5*. HONDAT, SEFITCMBER 10, 1945 fAQE FOURTEEH ■ / ' Manchester Lveninfi: Herald j The Weather ■J.___ ;________________________ ^___________ ^Average Daily Circulation Forecast of 1). 8. i.eaiher Bureau ('"Ql St. Rita's Mpthera’ .C.lrcle will Mayor Morris Ho\iscn, who is Past Chief, Daughters of Scotia For the Month of AagnM^ 1S45 meet tomorrow evening at tlie connected with the Medical Corps will hold a meeting tomorrow n rrm irm m Partly-, cloudy today with oecs- About Twvn home of .Mrs. Kenneth Cottc^p.-lO in New York City,-■ was In Man­ night at 7:45 at the home of Mrs. lonal sbuweni; Wednesday gen- Earl street. X. chester yesterday visiting hlq Selma Summerville, 15 Newman M DON’T DELAY! . I 8,985 craliy -fair and cooler. friends. For g number of ysats he street. i _ _ If Tour Refrigerator In Idle — Call Tfa. JohB I. BroBowakl, of 70 Member of the Audit ■ > Birch atreot, Mancheiter, ion of Tht monthly meeting dX the was with the Oakland Paper Co. |jgg MANCHESTER 2-1226 Boreea of cSlronlattoaa Mrs. Ann Brorowaki, who recently boaitl of directors of the Savings His home Is in Irving, Mass- it . Anthony's Mothers Circle flrlentlfle aervicing will put It In working order — ae ManchesUr^A City of VUlage Charm ' returned from overeeaa duty, hae Bank of Manchester '•.-111 take will mast tomorrow night at the I pill ^ If you want to sell — we’ll furnish an eetimato. reported at the Army Ground * place thi.s evening at the bank at Sergeant and Mrs. Leslie Buck- home of Mrs. R. J. Campbell, 10 (Oleartfled Advertleing oa Page 16) PRICE THREE CENTS? 7:15. • Laurel atreet. MANCHESTER, C O N N ., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1945 ' Service Forces Redistribution Sta- 7. land have arrived from Taxaa, for »9 £xxtx/t/yce M 4u rypes^xemteunm VOL. LXIV. k290 (TWELVE PAGES) Uon at Lake Placid Club, New a visit with Sergeant BucMand'a York. Pfc. Brozowskl entered the Mr. and Mrs. Fred F. Carpenter parents, Mr. and , Mrs. Forrest The Beethoven Cliib wilt hold service In December, 1043, and of Pitkin street, and Fred Bendall B uckla^ of Bush Hill road. Ser­ Its first rehearsal and get-to­ C O A fM / ^ y fought overseas for eight months of Main street,''lc,ft ,today lor Dor­ geant Buokland is stationed at gether this evening at Emanual MX/rxyfxsrt/t with the 3rd (Rock of Marne) Di­ set.* Vermont, for a..stay of two Reindolph fleid. Lutheran church. vision In the Kuropean Theater of weeks. They will make their head- Operations. He participated in ihe qtiarters at the Barrows House. Wt SERVE HOMES DAIRIES-FOOD ST0RES*TAVERNS*RESTAUR4NTS‘ campaigns,In, France and Ger- many and wears the Purple Heart The Inasmuch Class of the Medal. Church of the Nazarene will meet tomorrow evening at 7 o'clock at i The local Garden Club will meet, the (Aurch. From there they will HALE'S SELF SERVE this evening at 8 b’clock in the go to Ooventlry for the regular Robbins room of ICentcr church meeting »t the home of Mrs. Ix)- The Original In New England! ORANGE HALL BINGO house. Kodachrome slides will be retta Austin. Every member Is General Wainwrighl Leaves Capitol shown, taken In tulip, time at Way- urged to attend. — • side Gardens, Mentor Ohio. Mem- Jap W h o bius are reminded to bring dahlia Miss' Ka,thieen Caron, of .381 EVERY MONDAY, 8 P. M. More Jap Arrests blomns from Seeds distributed at Summit street left today for Mer­ TUESDAY SPECIALS! " n the April meeting, also other cy boapital, gpringfleld, where she - A ■ . - Admission 25c specimen flowers or arrangements. enrolled aa cadet nurse. The At Haleys Notion/Dept. The meeting is open to- all inter­ daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Carroll Green Stamp.s Given With Cash Sales! Are Being Ordered V--. ested. 'F. McOulre, khc was graduated 23 REGULAR GAMES 7 SPEOALS Pearl Harbor Attack from Manchester High school In * it The Stanley Group of the South June. — KNIT FOR YOURSELF OR FOR GIFTS Methodist W. S. C. S. will hold a PLUS SWEEPSTAKES ■r Cana By G eii. MacArthur pot luck supper tomorrow evening Daughters of Liberty No, 125, Pet Milk\ 31 31C at 6:30-at the church. The host­ L.O.L.I., will hold theijr monthly esses will be Mrs. Eari Oarron. meeting tomorrow evening at 7:30 / Afraid to F ace Trial] Mrs. Francis Miner, Mrs. Henry in Orange hall. Installing Deputy 4 OZ. SKEINS 39 Other Persons In­ Mallett and Mrs. Edwin Brown. Mrs. Vera Tedford of Charter Oak Tomato Soup' 3 Cana 27c Chief Asserts Lodge. Hartford, and her'ataff. A cluding Members of Shoots Himself Justl will make tl)elr official visit at As American Agenul thlB time. Officers are requested RANGE AND FUEL OIL Pearl Harbor Cabinet Secret Police Fears Assembly Act to wear white. 'A social time with Arrive to Take HI SIMOMZING refreshiTfentB will follow In charge To Be Tried in Tokyo Tht Body Shop Mothod of Mrs'. Annie Johnston and Miss Linit Starch Pkg. 9c v^^/Wholesole Gasoline For Their War Crimes; Thing of Past To Heailquarters foi Alice' Hutchinson. All committees In Stopping Clocks SOLIMENE A FLAGG. Inc. are asked to report .at Uds meet­ List o f Those Wanted Questioning; Woum' m Center St. TeL 6101 ing. Skein A. P. Girrefipbndent in Over Heart; Americs Argo Corn Starch Pkg. 9c Bantly Oil Company Tokyo, Sept. 11.— ( ^ — Hi- Will Cause Trouble Tha Rad aiid White elub win . dekl Tojo, the Japanese war­ Tokyo Told That the DpetoTr Treats Him; meat thla avenlng at tha homa of SSI Main Street TcL 529S or 5-1057 time premier, shot himself j Jap Doctor Refui Mrs. Howard Smith, 19 KnoX Entire Organization session requires no Imagination to atraat. This will ba tba annual Redriabber Opposite the Armory > - today as General MacAr- Hartford, Sept, 11—<yP)—Presi- • ^ ■ ■■ f _____________________________ ______ , X- 15 COLORS Has Been Disbanded forcaee.” OiTYOUR meeting and all membera are thur’s operatives knocked at ^ n t William L. Blodgett of the ' Cltea Court Decision Tokyo, Sept. 11.—r(/P)—I . INO AID! urged to be present. Doz. 8 talA„Bar Association Informed' Blodgett’s letter recalled that In deki Tojo, who incited thi Jar Rings 3C Black Light Green Maroon his door to arrest him. Gen­ By Al Dopldng eral MacArthur tonight di­ Govern^ .^aldwln today that the 1029^ the Supreme Court declared Japanese sneak attack Bvar Ready Circle of Xhag’a White Dark Green Brown Tokyo, Sept. 11.—(g’)—The com­ a e v e ^ legislative acta invalid be­ •40 Daughters will hold Its first meet­ ■■,/ rected that 39 other persons, ■ssoclatlohs^cjcecutlve committee Pearl Harbor, today shot and COMHin ARTHUR’S Navy Medium Green Tan manding general of the dread cause the then governor signed ing of’ the season, tomorrovl eve­ has recommendelK^*^ legislation them ^ ter the constitutional gravely wounded himself a 846 Mela StraetJ including Shigenori Jo^, Kempei-Tai, Japan’e secret poUce, ning at 7:45 In the directors’ room Doz. Baby Blue Scarlet Maise member of Tojo’s Pearl Harbor adopted by the General Assembly j deadline, and that a a^clal scs- he was about to be taken int of the Whlton Memorial Library. Mason Jar Gaps 2 35c cabinet, and U .. Gen. Masahara told me today that his organiza­ alon waa Called Immediately to Devotions will be led by Mrs. Julia Yale Blue Wine Pink after midnight, June 6, be chal­ custody for questioning.- To Hommo, of Phlllpplnea Infamy. ^ tion would be disbanded complete­ lenged In the courts unless a Spe­ validate theni. Loomis. The officers will be taken into custody by the Ameri­ ly by Oct. 15 and “ don't worry “ We cannot urge you night American Army dc hostesses. cial seaslon Is called to validate It. ELECTRIC MOTORS Masen 2-Pleee can military forces. about secret organizations, for The committee's recommenda­ to adqpt a aimllar tors were endeavoring Bopsiring • Rewinding Otbm on the Ust there will be none." Blodgett wrote. "It will save the life of the 61-yeai m l o m tion has been embodied In a reso­ ■ unquestionably and eco- A l Work Guaranteed “I am obedient only to the Im­ lution to be presented to the bar former premier, an4 ssdd he Dozi The Ust included; nomlcalllr''resolve alPdoubts and an even chance to eurvlve. Ace Electric Motor Repairs Jar Covers 2 35c Togo, Oklnorf Kaya, Admiral perial will of the emperor,” Lt. L association's annual meeting Oct. Gen. Jo Imura said through his avoid large totpendlturea and un­ Tojo was 'Still alive at 10:30 m N. Main St., 0pp. Depot DON W ILLIS SWgetmrm Shlmada, Nobusuke Kl. General Jonathan Walnwright. hero of-Gorregldor, waves as he stands In hta open car while 15th. Tioga 3 Ply- Interpreters. “ Our chief concetn Blodgett's letter to the governor certainties. ----- \ ---- - ro. (Tokyo time) .■nipe ala " ~ Telephone 5642 abi. Rear Admiral Ken Terashima, leaving the national capitol en route to a meeting with President Truman at the White House, during “Important matters are l^own after U^e suicide attempt. Michiyo Iwamura, Kunihiko Ha- now Is the establishment of peace said the committee believed that GARAGE his welcome celebration in Washington, D. C. (AP wlrephoto.) ■______________ _______________ to be subject to thCss doubts. Brought to the 98lh HJvai Doi. ohdia, Hlroya Ino, C3ilkahlko Koi­ In this country. There shall be no there had been a violation of the Jar Lids 11c Large and essential apprdpiiationa hoepital at 9:40 p.
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