Nyquist's Contributions to Control and Communication Åström, Karl Johan 1993 Document Version: Publisher's PDF, also known as Version of record Link to publication Citation for published version (APA): Åström, K. J. (1993). Nyquist's Contributions to Control and Communication. (Technical Reports TFRT-7512). Department of Automatic Control, Lund Institute of Technology (LTH). 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LUND UNIVERSITY PO Box 117 221 00 Lund +46 46-222 00 00 ISSN 0280-5316 ISRN LUTFD2/TFRT..75 12. -SE l.[yquist's Contributions to Control and Communication Karl Johan Aström Department of Automatic Control Lund Institute of Technolory September 1993 Documcnt namc Department of Automatic Control REPORT Lund Institute of Technology D¿tc of i¡suc P.O. Box 118 November 1993 S-22I00 Lund Sweden Documcnú Numbcr rsRN LUTFD2/TFRT--7512--SE Author(s) Supcrvisor Karl Johan Äström Sponsoring or6:anis¿tion Title and subtitlc Nyquist's Contributions to Control and Communication Abstract Slides from two lectures given at the commemoration of the Nyquist Hall at Karlstad Institute of Technology. The firsü lecture presents Nyquist's stability criterion and discusses its consequences for the field of Automatic Control. The second lecture (in Swedish) gives a shorter but broader presentation of Nyquist's contributions to communication and control. Key words Classífrcation Êylterøa and/or ìndex terms (if any) Supplcmcntary bibliographical information ISSN ¿nd kcy títle ISBN 0280-5316 Language Number of pages Recìpient's notcs English and Swedish t4 Sccuriúy classifr c at ì o n Thc teport may be ordcrcd îrom the Department oî Automatic Control or borrowcd through the [Jnivcrsity Library 2, Box IO7O, 5-227 OS Lund, Sweden, Fax |46 46 77OOI9, Telex: 53248 lubbjs lund. Nyquist's Gontributions to Automatic Control K. J. Åström Department of Automatic Control Lund lnstitute of Technology 1. lntroduction 2. Nyquist's ldea 3. Automatic Control 4. An Example 5. Conclusions lntroduction Degrees of scientific fame Practically all engineering students all over the world learn about: Nyquist's Stability Criterion The Nyquist Curve The Nyquist Frequency Nyquist Noise Natural Science and Engineering Science Many similarities but also differences Understand Understand Natural Phenomena Technical Systems Analysis Synthesis lsolate phenomena lnteraction Look for basic laws Look for system principles Nyquist's work a good illustration (feedback, information) X. Introduetnon 2. Nyquist's ldea 3. Autonnatne Gontroil 4" An Exannpile 5" Gonelusr@Rs Telecommunication in the 1930's Background The Feedback Amplifier Long lines R2 Need for repeaters R1 Feedback amplifier The problem with "singing" V1 V2 (instability) What is it? Vz R2 1 What does it depend on? V1 R1 How can it be avoided? '*)['.ä) How to Describe Behaviour of a Dynamical System lnput Output The black box view 0.5 0510152Q 05101520 Lin earity 05101520 05101520 Su perposition Sinewaves suffice 0.2 4.2 05101520 05101520 The Nyquist Curve 2 0 -2 û) 0 1 B0' 3600 Can be determined experimentally ! Nyquist's Stabi lity Griterion U Y 1 Use of Nyquist's Stability Griterion ïool for analysis Controller Process lnsight and understanding Design method Measure Nyquist curve of process Choose controller's Nyquist curve lmplement controller Evaluate by measurement lnstall system -1 Replaces trial and error I " Introcduetnon 2" Nyqurst's fldea 3. Automatic Gontrol 4" An Exanmple 5. G@ne lusrons A Historical Note Early use of feedback and observation of "singing" \ $ Windmills =1720 \ Steam engines (Watt) =177A iç4;" q o- Maxwell Turbines 1886 cl/ - /ñ. ¿*¿ ¿/a it,r'. Flight control 1905 st, ,(¿l4t z^9-1 *,4" p'¿/t u n* l'. Wright Brothers, Sperry I Telephones 2/"1*& Why were similarities not r'l '-;) t:l discovered until 1 940 ? *¡rË Automatic Control Emerges a Discipline Driving forces System principles lnspiration Feedback Feedforward Telecom m u n ication lndustrial automation System theory Flight control Design methods Where? Appl ication experience MIT (Nyquist was there!) Education USSR |FAC 1957 Eng land Conferences, Journals A Dynamic Development Landmarks Applications Servomechanism theory 1 945 Transportation generation Proliteration of appl ications Energy Energy transmission Paradigm shift 1960 = Process lnd ustry Space missions Man uf actu ring Computer control Entertainment New foundation Biology Current challenges Econom ics? lntelligent systems? X " lntroduetn o n 2" N:yqlu rst's ldea 3. Aut o nmatl¡e Gontrol 4. An Example 5" G@nelusnoms lmpact of Nyquist's Griterion at ASEA From Bell Labs to Västerås - A long journey H. Nyquist, Regeneration Theory, Bell System Technical Journal, Vol 1 1,1932, pp. 126-147. Regeneration or feed-back is of considerable importance in many applications of vacuum tubes. The most obvious example is that of vacuum tube oscillators, where the feed-back is carried beyond the singing point. Another application is the 21-circuit test of balance, in which the current due to the unbalance between two impedances is fed back, the gain being increased until singing occurs. Still other applications are cases where portions of the or.rtput current of ampiifiers are fed back to the input either unintentionally or by design. For the purpose of investigaiing the stability of such devices they may be looked on as amplifiers whose output is connected to the input through a transduce. This paper dcals with the theory of stability of such systems. Aage Garde och Erik Persson, Automatisk djupstyrning av ubåtar, Aseas Tidning,1960, Argång 52, Häfte 7, sid 127. Allmän beskrirrning av Aseas system för automatisk djupstyrning av ubåtar. Funktionen och konstruktionen beskrivs i detalj, och slutligen ges några exempel på driftresultat. X " Introduetron 2" Nyqutst's [d]c'a 3. Autommatre Gontrol 4. An Exanm¡pile 5. Conclusions Conclusions + Nyquist created many useful ideas and concepts + lmportant for telecommunication and control + Grew from study of a particular problem + lmpact far outside the original field + Very proper to dedicate this Hall to him Professor A. Engström: "Det mest karakteristiska för forskningsverksamheten inom livsvetenskaperna àr att den blir i allt högre grad tvärvetenskaplig. Den spänner över matematik, reglerings- teknik, molekylärbiologi, farmakologi, klinik osv. Detalj- kunskaperna ger oss möjligheter att analysera f unktionerna mer grundläggande genom att sätta samman de olika reglersystemen allt ifrån molekylär upp till organ- och individnivå. Det är här det teoretiska systemtänkandet kommer in i bilden och kan öka förståelsen för hur levande materia fungerar." Harry Nyquist En pionjär inom ingenjörsvetenskapen K. J. Åström Lunds Tekniska Högskola A Research Project of Dr. Harry Nyquist, Kort biografi 7 tebruari l BBg Nilsby Viktiga ideer Emigrerar till USA 1907 Banbrytande vetenskapliga artiklar BS Univ North Dacota 1915 Tekniska system Ph.D. Yale 1917 138 patent AT&T Engineering '1 917 IRE Medal of Honor Bell Labs 1934 Ballantyne Medal Franklin lnstitute Pensionerad 1954 M. J. Kelley Award AIEE Konsult Rufus Oldenberger Award ASME Viktiga bidrag Teleg raftekn ik Nyq u istkriteriet Telekomm un ikation Nyq u istku rvan lnformationsteori Nyquistfrekvensen Reglerteknik Nyquists brus Natu rvetenskap och tekn i kvetenskap Många likheter men också skillnader Förstå Förstå fenomen i naturen tekniska system Analys Syntes lsolering Komplexitet Grundprinciper System principer Nyquists arbeten en utmärkt illustration (återkoppli ng, i nformation) Slutord + Gratulerar till nya lokaler + Trevligt att hylla bygdens söner + Andra tider.
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