18 Oxford - Eynsham - Standlake - Bampton RH Transport The information on this timetable is expected to be valid until at least 2nd February 2011. Where we know of variations, before or after this date, then we show these at the top of each affected column in the table. Direction of stops: where shown (eg: W-bound) this is the compass direction towards which the bus is pointing when it stops. Mondays to Fridays Oxford City Centre, George Street (Stop B1) 0820 1005 1105 1205 1305 1405 1505 1605 1715 1805 Cassington, Cassington Turn (opp) 0835 1020 1120 1220 1320 1420 1520 1628 1740 1830 Eynsham, Eynsham Church (o/s) 1026 1126 1226 1326 1426 1526 1638 1746 1836 Sutton, Sutton Lane Hail & Ride (S-bound) 0842 1031 1131 1231 1331 1431 1531 1643 1751 1841 Standlake, Standlake Business Park (opp) 0845 Stanton Harcourt, Harcourt Arms (opp) 1034 1134 1234 1334 1434 1534 1646 1754 1844 Bablockhythe, Ferry Turn (adj) 1138 1338 1538 1650 1848 Northmoor, Red Lion (o/s) 1141 1341 1541 1653 1851 Standlake, Heyford Close (adj) 1040 1240 1440 1800 1856s Standlake, The Bell (o/s) 1044 1150 1244 1350 1444 1550 1702 1804 1900 Brighthampton, Chervil Cottage (o/s) 0846 1046 1152 1246 1352 1446 1552 1704 1806 1902 Aston, Red Lion (o/s) 0850 1050 1156 1250 1356 1450 1556 1708 1810 1906 Bampton, Market Square (on) 0858 1058 1205 1258 1405 1458 1605 1820 1915 Clanfield, Carter Institute (o/s) 1824 1919 Notes: s - Set down only Saturdays Oxford City Centre, George Street (Stop B1) 0820 1005 1105 1205 1305 1405 1505 1605 1715 1805 Cassington, Cassington Turn (opp) 0835 1020 1120 1220 1320 1420 1520 1620 1735 1825 Eynsham, Eynsham Church (o/s) 1026 1126 1226 1326 1426 1526 1626 1741 1831 Sutton, Sutton Lane Hail & Ride (S-bound) 0842 1031 1131 1231 1331 1431 1531 1631 1746 1836 Standlake, Standlake Business Park (opp) 0845 Stanton Harcourt, Harcourt Arms (opp) 1034 1134 1234 1334 1434 1534 1634 1749 1839 Bablockhythe, Ferry Turn (adj) 1138 1338 1538 1638 1843 Northmoor, Red Lion (o/s) 1141 1341 1541 1641 1846 Standlake, Heyford Close (adj) 1040 1240 1440 1755 1851s Standlake, The Bell (o/s) 1044 1150 1244 1350 1444 1550 1650 1759 1855 Brighthampton, Chervil Cottage (o/s) 0846 1046 1152 1246 1352 1446 1552 1652 1801 1857 Aston, Red Lion (o/s) 0850 1050 1156 1250 1356 1450 1556 1656 1805 1901 Bampton, Market Square (on) 0858 1058 1205 1258 1405 1458 1605 1705 1815 1910 Clanfield, Carter Institute (o/s) 1819 1914 Notes: s - Set down only Sundays No service OXFORDSHIRE 30/12/2010 1547 composed: 06.01.2011 15:45:59 version: 1 last modified: 04.01.11 05:08:20 by: \MENTZDATA\efaautologin line(s): 02018F.y08 18 Bampton - Standlake - Eynsham - Oxford RH Transport The information on this timetable is expected to be valid until at least 2nd February 2011. Where we know of variations, before or after this date, then we show these at the top of each affected column in the table. Direction of stops: where shown (eg: W-bound) this is the compass direction towards which the bus is pointing when it stops. Mondays to Fridays Clanfield, Carter Institute (opp) 0655 Bampton, Market Square (on) 0700 0905 1005 1105 1205 1305 1405 1505 1605 Aston, High Street (E-bound) 0707 0912 1012 1112 1212 1312 1412 1512 1612 Aston, Red Lion (o/s) 1717 Brighthampton, Chervil Cottage (opp) 0711 0916 1016 1116 1216 1316 1416 1516 1616 1721 Standlake, Standlake Business Park (o/s) 1722 Standlake, Woodlands (adj) 0715 0921 1021 1121 1221 1321 1421 1521 1621 Standlake, Heyford Close (adj) 0719 1025 1225 1425 1625 Northmoor, Red Lion (opp) 0726 0928 1128 1328 1528 Bablockhythe, Ferry Turn (opp) 0729 0931 1131 1331 1531 Stanton Harcourt, Harcourt Arms (o/s) 0733 0935 1030 1135 1230 1335 1430 1535 1630 Sutton, Sutton Lane Hail & Ride (N-bound) 0737 0939 1034 1139 1234 1339 1434 1539 1634 1729 Eynsham, Eynsham Church (opp) 0741 0943 1038 1143 1238 1343 1438 1543 1638 1733 Cassington, Cassington Turn (adj) 0750 0948 1043 1148 1243 1348 1443 1548 1643 1738 Oxford City Centre, George Street (Stop A5) 0820 1004 1059 1204 1259 1404 1459 1604 1659 1758 Saturdays Clanfield, Carter Institute (opp) 0655 Bampton, Market Square (on) 0700 0905 1005 1105 1205 1305 1405 1505 1605 1710 Aston, High Street (E-bound) 0707 0912 1012 1112 1212 1312 1412 1512 1612 1717 Brighthampton, Chervil Cottage (opp) 0711 0916 1016 1116 1216 1316 1416 1516 1616 1721 Standlake, Standlake Business Park (o/s) 1722 Standlake, Woodlands (adj) 0715 0921 1021 1121 1221 1321 1421 1521 1621 Standlake, Heyford Close (adj) 0719 1025 1225 1425 1625 Northmoor, Red Lion (opp) 0726 0928 1128 1328 1528 Bablockhythe, Ferry Turn (opp) 0729 0931 1131 1331 1531 Stanton Harcourt, Harcourt Arms (o/s) 0733 0935 1030 1135 1230 1335 1430 1535 1630 Sutton, Sutton Lane Hail & Ride (N-bound) 0737 0939 1034 1139 1234 1339 1434 1539 1634 1729 Eynsham, Eynsham Church (opp) 0741 0943 1038 1143 1238 1343 1438 1543 1638 1733 Cassington, Cassington Turn (adj) 0750 0948 1043 1148 1243 1348 1443 1548 1643 1738 Oxford City Centre, George Street (Stop A5) 0820 1004 1059 1204 1259 1404 1459 1604 1659 1758 Sundays No service OXFORDSHIRE 30/12/2010 1547 composed: 06.01.2011 15:45:59 version: 1 last modified: 04.01.11 05:08:20 by: \MENTZDATA\efaautologin line(s): 02018F.y08 18 Oxford - Eynsham - Standlake - Bampton RH Transport For next departures from a particular stop you can use traveline-txt - by sending the SMS code (followed by a space and the service number if you want a specific service - eg: buctdgtd 60) to 84268. Or you can use the mobile internet by using the code to locate the stop on NextBuses. For details of both these services see www.traveline.info/onmove.htm. The return message from traveline-txt is free for codes prefixed cmb, lin, nfo and suf (East Anglia and Lincolnshire); for all other codes it is 25p. NextBuses incurs standard internet usage charges. Information about next departures is available on mobile internet on phones and PDAs using the SMS code - go to www.mytraveline.mobi. Only normal browsing charges apply. NOTE: SMS codes are different in each direction. Make sure you choose the right direction from these lists. SMS Code Stop Name Street ATCO Code oxfapjgj Oxford City Centre, George Street (Stop B1) George Street 340000864B1 oxfgajpd Cassington, Cassington Turn (opp) A40 340000168TO oxfapjdj Eynsham, Eynsham Church (o/s) High Street 340000861STN oxfapgdg Sutton, Sutton Lane Hail & Ride (S-bound) Sutton Lane 340000914FRM oxfgjtwm Standlake, Standlake Business Park (opp) A415 340003288OPP oxfgajwm Stanton Harcourt, Harcourt Arms (opp) Village Road 340000704HAO oxfgajwd Bablockhythe, Ferry Turn (adj) Ferry Turn 340000067FTC oxfapwpa Northmoor, Red Lion (o/s) Standlake Road 340000583OPR oxfapjwj Standlake, Heyford Close (adj) Heyford Close 340000701HC oxfapamg Standlake, The Bell (o/s) High Street 340000701OPW oxfampaj Brighthampton, Chervil Cottage (o/s) Aston Road 340000132FRM oxfamdwm Aston, Red Lion (o/s) Cote Road 340000061RL oxfamgam Bampton, Market Square (on) Market Square 340000071SQ oxfgpwad Clanfield, Carter Institute (o/s) A4095 340000211OCI OXFORDSHIRE 30/12/2010 1547 composed: 06.01.2011 15:45:59 version: 1 last modified: 04.01.11 05:08:20 by: \MENTZDATA\efaautologin line(s): 02018F.y08 18 Bampton - Standlake - Eynsham - Oxford RH Transport For next departures from a particular stop you can use traveline-txt - by sending the SMS code (followed by a space and the service number if you want a specific service - eg: buctdgtd 60) to 84268. Or you can use the mobile internet by using the code to locate the stop on NextBuses. For details of both these services see www.traveline.info/onmove.htm. The return message from traveline-txt is free for codes prefixed cmb, lin, nfo and suf (East Anglia and Lincolnshire); for all other codes it is 25p. NextBuses incurs standard internet usage charges. Information about next departures is available on mobile internet on phones and PDAs using the SMS code - go to www.mytraveline.mobi. Only normal browsing charges apply. NOTE: SMS codes are different in each direction. Make sure you choose the right direction from these lists. SMS Code Stop Name Street ATCO Code oxfajtwa Clanfield, Carter Institute (opp) A4095 340000211CI oxfamgam Bampton, Market Square (on) Market Square 340000071SQ oxfgamwd Aston, High Street (E-bound) High Street 340000061RLO oxfamdwm Aston, Red Lion (o/s) Cote Road 340000061RL oxfampag Brighthampton, Chervil Cottage (opp) Aston Road 340000132GB oxfgjtwp Standlake, Standlake Business Park (o/s) A415 340003288OUT oxfapamd Standlake, Woodlands (adj) High Street 340000701OUW oxfapjwj Standlake, Heyford Close (adj) Heyford Close 340000701HC oxfapwtw Northmoor, Red Lion (opp) Standlake Road 340000583RL oxfamgdg Bablockhythe, Ferry Turn (opp) Ferry Turn 340000067FT oxfapaja Stanton Harcourt, Harcourt Arms (o/s) Village Road 340000704HA oxfapgda Sutton, Sutton Lane Hail & Ride (N-bound) Sutton Lane 340000914OPF oxfatgag Eynsham, Eynsham Church (opp) High Street 340000861OPP oxfampgp Cassington, Cassington Turn (adj) A40 340000168T oxfapjaj Oxford City Centre, George Street (Stop A5) George Street 340000864A5 OXFORDSHIRE 30/12/2010 1547 composed: 06.01.2011 15:45:59 version: 1 last modified: 04.01.11 05:08:20 by: \MENTZDATA\efaautologin line(s): 02018F.y08.
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