Rilr - Iidi II O.R Utuo 7 Et*'Il Ftcrr+ $Rqtfrio Arffi Qufnrs {F

Rilr - Iidi II O.R Utuo 7 Et*'Il Ftcrr+ $Rqtfrio Arffi Qufnrs {F

gtarq trcqt - tr P/U P/fu2ppaeh/5_l J48/20 I 0 orqfds qqFftq ft&r6, qrqrfuo qrffi il{ \'q rq-d-s qlrr.r, Fd6W trdqr Rilr - IIdI II o.r utuo 7 et*'il ftcrr+ $rqtfrio arffi quFnrs {f, qfirytg I l.-lqu {fn'11 - qrtf, {t{6T{, qsi{roT, d-{ \E qdqrg qffic.Hrdq sfiq orqiaq (+a) o ul uc<r . adlTlLll ,/06/06 2021 \', lit ,zrzoo fi=[-o 22022a20 \s 5w ar weroT llsa 3{fufl0. ijoq6 dr4r$, ihr sflfi 2t2s,, r i\ fi:,trd ztoztot. i{6i(q swifir ffid rroq ii qno tron, cqi{ror, rl qo wdErg qRrfc qarau ejitu orqiaq (,na) + q-: flrqtr 3,lr , q zzozzozo ro ,fi qrtr ,ft ,rlt} rt qrit,r-rr glitr,rur ,,r.,, tacio6/2021 /Wfrr /1260 k{r I cti fftro r0q{d "n0 dl f}rso +q rlTrr r. gq grmer s[a]t otsidq oi 6(d r ffit-o i BFd rdi'o1 3{T{ixT {drrfr HRd k ni,lqi 3n.tYq4, ,nr.i.ltft {1 !1,1(r ,' Sr.No. Conditions St a tus of Compliancc .Ihe leeal status ofthc land shall rcrlain Lrnchanllcd. rrd gutt I ,i 3r' ia,t il qrjr,rrr sfitr,r,,r ,r,r ,r7r., ,1,t. rjl rlI {lciI l rl ('ompcnsatorv ,ra aflbreration shall bc takcn up bv thc lrorcsl vriJ rrgn z ,i :lt1ut,l.t it uql,ror ..rht,ll,l ril'r ir6 r r I)cpartnent tbr plantation of206 trccs in Barkatpur l:orcsl a[,I1t+ .1ett.r'ru ir( rr4r,,r,h r1.1', 11r I l lt \rr Block, Khaga Rang{-. Districl- f'ateh pu thc cost RS. r al BARBL2r21o156355 Q.rto zgozzozr ct{ ro ?4:\t)t6.1 115241.00 Of the lJser Agency. As for as practicable a Or ftql qrn il t htttrt 2nn 'm:' t rl,rrl r'r ' , '' l mixture o[' local indigcnous species will bc planrcd arrd 'tm q'tlflt io I rs2ar oo ,{lrflf},1 r: urtrut .; . r, r,.t ; monoculture of a species had to be avoided. Tie cost ol compensalory afloreararion at rh? irrevailinu tfd *lf411 a ,i cl.1,,la-r rl r{rJl,kll uh),hru ,irJr viase ralcs as per revised compcnsalor) all'orcalation lirr ?F;rrli,i ,TnTit't- 'l r.r ','i,, t lR \r, plantation scheme lor plantarion o1 206 plants and thc cosl 8AR8121210r56355 R.[+ ZgOZZOZT r,-r{ rO 24307',6 00 ofsurvey, demarcation and erection ofpcrmanent pillars ol' ut,fl +l llqr qu i lir'rrit zor r,itrf o 4rf,tgqa, ,lall{lriul ,l,l required on the CA land shall be deposited Rs 115241.00 qqlTr q, tl{{fiT t0 115241 00 flIali.r I I {rc{r.I t I in advance with Forest Depanment by . the project authority, The CA will be maintained for l0 years, 'Ihe scheme will be fbr plantation of206 trees and may include appropriate provision lbr anricipated cost increasc li)r rror[s :chcdulc for,rrhsr..gxgnl 1 gx1. lhc Slitc (iovcrnrncnr shall charsc rhc Ncl l,rcscnl Valuc fld tl{{t 4 ,h t111"1,, r1 qr114,,1 qir1,"rr ,,,., (NPV) Rs. 117815.00 lirr thc 0 20.111 lta. lbrcsl arca ro bc o'r{i) ozzoo:z rto ,r{i Nl'\' lt rr.r,r1?t divcncd under this proposal l'rom pcr thc Uscr Agenc!,as 8ARB121210156355 ZSOZZozT gr* tO the orders ol'the Humble Suprcme Court ol lndia dalc .i0- ulql 6{ ftqr qrr fir{rrr Nl,V ,fr n.r,r[$ l0-2002. 0l-08-2003. 28-03-2008. i 24-04-2008 and 09-05- q,rM sqfAit d I g, {tdr.r I I 2008 in IA No 566 in WP(c) No. 202/1995 and,6s pcr the guidelincs issued b) the Minisrr), vidc letters No.5- 1,1998-|C (Pt. Il) darcd l8/09/2001. as wcll as lerrcr No. 5-2l2006-FC date 03/t0/2006 and 5-3/2007-FC dated 05i02/2009 in lhis Additional amounl of rhc NPV ol'thc divcrrcd lbrcsr land. fl{Jin 5;, 3tJItl(l't it Iuld(1 gh].t,t',t ,t,l ,l'1' .tli if any, becoming due after finalization of thc same by the gmr{ rd i I Hon'ble Supreme Court of India on receipt ofrhe repon from the Expe( Committee, shall be charged by State Covernment from the User Agency. 'fhe User Agency shall furnish an undenaking to this eft'ecr. (irccncrl qran .,t[rr u,ill bc rnainlaincd hr uscr arouncl Pcriphcrr ol' url o ,l lt'yrr,.,, it ';al,t,, iJ]rr '1'I,,r'r 'r ,' petrol pump tlr,{lcir.l rl trklttr {rsrT - l-- P/tJ P/A roach/5 13.18/201 llr! (('nrl)ietc (onrpliirrcc ()l lhc I'RA.:006 shall be crd sqt 7 ,li olJqtcr.l tuq,r{i, +ilrtlr I rr .l cnsurcrl br uay ol prcscribcd cenilicate fiom lhe I l'RA. cerlificate 2006 n..ns d flrrr Xd i rla,'r l+ur conccrned I) istrict Collector sr T6r g-dq E.<,i ig urqTch fidlr tt I scr \l,rncr rhirl rrrc lltc lantl bclNccn cntr\ and c\ fbr S@IT 8 3rlclmr .hl q.l,l d,t\l Ur ,l (rr] irf,.l cr,nscrritltott ttcc\ tltc sarnc shall be rr, l.l.lIllll ol $mr{ t I ,.l.trirtr.rlcd [rr ] lcct urll ()D -rrd--H@r l)[rr]lill shirll lrls0 bc tlolc alorrs lhc s dEqrcFllffi-ffi-A {4.I d.ji(ll UrlTUl sl.rtiorl r.l, l!!l {]drl $ I ( ,1; q gf,l+rur q''11u1 I0 \o \ r() i[ior ol I A ccnillcnlr liolt concdncd I)l O shall \Ttg:ll 10 31qrd.1 lr?i4(Jr ,i,r qt r d.ri(ll he ptrn irlccl [, \rs 0 \q3il. q,i6g{ +t !ql',t q, {lci,.I i l Certilrcate ol l)FO cenifying thal lhe proposed RO is not 11 S 3r$Fr{ f,d(lt !t ! in closc prorimity ol'an-"- exiting RO in accordance with [{ fd Sqsoi, rfugt 6I rmor c, frdq t I MOR I I I guidelines dalcd 2.1-07-2013 has to be provided. tl llte lrorrrrrl,rrr ol tlrc dircrtcd lirrcst lanel shall bc suitablr rd trr rz ilor'jvr"r.r i ffi orftorq or cr4.r .r.rlrl !q u dctrtarcatcd on grourtl thc proiect cost. as pcrlhe at [4 fld.{ t I clircctions ol thc concerned [)ivisional I-orest Otlicer t.l lier otl ol tlrrtrsirrn :ltall [Tc c(r-lcnr inus rrith perrod ol' r3 slqk'{r +{ol Erl q4.l d(!lt '.1'IU l!ir\c lo L)c glrntcd in lirvour ol lho user agency or the q7 sirrl i projcct lrlc. rrhichcr,cr is lcrs. t.l ,\nr othcr condilion lh0l thc Ministr) ol' l.nvlronmcnl. H fi{qt- i4-il.orJqrdr-nffi olftos"r or q+j,rr y,ir,,r I rrrest..'( ( ifrillc ( lrilfsc rlril\ \linulittc llont tinrc lo tirrrc rr, rTa{q i I rrl lll( rrLc (\l ol (()rl\cr\irlr()rl. l)r()lc!tr(rrr atrd dctc[rlttncttl rl lrrtsts .\ rr i rllile t5 ,\l lhe lun(ls rcccired lronr thc []scr ngerrc) undrr thc 1s o 3rJqnH ril{T {Trl{rl tl,llli.n plrjcct shall bc tlansl.:rled,dcposit to CAMPA t'und only $-trtddqt4qts{tc qrf,n EI{I fu-qr Tqr i I rq.r .rG,it llroroush c-porlill (http: parivcsh. n ic. in,') qqM T{ Fdr{ | 1 l6 llrc er)rrp ilrcc rcporl slrall bc uploaded on e-ponal 4l 16 3r'JCEr il l(l Slqlci l f,l {,ll prrrircslr nic I qfti ,iJ"r q{ ,nn {lrttps in 3r,rdis or fun t t ( { l' 1,1, .lqi.l( lJ{]1{ I llidlq sa_^ FrqrF BcBr) qqr,fu ftirlf $qlfu-fi drFdl {r \.d f,qdid qqFr p:rritgt r,ar 9S e / {r,tli r to ul,\iiri,] dl,h {l.,l.tcl li.t"tt. ot.tgt {'l,,rrcr 3i1${r f}gtrn iEilfim oftio fuo oqt ot q++d w 3rqpu$ ,r"rrldr0 qlq!r I +. ({rqEm tmi) qlrl,ftq ftAYm frqrltrd qrffi fi Tq Tqffq qrfl:r aFdv drui.'ru mrrfto ft)vr6 Ercrfua arffi aq ud dqdtd qrTFr Ssrr{O +.q Pgfd ?rr++ $-}Hq"{ tria-v u}r rrzaor +qr t. !'ffffq ftis[o glo cflo gqFI, I5-i6gq I fr{q -F$f,ra S-dfr{q +YdtsIa fro EFFI(IT ronr w-itgr raqE +. :la-dra qrrn f+rgagr qrf (3*o So Jrto) t-E;fr"- 0, d-rs +i" 5.844 t Erfr c-cft rrr, rlrsr a" .t0.t9, qraffi ggi, a-r$ra-urm, GET- m-idy (rcd{ rhr) d-q-€rfra as ft-f, 3{rrrnd q-(ta Brd-d qrq fi iqfi qrlr + trrq d- ylTrft-a 0.20421 io sifFa aa a1fr t krr gar qrf,n + it{ aTAifi c'fi'q fi %dqft + sryff fr I s;flf - qf{d q{6rt qqlq{rr, 4{ vs qildq qM;T qildq, et*q orqld-q (qtlr) fl q{to eo-afr 7 7 oo / 06,/ 2021,t .,t 12ao fu 22.92.2s21 1 The legal status of the land shall remain As per compliance 1, Hindustan Petroleum unchanged. Corporation limited, Regional Office Kanpur hereby undertakes that as per Forest (Protection) Act, 1980 legal status of the land will remain unchanged.

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