t..,'n.otiolull-ni<>r•'•l\•r\'i•· 111111 krhd hm4. n,...:..al ... (h. thil r 11ud )<"' .. '"""'''"''"''"-'' ............ , ......~~ "-••~>-·~ uIU.I\..SIII!·I.MoltO...... wn ___ 0..01.-..t•ln'"" ......, ... ,..j.._ ~I:~~;~~~:;:.t~~5j I'.:; ••~~ ~- :_; •.~ '':1.::e-.;.,:: .~·:.. ''" 011 Ill ffJIII\~bfr b4>1J ~HW)fl l jl .;r;. ' ::;"':'!...... '':;~ ~.-;;:'~~ l'""'fll ~nl!"'l•tl m ..., rdld • , .........ltlbuiiM n- , .. ...... In thr tll&(fd l.mupl'an <Oiol,o ..oocijw.lo"'"''""""I·M< lltUIJ_.., __<I....,Iu•t'"lk•C l.n,J. and .. ~1 rntlxaor'r•ny .......... u..~llld....., ...... , ''"'c, f•ith aud notlou~~tv. IU..\\ L llr,UIIIU.IIOIII .. lli.h '.-'": ":::-:::::=~~";"M":":: f<'llll••.._•<loto41n....,....,..D(tht h&\(- ) ol Oi"JIIIiUdtol• -Unllott_t... u.l_,...,.tar ir•tiol• Of "IIKh h>e !IC!t ......... llffO'l' ...>to ............ ~~~~~ · ~tt •omrkud thdr ti'IIIUibu· l...ltlofo ...n. n.qwu ,,...,.,., tW.• ••~ ...,,d to do 10 at DnttandfOf'!O&tdprr.,...doto Unlty H ..... te sur ti\((OtrtrnoiOtrKr · Otten TW Se,tt. 2ll Till: i;,nt,.l tJU"t UiiH AlUIOtiiCI_D(_nl-· &.udofthrunion .. tllllltrt ......... _lh!JlJtl-w<ll s.. ~f1nlw I~ in l'b~adtl· till' :-:~-~=~--:::~-; llhw ~ tbnr woll alloc OW.t .,._ .... _,.. War VKumo fund lrMfll lolonoteUI>IU---.-l lilt draf,..~ ...."Ira .. ' I ww. okll .,_, w.u.~no,... • lOCAL22 DRESSMAKERS • · '.~~~.!;~ln~~~;:U::P u::!n=by~h~L~\\~· Enginttrin( ~nmt'nt, Wjlliall\ GQnJbU,t. «­ ' •nnouncnl hf coopuation ,.ith }(oo: R<J~m. auPuint~n<knt ol the M~dcn i'orm B.--im . ., and Kurt Mdz(cf', in chaJ'ti:~ of U. !Xpartmmt, the anual In~ micft..motionpictumprrpuro ,,.:. .... h.w·--.~- ~~~~~~ .,. J,C. AtJ.Itll BPKial .. ~l -lt<o" Tlw Admini>ln.tion is de:qlly "llfric.d ' . , , at ..-·~ "or k i~ rmon :a.r~d. "oman •'-'J.!IIK ••. cn·n tlw d~n!l:~ ~ of onn•tion ~ n~uhir.,: from the ddmx tpcndins l)oom, l>min,t: tlw fto.nl •nr Thi•tirnc-it .. iliW...-. l94 1- 1941thc- so-·cmrnmt rmoy spend,.. nooch., $60.000.000.· 10 Atop d~ non in milady', 000 billion, :a.ll but • few billion of ic for the ddrn>< of the .becn t hepur•..-,orof~ Unittd Sm.,. and for aid tO lhc demcxndo:a. he f :oshiorotdintoa~-.Q ~ area~ronomie:al num-·;,.:::==---­ Sun:acr-thcf>acific. 1\t br:n..prruy dollkultfortheoi­ Jajnn'• ""«lnd br~ao l me..,., diru~· ritin:n eo romprdlmd. But the $;0mc llor!$ a.imcd at )l i.< impoo.-ibk to.., the full 1hc hun of J~p~IJUt. ~... &i,t:nifinowo:; of a numbu lih . has ricoo;hrtrd and:\!!~trin. Jixtr b~l;on dollaq. Actually it is a pn opita upmditurc of :~:{~~:··~,so':~~{Q)~ of rcuoll soodt uc ~Ksmae. IP =-~~:~a-:,.. ....,.,.....,...,. W..· up. __ ~ ...., _,. llllborou--...c~­ ...... .. · -fllo'te ................... ~ - . ""'"'"--...- ............ ... .,.--~· ..... - .... *'-.,....,., .. =~"-:.:-....::.: ...,._,.,"" .......,..lit ..... .. ~-:.::: ~::..~~ =~-·-- .......... lbo.r-forll>o(lrb.l'lll:lrltk&· Brleft;r.•"llotM>ho~ .. lht lalo--pondii>JiodcnCGD­ _,,.,..,... utothoo ; Oto,_a .,_, liiOII>o .... ,_U\t.t' U>o l"rfttdenl_,.fJionottilolllndo ,_.,,_bJe.. catneOO'Ikr,..­ llflt.,.•. _,,.,lo.......,lr)'.n4 Jo""' nnolr -•bllo.h""' -.trolo - 11>­ bJ~onotd.rJ......q t ta, tla-t~lt~""· OOO,~otHoppon ... _toll.llllo ,...,..._,...~U•Jooboll>o~tbt .............. -Will ::'.'-~:':..,:u':-.::,!1 .-,IJ be -"' lor nota, ,..,., ,.-.IDIII"""'IIJ'Iar.._n.. ~~.::;;.. ::!:! ~ --&lrttootJ.....-MU. .__....-&1., ......... _ ...... ~'·--···-· ·l .. _""_.....,. 1 ........ .. ___ =-:.·e·.:.u:...r-:.:- -~~·~--.,..._....... _ _.. .. _· :"'u"!'; :!~ ..,,_. • • ~ -.lbont,wlll~bo_-....,._n-.,WIIl -..~..-~ ...... Tl:al • -ll:JRII\IM~ =- .... too ....... _t Econo111k A· B·C'a ~~t~~l~ n .. _A·..CIIprb. ~lnfiPI1ooar•OfiU>ene·"""'""'""""-"'··-'"'' · =.!.-~- :~::.~. ·=:.."": -"' or - ''"" •• pr~<o> II•Jnc. : ·~.. =:.!.t~.! :~:.:..~ 'nM .__..oil•• ftO<IP wanto o ::"".... "'!,~":;;.to;~ ::::.:. Wll<ntl>o-1~ ........-"l' 1111 __................. "1101-"ol~Tile lollootll\f ll>o OPM ............... pow-.lo~~p,._, .. .,-riMn u........,...~ncor.n ..••• 'nlellloonollrOtlp,•·l>lrllloo-• drl..-lnd.,.t.,-.tr..~­ ---........ 11 ...'-• .u,r-~...,-...,.,_,.,. onlnll.tlo,.,..nonlllo-\ -""ti-J • ................. Jl. labano ......................ll~ -..:-=.=~'\..-:=-= _,_,..,. .... ottornou .. ,. -"'"""-.......... ld-""~ _., __ ....ht>ftlfll...... - ... -n-.-.~ ,...._ ""'' ,,., • ._.;.~wldota- u.~~oa .. -,.,tlo>ttoa~­ --.._...,. ...................... --......,..,.r _,...,..,.,..-.~ . ......_, ................-..--.110of -....,.., or~:.~~~~~ P&nd>uoeo anol CUI' -'"" • ..... u.. .... .... ...,II'04o. ...,_...,..,.. ~·"""' ltoolalltl..-loi'I~IJtoMI-•.. ....ft._..l*l.,-.,.__ -~~~--~"""""' .......d... uw, __ D:Jm ...-. lllfJI... a-..... e.­ tl -.... • tll>o--ll>ol U..-.-ootlo_,..._ ..,.,clurtftJih<DIOIIIhotfa ... lnioolbo -lol10'-lllo dl· anolll<'p<-toot.T~ool"'•,..,.. .. - ""'aNI.r.,oc:toonloM•• ~-=.u:.. ~::::. IAtonaapaoi.~U>o~l.....,. .,.......no.,· ......... ""_ llfrillcb 0'\ltboowppllr<tM"""'" • "'-..........uu.. ..... - ..~~~~~ ... •tronoo_,t..,IJ>o,... o1 ....... oa ..utldoJ _,.."' fOIIIO~U.d ..._....,.. .. ... - u..o ...---... l'llrlpt· lllllloperoci.IOoo_,_ ... ..... ..___...._.,.., WmodtoLIM,..,_>IIO._... Oftl7htanoiU.O.t. l .. --.. ~ ............................ s-. anothtr,U.., on-•••IJoWr• Tl>lo ........._ . --...., - lflt.medlole- ~ ou-1 ..... 1 o.,..._,.,-.w._ ...--.., .., .. __ _ IIO._lkUW.~oflloloiOfi W . ...... tun>o'<IIOOihtr,_...., ·-n..-.,..,...... __ ..._ .,......,totonn,looo• ..-• ...... ...,DOll< .... bolt""""""',. ... ........u.ltlt- .....: "'per cenlilllf oil tuU·t ....... -·-"'"lncnued­I. 0'""*' • lnd rtlall· ....._lo O\«tlnla.-rt..t>oWdi>...... I ... OI tllolr-... .._-"'" .,. 101oriina¥1110, Va.lo*t""'I<OIM.- • ............ ~ .. .utoe*, "_.,._ .......... __ ~a. .. W.!lnlduni<mlnlfU. 1ft.,. ..... • ''-·"'w.....,.,..,_..,.""" J .... Pin•..,..,.. r- • WilL,__, m.ll ..... eop. lfll'-fllllololc ...... .... atoo.ildU..oll',.llollllo,__to ..~ ..·-'-'~IJ _ _, __ -ti-JU......... .,~,.~ . • - ...., ......... _U..IIo- -.nlclll>dor.-ol.,_..,. H--.,. 111111n1~ ou\1 1'- • 1\ ...AR.'t'ACI.IIaiU.'IIt>doWou­ plloH lht lnth•lt1' • • --­ T"• lnl'latlon Splnl ......, ..OCI .... oU.,orU. ......... U oiiiiMolopno•o~lll.lloO~ .. ---............ _,......, 1• lib Mr. -,_ncl lhtro .,.. ""'ph of -..UIIttal ~'Ill .til"' ... __ ................ ~a~oor,.. ..... lr• o·toa-·t-lhtftU>IolnCliii'Untt '*"""''• noto • ·tu 1oo .,.,.Oil II II)' •I*OfLIM-onoultlllntloppnlter 1011. Olhtrwlot,no"""-11\GUwr ::-r~::· :::=u:-:.~~ ....lo.rooniiMO ioil hoo..,.uoo loioJOOpo!IIIO-UHfll. Lf,tQ.,, l<lull""'"'•"""''O<.rloll>l•llollo<onold.ortclo~·'" ...., ...... t iiJO, "'"'iotl• Moln t•bo 1o­ IOiorloDr-lyokolfoiiOI!.VIt• ~~=~~j, ~~::! o;:::";.:; ln ~ :~oldloo,O..IIIdM,. , o .. ~~~It~~ . ' =::-::.:' -~~ ;~-.: !~~ ·.r>d.!:.: '~::':..::"': :~ ""IKJUmOIICI!'-Itoncbho\•"""" d._ci..Por~loll*-floLio<l ol\ttttltt>t... hUIIWIIo'*'-ol •,..,...,.,palrloiWIII-roowl.....,. ~· hu. lor \1111 ~nlll-. ''"'" pob!LtolUIMWllllrM!lJ'Ootol ..... • dnlly--. not 111111 I...U.It 1<\or.llllo 11•1 ,..,._ LJtolbffM .. "''"-· _, ...-.""~ elt...-_...... .............. .,,_ ........ .................. ,.._lf-U.OManlfti!AIIt• ........... ............. u-U.IItla\_,..,INf.•lol_ .... ,..,..._lll ..... ho,....UU...0"' ... """""" ..... n..llul""-"l-11' ..-.........IIIJ ... ~llllt -neltn._,...lltP,.~ -~~~_,~n..oolher_. .....~rllppil>lo. ....lf"-"' Mr...._OIIII_I_n<'ft!UI""" Clllltl:hlU'o or>t«llol- ,...._. u .. LnltiOol •-to--tnt..tG opb1t IOU Lnnalonnf<llnLO o ..WW naUOOWoi!Ofl- "JNOft• - •lhtwJt.dN_.... Iol""- 1• u ......._ ftr\llahtr. lodll'<l IIJIOIIMI~..,_II!'Ih<M'-I •olo'-tlol\doucll-.llo.o11'4_, JUSTICI IN THE SOUTH\tV!L'--g~;. -a_"ll ~' fw• '' -- j ... "/' . ~ ! --,.. WIN RAISES FOR BOSTON CLOAK, SKIRT AND DRESS 14 odd!uon .. louJblt DH­ i -twl.st-.m""""oltllo' .....,,u..,.,.~-....-~ .. -­ ......,._.I.Nfllllr~tblhl -·~.,•~••~"'"' ~· Ul>IIG. olld 11...uwt -Uimoo,-otU..DI+u Clntnr u..m and ..-c.l\1 _ ... ::·=..:.":"..::.: = -a( 1M o.-k.... ........ -..t.oro~~ ..~- -~--:r::= ...u ...... "!. ~=- u.._ ~- '~ =:,~ =_ .. -· lniiiMitJ'. n-llllo ... •• ,....,..,. •. ::. :.:.:..-::=' lLOW\1 --- pOt.o111!1P~a.t~ Ill trllllloeetl&l...noolU..~., lobo .................\ ...... ,_ J:::"""•""'wlll-lllt, ' LOCAL 10 ., JIUOOU lf.t.Ol.D, 1'. r . ..._,., "-' Jf 'n!e Fall at- i< now in rullawing, pnctical}r n· ~· branch working at or neu peak nr.puity. 0.-atime has brnt gu.ntcd ln ._ numiM:r of lnsurw:a "'here lhere ... -u no addit~l •J>KC a\"aibbk ror ll10K CUliCrl.. _,.,,.., ••• EDITORIAL NOTES ••• ' ....,_ i. On Stptcmbtt 7, 1939, a few mappro .,.;t by the rqlorW command of our unWn ,.."... ..... :~ at.:.,c;, ·;~tin=. and coordinated with ccnrn.l ILCWU antqy. .Our ulrion io 6rm}y cktcnnincd 10 orcanillf the ,.,...... nkd a kltrr to all ILCWU alfdiatc1 cont&ia. ~:ument nukin( indUI&J"y m tho. South. In tkio ic II In& a ,.·amin,t: that tbt: co.t olli•in&; intiK United f~afonnid.abk!Mk..ltioconlrooted><itbthc: 5tater .,. .. apt to mount npidll" u a r(liUk of II». upnimtt of otba- unioPI "hic:b in rrtmt ynts koc:attd «Dn~~~Uic: concl.itiorw .......}1! about by d,. came. to Tmpmcc, Alabvna, GcarP, the Caro­ boitilitier.. linao, Tent and Millillippi and found t"'"'-lvn To protM ottr" own worl<cn api'* " ~iolmt 11npnpamlto cope •ith t.be lpCcific lof:al diffir:ultin d-.anger in the: C<llt of lh·inc," Praidl:nt DubiniLy wllirhot.nKIIa.borOO"J:aniu.tionint~~tkland. apprWcd all OW" .,b.diviliona, tbr. ILCWU haa .:n.~ lnllitional enmity ol Southern ind..u:..w;.c, 'o draftN a •ptci.l daUJC wbkh ahould lx iQCltukd, orpnW:d b.bot IUld a hard--boikd
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