GC President Folkenberg June I, 1992 —page 6-8 Adventist Book Center Camp Meeting Special Your conference newsletter—pages 17-20 A Healing Ministry—pages 21-24 VISITOR STAFF Editor: Richard Duerksen Managing Editor: Charlotte Pedersen Coe Assistant Editor: Randy Hall DON'T Communication Intern: Elaine Hamilton LEAVE Design Service: t was camp meeting time. Reger Smith Jr. CAMP All the packing was done. Already there was longing Circulation Manager: for beautiful sights that would be seen as familiar Dianne Liversidge WITHOUT Pasteup Artist: HIM roadways were traversed again. There would be Diane Baier catching up to do with acquaintances usually seen The VISITOR is the Seventh-day Ad- ventist publication for people in the Colum- only at camp time. Camp meeting was a tradition bia Union. The different backgrounds and for this family. It was a tradition for the entire com- spiritual gifts of these people mean that the VISITOR should inspire confidence in the munity where they lived. Saviour and His church and should serve as a networking tool for sharing methods that There were three special times of coming together members, churches and institutions can use in ministry. Address all editorial correspon- for spiritual refreshment and fellowship. The Pass- dence to: Columbia Union VISITOR, 5427 Twin Knolls Road, Columbia, MD 21045. over was one of the three, and it was the most popu- One-year subscription price—$7.50. lar. There would be a recounting of the blessings of COLUMBIA UNION CONFERENCE God to His people and reading of the law. There Washington (301) 596-0800 would be discussion and exhortations by those who Baltimore (410) 997-3414 President R.M. Wisbey were learned in the Word of God. There would be Secretary, ASI H.M. Wright Treasurer D.J. Russell wonderful singing and, of course, just good old-time Undertreasurer R.J. Jensen Senior Accountant C. Wright religion and interaction with people of like faith. Revolving Fund P. Lee Church Ministries J. Clements Mary, Joseph, Jesus and their family went to Jerusa- Associate B. Manspeaker Communication R. Duerksen HENRY WRIGHT lem to attend this "camp meeting." Assistant C. Pedersen Coe The purpose of all this religious activity had been Data Processing M. Connor Secretary Associates B. Rowe, N. Lamoreaux Columbia Union Conference appointed by God through Moses. The parents had Education R. Osborn Associates F. Hoffer, A. Westney been instructed in the Law of Moses to use this Pass- Ministerial F. Ottati Religious Liberty A. Westney over service to teach their children about God's acts Trust Services J. Lastine of deliverance and to point them to the coming COLUMBIA UNION CONFERENCE Christ. The service was to bring the minds of these ASSOCIATION President R.M. Wisbey worshipers to Jesus. Vice President D.J. Russell Secretary J. Lastine How ironic! You see, during camp meeting and Treasurer R.J. Jensen even on the way home Mary and Joseph forgot to LOCAL CONFERENCES ALLEGHENY EAST: Alvin M. Ribble, keep Jesus with them. President; Robert Booker, Visitor Corres- pondent; P.O. Box 266, Pine Forge, PA 19548. The camp meeting season is upon us all over the Phone: (215) 326-4610. Columbia Union. What a time we will have! Some of ALLEGHENY WEST: Willie J. Lewis, President; Robert C. Lewis, Visitor Corres- the best presenters our conference leaders could get pondent; 1339 E. Broad St., Columbus, OH are on their way to the appointed places to lead us in 43205. Phone: (614) 252-5271. CHESAPEAKE: J.W. Coulter, President; various spiritual experiences. After a fresh fervor is Neville Harcombe, Visitor Correspondent; 6600 Martin Rd., Columbia, MD 21044. kindled during camp meeting, is it possible to return Phone: (410) 995-1910; Washington, D.C., home and not resume the "rat race" of pettiness, area, (301) 596-5600. MOUNTAIN VIEW: Randy Murphy, Pres- bickering, criticism and division? ident; Ruth Wright, Visitor Correspondent; 1400 Liberty St., Parkersburg, WV 26101. When you pack everything up to return home af- Phone: (304) 422-4581. ter the last "Amen" of your camp session is said, NEW JERSEY: Robert W. Boggess, Pres- ident and Visitor Correspondent; 2160 check your heart and attitude. Don't leave Jesus at Brunswick Ave., Trenton, NJ 08648. Phone: (609) 392-7131. the campground. Be sure you know where He is, OHIO: Ed Motschiedler, President and Vis- and be sure to take Him home with you! itor Correspondent; Box 831, Mount Ver- non, OH 43050. Phone: (614) 397-4665. PENNSYLVANIA: Jeny Page, President; Gloria Bentzinger, Visitor Correspondent: 720 Museum Rd., Reading, PA 19611. Phone: (215) 374-8331. ABC, P.O. Box 3641, Ham- burg, PA 19526. Phone: (215) 562-5156. COVER: Allen Hrenyk photographed the big tent at Chesa- POTOMAC: Ralph W. Martin, President peake's camp meeting on the campus of Highland View Acad- and Visitor Correspondent; P.O. Box 1208, Staunton, VA 24401. Telephone: ( 703) 886- emy near Hagerstown, Maryland. "It's a triple exposure 0771. ABC, 8400 Carroll Ave., Takoma over a one-hour period. The largest exposure of a two- to Park, MD 20912. Phone: (3011 439-0700. three-minute duration picked up the light under the tent," Printed by the Review and Herald Publish- he said. Hrenyk is treasurer for the Amazing Facts radio/ ing Association in Hagerstown, MD 21740. television/evangelism ministry in Frederick, Maryland. June 1, 1992 Vol. 97, No. 11 2 VISITOR, June 1, 1992 ics2ocry Vision 1: The local church will be the central focus and driving force of the denomination. Vision 2: The joy and celebration of worship will attract What can people to our churches, allowing the Sabbath to become a major evangelistic tool. one person Vision 3: Church fellowship will be so vibrant that accomplish member retention will improve and conflict over lifestyle issues will decrease. for God? Bill Fentress and Margaret Hogan The experience of Margaret Hogan, a literature evangelist Harris in a Voice of Prophecy Bible correspondence course. A in the Tidewater, Virginia, area of the Potomac Conference, few weeks later Nora's sister, Mildred, was visiting the Har- is proof that one person can still do great things for God. ris household when Hogan came by and asked to receive the At 89 years of age, Hogan might well ask herself, "Has my Bible course, which Nora had told her was free. life had any meaning? What have I done for Jesus? Will there As a result of that contact by Margaret Hogan, Nora and be any stars in my crown?" her husband, mother, sister, brother-in-law, two brothers The answer to these questions had its beginning in 1942. and their wives all joined God's remnant church. Hogan knew that the Lord was coming and wanted to help "I'm sure that in 40 years of visiting families Margaret had others be prepared to meet Him, so she became a colporteur many wonderful experiences," said Bill Fentress, publishing and started taking God's truth—through Adventist publica- director for the Pennsylvania Conference. "However, this ex- tions—to the homes of judgment-bound souls. perience means the most to me because Mildred Fentress and During the past 40 years Hogan placed tens of thousands her husband, William, are my parents." of truth-filled books and magazines into many homes and had "With more active members like Margaret Hogan, congre- more than 100 people join the church as a result of her efforts. gations throughout the Columbia Union would undoubtedly In 1949 Hogan called on the home of Nora Harris, who was be the central focus and driving force of the church," stated not able to purchase any books. Nevertheless, she enrolled union President Ron M. Wisbey.—RH FACE TO FACE: Profiles of newly baptized people Pauline Litak, Deanna Codl- Brian Starr, Sarah May George Mark Storti, Leona Lasher, Leechburg, ing, Sligo, Po- Williamson, Bell, Moore- Brown, Haver- Fairview Vil- Leechburg, Pennsylvania. tomac. A pupil Mountain View. field, Mountain town, Pennsyl- lage, Pennsyl- Pennsylvania. Pauline got an at the Sligo El- October of 1991 View. After at- vania. Because vania. Mark Although none invitation in the ementary School was when 13- tending an George decided was baptized in of her family mail to come to in Takoma Park, year-old Brian evangelistic se- he wanted his October of 1991 would join her, the "Insight to Maryland, De- joined both his ries that was own personal by Pastor Jack Leona was bap- Revelation" se- anna was bap- parents in conducted by walk with the DuBosque after tized in July of ries. She went tized during membership of Pastor Ron Pat- Lord, he joined the Amazing 1991 after she early every December of the local church terson, Sarah the Havertown Facts series, studied Bible night and was 1991 by Asso- through bap- May was bap- church through which was held lessons and at- baptized in July ciate Pastor tism by Pastor tized in Septem- baptism in at the Potts- tended an evan- of 1991. Norma Osborn. Rodney Davis. ber of 1991. April of 1991. town church. gelistic crusade. VISITOR, June 1, 1992 3 SPOTLIGHT ON LIVING THE VISION '4 #e"eAd 4i4e e4-6 el"MeCre64 Asleep! I could hardly believe my DICK DUERKSEN He seemed to have made a larger ears. If the messenger had been choice than we could understand. right, then Lazarus was dead, stone There, beside the rock-filled cave, I cold dead and buried. But the Master with a twinkle in His eyes, as if He watched His eyes fill with tears as was crazily proclaiming that our knew some great truth that He could His shoulders began to convulse and young friend wasn't dead at all, just hardly wait to tell us.
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