Vol. 88 No. 1,042 October 2018 TESTIMONY For the study and defence of the holy Scripture 378 A new book of treasures Also in this issue: King Cyrus and president Trump: an unexpected pairing 357 Blind disciples? 363 The reliability of the New Testament text 370 GDPR statement 395 Contents TESTIMONY Publishing Editor: JEREMY THOMAS. 22 Kingswood Close, Kings Norton, Birmingham, B30 3NX. Tel. 0121 444 6810; email: [email protected] Contents Section Editors: DAVID BURGES. 7 Whitehead Drive, Wellesbourne, Warwick, Publishing Editor’s column 357 A worthwhile reprint CV35 9PW. Tel. 01789 842692; (Review) The Song of Moses email: [email protected] Geoff Henstock 382 Science; Archaeology Gary Penn 359 Miriam of Masada The Christadelphians and EDWARD CARR. 46 New Street, the Kindertransport: Donisthorpe, DE12 7PG. Barbara Booker 361 Tel. 01530 271522; a second volume (Review) email: [email protected] “What do you want me Geoff Henstock 383 Exhortation to do for you?” Steve Wilson 363 The letters of John Thomas SHAUN MAHER. 5 Birch Court, to Alexander Campbell (9) Doune, FK16 6JD. Tyre, Tarshish and Brexit —Part 1 Tel. 01786 842996; Taking a closer look at Reg Carr 384 email: [email protected] Isaiah 23 (3) Watchman Jeremy Thomas 365 One and many Chris Davenport 389 ERIC MARSHALL. The Pines, “Be ready always” Ling Common Road, Castle 2. Witnesses and the text The tower of Babel Rising, King’s Lynn, Norfolk, John Stephenson 392 PE31 6AE. Tel. 01553 631279; of the New Testament email: [email protected] John Thorpe 370 Give attendance to reading . Exposition The stones cry out in November Geoff Henstock JEREMY THOMAS (see above) Trends and discoveries in 394 Principles, preaching and problems Bible archaeology GDPR policy statement 395 David Burges GEOFF HENSTOCK. 13 Alpha 374 York scenes Crescent, Panorama 5041, Pertinent pronouns (6) 8. Number 35 Stonegate S. Australia. Tel. 8277-0730; email: Geoff Henstock Neil Galilee [email protected] 377 XVIII Australia Editor; Prophecy; Father of the fatherless Reviews Shaun Maher 379 Testimony books Articles for publication Articles to be considered for publication are welcome and should be Testimony website: forwarded to the Publishing Editor (in Australia, the local editor) in the http://testimonymagazine.com first instance. Publication of articles in the Testimony does not presume editorial endorsement except on matters of fundamental doctrine, as defined in the Birmingham Amended Statement of Faith. XVII “Now the sons of Noah who came out of the ark were Shem and Ham and Japheth . These three were the sons of Noah, and from these the whole earth was populated. Then Noah began farming and planted a vineyard” (Gen. 9:18-20, NASB). “Perhaps no biblical plant so typifies the land and its people as does the vine. Vineyards, vines and wines are mentioned throughout the Bible. The first vineyard encountered is that planted by Noah after the flood (Genesis 9:20), presumably in the Mount Ararat region. Remarkably, it is in this very area, near the southern end of the Caspian Sea, that many botanists regard the cultivated grape as having arisen from its wild ancestors” (F. Nigel Hepper, Illustrated Encyclopedia of Bible Plants, p. 96). Cover picture: Grapevine Publishing Editor’s column HE ‘WATCHMAN’ article in the July Testi- mony 1 highlighted the opening of the new United States embassy in Jerusalem earlier The ‘temple T coin’ issued by this year. The promise to relocate the embassy from Tel Aviv had been made by Donald Trump the Mikdash even before his election to the presidency in No- Education vember 2016. His decision is considered highly Center of Israel, showing provocative, as it constitutes a clear recognition the heads of of Israel’s claim to Jerusalem as the ‘eternal and President Trump undivided capital’ of the Jewish people—to the and King Cyrus. anger of others who have their own claims on the city, and the dismay of many in the interna- tional community who are searching for peace in the region. Persia includes a small depiction of the famous ‘Cyrus cylinder,’ which refers to Cyrus’s defeat of A curious comparison Nabonidus, father of Belshazzar and last true king As the Watchman article stated, the move was of Babylon, in 539 BC. The fall of Babylon to the timed deliberately to coincide with the seventieth Medo-Persians had, of course, been prophesied anniversary of the founding of the State of Israel in the visions of Daniel chapters 2 and 7, and the in 1948. To mark the coincidence of these two sig- event itself is recorded in chapter 5. nificant events, the Mikdash Educational Center Similarities between President Trump and of Israel has issued what it calls a ‘temple coin.’ King Cyrus which might justify them being This ‘coin’ has no monetary value, being only a portrayed side-by-side on the coin are perhaps kind of commemorative medal. Nevertheless it not obvious. Rabbi Mordechai Persoff, head of features a fascinating juxtaposition of imagery. the Mikdash Educational Center, explained: Prominent on one side is a menorah, or seven- “There are non-Jewish leaders who played an branched lampstand, familiar to us from the Bi- essential role in the return of the Jews to Jeru- ble’s descriptions of the tabernacle and Solomon’s salem. Hopefully, Trump will continue in this temple, and the official symbol of modern-day path and, like Cyrus, play a central role in the Israel. More curiously, however, below the meno- rah are overlapping profile-portraits of President 1. Shaun Maher, “One hundred years, seventy years, Trump and King Cyrus of Persia, between sym- one catastrophe, and a great and glorious day”, vol. bols of their respective nations. That of ancient 88, no. 1,039, Jul. 2018, p. 257. Testimony, October 2018 Contents 357 building of the Temple.”2 The rabbi’s comment The latter was a holy dwelling for the glory of reflects the Center’s self-declared mission “to the God of Israel, not a place for one ungodly spread knowledge and awareness” of the Jewish power to promote and protect its own interests temple, and to promote within the Jewish world within the territory of another. Cyrus’ actions the desire for the rebuilding of a functioning had been prophesied explicitly some centuries temple in Jerusalem before the coming of Israel’s before: “It is I [God] who says of Cyrus, ‘He is Messiah.3 The word ‘mikdash’ is derived from the My shepherd! And he will perform all My desire.’ Hebrew word kodesh, meaning ‘holy,’ and alludes And he declares of Jerusalem, ‘She will be built,’ to the Jewish name for the temple of Old Testa- and of the temple, ‘Your foundation will be laid’” ment times, Beit HaMikdash, or ‘sanctified house.’ (Isa. 44:28, NASB). Yet, for the time being at least, it will doubtless suit the president and his sup- Biblical references porters to seek to capitalise on the portrayal of The building of a third Jewish temple in Jerusalem him as the answer to Israel’s troubles. before Christ’s coming reflects the stated aims Meanwhile, we can look forward with much of the Mikdash Educational Center. The idea greater confidence to the fulfilment of another has been considered by some Christadelphian prophecy, made at the very time of the Jews’ students too. A statement issued by the Center return from exile under Cyrus’ decree. Based on sought to connect recent events with this move- events at that time, it concerns the coming of the ment, even to portray them as the fulfilment of one who truly has the solution to world peace, Bible prophecy: “President Trump is starting and who will establish a dwelling place for the a prophetic process by moving the American glory of the God of Israel: “Thus says the LORD embassy to Jerusalem. Just like King Cyrus 2,500 of hosts, ‘Behold, a man whose name is Branch, years ago said, ‘He [God] charged me to build a for he will branch out from where he is; and he house in Jerusalem,’ here again President Trump will build the temple of the LORD. Yes, it is he is building a house in Jerusalem.”4 This biblical who will build the temple of the LORD, and he quotation, taken from Ezra 1:2 (and 2 Chroni- who will bear the honour and sit and rule on his cles 26:23), appears on the coin around the two throne. Thus, he will be a priest on his throne, portraits. and the counsel of peace will be between the two On the other side of the coin is part of another offices’” (Zech. 6:12,13, NASB). Bible verse, Isaiah 60:8—“like doves to their nest” (see NIV)—below an artist’s impression of the Jewish temple, towards which flies a dove with an olive branch in its mouth. The symbology suggests peace being brought to Jerusalem— presumably by the efforts of President Trump. The reverse of the Some right-wing Christian groups in America ‘temple coin.’ have been promoting the parallel suggested by this imagery, seeing Mr Trump, like Cyrus be- fore him, as one who, although not personally endowed with the attributes of a man of God, has yet been chosen by God, and who therefore has a divine mission to bring order to the chaos of the Middle East. In other words, he is a ‘chosen 2. Breaking Israel News item, “Sanhedrin issues Trump- Cyrus temple coin for world peace”, vessel’ to do God’s will and bring about peace.5 https://www. breakingisraelnews.com/105767/new-special-edition- Such a view of things makes it easier, of course, temple-coin-minted-for-israels-70th-anniversary-the- to rationalise some of the less attractive aspects end-of-the-exile/ of Mr Trump’s personality.
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