14424 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 153, Pt. 10 May 25, 2007 Like his family, friends and neighbors, I am ‘‘The school supports Suneil with its Suneil’s last year. Students who place first, very proud of Suneil, and welcome this oppor- ‘Suneil, did you know?’ (program),’’ Assist- second or third cannot compete again. tunity to share news of his success with my ant Principal Margo Twaddle said. Twaddle dispels the notion that Suneil is a f colleagues in the U.S. House of Representa- one-trick pony. He’s been the school spelling tives. bee champ, participated in the Science IN HONOR OF CORPORAL RYAN A. Madam Speaker, I include with this state- Olympiad, been to math camp and played on BISHOP, UNITED STATES ARMY ment two recent articles from the local press a recreational softball team. regarding Suneil Iyer’s success: an article His career goals include becoming a pilot from the Kansas City Star that was published or marine biologist, or—not surprisingly—a HON. KAY GRANGER geographer. He won his first geography bee prior to the national bee, and an article from OF TEXAS today’s Olathe Daily News summarizing the when he was in fourth grade and began draw- ing animals at age three. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES results of that competition. ‘‘As a little guy, he was always interested [From The Kansas City Star, May 18, 2007] in animals, real or fictional,’’ his mother Thursday, May 24, 2007 said. THREE-PEAT NOT ON GEOGRAPHY WHIZ’S MAP: Ms. GRANGER. Madam Speaker, I rise INDIAN TRAIL STUDENT PLACED FOURTH IN Suneil’s father travels extensively and oc- NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC BEE LAST YEAR casionally the family accompanies him, as today to honor the courage of a brave and (By Martha Zirschky) they did on a ‘‘trip of a lifetime’’ to the Ga- dedicated hero of the State of Texas and of lapagos Islands. The best part, Suneil said, our Nation. Suneil Iyer has always loved animals, his was the islands’ animal inhabitants, such as Corporal Ryan A. Bishop was a United mother says. The Indian Trail eighth-grader the iguana and giant tortoise. is intrigued by the wildlife in Antartica and On Suneil’s dream itinerary? Egypt for the States Army soldier and a true American hero says he’d love to travel there. antiquities, he says, and Antarctica for the who gallantly and selflessly gave his life for A year ago, Suneil Iyer missed a question wildlife. his country on April 14, 2007 during combat on the ‘‘Somers Islands’’—aka Bermuda—at But first, there’s a trip to Washington D.C. operations in Baghdad, Iraq. the National Geographic Bee finals in Wash- Assigned to the tenth mountain division, ington, D.C. and was eliminated. [From the Olathe News, May 24, 2007] Many would find consolation in being the Ryan enlisted during time of war, which OLATHE BOY PLACES SECOND IN NATIONAL speaks volumes about his character and patri- youngest finalist and still finishing fourth GEOGRAPHY BEE on the national stage. But not Suneil, now a otism. (By Arley Hoskin) 12-year-old Indian Trail Junior High seventh- Moreover, he was a leader and mentor to grader who’s again qualified for next week’s Olathe residents do not have to travel far to find a geography whiz. younger soldiers and his posthumous pro- final round. motion to Corporal exemplifies this spirit. If he places in the top three and wins Indian Trail Junior High School seventh- scholarships worth $25,000, $15,000 or $10,000, grader Suneil Iyer demonstrated his talent Corporal Bishop is survived by his wife, he would be ineligible to return again in 2008. Wednesday with a second-place finish at the Melanie and his father, Charles Bishop both of That’s his goal. 2007 National Geography Bee. Tyler, Texas. ‘‘I want to win and get it over with,’’ he ‘‘We are so proud of him,’’ said Suneil’s mother, Linda Iyer. Suneil traveled to Wash- Our thoughts and prayers are with them and said. all of Ryan’s family and friends. Suneil qualified for the national bee by ington, D.C., with his parents, Linda and winning the Kansas National Geographic Bee Ram Iyer, and his ninth-grade brother, Our community and Nation honor Corporal for the second-straight year. Next Tuesday, Eswar, on Monday. The preliminary rounds Bishop’s memory and we are grateful for his he’ll be one of 55 fourth- to eighth-graders started Tuesday. faithful and distinguished service to America. The top 10 students competed in the final who advanced from an original field of 5 mil- round Wednesday. Suneil competed in the Corporal Bishop will not be forgotten. His lion contestants to compete in the national bee for the first time last year when he memory lives on through his family and the preliminaries. Tuesday’s top 10 winners will placed fourth. He said he wanted to do better move on to Wednesday’s finals with Alex legacy of selfless service that he so bravely this year and is happy with second place. Trebec, the Jeopardy host, serving as moder- imprinted on our hearts. ‘‘I wanted to get first, but I still thought ator. second was pretty good,’’ Suneil said. Suneil will join geography bee winners Suneil received a $15,000 college scholar- f from the 50 states, Washington D.C., Puerto ship for his finish. Rico, United States Territories and Depart- Suneil stumbled when judges asked him to INTRODUCTION OF H. RES. 444 ment of Defense Dependents schools. His trip name ‘‘a city that is divided by a river of the and that of his seventh-grade social studies same name that was the imperial capital of teacher, Jill King, are being paid for by Na- Vietnam for more than a century.’’ HON. BOB FILNER tional Geographic. ‘‘I just guessed,’’ Suneil said. OF CALIFORNIA Contestants can miss one question, Suneil Suneil did not guess the correct answer: IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES said, and still stay in the running. Miss Hue. again and you’re eliminated. Suneil made it Caitlin Snaring, a 14-year-old home school Thursday, May 24, 2007 to question 95 last year before his second student from Washington, placed first and miss. received a $25,000 college scholarship. Third Mr. FILNER. Madam Speaker, I rise today The questions are both oral and written, place, and a $10,000 college scholarship, went to introduce a resolution (H. Res. 444) sup- and contestants have 12 seconds to answer, to Mark Arildsen, a 13-year-old Tennessee porting the goals and ideals of National Avia- Suneil said. Both physical and cultural geog- student. Linda Iyer said Suneil gained more tion Maintenance Technician Day. raphy are fair game. than geographical knowledge and college This resolution is intended to honor the in- His goal, of course, is the $25,000 college money during the competition. scholarship. Second or third would be an im- ‘‘The connections with the kids that he’s valuable contributions of Charles Edward Tay- provement over last year. The main thing, made have been really wonderful,’’ she said. lor, the father of aviation maintenance, and to he says, is to win and not have to return to ‘‘The kids here are all just really interested recognize the essential role of aviation mainte- the pressure mill of a national contest. in this geography thing. They were just hav- nance technicians in ensuring the safety and Suneil has a large support system of fam- ing a ball here.’’ After Tuesday’s rounds, the security of civil and military aircraft. ily, friends and school community. students gathered for a barbecue and games. ‘‘This is a nice cooperative community,’’ As you may know, Charles Edward Taylor, Suneil said he enjoyed the recreational ac- who built and maintained the engine that was his mother, Lila, said. ‘‘It is a great commu- tivities the bee planned for the students. nity in which to raise kids. ‘‘They were fun,’’ he said. used to power the Wright brothers’ first con- Suneil’s father, Ramakrishnan, is his main Ram Iyer said he thinks Suneil continues trolled flying machine, was born on May 24, tutor, but he’s also mentored by Eswar, an to show his peers in Olathe that geography is 1868. older brother. Although Suneil beat his fun. Forty-five U.S. States have already declared brother last year at the state bee to win the ‘‘His school was very excited that he was May 24 to be Aviation Maintenance Techni- trip to nationals, Eswar remains one of his going,’’ Ram Iyer said. ‘‘This has made a lot biggest fans. of other students think about if they want to cian Day within their jurisdictions. My resolu- At Indian Trail, students even help Suneil try the geography bee.’’ tion is intended to support these efforts, and by researching geography questions and put- Students age 10 to 14 can compete in the honor aviation maintenance technicians, in- ting them on cards for Suneil to study. national bee, but this will be 12–year-old cluding Charles Edward Taylor. VerDate Mar 15 2010 11:20 May 21, 2010 Jkt 059102 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR07\E25MY7.001 E25MY7 WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD.
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