VINCENT LIGHTING SYSTEMS 2010 PRODUCT CATALOG Dear Friends, Welcome to our 2010 Product Catalog. We look forward to serving you again this year, by providing exceptional lighting solutions. You may have noticed a more streamlined version this year. In an effort to reduce our carbon footprint, we have trimmed the catalog to include our most popular items. Rest assured that we continue to offer a wide variety of products from more than 60 leading manufacturers. Items not included in the catalog can be found on our ecommerce store at www. vincentlighting.com. There, we have more than 10,000 items with expanded descriptions ready to be purchased with a click of the mouse. Our reference guides, including the throw distance charts and lamp reference, can all be viewed online as well. Our Cleveland office has settled into new space in Solon. This new location allows us to offer training and an expanded rental inventory. If you’re located in Michigan, perhaps you’ve had the opportunity to meet our newest sales rep, Drew Franklin. Please give him a call at 734-660- With a beautiful galaxy projected onto the ceiling, this 8959 for any lighting questions you may have. wedding took its guests out of this world. Want to be kept up-to-date with the latest news? Sign up to receive our eNews, and you will be notified of new products, event invitations and industry news on a regular basis. Send us a note to [email protected]. Thank you for your continuing support of our business. We appreciate your loyalty. As always, your comments and suggestions are most welcome. Sincerely, Paul Vincent Photo credits: (front cover, left to right) Wedding: Lighting design by Ted Van Hyning, Renaissance Cleveland Hotel and Derek Hons. Photo by Ted Van Hyning. Fundraiser: Photo by Bridget Nohalty. show: Pro Football Hall of Fame Festival Enshrinee Dinner. Event Planner EventWorks Inc. Photo by Adam Feig. Party: Viva La Rock. Venue: Rock and Roll Hall of Fame + Museum. Photo by Beth Reyes. (this page, above) Wedding: Venue: Renaissance Cleveland Hotel. Photo by Adam Feig. CONTENTS 4 CoLor, DIffuSIoN, PaTTErNS 20 LIGHTING fIxTurES 4 Filters & Diffusion 20 Complete Lighting Systems 4 Color Correction 20 Ellipsoidals 5 Black Foil 21 Fresnels 5 Patterns/Gobos 21 Followspots 6 Pattern Holders, Accessories 22 PARS 22 Borders and Cycs 7 ELECTrICaL SuPPLIES & LaMPS 23 Flood and Work Lights 7 Connectors and Cables 24 LED Lighting 8 Control Cable 24 Automated Lighting 8 Tieline 9 Tape 25 FixTurE aCCESSorIES 9 Lamps aND MouNTING DEVICES 11 Lamp Base and Bulb Shapes 25 Fixture Accessories 26 Color Changers 12 DESIGNEr, ELECTrICIaN TooLS 12 Drafting Tools 27 CoNTroL CoNSoLES 12 Electrician Tools 27 Consoles 28 Add-ons and Accessories 13 SCENIC SuPPLIES & EffECTS 29 DIMMING aND DISTrIbuTIoN 13 Scenic Tools, Coatings 29 Wireless Dimming 14 Paint 29 Small Dimmer Packs 15 Special Scenic Effects 30 Large Dimmer Packs 30 Portable Distro Boxes 16 FoG, SMokE, SPECIaL EffECTS 30 Portable Cable Assemblies 30 Portable Disconnect Boxes 16 Machines 17 Fog & Haze Fluid 31 RentaL EquIPMENT 18 Candle Effects 31 Theatrical 18 UV/Blacklight 35 Film and Video 18 Motion Effects 36 CoMPaNY aND 19 STaGE EquIPMENT & SuPPLIES orDErING INforMaTIoN 19 Flooring 19 Scenic Hardware and Pipe Couplers 37 INDEx VINCENT LIGHTING SYSTEMS 2010 PRODUCT CATALOG CoLor, DIffuSIoN, PaTTErNS COLOR FILTERS ARE TyPICALLy USED TO ENHANCE A DRAMATIC EFFECT OR CORRECT THE COLOR RENDERING OF A LIGHT SOURCE. DIFFUSION SOFTENS A LIGHT bEAM AND ALTERS ITS SHADOW CASTING CHARACTERISTICS. PATTERNS (ALSO kNOWN AS GObOS) ARE USED WITH ELLIPSOIDAL SPOTLIGHTS TO PROjECT IMAGES OR PROvIDE TExTURED LIGHT. COLOR SWATCHbOOkS AND PATTERN CATALOGS ARE AvAILAbLE TO ASSIST IN yOUR SELECTION. PLEASE CALL OR E-MAIL TO RECEIvE A FREE COPy. fILTErS & DIffuSIoN CoLor CorrECTIoN ProdUct NAMe PArt NUMBer UNit Price ProdUct NAMe PArt NUMBer UNit Price color MediA correctioN sheets ANd rolls aPoLLo DESIGN TECHNoLoGY PleAse sPeciFY color roSCo PleAse sPeciFY color 20” x 24” sheet $ 6.75 Cinegel, CalColor, Cinelux, Storaro 24” x 24” sheet 7.25 20” x 24” sheet $ 6.75 24” x 12’ half roll 45.00 48” x 25’ roll 160.00 24” x 25’ roll 90.00 Light Lab Edition 950SBLEC0612 125.00 [A] Perf Gel™ 10” x 12” sampler kit 11009020SKIT 34.95 20” x 24” sheet 6.75 20” x 24” sampler kit 11009020LKIT 89.95 24” x 24” sheet 7.25 Designer Gel Book APGELDESBOOK 175.00 Gel Packs, 12” x 12” sheets FlUoresceNt sleeves Variety Pack APGP12VA 23.25 aPoLLo DESIGN TECHNoLogy PleAse sPeciFY color Contains (1) each Soft Diffusion, Hard Diffusion, Apollo Blue 1/2 CTB, Gel Tube Apollo Orange 1/2 CTO, .6 Neutral Density, Sour Grape, Apollo Blue, Apollo Also available in clear UV tubes and UV tube with gel. Green, Bikini Yellow, Golden Amber, Diva Red, Bit of Pink. 1 ⁄2” x 48” (T5) ACGELTUBET5 $ 13.90 Theatre Pack APGP12TH 23.25 1” x 48” (T8) ACGELTUBET8 14.90 Contains (2) each of Dominant Lavender, Sultry Blue, Monday Morning 1 Blue, Harvest Gold, Fatherless Amber, Spanked Pink. 1⁄2” x 48” (T12) ACGELTUBET12 15.90 Concert Pack APGP12CO 23.25 [B] GelWrap™ Contains (2) each of After Hours Blue, Rock ‘n Roll Green, Neon Yellow, Scored seams shape the gel into a triangle that allows it to be conveniently fed Burnt Orange, Lipstick Red, Hot Pink. and “locked” around the fluorescent tube without removing the tube from the fixture. Diffusion Pack APGP12DI 23.25 1 Contains (2) each of Soft Diffusion, Hard Diffusion, Linear Diffusion, White T-5, ⁄2” x 48” ACGELWRAPT5 14.90 Diffusion, Light Textured Diffusion, Blue Diffusion. T-8, 1” x 48” ACGELWRAPT8 15.90 1 GaMProDucts PleAse sPeciFY color T-12, 1 ⁄2” x 48” ACGELWRAPT12 16.90 GamColor® GaMProDucts PleAse sPeciFY color 20” x 24” sheet $ 6.75 GAMTube 24” x 16.5’ Junior roll 68.00 Prices apply to T5 thru T12 sizes. 24” x 50’ roll 155.00 48” $ 15.50 48” x 25’ roll 155.00 100” 22.95 LEE fILTErS PleAse sPeciFY color LEE fILTErS PleAse sPeciFY color 21” x 24” sheet $ 6.75 Fluorescent Sleeve 48” x 25’ roll 149.00 Also available in 96” length and/or with UV coating. 60” x 20’ roll 149.00 T8 x 48” $ 14.95 High temp T12 x 48” 15.95 21” x 22” sheet 8.55 46” x 13’ roll 129.00 [A] [B] [C] roSCo PleAse sPeciFY color Roscolux 20” x 24” sheet $ 6.75 24” x 25’ roll 106.95 Light Lab Edition 950SBLEL0612 125.00 4 VINCENT LIGHTING SYSTEMS 2010 1.800.922.5356 FOR THE MOST UP-TO-DATE PRICING, SHOP AT VINCENTLIGHTING.CoM CLEVELaND 1.800.922.5356 CINCINNaTI 1.800.356.5356 PITTSburGH 1.800.877.5356 DETroIT 734.660.8959 CoLor, DIffuSIoN, PaTTErNS roSCo GaMProDucts PleAse sPeciFY PAtterN NUMBer Roscosleeve Pricing is for B Size. Other sizes available. Please call. Specify color. Other sizes available. Please call for pricing. Steel $ 12.25 T12 x 48” 110084014812 $ 15.00 Halftone patterns 17.50 T8 x 48” 110084014808 16.95 roSCo PleAse sPeciFY PAtterN NUMBer Quick Color Sleeves Unless indicated, pricing is for B Size. Other sizes available. Please call. A flat welded tube of Rosco color filter, available in all Rosco colors. Folded flat Stainless steel $ 12.50 for easy shipping and storage, the sleeve puffs open like an envelope to slide over a fluorescent tube. Easily cut to length with scissors or knife. Mesh patterns 17.00 T5 x 48” 110084304805 13.95 Colorizer 62.50 T8 x 48” 110084304808 13.95 ColorWaves™ T12 x 48” 110084304812 13.95 Waves 2553300X0860 75.00 Ripple 2553310X0860 75.00 Strands 2553320X0860 75.00 Mosaic 2553330X0860 75.00 bLaCk foIL moving light Waves 2553300X2066 54.00 ProdUct NAMe PArt NUMBer UNit Price moving light Ripple 2553310X2066 54.00 moving light Strands 2553320X2066 54.00 moving light Mosaic 2553330X2066 54.00 BlAck Foil Specify red (1), amber (2), magenta (3), cyan (4) or indigo (5) CITY THEaTrICaL Prismatics 255X0860 62.50 Blacktak™ Image Glass™ 255X0860 35.00 Used primarily for masking light spill, forming barndoors and as a high Spectrumgobo™ - Signature Series temperature tape. The high-temp adhesive will not melt, allowing the tape to high-resolution black & white 255X0860 85.00 be repositioned without leaving a residue. 2-color 255X0860 150.00 2” x 75’ roll 3600 $ 35.10 multi-color 255X0860 350.00 24” x 15’ roll 3624 35.10 GaMProDuCTS [C] Blackwrap cUstoM PAtterNs - stAiNless steel 12” x 50’ roll 2700 $ 19.95 aPoLLo DESIGN TECHNoLoGY 24” x 25’ roll 2710 19.95 Must specify pattern size, round or square on the following. Rush charges may 36” x 25’ roll 2715 39.95 apply for fast turn-arounds. Call for details. Tape 2” x 80’ roll 2780 39.00 Steel AMCORI $ 68.75 roSCo duplicates, same size AMCDUP 34.00 Matte Black Cinefoil™ roSCo 12” x 50’ roll 101010011250 $ 29.50 Pricing below is for B size only. Other sizes available, please call. Standard 24” x 25’ roll 101010012425 29.50 cut is round, specify square if needed. Rush charges may apply for fast turn- arounds. Call for details. 48” x 25’ roll 101010014825 80.00 Steel 829911 $ 68.75 duplicates, same size 829914 34.00 PaTTErNS/GoboS ProdUct NAMe PArt NUMBer UNit Price stANdArd PAtterNs (stock iMAges) QUICKTIP aPoLLo DESIGN TECHNoLogy PleAse sPeciFY PAtterN NUMBer Pricing is for B Size. Other sizes available. Please call. Steel $ 12.25 HOW TO SEND B&W SuperResolution 69.00 1-color Dichroic 69.00 ARTWORK ELECTRONICALLY 2-color Dichroic 189.00 Custom gobo artwork can be submitted in a ColourScenic 360.00 variety of electronic files, including JPG, TIF, Textured Glass 29.00 PDF and Photoshop files.
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