![FAMILY Gasteropelecidae Bleeker, 1859 - Freshwater Hatchetfishes [=Gasteropelecini, Carnegiellidi, Thoracocharacini] Notes: Gasteropelecini Bleeker, 1859:XXXII [Ref](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
FAMILY Gasteropelecidae Bleeker, 1859 - freshwater hatchetfishes [=Gasteropelecini, Carnegiellidi, Thoracocharacini] Notes: Gasteropelecini Bleeker, 1859:XXXII [ref. 371[ (stirps) Gasteropelecus [family name sometimes seen as Gastropelecidae] Carnegiellidi Fowler, 1958b:9 [ref. 1470] (tribe) Carnegiella Thoracocharacini Weitzman, 1960:220 [ref. 9611] (tribe) Thoracocharax GENUS Carnegiella Eigenmann, 1909 - freshwater hatchefishes [=Carnegiella Eigenmann [C. H.], 1909:13] Notes: [ref. 1222]. Fem. Gasteropelecus strigatus Günther, 1864. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Carnegiella Eigenmann, 1909 – (Weitzman 1960:225 [ref. 9611], Géry 1977:247 [ref. 1597], Vari 1983:5 [ref. 5419], Weitzman & Palmer in Reis et al. 2003:101 [ref. 27061], Mirande 2009:6 [ref. 30267] in Gasteropelecidae, Mirande 2010:466 [ref. 31006] in Gasteropeledidae, Oliveira et al. 2011:13 [ref. 31685] in Gasteropelecidae). Current status: Valid as Carnegiella Eigenmann, 1909. Gasteropelecidae. Species Carnegiella marthae Myers, 1927 - blackwing hatchetfish [=Carnegiella marthae Myers [G. S.], 1927:119-120] Notes: [Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology v. 68 (no. 3); ref. 3096] Caño de Quiribana, near Caicara, Venezuela. Current status: Valid as Carnegiella marthae Myers, 1927. Gasteropelecidae. Distribution: Negro and upper Orinoco River basins: Brazil and Venezuela. Habitat: freshwater. Species Carnegiella myersi Fernández-Yépez, 1950 - dwarf hatchetfish [=Carnegiella myersi Fernández-Yépez [A.], 1950:175, Figs. 3, 3a-d] Notes: [Stanford Ichthyological Bulletin v. 3 (no. 4); ref. 12321] Creek near Yurimaguas, Peru. Current status: Valid as Carnegiella myersi Fernández-Yépez, 1950. Gasteropelecidae. Distribution: Amazon River basin, Peru. Habitat: freshwater. Species Carnegiella schereri Fernández-Yépez, 1950 - dwarf hatchetfish [=Carnegiella schereri Fernández-Yépez [A.], 1950:178, Figs. 5, 5a-d] Notes: [Stanford Ichthyological Bulletin v. 3 (no. 4); ref. 12321] Caño del Chancho, near Pebas, Peru. Current status: Valid as Carnegiella schereri Fernández-Yépez, 1950. Gasteropelecidae. Distribution: Amazon River basin: Brazil and Peru. Habitat: freshwater. Species Carnegiella strigata (Günther, 1864) - marbled hatchetfish [=Gasteropelecus strigatus Günther [A.], 1864:343, Gasteropelecus fasciatus Garman [S.], 1890:9, Carnegiella strigata marowini Hoedeman [J. J.], 1952:14, Carnegiella strigata surinamensis Hoedeman [J. J.], 1952:15, Carnegiella strigata vesca Fraser-Brunner [A.], 1950:966, Fig. 3 A] Notes: [Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum v. 5; ref. 1974] No locality. Current status: Valid as Carnegiella strigata (Günther, 1864). Gasteropelecidae. Distribution: Amazon River basin, south of Amazon, and Caquetá River in Colombia: Brazil, Colombia, Guyana, Peru and Suriname. Habitat: freshwater. (fasciatus) [Bulletin of the Essex Institute v. 22 (nos 1-3); ref. 17895] Tabatinga, Amazonas, Brazil. Current status: Synonym of Carnegiella strigata (Günther, 1864). Gasteropelecidae. Habitat: freshwater. (marowini) [Beaufortia v. 1 (no. 20); ref. 12774] Marowini River, Suriname. Current status: Synonym of Carnegiella strigata (Günther, 1864). Gasteropelecidae. Habitat: freshwater. (surinamensis) [Beaufortia v. 1 (no. 20); ref. 12774] Swamp about 50 kilometers south of Parmaribo, between Paramaribo and Bergendaal, Suriname. Current status: Synonym of Carnegiella strigata (Günther, 1864). Gasteropelecidae. Habitat: freshwater. (vesca) [Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 12) v. 3 (no. 35) (art. 87); ref. 12950] Mazarumi River, Guyana. Current status: Synonym of Carnegiella strigata (Günther, 1864). Gasteropelecidae. Habitat: freshwater. GENUS Gasteropelecus Scopoli, 1777 - freshwater hatchefishes [=Gasteropelecus Scopoli [J. A.] (ex Gronow), 1777:458, Gastropelecys Agassiz [L.], 1846:160, Pterodiscus Eigenmann [C. H.], 1909:12] Notes: [ref. 3990]. Masc. Clupea sternicla Linnaeus 1758. Appeared without species; first addition of species and subsequent designation of type not researched. Frequently misspelled. Gastropelecys Agassiz, 1846:160 is an unjustified emendation or replacement for Gasteropelecus Gronow, 1763 (not available). •Valid as Gasteropelecus Scopoli, 1777 -- (Weitzman 1960:222 [ref. 9611], Géry 1977:2463, Vari 1983:5 [ref. 5419] in Characidae, Weitzman & Palmer in Reis et al. 2003:102 [ref. 27061], Mirande 2009:6 [ref. 30267] in Gasteropelecidae, Mirande 2010:466 [ref. 31006] in Gasteropelecidae, Oliveira et al. 2011:13 [ref. 31685] in Gasteropelecidae). Current status: Valid as Gasteropelecus Scopoli, 1777. Gasteropelecidae. (Gastropelecys) [ref. 64]. Masc. Clupea sternicla Linnaeus, 1758. Type by being a replacement name. An unjustified emendation for Gasteropelecus Gronow, 1763:135; Gasteropelecus was published in an available way first by Scopoli 1777. •Objective synonym of Gasteropelecus Scopoli, 1777 -- (Weitzman & Palmer in Reis et al. 2003:102 [ref. 27061]). Current status: Synonym of Gasteropelecus Scopoli, 1777. Gasteropelecidae. (Pterodiscus) [ref. 1222]. Masc. Pterodiscus levis Eigenmann, 1909. Type by original designation (also monotypic). Objectively invalid; preoccupied by Pterodiscus Pilsbry, 1893 in Mollusca; not replaced -- (see Myers 1940:35 [ref. 3118]). •In the synonymy of Gasteropelecus Scopoli, 1777 -- (Weitzman & Palmer in Reis et al. 2003:102 [ref. 27061]). Current status: Synonym of Gasteropelecus Scopoli, 1777. Gasteropelecidae. Species Gasteropelecus levis (Eigenmann, 1909) - silver hatchetfish [=Pterodiscus levis Eigenmann [C. H.], 1909:12] Notes: [Annals of the Carnegie Museum v. 6 (no. 1); ref. 1222] Belém do Pará, Brazil. Current status: Valid as Gasteropelecus levis (Eigenmann, 1909). Gasteropelecidae. Distribution: Lower Amazon River basin, Brazil. Habitat: freshwater. Species Gasteropelecus maculatus Steindachner, 1879 - spotted hatchetfish [=Gasteropelecus maculatus Steindachner [F.], 1879:151, Thoracocharax brevis Eigenmann [C. H.], 1912:25, Thoracocharax magdalenae Eigenmann [C. H.], 1912:25] Notes: [Anzeiger der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien v. 16 (no. 15); ref. 20478] Mamoni River near Chepo, Panama. Current status: Valid as Gasteropelecus maculatus Steindachner, 1879. Gasteropelecidae. Distribution: Eastern Panama through western Colombia: Colombia and Panama. Habitat: freshwater. (brevis) [Indiana University Studies No. 16 [sic No. 8]; ref. 1228] Boca de Raspadura, Colombia. Current status: Synonym of Gasteropelecus maculatus Steindachner, 1879. Gasteropelecidae. Habitat: freshwater. (magdalenae) [Indiana University Studies No. 16 [sic No. 8]; ref. 1228] Girardot, Río Magdalena, Colombia. Current status: Synonym of Gasteropelecus maculatus Steindachner, 1879. Gasteropelecidae. Habitat: freshwater. Species Gasteropelecus sternicla (Linnaeus, 1758) - common hatchetfish [=Clupea sternicla Linnaeus [C.], 1758:319, Gasteropelecus argenteus Lacepède [B. G. E.], 1803:476, 477, Gasteropelecus coronatus Allen [W. R.], in Eigenmann & Allen, 1942:267, Pl. 14 (fig. 4), Salmo gasteropelecus Pallas [P. S.], 1770:50, Gasteropelecus sternicla marowini Hoedeman [J. J.], 1952:10, Gasteropelecus sternicla morae Hoedeman [J. J.], 1952:11] Notes: [Systema Naturae, Ed. X v. 1; ref. 2787] Suriname. Current status: Valid as Gasteropelecus sternicla (Linnaeus, 1758). Gasteropelecidae. Distribution: Peruvian Amazon, middle Amazon, Guianas and Venezuela: French Guiana, Guyana, Peru and Venezuela. Habitat: freshwater. (argenteus) [Histoire naturelle des poissons (Lacepéde) v. 5; ref. 4930] Suriname; Carolinas, U.S.A. Current status: Synonym of Gasteropelecus sternicla (Linnaeus, 1758). Gasteropelecidae. Habitat: freshwater. (coronatus) [Fishes of western South America; ref. 1246] Brook, Río Itaya near Iquitos, Amazon system, Peru. Current status: Synonym of Gasteropelecus sternicla (Linnaeus, 1758). Gasteropelecidae. Habitat: freshwater. (gasteropelecus) [Spicilegia Zoologica v. 1 (fasc. 8); ref. 12293] Suriname. Current status: Synonym of Gasteropelecus sternicla (Linnaeus, 1758). Gasteropelecidae. Habitat: freshwater. (marowini) [Beaufortia v. 1 (no. 20); ref. 12774] Marowini basin, Suriname. Current status: Synonym of Gasteropelecus sternicla (Linnaeus, 1758). Gasteropelecidae. Habitat: freshwater. (morae) [Beaufortia v. 1 (no. 20); ref. 12774] Mora Passage, Guyana. Current status: Synonym of Gasteropelecus sternicla (Linnaeus, 1758). Gasteropelecidae. Habitat: freshwater. GENUS Thoracocharax Fowler, 1907 - freshwater hatchetfishes [=Thoracocharax (subgenus of Gasteropelecus) Fowler [H. W.], 1907:452] Notes: [ref. 1374]. Masc. Gastropelecus stellatus Kner, 1858. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Thoracocharax Fowler, 1907 -- (Weitzman 1960:220 [ref. 9611], Géry 1977:246 [ref. 1597], Géry et al. 1987:439 [ref. 6001], Taphorn 1992:454 [ref. 23654], Britski et al. 1999:68 [ref. 24147], Weitzman & Palmer in Reis et al. 2003:102 [ref. 27061], Mirande 2009:6 [ref. 30267] in Gasteropelecidae, Mirande 2010:466 [ref. 31006] in Gasteropelecidae, Oliveira et al. 2011:13 [ref. 31685] in Gasteropelecidae in Gasteropelecidae). Current status: Valid as Thoracocharax Fowler, 1907. Gasteropelecidae. Species Thoracocharax securis (De Filippi, 1853) - giant hatchetfish [=Gasteropelecus securis De Filippi [F.], 1853:165 [2], Gasteropelecus pectorosus Garman [S.], 1890:9] Notes: [Revue et Magasin de Zoologie (Sér. 2) v. 5; ref. 17378] Rio Napo, Amazon system. Current status: Valid as Thoracocharax securis (De Filippi, 1853). Gasteropelecidae. Distribution: Amazon River
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