Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 1952-11-07 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (1952). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 1916. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/1916 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Xavier University Library llOV? T@S2 Xavier Univ~rsity News A Weekly Newspaper By Students From The Evanston, Doivntown A.nd Milford Campuse•. VOLUME XXXVD CINCINNATI, OHIO, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1952 NO. '1 College 'Who's Who' Uses Names of 26 Xavier Men Masque Play Postponed The names of° twenty-six cis Ryan, Howard Bernard Schap­ X a v i e r juniors and seniors ker, Thomas Henry Siemers, have been accepted for publi­ James Howard Spraul and Rob­ Until Second Semester ert Phillip Walker. cation in the a nth o 1 o g y , Exact Date Not Set As Director Dial Surprises "Who's W h o in American With Move To Preserve 'Our Artistic Integrity' Universities and Colleges." Stu­ American Technical Training· dents are selected on the basis of In a surprising move, Mr. Victor Dial, moderator of the excellence and sincerity in schol­ Valued In India, Na1iavati Masque Society, announced Ia'st Tuesday that this year's pro­ arship; leadership -and participa­ duction of "Romeo and Juliet" has been temporarily called off tion in extracurricular and aca­ until sometime next spring. The exact date for the production demic activities; citizenship and service to the school, and promise has not yet been set, but it will probably take place sometime of future usefulness to business after Easter, Mr. Dial said. Dial, is the fact that the cast has and society. Mr. Dial gave two reasons for failed to jell as he thought it the postponment. First of all and would. "The excellent quality of Xavier men whose names and most important, according to Mr. our productions," Mr. Dial said. thumbnail histories will appear "has built a reputation which in the publication include Rich­ cannot be stymied at this point. ard Bernard Berning, Gerald ·Tavern Introduces It was primarily to preserve our William Bourne, James Michael Ordeals To Four artistic integrity that I made this Breslin, John Arnold Cade, Paul decision." Davis Cain, William Roney Four Xavier undergraduates The · second reason for post­ Charles, Charles Joseph Consig­ will become patrons of the uni­ ( Continued on Page 3) lio, Alfred James Cordes, William versity's unique Mermaid Tavern Henry Fellerhoff, Richard Jo- - 'literary society next Monday seph Francis, James Matthew night, Nov. 10, when the organi­ Alumni Plans Hogan, Donald Richard Lange­ zation holds its annual fall ini­ fels, Robert Joseph Murray, Basil tiation. The questants are junior E. Najjar,. James Lacey O'Con­ Ron Loftus and sophomores John Communion nell, Paul · Vincent Palmisano, Carmichael, Jim Lutz and Bob The Xavier Alumni Association Raymond Stubbs Payne, William Siegenthaler. will observe the 400th anniversary Henry Perry, James Matthew For lhe past week this quartet of the feast of St. Francis Xavier Powell, James Edward Powers, .,,~ has been appearing on campus by a Universal Communion Day. The observance is scheduled for James Joseph Ryan, John Fran- Dr. Frank Peters dlScusses conditions in India with Rajnikand wearing representations of the "Green Siren" on their arms. Sunday, Dec. 7, four days follow­ Nanavatl, graduate student from Indore City. Band Pursues Big They also have been called upon ing the feast of the Jesuit saint. By Claarles Austin to provide impromptu entertain­ Xavier men throughout the Blue To Cleveland Among the many students enrolled in the graduate di­ ment at various spots around wodd are being asked to receive Xavier. the Blessed Sacrament on that The Musketeer Band will board vision of Xavier University is Rajnikand Nanavati of Indore day for the intention of the Holy busses for Cleveland and the Xa­ City, India. Father, Mr. Al M. Boex, Alumni vier - John Carroll football game Classics Teachers president, has announced. Saturday morning at 8:30. The Nanavati arrived in Cincinnati this summer to visit his brother, Vipin, a student Chemical Engineer at the Univer­ Fourteen areas outside of Cin· Band will stay at the Hollenden Back From Akron cinnati are being organized as Hotel in Cleveland. sity of Cincinnati. He had planned in India." . One hundred and fifty teach­ to pursue advanced studies in · Speaking of CommuniSm, Nan­ Communion centers. These areas Mr. Gilbert T. Maringer, Band ers of the classical languages in of concentration· include Chicago, director, released some informa­ Economics at some American Uni- avati stated that it has no grasp Ohio high schools and colleges versity. When he found that · upon his country, even though Portsmouth, Cleveland, Columbus, tion concerning the Band's half­ held their annual Ohio Classical Law1·enceburg, New York City, Xavier offered exactly what he India does recognize the govern­ time show. Included in the show Conference last week at the May­ Philadelphia, Washington, Ft. wanted, he lost no time in enroll- ment of Red China. He pointed will be a stick formation of a man flower Hotel in Akron, Ohio. Wayne, Indianapolis, Hamilton, ing. out that India's major problem of walking down the field, a maypole Rev. William P. Hetherington, Dayton and Louisville. formation to the tune of "The When asked about social and today is her continual dispute S.J., Dr. Paul Harkins, and Dr. The local chapter of Xavier Merry - Go - Round Broke Down," economic conditions in his home- with Pakistan. "Independence," Frederick E. Wirth represented alumni, which numbers over 2,300, and a prop formation of a synco­ land, Nanavati pointed out that he noted, "has not helped to solve Xavier in the two-and-one-half­ . will be invited to attend Mass in pated clock in which the numbers due to the drastic lack of educated this and many other problems" day meeting, which lasted from the Xavier Fieldhouse at 9 a.m. on of the clock are people doing a and skilled men, business and in- Na'navati lives with his brother Oct. 30 to Nov. 1. the day of the observance. ·dance; dustry in India has not yet been and two other students. He is Several papers were read du­ Neal Ahem and Thomas M. well established. "There is always bracing himself for the coming ring the conference among them Geoghegan have been named hon­ with us the dire need for better winter, having never before ex­ a work by Dr. Harkins on his orary co-chairmen of the obser­ 'NavCad Time' educational facilities to over- perienced cold weather in his Critical Edition in Greek of the vance. C. Robert Beirne is acting come this difficulty," he said. tropical hom.e. Homilies of St. John Chrysostom. as executive chairman. "Technical training afforded by He says that his greatest dis- Here Tuesday the United States is helping covery .since ~nteri~g the United Lieutenant 0. G. Cramer and E. greatly to raise the condition of States is, belleve it or not, the Dads To· Hold Recollection Day D. Bristle, Machinist's Mate First industry in India," Nanavati hamburger. Class, representatives of the Naval stated. American prestige· is ap- ------- Nov. 16; Fr. Follen To Speak · Air Station at Columbus, Ohio, parently high in that country. Senior Theses Due will be at x;avier University on "Your ambassador, Chester The second annual Dads' Club Giving the talks for the Day of Tuesday, Nov. 11, to interview Bowles," he said, "is the most By Monday, Jan. 12 Day of Recollection, dedicated to Recollection will be Rev. George students who are interested in ob­ popular ·of all diplomatic envoys the men who have given their Follen, S.J., former professor of taining information about the Senior Theses in Chemistry, lives to the service of their coun­ mathematics at Xavier; Fr. Fol­ Naval Aviation Cadet ftight train­ ;'s Turkey Trot Mathematics, Biology, Physics and try, will be held on Nov. 16. len is currently engaged in writ­ ing program. Ph., Zoology are due Monday, Jan. 12, ing a High School Chemistry Interviews will be available Thanksgiving· Nite 1953, Mr. Raymond Fellinger, reg- textbook. istrar, announced this week. from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Tuesday Chairman of the Day is Her­ The fourth annual Turkey Trot . Mr. Fellinger also ·released the in South Hall. · man Keller. William Schramm, informal dance of Gamma Phi official total Xaxier enrollment. An applicant for the Naval Avia­ Lee Wimberg and Dr. Thomas Fraternity, will take place on In the Day Division are 1058 stu­ tion Cadet Program must have Heavern are serving on the com­ Thanksgiving evening, Nov. 27, dents, Night School 977, Gradu­ completed a minimum of two years mittee. at Castle Farm. With Verne ate School 256, and Milford Di­ in college: he must have reached Dads intending to make the his 18th but not have passed his Wahle and his orchestra provid- vision 125. The total enrollment is Day of Recollection are urged to 27th birthday: he must also be ing the music, the dance will get 2416 in all Xavier divisions. make their reservations in ad­ single and remain so until commis­ underway at 9: 30 and will last vance. Price for a single reserva­ sioned. In addition, each candidate until 1:30. must pass a physical exam and an Members of the Fraternity, Senior Meeting Nov.
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