Internet. In addition, the archival networking projects provide alter­ native subject and regional access for researchers, and these are included in the list of Useful Organisations and Websites. British Archives, as stated in all editions, is not a comprehensive list­ ing of all collections, but a first step to locating the whereabouts of archives, and readers are advised to use Internet resources as weil as this reference work. The Useful Publications list has ?een expanded and revised into sections arranged by topie and type of material to facilitate search­ mg. In response to comments indicating that there was confusion ab out which index to use, for this edition we have merged the former Alphabetical Listing and Collections Index to provide a con­ solidated Main Index which appears at the back of the book. Also, in view of the changing status of counties and the expansion of unitary authorities, we have decided, following consultation with the profession, that the List of Entries by County was no longer viable. Work on this fourth edition took far longer than anticipated, partly as a result of the wide spread of new approaches, partly as a result of problems with our new database, and also as a result of the huge amount of revision required for most of the entries. This was exacerbated by the number of poor-quality or illegible returns. The editors have done their utmost to ensure that the information presented is as eorreet as possible, but inevitably a published work of this seale, whieh includes eontact details that are changing daily, cannot help but be out of date in some instanees. Nevertheless, we are confident that this fourth edition continues to give a useful overall view of the archives distributed throughout the United Kingdom, and thus information will be colleeted towards a fifth edition, whatever format that may have. We would therefore welcome any addi­ tions or suggestions and invite eomments to be sent to us c/o the Wellcome Library, 183 Euston Road, London NW1 2BE. Janet Foster and Julia Sheppard vii Introduction Archives: What they are and how to use them Strictly speaking, archives are the documents created in the normal course of the life of an institu­ tion or individual in order for them to function, and as such provide a historical record. Thus an archive is a cohesive body of original documents emanating from one source. However, the term is now used much more loosely to cover any primary source material in a variety of media and format whatever its origin (hence including documents, photographs, audio-visual, electronic records and even printed material). Also it can be used to describe the physical place where records are held. Although the title of this book is British Archives, we are taking the wider definition and including 'artificial' collections, so called because they have been consciously put together, usually around a subject area or a type of material, and have not accumulated naturally over the course of time. In many cases, archives will remain in the institution that has created them, and increasingly pro­ fessional archivists are involved in their preservation. Many such bodies, however, have decided that they are neither able satisfactorily to house their old re cords nor adequately to make them available for historians to consult, hence there is also a steady transfer of such archives to estab­ lished collecting repositories. Researchers should be aware that consulting archives is not the same as looking up information in a book. Archives are unique: the reader cannot assurne that they are freely available or easily accessi­ ble, or even that the originals can be consulted. They are never 'loaned', and co pies are not neces­ sarily obtainable. Finding aids - catalogues, lists and indexes - vary greatly in style and detail. The emergence of standards in archival description is leading to greater consistency in cataloguing although there is no single archive classification system, and in some places finding aids may not exist although, at the least, guides to overall holdings may increasingly be found on the web.
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