![Gr-Qc] 3 Nov 2014 I’Avzef O.9,Is ,(00 147–151](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
JETP Letters, 2010, Vol. 92, No. 3, pp. 125-129. On the collisions between particles in the vicinity of rotating black holes 1) A. A. Griba, Yu. V. Pavlovb aTheoretical Physics and Astronomy Department, The Herzen University, 48, Moika, St. Petersburg, 191186, Russia e-mail: andrei [email protected] bInstitute of Problems in Mechanical Engineering, RAS, 61 Bolshoy, V.O., St. Petersburg, 199178, Russia e-mail: [email protected] Submitted 9 June 2010 Scattering of particles in the gravitational field of rotating black holes is considered. It is shown that scat- tering energy of particles in the centre of mass system can obtain very large values not only for extremal black holes but also for nonextremal ones. Extraction of energy after the collision is investigated. It is shown that due to the Penrose process the energy of the particle escaping the hole at infinity can be large. Contradictions in the problem of getting high energetic particles escaping the black hole are resolved. In [1] we put the hypothesis that active galactic nu- the cases of multiple scattering. In the first part we cal- clei can be the sources of ultrahigh energy particles in culate this energy, reproduce the results of [9, 10, 11] cosmic rays observed recently by the AUGER group and show that in some cases (multiple scattering) the (see [2]) due to the processes of converting dark mat- results of [10, 11] on the limitations of the scattering ter formed by superheavy neutral particles into visible energy for nonextremal black holes are not valid. particles — quarks, leptons (neutrinos), photons. If ac- In the second part we obtain the results for the ex- tive galactic nuclei are rotating black holes then in [1] traction of the energy after collision in the field of the we discussed the idea that “This black hole acts as a cos- Kerr’s metric. It occurs that the Penrose process plays mic supercollider in which superheavy particles of dark important role for getting larger energies of particles matter are accelerated close to the horizon to the Grand at infinity. Our calculations show that the conclusion Unification energies and can be scattering in collisions.” of [11] about the impossibility of getting at infinity the It was also shown [3] that in Penrose process [4] dark energy larger than the initial one in particle collisions matter particle can decay on two particles, one with the close to the black hole is wrong. negative energy, the other with the positive one and par- The system of units G = c = 1 is used in the paper. ticles of very high energy of the Grand Unification or- der can escape the black hole. Then these particles due 1. THE ENERGY OF COLLISION IN THE to interaction with photons close to the black hole will FIELD OF BLACK HOLES loose energy analogously up to the Greisen-Zatsepin- Kuzmin limit in cosmology [5, 6]. Let us consider particles falling on the rotating First calculations of the scattering of particles in the chargeless black hole. The Kerr’s metric of the rotating ergosphere of the rotating black hole, taking into ac- arXiv:1004.0913v2 [gr-qc] 3 Nov 2014 black hole in Boyer–Lindquist coordinates has the form count the Penrose process, with the result that particles 2 2 with high energy can escape the black hole, were made 2 2 2Mr (dt a sin θ dϕ) ds = dt 2 − 2 2 in [7, 8]. Recently in [9] it was shown that for the ro- − r + a cos θ dr2 tating black hole (if it is the critical one) the energy of (r2 + a2 cos2θ) + dθ2 (r2 + a2) sin2θ dϕ2, (1) − ∆ − scattering is unlimited. The result of [9] was criticized in [10, 11] in the sense that it does not occur in nature. where The authors of [10, 11] claimed that if the black hole is ∆= r2 2Mr + a2, (2) − not a critical rotating black hole so that its dimension- M is the mass of the black hole, J = aM is angular less angular momentum A = 1 but A = 0.998 then the 6 momentum. In the case a = 0 the metric (1) describes energy is limited. the static chargeless black hole in Schwarzschild coor- In this paper we show that the energy of scattering dinates. The event horizon for the Kerr’s black hole in the centre of mass system can be still unlimited in corresponds to the value 1)On particles collisions in the vicinity of rotating black holes, Pis’ma v ZhETF, vol. 92, iss. 3, (2010) 147–151. r = r M + M 2 a2 . (3) H ≡ − p 2 GRIB, PAVLOV The Cauchy horizon is For the extremal black hole A = xH = 1, lH = 2 and the expression (10) is divergent when the dimensionless r = r M M 2 a2 . (4) C ≡ − − angular momentum of one of the falling into the black p hole particles l 2. The scattering energy in the centre The surface called “the static limit” is defined by the → of mass system is increasing without limit [9]. expression Let’s note, that to get the collision with infinite en- 2 2 2 ergy one needs the infinite interval of as coordinate as r = r0 M + M a cos θ . (5) ≡ − proper time of the free falling particle. Really, from p The region of space-time between the horizon and the Eqs. (6), (8) for a particle with dimensionless angular static limit is ergosphere. momentum l and specific energy ε = 1 falling from some For equatorial (θ = π/2) geodesics in Kerr’s met- point r0 = x0M to the point rf = xf M > rH one ob- ric (1) one obtains ([12], 61): tains for the coordinate time (proper time of the ob- § server at rest far from the black hole) 2 dt 1 2 2 2Ma 2Ma = r + a + ε L , (6) x0 dτ ∆ r − r √x x3 + A2x +2A(A l) dx ∆t = M − . (x x )(x x ) 2x2 l2x + 2(A l)2 dϕ 1 2Ma 2M Z H C = ε + 1 L , (7) xf − − − − dτ ∆ r − r p (11) For the interval of proper time of the free falling to the dr 2 2M a2ε2 L2 ∆ = ε2 + (aε L)2 + − δ , (8) black hole particle one obtains from (8) dτ r3 − r2 − r2 1 x0 where δ1 = 1 for timelike geodesics (δ1 = 0 for isotropic x3/2 dx ∆τ = M . (12) geodesics), τ is the proper time of the moving particle, 2x2 l2x + 2(A l)2 ε = const is the specific energy: the particle with rest xZf − − mass m has the energy εm in the gravitational field (1); p Lm = const is the angular momentum of the particle In extremal case (A = 1, l = 2) the integrals (11), (12) diverges for x x = 1 and ∆t M2√2(x 1)−1, relative to the axis orthogonal to the plane of move- f → H ≈ f − ∆τ M ln(x 1) /√2 for x 1. ment. ≈ | f − | f → From (7), (8) for the angle of the particle falling in We denote x = r/M, xH = rH /M, xC = rC /M, A = a/M, l = L /M, ∆ = x2 2x + A2. For equatorial plane of the black hole one obtains n n x − the energy in the centre of mass frame of two colliding x0 √x (xl + 2(A l)) dx particles with angular momenta L1, L2, which are non- ∆ϕ = − . 2 2 2 relativistic at infinity (ε1 = ε2 = 1) and are moving in (x xH )(x xC ) 2x l x + 2(A l) xZf − − − − Kerr’s metric using (1), (6)–(8) one obtains [9]: p (13) 2 If A = 0, then integral (13) is divergent for xf xH . Ec.m. 1 2 6 → −1 In extremal case (A = 1, l = 2) ∆ϕ √2(xf 1) 2 = 2x (x 1)+ l1l2(2 x) 2 m x∆x − − ≈ − " for xf 1. So before collision with infinitely large en- 2 → +2A (x + 1) 2A(l1 + l2) (9) ergy the particle must commit infinitely large number − of rotations around the black hole. (2x2 + 2(l A)2 l2x) (2x2 + 2(l A)2 l2x) . Can one get the unlimited high energy of this scat- − 1 − − 1 2 − − 2 q # tering energy for the case of nonextremal black hole? Formula (8) leads to limitations on the possible values of To find the limit r rH for the black hole with → the angular momentum of falling particles: the massive a given angular momentum A one must take in (9) particle free falling in the black hole with dimensionless x = xH +α with α 0 and do calculations up to the or- 2 → 2 angular momentum A being nonrelativistic at infinity der α . Taking into account A = xH xC , xH + xC = 2, (ε = 1) to achieve the horizon of the black hole must after resolution of uncertainties in the limit α 0 one → have angular momentum from the interval obtains 2 2 1+ √1+ A = l l l =2 1+ √1 A . Ec.m.(r rH ) (l1 l2) − L ≤ ≤ R − → = 1+ − , (10) (14) 2m s 2xC (l1 lH )(l2 lH ) − − Putting the limiting values of angular momenta where lH =2xH /A. lL,lR into the formula (10) one obtains the maximal ONTHECOLLISIONSBETWEENPARTICLES 3 values of the collision energy of particles freely falling from the infinity but from some distance defined by (18) from infinity then due to the form of the potential it can have val- ues of l = lH δ large than lR and fall on the horizon. inf 2m − E (r rH )= (15) If the particle falling from infinity with l lR arrives c.m.
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