Mole Valley District Council Register of Enforcement and Stop Notices and other enforcement action Enforcement Location Type of Notice Summary of Alleged Authorised Date Effective Date Compliance Due Date Appeal Lodged Date Complied Ref Breach Date 1950/001/ENF The Ramblers, Horsham Enforcement Unauthorised installation of a 27-Apr-1950 25-May-1950 25-May-1950 Road, Beare Green, Notice mechanical saw and Enforcement Dorking, Surrey, RH5 manufacture and display of Details 4QU fencing. 1951/001/ENF Crossways Cottage, Enforcement Development of land & 29-Jun-1951 29-Jun-1951 23-Jul-1951 Leigh Road, Betchworth, Notice building for use as Builders Enforcement Surrey, RH3 7AW Yard without permission. Details 1951/002/ENF Street Record, Lazenby Enforcement The placing of construction 29-Jun-1951 29-Jun-1951 27-Jul-1951 Lane, Wallis Wood, Notice thereon of (i) a timber framed Enforcement Surrey and asbestos hut Details approximately 7ft by 13ft, (ii) a wooden hut on brick piers approximately 6ft by 18ft, (iii) a timber framed asbestos hut approximately 6ft by 15ft, with breeze block outhouse approximately 7ft by 7ft, and a brick and timber earth closet. 1951/004/ENF Land at Woodbine Enforcement The use for a hut or tool shed 29-Jun-1951 29-Jun-1951 25-Jul-1951 Cottage, New Road, Notice adjoining the said premises Enforcement Forest Green, Dorking, for the purpose of spraying Details Surrey, RH5 5SA and carrying out minor repairs to motor vehicles. 1951/005/ENF 3, Wayside Cottages, Enforcement Use of the said premises as a 29-Jun-1951 29-Jun-1951 25-Jul-1951 New Road, Forest Notice Builders Yard & Store without Enforcement Green, Dorking, Surrey, planning permission Details RH5 5SA 1951/006/ENF Smiths Garage, Enforcement The placing or construction 12-Dec-1951 17-Jan-1952 16-Mar-1952 Walliswood Green Road, Notice thereon of a temporary Enforcement Wallis Wood, Dorking, structure used as a garage Details Surrey, RH5 5RD which said structure adjoins garage No. 2. 1951/007/ENF Land situated at Reliant Enforcement The construction or placing 29-Jun-1951 27-Jul-1951 Works, Strood Green, Notice thereon of buildings shown Enforcement Betchworth, Surrey hatched on the attached Details sketch layout of the Reliant Works. 1951/008/ENF Land situated at Brew Enforcement The construction or placing 05-Jul-1951 02-Aug-1951 House, Middle Street, Notice thereon of an open-sided Enforcement Brockham, Surrey shelter and the use thereof for Details garaging Motor Vehicles. 1951/009/ENF Red Arrow Cafe, Enforcement The construction or placing 29-Jun-1951 27-Jul-1951 27-Jul-1951 Horsham Road, Beare Notice thereon of a stall for the sale of Ice Cream. Mole Valley District Council Register of Enforcement and Stop Notices and other enforcement action Enforcement Location Type of Notice Summary of Alleged Authorised Date Effective Date Compliance Due Date Appeal Lodged Date Complied Ref Breach Date Enforcement Green, Dorking, Surrey, Details RH5 4QU 1951/010/ENF White Hart Estate, Old Enforcement The siting of an omnibus 29-Jun-1951 27-Jul-1951 27-Jul-1951 Horsham Road, Beare Notice thereon. Enforcement Green, Dorking, Surrey, Details RH5 4QY 1951/011/ENF Land situate at Enforcement The placing or construction of 29-Jun-1951 29-Jun-2018 27-Jul-1951 Springwell Road, Beare Notice a hut for living Enforcement Green, Surrey accommodation Details 1951/012/ENF Land at Horsham Road, Enforcement Establishment of a coal dump 29-Jun-1951 27-Jul-1951 27-Jul-1951 A.24, Capel Notice Enforcement Details 1952/001/ENF Furzen Lane, Wallis Enforcement Withou planning permission, 22-May-1952 21-Jun-1952 18-Jul-1952 Wood, Surrey Notice the erection of buildings and Enforcement engine foundations on the Details said land 1952/002/ENF Barn Farm, Horsham Enforcement Without palanning permission 14-Jul-1952 15-Aug-1952 14-Oct-1952 Road, Wallis Wood, Notice the construction of a timber Enforcement Dorking, Surrey, RH5 framed & corrugated iron Details 5RL structure on the said land, which said structure is used for human habitation. 1952/003/ENF Land at Charmans Enforcement The change of use of part of 11-Jul-1952 12-Aug-1952 11-Oct-1952 Garage, Abinger, Surrey Notice the said garage for the sale of Enforcement groceries. Details 1952/004/ENF Red Arrow Cafe, Enforcement The erection, construction or 10-Sep-1952 08-Oct-1952 07-Dec-1952 Horsham Road, Beare Notice placing of two stalls thereon Enforcement Green, Dorking, Surrey, and the sale therefrom of Details RH5 4QU flowers, ice cream and various goods, for which permission was refused by the local planning authority on 12th March 1951 (Application No. DH/R.1044). 1952/006/ENF Gardner's Nurseries, Enforcement 1. The use of the said land for 06-Nov-1952 15-Dec-1952 22-Dec-1952 Boxhill Road, Boxhill, Notice the purpose of displaying Enforcement Tadworth, Surrey. caravans to be discontinued Details within seven days from the date on which this notice takes effect. 2. The caravans which have been brought onto the said land to be removed therefrom Mole Valley District Council Register of Enforcement and Stop Notices and other enforcement action Enforcement Location Type of Notice Summary of Alleged Authorised Date Effective Date Compliance Due Date Appeal Lodged Date Complied Ref Breach Date within seven days from the date on which this notice takes effect. 1954/001/ENF Fourays, Horsham Road, Enforcement The following conditions have 29-Oct-1954 26-Nov-1954 26-Jan-1955 Beare Green, Dorking, Notice not been complied with: Enforcement Surrey, RH5 5LF 1. That the land shall be used Details for a recreational caravan site only during the months of March to October inclusive, expiring on the 31st October, 1953. 7. The retention of the Chalet and use thereof for holiday accommodation subject to the condition that the chalet is not use for human occupation, and is to be used for holiday accommodation purposes during the months of March to October inclusive. 1954/002/ENF Land north-east of Enforcement 1. The use of the said land as 01-Jan-1954 27-Jul-1954 25-Oct-1954 Ashurst Drive, Boxhill, Notice a site for the said caravan or Enforcement Surrey moveable structure to be Details discontinued within 90 days from the date on which this Notice takes effect. 2. The said caravan or moveable structure which has been brought on to the said land to be removed therefrom within 90 days from the date on which this Notice takes effect. 1954/003/ENF Caravan sited on land Enforcement The placing of a caravan for 08-Jul-1954 05-Aug-1954 04-Oct-1954 adjoining Knoll Service Notice human habitation Enforcement Station, Capel Details 1955/001/ENF Land to the rear of 61- Enforcement Unauthorised use of the land 08-Nov-1955 07-Dec-1955 06-Feb-1956 64, Stag Leys, Ashtead, Notice as a builders yard. Enforcement Surrey Details 1955/002/ENF Gardner's Nurseries, Enforcement (a) The use of a 21-Dec-1955 27-Jan-1956 26-Feb-1956 Boxhill Road, Boxhill, Notice summerhouse for the display Enforcement Tadworth, Surrey. and sale of fruit and Details vegetables has been carried out without complying with the Mole Valley District Council Register of Enforcement and Stop Notices and other enforcement action Enforcement Location Type of Notice Summary of Alleged Authorised Date Effective Date Compliance Due Date Appeal Lodged Date Complied Ref Breach Date condition that a 'bay for standing vehicular traffic should be made and maintained to the satisfaction of the Dorking Urban District Council' subject to which condition consent was granted, and (b) the erection or pacing of a greenhouse in substitution for the said summerhouse has been carried out after 1st July, 1948, the Appointed Day, under the Act and within a period of four years prior to the date of this Notice without the grant of permission required in that behalf under Part III of the Act. 1956/001/ENF Prestige Farm, Boxhill Enforcement The erection or placing of a 03-Aug-1956 03-Sep-1956 03-Oct-1956 Road, Boxhill, Tadworth, Notice caravan thereon has been Enforcement Surrey, KT20 7PL carried out after the 1st July, Details 1948, the Appointed Day under the Act, and within a period of four years prior to the date of this Notice without the grant of permission required in that behalf under Part III of the Act. 1956/002/ENF Aldhurst Farm, Temple Enforcement The siting or placing thereon 03-May-1956 31-May-1956 30-Jul-1956 Lane, Capel, Dorking, Notice of an Omnibus Body, which Enforcement Surrey, RH5 5HJ said Omnibus Body is used Details for human habitation. 1957/001/ENF Gardner's Nurseries , Enforcement Erection of greenhouse for 05-Jun-1957 05-Jun-1957 05-Jul-1957 Boxhill Road , Tadworth Notice the sale of fruit and Enforcement vegetables Details 1957/002/ENF Land off Boxhill Road, Enforcement The erection thereon of an 09-May-1957 08-Jun-1957 06-Jul-1957 Boxhill Road, Boxhill, Notice extension to the front of the Enforcement Surrey shop and dwellinghouse has Details been carried out after the 1st July, 1948, the Appointed Day under the Act, and within a period of four years prior to the date of this Notice without the grant of planning Mole Valley District Council Register of Enforcement and Stop Notices and other enforcement action Enforcement Location Type of Notice Summary of Alleged Authorised Date Effective Date Compliance Due Date Appeal Lodged Date Complied Ref Breach Date permission required in that behalf under Part III of the Act. 1957/003/ENF Hillside, Boxhill Road, Enforcement The use of the land as a site 17-Sep-1957 15-Oct-1957 29-Oct-1957 Boxhill, Tadworth, Notice for caravans and moveable Enforcement Surrey, KT20 7JG dwellings without the grant of Details permission required in that behalf under Part III of the Town and Country Planning Act, 1947.
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