Ouachita Baptist University Scholarly Commons @ Ouachita Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine Arkansas Baptist History 2-1-1962 February 1, 1962 Arkansas Baptist State Convention Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarlycommons.obu.edu/arbaptnews Part of the Christianity Commons, and the Mass Communication Commons Recommended Citation Arkansas Baptist State Convention, "February 1, 1962" (1962). Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine. 133. https://scholarlycommons.obu.edu/arbaptnews/133 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Arkansas Baptist History at Scholarly Commons @ Ouachita. It has been accepted for inclusion in Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine by an authorized administrator of Scholarly Commons @ Ouachita. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Executive Board .Says 'witch-hunt' is on 'All time high' A DEEP concern with the dis­ "When we read the objective sta­ CONTRIBUTIONS for worfd missions trust and -suspicion and lack of the tisti~s and discover that last year t h r o u g h the Cooperative Program true Christian spirit exhibited among the larger religious groups reached an all time high in Arkansas in 1961. We received within the framework of "what we in America we were about second more than $1,732,000, glibly call Christianity" was voiced from the bottom in per capita giv­ which was approxi­ at the mid-term commencement ex­ ing it ought to· take some of the mately $57,000 above ercises of New Orleans Seminary. wind out of our sails," he declared. our budget require­ ments ' of $1,675,000. Speaking to the 45 candidates He concluded by saying "we live This was approxi­ for degrees and awards, their fam­ . below our me~ns in our conception mately $125,000 more ilies, and the facqlty and friends of the size and the need of this than we received the of the seminary, Dr. R. Houston world for which Christ died. year before. Smith cited what he called ''a The E x e c u t i v e growing lack of the evidence of "We live confined with horizons ;Board voted in its too limited. We get wrapped up in last meeting that any love and forbearance and forgive- . DR. WHITLOW overage be divided 50 ness." our little world of business or percent for the Cooperative Program and pleasure or even in our own church the other half for our Retirement Plans. Dr. Smith, pastor of the First or institution and ignore the fact We were delighted to send Porter Routh, Baptist Church, Pineville, and that we are a part of a great wide treasurer, our check for more than $28,- president of the New Orleans Sem­ world." 000 as an added investment by Arkansas inary Alumni Association, said, Baptists in missions and benevolences Degrees and awards were pre­ beyond the border of our state. The "There are too many self-appointed retirement funds were needed inasmuch guardians of orthodoxy among us. sented to the candidates by the as the Convention had failed to appro­ There are too many people looking president of the seminary, Dr . H. priate sufficient funds to cover the under too many chips for bugs that Leo Eddleman.-Seminary release measm·e of increase we experienced in this program in 1961. aren't there. A number of our churches have ad­ "The witch hunt i~ on," he de­ Dallas readies for '63 · vised us of their increase in Cooper­ clared. "It wouldn't surprise me if ative Program_giving for 1962 by at least evangelism conferenc~ 15 percent in keeping with the Endow­ before it is over we revive the an­ ment Campaign authorized for Ouachita cient custom of burning witches." FIVE thousand air-conditione College this year. We hope and pray hotel rooms have been reserved f o_ their tribe shall increase.-S. A. Whit­ Pressing the poin~, Dr. Bmith said, "If this country is ultimately the first Convention,wide Evange low, Executive Secretary. listie Conference of Southern B:ap. ' overthrown by a foreign foe either tists, set for July 2-4, 196.3, i1 Now is the time from the military or ideological point of view it will probably not Dallas. THIS IS a good time to sta1't ex­ be primarily b e c a u s e of the The conference, which will hear amining the Stewardship Program of the church. strength of the enemy but because two messages by Evangelist Billy The average church God's people have been living so Graham, is expected to attFact a is receiving about a far below their means in grace and many as 10,000 laymen and pas third of the tithe goodness that. they have lost confi­ from its members. A tors from outside Texas and a ·few churches are re .. dence _in one another." many from wjthin that state. (BP) ceiving 40 percent of "The Danger of Living Below t h e tithe from the Our Means" was the subject of Dr. members but many, many churches re­ Smith's address. "ARKANSAS' ceive less than a / Citing the economic dangers of ARKANS~t LARGEST fourth of the tithe RELIGIOUS from the members. living beyond our means, he In order to get warned that living below one's WEEKLY" .: NEWSMAGAZINE <101 WEST CAPITOL DR. DOUGLAS church members to mean's is a major tragedy. The tithe, wno now give tragedy is "simply the deliberate LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS less than a fourth of the tithe, the Ottlclal Publication of the failure to attain to our potential Arkansas Baptist State Conventlo• leaders must first• tithe and then start and thus the inability to bring to ERWIN l. McDONALD, Liti.D. ____________ ___ Editor praying and planning to help the others. MRS. E. F. STOKES ___ __ ____________ As sociate Editor It is not enough for the church leaders bear upon the world of our day all MRS. HARRY GIBERSON ____Secretary to Editor to · get together and plan a budget, then we are capable of doing." MRS. WELD.ON TAYLOR........ .. ................ Mail Clerk Published weekly except on July 4 and December 25. ask the prayer meeting· group to adopt it. Second-class postage paid at Little Rock, Arkansas. The church must lead in an educational Dr. Smith also told the audience Individual subscriptions, $2.25 per Year. Church Budget, 14' cents per month or $1.68 per year per program-a program that will give the that "we live below our means in church family. Club plan (10 or more paid annually individual church member a reason to In advan·ce) $1.75 per year. Subscriptions to foreign the material support we give to address, $3.75 per year. Advertising rates on request. give his money. God's kingdom." The cost of .cuts cannot be borne by the paper ex­ Believe it or not, there are many cept those it has made for its individual use. Articles carrying the author's bY'Iine do not nec es­ church members who do not know the He chided Southern Baptists for sarily reflect the editorial policy of the paper. · financial needs of the church.. This is Abbreviations used In crediting news Items: partly due to the fact that they know being inclined to boast "of the BP Baptist Press; CB church bulletin; DP Daily pre111 very little about the church program. great work we are doing and the EP Evangelical Pr:::es:::s•c___ -----­ ' February 1, 1962 VohJ":'e 61, Number_ 5 (Continued on page 22) rapid growth we are ~:iljoyin·g. Page Two ARKANSAS BAPTIS t Church, Russellvi~le, to dedicate new sanctuary Feb. 4 ' . services for the tist State Convention, will speak at Jacobs, Robert Simpson, W. E. , nctuary of First Church, the evening service. Christenbury and John T. Little. '10----• -·me, will be held At 2:30p.m. The new sanctuary is of contemp­ ...._,__~"'. · Feb. 4. orary Romanesque design with a seating capacity of 920, including · edicatory address will be de­ MISSIONARY serviee is not a lr-rr.::orc.n by former Congressman the choir. The balcony, which will be used for the Adult .Sunday sacrifice. It is the greatest privi­ ~JCS~ Hays, Special Assistant to lege God ever allowed to a man and ......,= ..-1 "'n Kennedy, who was at one School Department, cal) be opened to provide seating ultimately for his family.-Richard L. Lusk, mis­ ember of First Church. Mr. sionary/ appointee for Macao • , ·, a former president of the 1,200 . ffD Baptist Convention. The Including the furnishings, the AS WE sat in our church on ="'-l:,~.._, ..·.:; Polytechnic College choir, rose window and an Allen organ, -he direction' of Dr. John total cost is $230,000. The architect Christmas night, 1960, and lis- ' tened to a Latin-looking angel an­ -.:x---=---~- · ht, will present "The Chris- was Norris J. Sparks, Little Rock, d Commemorative Year in and the general contractor, Cone & nounce in Spanish to a Latin­ - another feature of the Stower, Searcy. · looking shepherd the news of Christ's birth, we had a new per­ Members of the Building Com­ ception of the truth the angel ...,irt services in the new mittee are Dr. D. M. Williams, H. T . spoke, " ... which shall be to all L. ""'"'--'C"'u.a. will be conducted Sunday Casner, J. A. Niven, Mrs. D. Mack people."-Gladys (Mrs. Wilbur C.) . Feb. 4, by Pastor Emil and Mrs. Maurice Brown . Lewis, Missionary to Paraguay, .........,iCUJJL:>- .• Dr. S. A. Whitlow, execu­ Building Finance Committee then studying Spanish in San Jose, re ary of the Arkansas Bap- members are A. D. Robins, Henry Costa Rica .uy 1 , 196 2 Pa g e Three Editorials 'Breaking the barrier' / Family life parley THE front-page headline on the -story about Ouachita College admitting two native African students for the spring semester read: ''Negro THE greatest threat to our civilization is the Missionaries Break Race Barrier at Ouachita." It shallow approach to marriage characteristic of our is rather strange in the shrinking world of 1962, in time and the prevailing loose relationship between which the sound banier has long since been broken men and women.
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