July 29, 2002 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1459 America, Junior Achievement reaches more This man dedicated his life to ameliorating map in the soul music industry said W.L. than four million students in grades K–12 per human rights in our country. In the 50s and Lilliard a television talk show host/producer year. JA International takes the free enterprise 60s, when minorities were given little to no re- and businessman, as well as a close fhend of message of hope and opportunity even further spect or rights, Cesar Chavez cleared the path Mr. Leavill’s. to nearly two million students in 113 countries. for equality. Bob Pruter, the author of the book, ‘‘Chi- Junior Achievement has been an influential In the early 50s, after fighting in World War cago Soul,’’ said, when I was doing research part of many of today’s successful entre- II, Chavez began his involvement in battling for my book, I went to him because he knew preneurs and business leaders. Junior racial and economic discrimination against everybody, Achievement’s success is truly the story of Chicanos. His passion and commitment to this Mr. (Leavill) Cobb wrote dozens of songs, America—the fact that one idea can influence cause led him to serve as the national director and gained National attention in 1964 for sing- and benefit many lives. of the Community Service Organization. But ing, ‘‘Let her Love Me,’’ written by Billy Butler Mr. Speaker, I wish to extend my heartfelt as his attention and personal interest focused and produced by Major Lance, himself a noted congratulations to Bill Laird of Franklin for his on the poor working conditions of farm work- recording artist. Two other singles, ‘‘I Love outstanding service to Junior Achievement and ers, he realized that his dream was to start an You,’’ and ‘‘Love Uprising,’’ made National the students of Tennessee. I am proud to organization to aid these workers. charts. have him as a constituent and congratulate Having been a farm worker himself, he was Mr. Leavill simply loved people and was him on his distinguished accomplishment. far too familiar with the inhumane working happy to work behind the scenes, often f conditions farm workers were forced to en- teaming up with Carl Davis, Gus Redmond, dure. And in the early 60s, he founded the Na- W.L. Lilliard and other ‘‘homeboys’’ to make TRIBUTE TO CONGRESSMAN TONY tional Farm Workers Association. As the Na- things happen. He was also an avid fan of HALL tional Farm Workers Association started to gospel music and the church. He was sort of gain support, he started organizing peaceful a folk hero and loved by his community. Mr. HON. RUBE´N HINOJOSA demonstrations to bring attention to the farm Cobb was a police officer in Maywood, and OF TEXAS worker’s conditions. His slogan, Si Se Puede!, owned his own business. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Yes, We Can!, became known worldwide. We extend best wishes to his family, wife, National attention to the farm worker strikes Minnie; his daughter, a son, Derrick, a sister, Friday, July 26, 2002 came in 1968 when Senator Robert Kennedy Evelyn Williams; three brothers, Maurice, Ken- Mr. HINOJOSA. Mr. Speaker, I am honored visited Cesar Chavez in California after Cha- neth and Billie; and a granddaughter. to join my colleagues in paying tribute to my vez lead a 25 day fast. Kennedy was right Otis Leavill Cobb, a good entertainer, a good friend, TONY HALL. when he called Cesar ‘‘one of the heroic fig- Great American. When I heard the news that TONY had been ures of our time.’’ f selected to become the U.S. Ambassador to Cesar continued to organize boycotts and PERSONAL EXPLANATION the United Nations Food and Agriculture Orga- strikes around the world against table grape nization, I immediately thought that there could growers in California. His efforts paid off in the be no one more qualified for this job. TONY’s 70s when legislation to help agricultural work- HON. MARK R. KENNEDY passion for improving nutrition and ending ers was established. OF MINNESOTA hunger and homelessness is legendary. He Cesar Chavez is remembered today for his IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES not only talks tirelessly about the need to continual efforts and dedication to justice and Friday, July 26, 2002 solve the problems of hunger, but he also acts equality. As Cesar said, ‘‘There are many rea- Mr. KENNEDY of Minnesota. Mr. Speaker, on his beliefs. He has led hunger fasts and sons for why a man does what he does. To on rollcall No. 349 I was at a meeting in the countless vigils to bring national attention to be himself he must be able to give it all. If a Capitol basement and did not hear the bells. the needs of the homeless and the hungry. He leader cannot give it all, he cannot expect his Had I been present, I would have voted aye. has traveled repeatedly to developing coun- people to give anything.’’ The people of San f tries to see first-hand the ravages of hunger Diego thank Cesar Chavez for Always giving and provide his excellent counsel to govern- his all. TRIBUTE TO JANELLE GARCIA ments trying to deal with this enormous prob- I urge my colleagues to support H.R. lem. 5256—legislation that recognizes such an HON. MARK UDALL I have been proud to work with TONY on honorable man! OF COLORADO issues of child nutrition and today, largely due f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to his efforts, every child in this country gets at least one nutritional meal through their RESOLUTION PAYING TRIBUTE TO Friday, July 26, 2002 school. With the expansion of the School MR. OTIS LEAVILL COBB Mr. UDALL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ex- breakfast program, thousands of children now tend my deep appreciation for the hard work receive two meals. I will sorely miss his advice HON. DANNY K. DAVIS and professionalism of Janelle Garcia, a mem- and counsel, but know he is moving on to OF ILLINOIS ber of my staff, and to wish her the very best even greater things. The United Nations will IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in all of her future endeavors. give him a global forum to continue his mis- Janelle has been my district scheduler since Friday, July 26, 2002 sion of bringing real help to those in need. January 2001. She will be leaving my office in TONY, God speed and good luck. Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, Otis August to work with the Colorado State Fair. f Leavill was a friend of mine and a man that I Still a young woman, Janelle Garcia has al- admired and greatly respected. He was known ready established a formidable career in public PROPOSAL FOR THE ‘‘CESAR CHA- to his fans for his smooth tenor voice, but Otis’ service. Before coming to my office, she VEZ POST OFFICE’’ IN SAN greatest gift was his ability to simply be him- worked as the Program Administrator in the DIEGO, CA self and in spite of fame as an entertainer and Governor’s Office of Economic Development producer, he lived in what we fondly call the and International Trade. She has worked for HON. BOB FILNER hood, the Garfield Park Community, and he the Colorado Tourism Board, Colorado Ski OF CALIFORNIA was instrumental in helping a number of Country USA and was the scheduler for Colo- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES younger artists launch and develop their own rado’s former Governor, Roy Romer. careers. Scheduling a member of Congress can be Friday, July 26, 2002 Otis Leavill Cobb, was born in Dewey Rose, an extraordinarily challenging job. In my case, Mr. FILNER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to in- GA. He arrived in Chicago as a youngster with I am aware that my staff ‘‘fondly’’ refers to the troduce legislation (H.R. 5256) to rename the his family. He lived on the westside, where his phenomenon of ‘‘Udall time.’’ While I am not Southeastern Post Office, in San Diego, Cali- father was a minister and he and his siblings sure it really exists, I have heard ‘‘Udall time’’ fornia, the ‘‘Cesar E. Chavez Post Office.’’ sang in a gospel group. By the late 50’s and is different from normal time by not running at In San Diego, as well as across the Nation, early sixties, Mr. Leavill Cobb was making his an even rate. In fact, I have heard it described the name Cesar Chavez symbolizes dignity, own mark, singing new R&B music under the as being characterized by fits and starts so er- admiration, and devotion to equality and name Otis Leavill, with a gospel feel. He was ratic they would baffle even the most accom- human rights. one of the people who put Chicago on the plished physicist. In any event, Janelle always VerDate 11<MAY>2000 02:00 Jul 30, 2002 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00053 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A26JY8.158 pfrm04 PsN: E29PT1 E1460 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 29, 2002 was able to make any necessary adjustments TRIBUTE TO REPRESENTATIVE thing.’’ Over the past several months, Con- to keep the ship running smoothly. TONY HALL gress has passed a number of hastily crafted I speak for everyone on my staff when I say measures that do little, if anything, to enhance that I hold a deep respect and admiration for HON. MARK UDALL the security of the American people. Instead, Janelle, as a professional and as a human OF COLORADO these measures grow the size of the Federal being.
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