To Build Postal Center; Market to Reopen SEE STORY BELOW Weather Partly sunny and cold today, high HOME fa the mid 20s. Fair and cold to- THEDAUY night, low 15-20. Tomorrow most- ly sunny and cold, high around Red Bonk, Freehold SO. Outlook Wednesday: Fair 7 Long Branch FINAL with little temperature change. 7 MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 89 YEARS DIAL 741-0010 RED BANK, N. J., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1968 10c PER COPY PAGE ONE GIs Enter Hue Citadel SAIGON (AP) — Fresh U. S. south of the city. He said the reports said U.S. and South Viet- near three houses surrounded by Marines moved last night into grave was in an area not yet the city caused a house fire that namese infantrymen, helicopter rice paddies in the race course killed 12 members of one family. Hue's Citadel, where the enemy reached by allied forces but that gunships and fighter-bombers has held out nearly two weeks his reports of the executions But downtown, more people were killed 223 Viet Cong in running Area Sealed Off on the streets and more shops against South Vietnamese forces, were precise and unquestionable. battles around a government am- and other Americans battled The infantrymen sealed the were open than at any time since The victims were province of- munition dump a mile northeast cities fighting began Jan. 31. Communist holdouts near the ficials, technicians, policemen of Tan Son Nhut Air Base and area off with armored personnel Saigon racetrack. In the 13 days up to midnight and others who long had been near the Saigon racetrack on the carriers, then appealed via loud- The Marines, who already marked for death by the Com- speaker from a hovering helicop- yesterday, Communist losses to- city's western outskirts. taled 32,245 dead and 6,307 cap- have recaptured the southern munists, he said. AP photographer Joe Holloway ter for the guerrillas to surren- part of Hue, sent 400 men up the der. None came out. The in- tured, South Vietnamese military A Vietnamese civilian reported reported that infantrymen from headquarters said. It gave allied Perfume River in assault boats 125 to 150 Catholics being led the U.S. 199th Brigade moved fantrymen went in after them to attack the northwest flank of military losses for the period as from the city as captives Satur- into Saigon Friday to speed the and later counted 42 enemy dead, 3,265 killed, 340 missing and 11,- North Vietnamese forces in the day. mopup operation, found rem- along with six U.S. troops killed old walled Citadel. 363 wounded. The last separate Fighting also continued, in Sai- nants of a Viet Cong battalion and 13 wounded. report on "American casualties It was the first time American gon and its suburbs for the 13th hiding out behind grave mounds In another incident, a flare listed 973 dead as of midnight troops had entered the battle for day, and communiques and field in two small cemeteries and dropped to illuminate a sector of Saturday and 4,874 wounded. the Citadel, scene of heavy fight- ing since the Communists at- FINAST TO REOPEN — First National Stores has announced plans to expand, mod- tacked Hue Jan. 31 in the early ernize and reopen its Finast Supermarket at Broad St. and Maple Ave., Red Bank. stage of their giant offensive The structure, idle and empty since 1966, was being considered by the Post Office against 35 major cities and towns. South Vietnamese troops Department for use as a postal sectional center. With that idea scrapped, the depart- had pushed the enemy force into corners but had been unable to Thant Consults Soviets ment now has come through with authorization for construction of a new building drive them out. MOSCOW (AP) - U. N. Sec- Communist China's official New The Soviet attitude has shown for the sectional center in the Red Bank area. Thant's London schedule (Register Staff Photo) Force Swells to 1,000 retary-General U Thant talked China News agency charged that no change since the Viet Cong called for a meeting tomorrow Addition of the 400 fresh men about Vietnam with Soviet lead- Thant went into India last week launched their military, offensive morning with Foreign Secretary swelled the Leatherneck force in ers today for the second day as "to peddle the U.S. peace talks two weeks ago. George Brown and 'uncheon with Hue to about 1,000 men. AP cor- Pravda trumpeted renewed and scheme in collusion with Indian Soviet leaders also gave per- Wilson before departing for New respondent George McArthur re- unmodified support for Hanoi's 'rime Minister Indira Gandhi." sonal assurances of support last York. ported from Hue that the Ma- peace terms. The broadcast called Kosygin, week to the Viet Cong repre- Wilson said .yesterday after a Center to Move, rines were meeting only occa- Thant met with Premier Alexei Wilson, and Yugoslav President sentative in Moscow, who has visit to Johnson that he sup- sional sniper fire in the south- N. Kosygin and then with Com- Tito "American lackeys who are talked of continuing the war in ported President Johnson's San ern part of the city 400 miles munist party chief Leonid I. whipping up a new peace talks South Vietnam until the Ameri- Antonio formula as the road to north of Saigon. Brezhnev. The secretary-general campaign." cans get out. peace in Vietnam. He said there were indications also talked with Kosygin yester- all North Vietnamese troops had day soon after he arrived. Finast Reopening withdrawn from the fighting for Thant was flying on to London Lindsay Angered by Rockefeller the south side, leaving only local tonight to see Prime Minister By WILLIAM L. HAGEMAN Acting Postmaster Joseph For the past two years, Red guerrillas, including some who Harold Wilson, who has endorsed RED BANK — The Post Office McFadden said Shrewsbury is Bank Post Office has rented an- infiltrated among the 30,000 ci- President Johnson's San Antonio Department has authorized con- being considered seriously. Wher- other vacant supermarket, the vilian refugees. formula of requirements for ne- struction of a new building here ever construction takes place, the Acme at the Leroy Place inter- Lt. Col. Phan Van Khea, prov- gotiations. Start Garbage Cleanup or in the immediate area to house facility will continue to be known section across the street, during ince chief, mayor of Hue and The Soviet and British govern- the Red Bank Post Office Sec- as the Red Bank Sectional Cen- the Christmas rush; district military commander, ments are co-chairmen of the NEW YORK (AP) - Men are city's nine-day, illegal strike by cause Rockefeller balked at the tional Center. ter, Mr. McFadden said, and said Communist troops in Hue 1954 Geneva conference which busy today collecting tons of gar- 1 Conversion Started the Uniformed Sanitationmen's mayor's request for a National And First National Stores Inc., will be a tax ratable. executed 300 civilians Friday and ended the French war in Indo- bage rotting on New York City's Association. Guard call-up, exploded at the But that building has been pur- Englewood Cliffs, has announced Rep. James J. Howard, D-N.J., buried them in a. mase grave china and has often been sug- streets. That's about all Gov. Rockefeller, in an unprecedent- state takeover, calling it unsound plans to expand, remodel and who confirmed the construction chased by Edwards and Hanly, gested as a vehicle for peace Nelson A. Rockefeller and Mayor New York stock brokers, who ed move, placed the city's 10,000 and a threat to every city in the reopen the Finast Market at authorization, said. he has been again. But the Soviet Union has John V. Lindsay agree on. sanitation men under state coh- nation. The plan, Lindsay said, Broad St. and Maple Ave. have started converting it into rejected all British proposals to informed by the Post Office De- an office building, thereby pre- Differences between . the two trol and put them back on th was a "direct and dangerous One decision affected the other. partment that the requirements 2 Fires reopen the conference, and there nationally prominent streets. By then, garbage had threat to home rule." He said it Together they may yield a pair cluding future use by the pos was no indication whether Than are for a 23,320 square foot build- office. cans escalated over the week- 10-to-l edge on the collectors—I was "clear that the governor and of ratables of local tax roles in- ing with loading platform space had obtained any modification end, spurred by Rockefeller's ac- I have a disagreement about stead of one. of 4,274 square feet and a park- Mr. McFadden said he hoped Kill 18 in this stand. tion Saturday night to end how you run a government." For nearly- a year, postal of- ing lot and turn-around area of a new sectional center would be The secretary-general came to under construction by next Temporary Measure ficials have had authorization to 37,230 square feet. Moscow from India in his cam Rockefeller's plan, which gave lease an existing building in or- The third district Democrat Christmas, so his people could paign to put a brake on dete- use at least some of its interio: Children the union a settlement Lindsay der to get the sectional center added that he had been disturbed riorating peace prospects as a termed "blackmail," would put operation out of the overcrowded by the delay in finding a home space to relieve the rush -at .the result of the Communist offens- main post office.
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