t, & Houlton, Maine, Wednesday, January 5, 1916 V o l. 5 6 N o . 1 tato growing- H e raised pot a t oes at I) ii ri ng 11i e I!) r< * * ■ (I•• ? > * 6 1 '" A ,l ® ~ Ul Uiey . < M1 ur t a 11 t ha 1. 1 -■on-id* r t , j > M-line ■- fr-no nHI"! final all f" ! hdr ut:111»s! rapacity. A f t. r ,t that Vi ui :i -h-in:;• \s < Mb Tui- -■ > ! Prize Winners the rate of 45‘) bushels to the acre ' tended lectures and demonstrations a • ■•-'ii aeon; 1 ' 1 ' ■ isi n , 1 in i! »ay~ t borough t' vt-rlia ii i i i iv «> i ■ ■ j 1 an ! - and at a cost of 17 cents per bushel. ; on pigs. poultry, swent corn and p<>- The hia! !rT .'1 !" a 11 ■■ b u 1Min. Staff toll. The law • ■! the -tat* "t i )111" ami making a i, u ;i- !>• r -a t ■. mm pura- Ninety Maine boys and girls and He also wrote the best essay on po­ tato growing. The girls won' yt\ ■ n aid a nil I-o d - ■ r ;i1 a 1 1 i 1 v t 1lUVI or-' not now a! I h - W fit !e> ! ■' w rho then i > w n I i' ' !y 1 n - \ ] H 'ir-1 \ " a !: > i a ' mim. t h • twelve local leaders attended the tato growing and read it before (lie a demonstration in preparing ami a sera mhie 1Ini' ;1 -lie-- " r tin- appro- chart e r s ;1 1 0 1 ! ■) ■n i o \■ ;; n n ' - ■ i lilt . i‘a i1111' 11 y til thf j >I esi■! j I i -i | • u j ini' -li I meeting and State pria thins....( If V second annual clubs. servi g- breakfast and a demonstra­ Ik-I! It 1 in- 1 h-' Sill'll. I >ay t'>11 aer- pt 0; i In- r' > 111111 i - -non- inn nised l'nmi :.b> to he pei' cent, Contest of Boys’ and Girls’ agricul­ It is perhap ini Marini Gentle ol Littleton, Ar os- tion in judging canned products, c that lh-' rc<t of mana ger forni. I-M \'O Clliinnissi" net's ev er what ji was formerlv. 'Ihm tural clubs held at the University M a in e is a took county, held the record for low­ hi 1 Jra.Ions 0 i H )i't land- iWi-IV e [ 0 etod las! :\|| \ !-nil'or o11 a of Maine, Dec. 22. 23, 24. They car­ est cost per bushel—ho raised his Tlte Automobile Brunswick IFed' f' f;11 11 i g 11 \va y , Inn hM short non partisan 1-alh .b They an ried back to their .mines ^pi i/e^ crop at the rate of 37S bushels to the us wait ! i, t‘\vis! 1»11 shall ha■Vo nil'' all I'Msine-ss m-' i ox cop! ing one. \V lie amounting to MOO offered and t lien as acre at a cost of 15,L cents per bush- Meeting wn \Vofk on into> Maine was ;1 w;ago- earneir, a1 t V p o s ot tor. Maine Central K. R. to boys and we shall l ie * m A 1must a. Wat erville. Th" eon) in ission aIT" lilted a c i I y girls coining from points on that Skow began tu lIm M"< Thirty-seven boys sent exhibits of It appears that the meeting ol the ■ frreat -sehead nuin ager ;unlit is :i n 11if manage)'s or. .urning U(i line. potatoes to the contest and members Maine Automobile Association at t- link th. ■ N * - \v JlOWt'l• 0 appmn! t1,0 ti\ o dire.•tms Hamps! ire hni'<h Four kinds of clubs are working in of the .Girls’ Garden and Canning Portland, Monday evening, finally ■r to Jtang or and of hn•v, 1 inance, wo 1 fa ro. s a f o t v and the Katahdin Maine boys’ potato clubs, boys’ and Clubs sent 29 exhibits of canned landed in doubt. Then wit h N at imuil service. jing from tin- lack of proper < • 11 y girls’ poultry clubs, girls’ garden and j How is Maine to raise the large, forest reserve) and playgrounds at •’The present director-- of tho first ; i>laniiing. Dayton's eharter pro- canning clubs and girls’ canning sum of money required for construe-j Katahdin and Kang.dey, we shall three departments were selert.rd riti-• vnles for a planning hoard, w hiefi is clubs. Twenty diplom as werel Th» young people were addressed tion of a passable road system? It is liave llto amusements of the Sum- /m s of Dayton, well qualified by j empowered to plat all property with- •warded by I>e*n Leon 8. Merrill of at various meetings by State Super to he by bond issue, milltax or ap-j mcr and tin* M inter measurably previous experience imt the com j in tlie city limits and for three miles the College of Agriculture to m e m - 1 iotendent Kobert. J . Aley of the within our control.— Lewiston Jour mission was unable to recommend 1 outside, 't’he sewer system is now bers making tbe five highest seoresp’nWersity of M aine, President propriation? After one t hinks a while nftL .anybody in Dayton as directors of; being revised .a ml plans have been the First about it, he is quite sure to arrive at j la the four einbe. charle8 s- Hicl,born 01 the conclusion that the source of the J ! safely ami service, ami they Jwete | completed for extending the water National dank, Augusta, and Mr. ' Hartson Blaokstone, a 17-year-old money makes little difference so long j q J chosen troin resi huit s in . it her r it if s | system at an expenditure of $1 .(too,.. Arthur A. Heald, layman secretary City Manager Form i potato club boy of Perham, Aroos­ as it is general. Good roads are no j who had shown ability. j non in the m-xt two years and $2,ooo.- took county, won first honors in po-'of the Y. M. C. A at Waterville special privilege. They belong to ev- j Government •; By a scientific budget the ex ! 1 m i more by llho. These expendi- er ,’one alike---common property of i .. | p‘-nsos of every department .are at,, i t ata-s will allow a decrease in tin all vehicles, all pedestrians, all traf­ Henry M. Waite, city tmunager o f: solufely fixed and limited, a new ;l'"sl "f operation, which together fic, all industry, all commerce. Dayton, ()., umier its new form o f! accounting system has .............................. put inio I "'it h the inrr.-ased revenue will pay At the meeting in Portland Mon­ government, in an address before | •tfeet. giving the e i t v et 1111 [ 111 t < ■ e i) 11 ' 1 h i - i n 11 • it ■ s t a n d t li e sinking fund ol. An Old Kentucky Home day evening one thing did stand out the Engineering Societ ies (>f |{()S((lM t ml not mi I v o v- e u i n u t f ;iis additional 111 ddit ed in ss, ---the unique, unrivalled opportun­ in (’hipman Hall recently, said he 1 ve r a 11 < < j u j pj 11, >M . -a i ipand pub- ' ‘The Jive commissioners, eiertei Since I Began ity in Maine for profit, from good believes the executive man.ageme t i f prop* ri ms. r"i 11... tnst nine 11 on a short ballot, form the Agisla- roads. It is bound to be the tourist, ol a city may best be placi d in the U I’M llto ry Ml put,lie prone? t \ i- n 1 v 11 vc body. The manager is <; i n et !;v Taking Peruna state of the Nation. Nowhere else, bands of an engineer, because the *01 in cash va 1 in ■ and is - 1 io w 11 mi i 1 t appointed | i v 1111 iii a lid is 111 reel 1; sucli forests, such vistas, such sea- large municipal problems today are ba hi net* sheet,-.. ifspoii-n lilt- to tin in. Tbf fommi-- swept. outlooks, such heights, such chiefly problems d' put t engineering. \ s t a f e 111 e !i I is gi \ f|l the I n I bl ' - loner-, lik- t ! i e t.». ei rd < M d i feet or- I Weigh 120 valleys, such lakes, such streams! He came to Boston limn Spritig1- •oo i \ in on i i i, s i > 11\\ 11 sg t j | e cash ba ; ■it a in e pi' > a ! n >n . < 11 fee t t ! - > • p-.I icy o ! Good roads alone are needed. Hut field, where he bad been in\ jt.'d to ' a lift s and lie ' ‘ X PI' I;'. 111 111 < - III t ae. lb ,' 11 \ , \ , 'to III,, ■! u , ;i,a--! all of Pounds for the flies*' good roads must be a roinprc- j i"'|'l<tin the city-manager plan be- ' d' part mem . All d - i> a r t mental d 11 a m-- - ami m !'••) j i n tin hensive system-- a well-devised sei- . lore tin' citizens’ charter commission i c k keeping ba- i •■ •■ •, . ! i m i ua< < i the \ n, m •. a _■ > : o ■' \ .. s First Time in eiltific plan of unity. j nl 11 M h XV h iv ti is eons i d • ■ r i ng pr Ipnsi d an! t moil'V i - pla e, ! in o);.- e, i an ! A iix , '.
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