JAGADGURU SRI JAYENDRA SARASWATHI SWAMIJI AN OFFERING ॎश्रीगु셁भ्योनमः P.R.KANNAN,M.Tech. Navi Mumbai Released during the SAHASRADINA SATHABHISHEKAMCELEBRATIONS of Jagadguru Sri JAYENDRA SARASWATHI SWAMIJI Sankaracharya of Moolamnaya Kanchi Kamakoti Peetham Kanchipuram August 2016 Page 2 of 152 भक्तिर्ज्ञानंक्तिनीक्ततःशमदमसक्तितंमञनसंतुक्तियुिं प्रर्ज्ञक्तिेक्ततसिंशुभगुणक्तिभिञऐक्तिकञमुक्तममकञश्च। प्रञप्ञःश्रीकञमकोटीमठ-क्तिमलगुरोयास्यपञदञर्ानञन्मे तस्यश्रीपञदपेभितुकृक्ततररयंपुमपमञलञसमञनञ॥ May this garland of flowers adorn the lotus feet of the ever-pure Guru of Sri Kamakoti Matham, whose worship has bestowed on me devotion, supreme experience, humility, control of sense organs and thought, contented mind, awareness, knowledge and all glorious and auspicious qualities for life here and hereafter. Acknowledgements: This compilation derives information from many sources including, chiefly „Kanchi Kosh‟ published on 31st March 2004 by Kanchi Kamakoti Jagadguru Sri Jayendra Saraswati Swamiji Peetarohana Swarna Jayanti Mahotsav Trust, „Sri Jayendra Vijayam‟ (in Tamil) – parts 1 and 2 by Sri M.Jaya Senthilnathan, published by Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Peetham, and „Jayendra Vani‟ – Vol. I and II published in 2003 by Kanchi Kamakoti Jagadguru Sri Jayendra Saraswati Swamiji Peetarohana Swarna Jayanti Mahotsav Trust. The author expresses his gratitude for all the assistance obtained in putting together this compilation. Author: P.R. Kannan, M.Tech., Navi Mumbai. Mob: 9860750020; email: [email protected] Page 3 of 152 P.R.Kannan of Navi Mumbai, our Srimatham‟s very dear disciple, has been rendering valuable service by translating many books from Itihasas, Puranas and Smritis into Tamil and English as instructed by Sri Acharya Swamiji and publishing them in Internet and many spiritual magazines. Many of his books have been printed and are being distributed to devotees free of cost with the blessings of Sri Acharya Swamiji from time to time. Kannan is now publishing this book “SRI JAYENDRA SARASWATHI SWAMIGAL - AN OFFERING” in English, explaining the greatness of Stri Acharya Swamiji. It contains many wonderful pieces of information about Sri Periyaval. Everyone should read such books and develop Guru bhakti and practise high values in life. We pray to Sri Maha Tripurasundari sametha Sri Chandramouliswara and bless that P.R.Kannan‟s service of translating and publishing spiritual books should glow further and further. Narayana Smriti Durmukha- Sravana- Krishna- Ekadasi Yatrasthanam: Vijayawada Date: 29-08-2016 Page 4 of 152 ந鏁 ஶ்ரீநடத்தழன் அத்னந்த ி쎿ன சழஷ்னபள யி ꯃம்ப ஶ்ரீி.ஆர்.கண்ணன் அயர்கள், ஶ்ரீஆசளர்னளின் ஆக்பைப்羿, இதழலளற, ꯁபளண, ஸ்ம்쏁தழ ꏂல்கப, தநழமழ쯁ம் ஆங்கழத்தழ쯁ம் மநளமழமனர்த்鏁, இபணனதம் நற்쟁ம் ஆன்நீக ளிதழ்கில் மயினிட்翁 அ쎿ன சசபய மசய்鏁ய쏁கழன்ளர். ꏂல்கள் அச்சழடப்ட்翁 ஆஸ்தழக அன்ர்க쯃க்கு இயசநளக அவ்யப்மள폁鏁 ஶ்ரீஆசளர்னளள் ஆசழ뿁டன் யமங்கப்ட்翁 ய쏁கழன். ஶ்ரீ ஆசளர்னளின் ம쏁பநகப யிக்கும் "SRI JAYENDRA SARASWATHI SWAMIGAL - AN OFFERING" என் இந்த ꏂப தற்மள폁鏁 ஆங்கழத்தழல் மயினி翁கழன்ளர். அதழல் ஶ்ரீம쎿னயளள் அயர்கபப் ற்ழன அற்ꯁதநள தகயல்கள் உள். அபய쏁ம் இம்நளதழ쎿னள ꏂல்கபப் 羿த்鏁 கு쏁க்தழபன யர்த்鏁க்மகளண்翁 உன்தநள யளழ்க்பகபன கபடப்ி羿க்கசயண்翁ம். ஶ்ரீ. ி ஆர்.கண்ணன் அயர்கள் ஆன்நீக ꏂல்கப மநளமழமனர்த்鏁 மயினிட்翁ய쏁ம் இப்ணினள鏁 சநன்சந쯁ம் சழந்鏁யிங்க ஶ்ரீநலளதழ쎿ꯁப毁ந்த쎿 சசநத ஶ்ரீசந்தழபமநௌ ீஸ்யபபபப் ிபளர்த்தழத்鏁 ஆசவர்யதழக்கழன்சளம். ளபளனணஸ்ம்쏁தழ: 鏁ர்ꯃக- ச்பளயண- க்쏁ஷ்ண- ஏகளதசழ னளத்பளஸ்தளம்: யிஜனயளடள சததழ: 29-08-2016 Page 5 of 152 CONTENTS Page 1. Swasti Vachanam;Stotras 6 2. Swamiji the Inspiring Humanist 23 3. Subramanian to Sankaracharya 35 4. Srimatham 46 5. Renaissance of Hindu Religion and Culture - Ancient Lore 53 - Places of Worship 69 - Social Services91 6. Swamiji the World Teacher 104 Appendix 1. Adi Sankaracharya 130 2. Guru Parampara 139 3. Punya Bhumi 143 4. Bala Swamiji‟s Tributes 149 Page 6 of 152 स्िक्तस्तिञर्नम् - गु셁िन्दनम् श्रीकञञ्चीकञमकोरटपीठञक्तधपक्तत जगद्गु셁श्रीशङ्करञर्ञयाश्रीर्रणयोःप्रणञमञः। श्रीगु셁भ्योनमः। श्रीमिञक्तिपुरसुन्दरीसमेतश्रीर्न्रमौलीश्वरञयनमः। -शत्कोरट-देितञसेक्तित- श्रीकञमञक्षीदेिीसनञथ- श्रीमद्ﴂस्िक्तस्तश्रीमद्-ऄक्तिल-भूमण्डलञलङ्कञर- ियस्त्र एकञम्रनञथ- श्रीमिञदेिीसनञथ- श्रीिक्तस्तक्तगररनञथ- सञक्षञत्कञर- परमञक्तधष्ठञन- सत्यव्रतनञमञक्तङ्कत- कञञ्चीददव्यक्षेिेशञरदञमठ-सुक्तस्थतञनञंऄतुक्तलतसुधञरस-मञधुया- कमलञसनकञक्तमनी- धक्तमम쥍लसंफु쥍ल- मक्त쥍लकञमञक्तलकञक्तनमयन्दमकरन्दझरी- सौिक्तस्तक- िञक्तङ्नगुंफक्तिजृमभणञनन्द- तुक्तन्दक्तलतमनीक्ति- मण्डलञनञंऄनिरतञद्वैत- क्तिञ-क्तिनोद-रक्तसकञनञंक्तनरन्तरञलङ्कृतीकृतशञक्तन्त-दञक्तन्त- भू륍ञंसकलभुिनर्क्रप्रक्ततष्ठञपकश्रीर्क्रप्रक्ततष्ठञक्तिख्यञतयशोऽलङ्कृतञनञंक्तनक्तिलपञिण्डिण्डकण्टकोद्धटनेन क्तिशदीकृतिेदिेदञन्तमञगािण्मतप्रक्ततष्ठञपकञर्ञयञाणञंश्रीमत्-परमिंस- पररव्रञजकञर्ञयाियाश्रीजगद्गु셁श्रीमत्-शङ्करभगित्-पञदञर्ञयञाणञंऄक्तधष्ठञनेस्त्रसिञसनञक्तभक्तििश्रीमत्- र्न्रशेिरेन्रसरस्ितीसंयमीन्रञणञंऄन्तेिञक्तसियाश्रीमत्-जयेन्रसरस्ितीश्रीपञदञनञंतदन्तेिञक्तसियाश्रीमत्- शङ्करक्तिजयेन्रसरस्ितीश्रीपञदञनञंर्र्रणनक्तलनयोःसप्रश्रयंसञञ्जक्तलबद्धंर्नमस्कुमाः। Page 7 of 152 Swasti Vachanam – Guru Vandanam Obeisance at the holy feet of Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Peethadhipati Jagadguru Sri Sankaracharya Obeisance to Gurus Obeisance to Sri Chandramouliswara and Sri Maha Tripurasundari The divine town of Kanchipuram is an ornament to all the auspicious worlds; it is adored by the thirtythree crores of Devatas; the visible abode of Sri Kamakshi Devi and Sri Ekamranatha, also of Sri Mahadevi and Sri Hastigirinatha; and named as Satyavrata. Here in Sarada Matham are seated Srimad Paramahamsa Parivrajakacharyavarya Sri Jagadguru Srimad Sankara Bhagavatpadacharya, who is surrounded by wise persons immersed in the bliss of flow of words like streams of nectar, of unparalleled sweetness, dripping from garland of blooming jasmine at the crown of Devi seated in Kamalasana; who is ever in the bliss of the realisation of Advaita; who is ever high, with the ornaments of the virtues of self-control of body and mind; who is decorated with the fame from installation of Srichakra, which bestows stability to all the chakras of worlds; who established Shanmatha (six philosophies of six Devatas for worship) on the path laid down by Veda and Vedanta, thus clearing the path free of the thorns of non-believers of Vedas; coronated in his throne are Jagadguru Srimad Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Sripada; his disciple Srimad Jayendra Saraswathi Sripada; his successive disciple Srimad Sankara Vijayendra Saraswathi Sripada. At the lotus feet of these Gurus we prostrate with all humility, with folded hands. Page 8 of 152 परमपू煍यश्रीजयेन्रसरस्ितीस्िञक्तमनःतोटकञिकम् Totakashtakam on Parama Pujya Sri Jayendra Saraswathi Swamiji सुधञजलधेﴂक्तिददतञक्तिल शञ कक्तथतञक्तिल िेद पुरञणमते । दये कलये क्तशिदं र्रणं जय आन्र देक्तशक मे शरणम् ॥(१) Ocean of all known Sastras, master of all Vedas and Puranas expounded, I meditate in my heart on your auspicious Feet. O Sri Jayendra Guru, give me refuge. (1) युिित्सरभूत यतीन्रक्तिभो तमनञशकजञत जयेन्रगुरो । जक्तनमोिक्तनरञसन धेदक्षक्तन जय आन्र देक्तशक मे शरणम् ॥(२) O Supreme among Sanyasis, who appeared on earth in „Yuva‟ year; O Sri Jayendra Guru, you are born to eradicate darkness (of ignorance); O Treasure of mastery in destruction of delusion of people, O Sri Jayendra Guru, give me refuge. (2) भगिद्गु셁 शंकर एि भिञन् जनपञपक्तनरञसन लोकगुरो। पररपञलय दीनक्तममं कृपयञ Page 9 of 152 जय आन्र देक्तशक मे शरणम् ॥(३) O Guru of the entire world, you are none other than Sankara BhagavatpadaGuru; you destroy the sins of people. Please protect this poor me out of compassion.O Sri Jayendra Guru, give me refuge. (3) क्तिक्तिधञगमदशानरक्ष गुरो प्रर्ञरक ते। ﴂबधञ श्रुक्तत शञ परतत्ि क्तिर्ञरण र्ञ셁मते जय आन्र देक्तशक मे शरणम् ॥(४) O Guru, you are the protector of the various Agamas and philosophies and the propagator of Vedas and Sastras through many ways. You are the master of exquisite analysis of the Supreme Principle. O Sri Jayendra Guru, give me refuge. (4) क्तिक्तजतञक्तिल शिुसमूि यते क셁णञमृतपूररत िीक्ष गुरो । िरदञभय दशाक प करे जय आन्र देक्तशक मे शरणम् ॥(५) O Guru, you are the Sanyasi who wins over all the multitudes of enemies by your mere look exuding the nectar of compassion. You show with your lotus hands the gestures of boon and freedom from fear.O Sri Jayendra Guru, give me refuge. (5) गु셁 र्न्रशेिर पञद नते गु셁मञगा जनञिन कञयारते । क्तनज मञनस तत्ि सुधञ रमते जय आन्र देक्तशक मे शरणम् ॥(६) You worship the feet of Guru Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi. You are ever engaged in activities of protecting the people following the path of the Guru. You are immersed in the bliss of nectar of Brahman in which your own mind abides. O Sri Jayendra Guru, give me refuge. (6) Page 10 of 152 िरशंकर पीठ क्तिभूिक ते गुण क्तनर्जजत गोक्तद्वज भूक्तमपते । िरशंकर क्तिजय सुतीथा गुरो जय आन्र देक्तशक मे शरणम् ॥(७) You are an ornament to the seat (Peetham) of the great Sankaracharya. By your virtues you have conquered the earth and specially the cows and brahmanas. (Cows and brahmanas are the prime instrument of yagnas, which please Devas and enable the advent of rain and prosperity to all people). You are the Guru of the exalted Sri Sankara Vijayendra Saraswathi. O Sri Jayendra Guru, give me refuge. (7) क्तशि पञिनपूजनलीन मते लक्तलतञ परदेक्तिस्ि셂प गुरो । प्रक्तििेक क्तिरञग क्तिशोकप्रदं जय आन्र देक्तशक मे शरणम् ॥(८) O Guru, you are keen in performing the sacred and purifying Pooja of Siva. You are the very incarnation of Supreme Devi Sri Lalita. O Sri Jayendra Guru, give me refuge, which grants discrimination, dispassion and freedom from grief. (8) श्रीतोटकञिकं श्रेष्ठं रक्तिनञ दभ्रबुक्तद्धनञ । श्रीजयेन्रगु셁प्रीत्यै रक्तर्तोऽयं गुणञञ्जक्तलः ॥(९) May this great Totakashtakam, an offering on virtues, by Ravi of little intellect, be pleasing to Sri Jayendra Guru. (9) Page 11 of 152 STOTRAS पररत्य煍यमौनंिटञधःक्तस्थस्त्रतर् व्रजन्भञरतस्यप्रदेशञत्प्रदेशम्। मधुस्यक्तन्दिञर्ञजनञन्धमामञगे नयन्श्रीजयेन्रोगु셁भञाक्ततक्तर्त्ते॥ Pujya Guru Sri Jayendra Saraswathi Swamiji, who deserted silence at the foot of the banyan tree and, travelling to different areas of the vast Bharata Desa, has been leading people on to the path of Dharma through his honey-soaked words, shines brilliantly in my mind.
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