“AFTERNOON DELIGHT” The big hit single by STARLAND VOCAL BAND It’s got all the moves. Billboard Cashbox Record World This * 8* * week 9 18 * * * 6/12 25 13 24 * * * 6/5 33 24 31 * * * 5/29 44 41 40 Stock up now. 32 2 G THE INTtHNA [ IONAL MUSIC-RECORD WEEKLY VOLUME XXXVIII — NUMBER 5 — JUNE 19, 1976 "\ GEORGE ALBERT President and Publisher MARTY OSTROW Executive Vice President Editorial DAVID BUDGE Editor In Chief GARY COHEN East Coast Editor New York PHIL DIMAURO ERICRUDOLPH cash box editorial Hollywood JESS LEVITT STEPHEN FUCHS J B CARMICLE JOHN MANKIEWICZ The Third Coming NICK NICHOLS Rpcpo rrh HOWARD LOWELL Director We’ve come full circle. The search for the colossal talent that could take the baton of STEVE OSTROW BOB SPEISMAN creative innovation from the Beatles has come to an end. Or is it merely a new beginning? The LARRY CARLAT MARK ALBERT music industry has been in a race with itself to generate a new superact every decade. Few will JACKIE WHITE LINDA CAUTHEN dispute Elvis Presley’s reign as the king of the 50's or the Beatles' domination of the post 1963 Art Director era. But can the same claim be made for any artist or group in the 70’s? Certainly persuasive WOODY HARDING arguments could be advanced for half a dozen superstars, yet none truly own the current Coin Machine Chicago generation. CAMILLE COMPASIO Manager KAREN SHENK At various times over the past five years, so called seers have trumpeted the emergence of Circulation the singer-songwriter, the ultimate audio visual mega-group, or ‘new’ music forms such THERESA TORTOSA as Manager reggae or disco as the third coming. A look at the Cash Box charts finds all of these entities PUBLICATION OFFICES present, but none in overwhelming possession of the contemporary stream of consciousness. NEW YORK 119 West 57th St . N Y . N Y 10019 In fact, we see a preponderance of popular material from the past receiving considerable 1 Phone : 21 586-2640 Cab e Address: Cash Bo N Y attention either through reissue or new treatment. Could this be an indication that the creative CALIFORNIA 6565 Sunset Bivd Suite 520 1 juices are no longer flowing as freely as in years past? Hopefully not. Hollywood. Ca 90028 Phone: 1 21 1 464-51 21 The re-emergence of so much old material and the strong reception it’s getting (see NASHVILLE JUANITA JONES separate story) does indicate that tnere is no major musical development on the immediate BARBARA O’DELL horizon. Consumers over 25 are returning to the music of their adolescence and pre-18 1 51 1 Sigler St . Nashvi ie Tenn 37203 Phone: 6151 244-2898 buyers are finding Chuck Berry covers as palatable as anything the ‘new wave’ of talent is CHICAGO CAMILLE CAMPASIO producing. ; 29 E Madison St . Chicago. I 60602 Phone 1312)346-7272 The release of the Beatles’ ‘Rock ’n’ Roll' LP doesn’t harken their getting back together WASHINGTON. D C REBECCA MOORE again physically, but it does mark their return to the scene as a powerful commercial and 2831 28 St N W . Washington D C Phone:(202 1 483-5533 social force. The old material still has the magic. The re-issued single is bulleted and the ENGLAND KIM THORNE group’s catalog is also making a comeback on the charts. Presumably, new artists are going to 97 Uxbridge Rd . London W 1 Phone:01-749-6724 be denied a certain amount of radio exposure and sales because of this, but the situation is ARGENTINA - MIGUEL SMIRNOFF Beigrano 3252. Piso 4 B inevitable in a competitive industry. It goes without saying that manufacturers release the Buenos Aires Argentina Phone: 89-6796 product they feel will sell best. CANADA DAVID FARRELL are, years after the fab four first captured the hearts, minds and 1946 BioorSt W Apt 14 So here we nearly thirteen Toronto. Ontario. Canada M6P 3K9 Phone 416)766-5978 dollars of an entire generation, still searching for their heirs. Perhaps we’ve found those heirs HOLLAND PAUL ACKET — ladies and gentlemen, may we present the Beatles. Theresiastraat 59-63. The Hague Phone: 837700 ITALY GABRIELE G ABBATE Viaie A. Doria 10, 201 24 Mi ano BELGIUM ETIENNE SMET Postbus 56. B-2700 Sint-Nikiaas Phone: (03) 76-54-39 AUSTRALIA PETER SMITH 6 Murillo Crt. Doncaster Victoria, Australia 31 08 Phone: 848-7878 NUMBER ONE JAPAN Adv Mgr SACHIO SAITO SINGLE OF THE WEEK 1-1 1-2-Chome Shinbashi. Minato-Ku. Tokyo Phone: 504-1651 GET UP AND BOOGIE Editorial Mgr.. FUMIYOTACHIBANA SILVER CONVENTION 1-1 1-2-Chome Shinbashi, Minato-Ku. Tokyo Midland International/RCA 10571 | Phone: 504-1651 Writers: S. Levay, S. Prager FRANCE - CLAUDE EM MONNET --I 262 bis Rue des Pyrenees Pub: Midsong/ASCAP Paris. France 75020 Phone: 797 42 61 m SUBSCRIPTION RATES $60 pei year any- where in the U S. A. Published weekly by CASH BOX. 119 West 57th St.. New York, NUMBER ONE NY 10019. Printed in the USA Second ALBUM OFTHE WEEK class postage paid at New York, N Y . and ad- & i\§ filhjl ditional mailing offices. AT THE SPEED OF SOUND jt Copyright © 1976 by The Cash Box Publish- WINGS SI ing Co . Inc Ail rights reserved Copyright un- der Universal Copyright Convention. Caoitol SW 1 1 525 t POSTMASTER: Send form 3579 to CASH ! BOX. 119 West 57th St.. New York. N Y V10019 2 tmBsm FiM" WA •/ y.rX' w '* ........ Weeks Weeks Weeks On On On 5/1 6/5 Chart 6/12 6/5 Chart 6/12 6/5 Chart 1 SET HP AND BOOGIE TRYIN’ TO GET THE 67 THIS MASQUERADE SILVER CONVENTION GEORGE BENSON (WB 8209) 84 91 3 (Midland Int'i./RCA 10571) 2 3 14 FEELING AGAIN BARRY MANILOW (Arista AS 0172) 23 15 15 68 WHERE DID OUR LOVE GO 2 SILLY LOVE SONGS GOT TO GET YOU INTO MY THE J. GEILS BAND (Atlantic 3320) 68 64 13 WINGS (Capitol P4256) 3 1 11 69 SILVER STARS B IF 3“ 3. MISTY BLUE BEATLES (Capitol 4274) 46 60 3 FOUR SEASONS (WB 8203) 71 75 4 DOROTHY MOORE (Malaco/TK M1029) 4 5 16 36 LOVE IN THE SHADOWS 70 YOU’RE MY EVERYTHING LEE GARRETT (Chrysalis/WB CRS 2112) 73 76 5 NEIL SEDAKA (Rocket MCA 40543) 31 18 11 4 LOVE HANGOVER 71 HEAVEN MUST BE DIANA ROSS (Motown M 1392F) 1 2 11 SHOW ME THE WAY PETER FRAMPTON (A&M 1795) 34 22 17 5 MORE, MORE, MORE MISSING AN ANGEL ANDREA TRUE CONNECTION LOVE REALLY HURTS TAVARES (Capitol 4270) 76 81 3 (Buddah 515) 8 12 14 72 SOPHISTICATED LADY WITHOUT YOU NATALIE COLE (Capitol 4259) 77 83 4 6 SHOP AROUND BILLY OCEAN (Ariola America/Capitol 7621) 33 28 12 CAPTAIN & TENNILLE (A&M 1817) 7 9 9 73 IT KEEPS YOU RUNNIN’ LET YOUR LOVE FLOW CARLY SIMON (Elektra 45323) 83 - 2 7 SARA SMILE BELLAMY BROTHERS (Warner/Curb 8169) 36 26 20 HALL & OATES (RCA PB 10530) 6 8 19 74 NUMBER ONE CRAZY ON YOU BILLY SWAN 8 AFTERNOON DELIGHT HEART (Mushroom 7021) 40 42 9 STARLAND VOCAL BAND (Monument/Columbia ZS8 8697) 75 80 5 (Windsong/RCA 10588) 13 24 8 TURN THE BEAT AROUND RAIN, VICKI SUE ROBINSON (RCA PB 10562) 49 53 7 75 OH RAIN 9 KISS AND SAY GOODBYE FOOLS GOLD (Morning Sky/Arista 700) 78 86 5 MANHATTANS (Columbia 3-10310) 15 21 9 RIGHT BACK WHERE WE 76 JUKIN’ 10 NEVER GONNA FALL IN STARTED FROM ATLANTA RHYTHM SECTION MAXINE NIGHTINGALE (United Artists (Polydor 14323) 82 89 5 AGAIN XW 752-Y) 37 31 19 LOVE 77 I’D REALLY LOVE TO SEE ERIC CARMEN (Arista AS 0184) 12 16 8 STRANGE MAGIC 11 BACK ELECTRIC LIGHT ORCHESTRA YOU TONIGHT WELCOME ENGLAND DAN & JOHN FORD JOHN SEBASTIAN (Warner/Reprise 1349) 5 4 13 (UA XW 770-Y) 38 29 16 COLEY (Big Tree/Atl. BT 16069) 12 SHANNON UNION MAN HENRY GROSS (Lifesong 45002) 11 8 16 CATE BROTHERS (Asylum 45294) 44 44 18 78 CAN’T STOP GROOVIN’ 13 MOONLIGHT FEELS RIGHT LAST CHILD NOW, WANNA DO IT SOME STARBUCK (Private Stock 039) 16 19 10 AEROSMITH (Columbia 3-10359) 59 72 3 MORE 14 MOVIN’ THAT’S WHERE THE B.T EXPRESS (Columbia 3-10346) 85 92 3 BRASS CONSTRUCTION HAPPY PEOPLE GO 79 BETTER PLACE TO BE (United Artists XW 755-Y) 14 17 14 HARRY CHAPIN (Elektra 45327) 90—2 THE TRAMMPS (Atlantic 3306) 48 52 13 15 LOVE IS ALIVE 80 VAYA CON DIOS GARY WRIGHT (Warner Bros. 8143) 19 23 10 MAMA MIA FREDDY FENDER (ABC/Dot 17627) 80 87 4 ABBA (Atlantic 3315) 51 57 4 16 BARETTA’S THEME I’M EASY 81 STEPPIN’ OUT RHYTHM HERITAGE (ABC 12177) 17 20 10 NEIL SEDAKA (Rocket PIG 40582) — — 1 KEITH CARRADINE (ABC 12117) 53 63 7 17 TAK IN’ IT TO THE STREETS TEAR THE ROOF OFF THE 82 A LITTLE BIT MORE DOOBIE BROTHERS (Warner Bros. 8196) 20 25 9 DR. HOOK (Capitol 4280) — — 1 18 SUCKER I’M TAKE THE MONEY AND PARLIAMENT (Casablanca 856) 55 62 6 83 GONNA LET MY HEART RUN YOUNG HEARTS RUN DO THE WALKING STEVE MILLER (Capitol 4260) 24 30 7 FREE SUPREMES (Motown 1391 F) 88 94 3 19 I FOOL TO CRY CANDI STATON (Warner Bros. 8181) 52 56 5 84 BABY, LOVE YOUR WAY ROLLING STONES PETER FRAMPTON (A&M 1832) — — 1 (Rolling Stones/Atlantic RS 19304) 9 10 9 1 NEED TO BE IN LOVE CARPENTERS (A&M 1828) 56 67 3 85 LONELY TEARDROPS 20 LET HER IN NARVEL FELTS (ABC/Dot 17620) 87 90 4 JOHN TRAVOLTA SAVE YOUR KISSES FOR 86 I HOPE WE GET TO LOVE IN (Midland Int i /RCA 10623) 26 37 7 ME 21 BROTHERHOOD OF MAN (Pye/ATV 71066) 54 59 7 TIME HAPPY DAYS MARILYN McCOO 8 BILLY DAVIS PRATT 8 McCLAIN (Warner/ (ABC 12170) 92 96 Reprise 1351) 10 6 12 YOU’LL NEVER FIND ANOTHER LOVE LIKE MINE 87 PLAY THAT FUNKY MUSIC 22 I WANT YOU LOU RAWLS (Phila Int l./Epic ZS 8-3592) 57 69 4 WILD CHERRY (Epic 8-50225) 93 — MARVIN GAYE (Tamla/Motown T5426F) 25 28 10 23 I’LL BE A FIFTH OF BEETHOVEN 88 JOHNNY COOL GOOD TO YOU WALTER MURPHY & THE BIG APPLE BAND STEVE GIBBONS BAND (MCA 40551) 95 97 BROTHERS JOHNSON (A&M 1806-S) 27 35 8 (Private Stock 45073) 60 70 5 24 THE IN 89 HOLD ON BOYS ARE BACK C’MON MARIANNE SONS OF CHAMPLIN TOWN DONNY OSMOND (Polydor 14320) 58 68 4 (Ariola America 7627) THIN LIZZY (Mercury 73786) 29 39 6 SOMETHING HE CAN FEEL 90 HUNGRY YEARS 25 MAKING OUR DREAMS ARETHA FRANKLIN (Atlantic 3326) 63 73 3 WAYNE NEWTON (Chelsea 3041) 97 COME TRUE GOOD VIBRATIONS 91 SOMEBODY’S GETTIN’ IT CYNDI GRECO (Private Stock 45086) 28 34 9 TODD RUNDGREN JOHNNIE TAYLOR (Columbia 3-10334) 26 TODAY’S THE DAY (Bearsville/WB BSS 0309) 70 82 3 92 HOT STUFF ROLLING STONES (Rolling Stones AMERICA (WB 8212) 32 40 6 FOOL FOR THE CITY FOGHAT (Bearsville/WB BSS 0307) 61 72 5 Records/Atlantic RS 19304) 27 RHIANNON 93 NUTBUSH CITY LIMITS (Warner/Reprise FRAMED FLEETWOOD MAC 1345) 18 11 16 CHEECH & CHONG (Ode/A&M 66124) 65 78 3 BOB SEGER (Capitol 4269) 28 GET CLOSER LIVIN’ AIN’T LIVIN’ 94 FOXY LADY SEALS & CROFTS (Warner Bros.
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