Produced by DPS Public Information, (512) 424-2080 October 2005 New Texas Ranger chief, assistant chief named Dear Fellow Employee, DPS has named a new Texas Ranger chief and assistant chief. Capt. In September, our state was Ray Coffman has been named chief of the Texas Rangers and Capt. Jim involved in an unprecedented Miller has been named assistant chief. Coffman replaces Senior Ranger event—the mass evacuation of Capt. Earl Pearson, who retired as of August 31. residents from one state to an- “I am confident that Capt. Coffman will do an excellent job of guiding other because of a natural disas- the Texas Rangers,” said Col. Thomas A. Davis Jr., director of the Texas ter. As I could have predicted, Department of Public Safety. DPS and the people of Texas Coffman, who will hold the rank of Senior Ranger came through for the hundreds of Captain, had been assistant chief of the Rangers since thousands of evacuees from Loui- May 2004. Coffman has been with the DPS for more siana and the other affected states. than 29 years, serving as a Highway Patrol trooper I have been proud to see DPS on and DPS Narcotics lieutenant. He promoted to the the front lines of this effort, even Rangers in 1986 and promoted to Ranger lieutenant before Hurricane Katrina hit. For in 1996. In 2001, he promoted to Ranger captain in example, Emergency Manage- San Antonio’s Co. D. Coffman is a native of McAllen. ment employees worked around Chief Coffman “I am truly honored to be considered for this po- the clock assisting with response sition. I appreciate the Director having enough confidence in me to allow coordination for shelters and me the opportunity to lead the Texas Rangers. I will miss my good friend other services; others of us have and mentor Chief Earl Pearson, but look forward to the new challenges been helping provide security at ahead,” Chief Coffman said. shelters. These are just a few of Miller, now the assistant chief of the Rangers, became captain of Com- the ways that DPS employees pany C in Lubbock in 2002. He transferred to Company A in Houston in helped in this effort. 2004. Miller has been with DPS since 1975. He was On Sept. 10, Vice President a Driver License trooper, then a Highway Patrol Dick Cheney visited the Emer- trooper. He promoted to Ranger sergeant in 1987 gency Operations Center to learn and to lieutenant in 1997. In 2002, Miller was pro- more about the state’s response moted to captain. Miller is a native of Woodville. to Hurricane Katrina. He left very The Texas Rangers are one of five major divisions impressed with the work we have of DPS, along with the Texas Highway Patrol, Crimi- done here in Texas. Congratula- nal Law Enforcement, Driver License and Adminis- tions and keep up the good work. tration. The Rangers specialize in investigating felony Asst. Chief Miller crimes such as murder, white-collar crime and public integrity cases. DPS online: www.txdps.state.tx.us DPS “on the air”: 512-424-7777 [email protected] Awards crime fighting duo was nominated by who were both convicted felons, af- Texas Ranger Sgt. Tom Davis, Co. ter a high-speed chase. Falk was Two good samaritans who risked A Nacogdoches. nominated by Texas Ranger Sgt. their lives to save a man from a burn- Matt Lindemann, Co. F George- ing car were honored with Director’s Four men received Director’s town. Awards. Pleasanton residents Donnie Awards after rescuing a man from a Boatwright and Luciano Garibaldi burning vehicle, saving him from cer- Jimmie Badgett, District 1A were on their way home from work tain death. In Dec. 2004, a pickup Regional Liaison Officer for the Di- in Dec. 2004 when they drove up struck a guardrail in Coleman County vision of Emergency Management, on the scene of a crash. The driver and landed in a ditch before bursting has received the Marvin Austin Dis- of a pickup had fallen asleep and into flames. Jake Hargett, Jason tinguished Leadership Award from crashed head-on into a tree. The Sparks, Frank Winn and Robert the International Fire Service Train- vehicle burst into flames and Yates witnessed the crash and went ing Association (IFSTA), which pub- Boatwright and Garibaldi worked to help. The driver was unconscious, lishes training manuals for emergency feverishly to free the passenger, who and the four men began removing services personnel. The manuals are was being burned by the fire. After him from the vehicle. However, the written and validated by volunteers several tries, the two men and Tr. driver, who was later charged with who have experience in fire service, Luciano Ebrom, HP Jourdanton, DWI, woke up and became com- emergency management or law en- freed the passenger, who despite bative. He grabbed the steering forcement. Badgett has served on 17 serious injuries, survived. The driver wheel and refused to move. As the manual committees and served as died in the crash. Sgt. Sidney Pullin, driver resisted his rescuers and the chair of the Fire Cause Determina- HP Jourdanton, nominated the two fire spread closer to the cab, the four tion and Emergency Management men. Ebrom received a Director’s men were finally able to pull the un- Handbook committees. Citation for his part in the rescue. cooperative man from the pickup moments before it was engulfed in Crime fighters come in all shapes flames. The men were nominated by On the and sizes, including an 8-year-old Tr. Karl Keesee, HP Brownwood. who helped solve two bank robber- mend... ies and eight burglaries across five A Bell County bank employee Best wishes for a speedy recov- counties that resulted in the recov- refused to be intimidated by armed ery from line-of-duty injuries go to: ery of $50,000 worth of property. robbers and helped authorities ap- • Tr. Joseph Vogel, HP Beaumont, In Feb. 2005, Hilaria Rosales and prehend the two suspects, earning a injured in traffic crash; her 8-year-old-son, Luis, were in a Director’s Award. In Dec. 95, • Tr. Rene Cordova, HP Eagle bank drive-thru lane in Lufkin when Carolyn Falk was in the bank park- Pass, injured in traffic crash; the boy told his mom someone was ing lot where she worked when she • Tr. Robert Villafranca, HP Aus- robbing the bank. After she ob- noticed a man leave the bank with a tin, injured during traffic stop; served a man in a mask and employ- plastic bag, get into a vehicle and • Tr. Steven Oliver, HP Denton, ees loading money into bags, she leave the scene. She called 911 as shot in leg by a suspect; called 911 and stayed on the phone she followed the vehicle into •Tr. Wilton White, HP Hemp- to provide information on which way Williamson County even when the stead, struck by a drunk driver while the robber was fleeing. The suspect suspects tried to dissuade her by directing traffic. was captured within minutes by HP pointing their loaded weapons at her. Good news! Tr. Joshua Ray, and local police. The suspect later HP troopers and a Williamson Sgt. Ted Riojas, Tr. Frank confessed to the other crimes and County constable picked up the pur- Bonilla and Tr. James I. Weaver implicated his two accomplices. The suit and apprehended the suspects, have returned to work on full duty. Short Shots 8 a.m. on Nov. 3 at Headquarters. Keen eye leads to meth bust Call Jennifer Hall at 512-424-7297 Tr. Peter Mason, HP Tomball, Special Crimes renamed for booth information. Current and was working off-duty when he helped Effective Sept. 1, the Special retired employees get first selection. bust a meth lab. Mason was accom- Crimes Service was renamed the panying a Harris County apartment Criminal Intelligence Service. Golf for a good cause anyone? manager to deal with a problem ten- The 1st Annual Boiled Owl ant. When the tenant opened the Mandatory comp time notice Scholarship Golf Tournament will door, Mason observed items known State law requires that if an em- take place Saturday Oct. 8 at the to be used in meth production, and ployee submits a written request Sulphur Springs Country Club. The he detected strong chemical odors. (HR-11) for time off at least 90 days tournament will honor Tr. Stan The resident, who was behind on his prior to the date accrued state Avery, his son, Jake, and Grapevine rent, was arrested on drug charges. equivalent compensatory time is set Fireman Matt Ringer and his son, Methamphetamine and chemicals to lapse, the supervisor must (1) ap- Chance, who were all killed in an off- with a reported street value of prove the requested leave time, or duty traffic crash. Call 903-243- $450,000 were seized. (2) provide the employee with an al- 1517 or 903-243-1257 for more ternate date to use the compensa- info. Any profits will go toward Mile Markers tory time prior to the lapse date. For scholarships. more information, refer to Chapter The 1st Annual Memorial Golf Promotions 7, 07.06.08, of the General Manual. Tournament benefiting the Kurt Texas Ranger Division Knapp Memorial Scholarship Fund Raymond (Ray) L. Coffman, Basic Critical Incident Response will take place Saturday Oct. 15 at Asst. Chief, Rangers Austin to Chief, Team Training set for December the Scott Schreiner Municipal Golf Rangers Austin; James (Jim) L. The Critical Incident Response Course in Kerrville. All proceeds will Miller, Capt., Texas Rangers Hous- Team is accepting applications for benefit the scholarship fund at Texas ton to Asst.
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