© [Regd. No. TN/CCN/467/2012-14. GOVERNMENT OF TAMIL NADU [R. Dis. No. 197/2009. 2013 [Price: Rs. 38.80 Paise. TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY No. 36] CHENNAI, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2013 Aavani 26, Vijaya, Thiruvalluvar Aandu–2044 Part VI—Section 4 Advertisements by private individuals and private institutions CONTENTS PRIVATE ADVERTISEMENTS Pages Change of Names .. 2495-2591 Notice .. Nilice .. Notice .. 1837-1839 NOTICE NO LEGAL RESPONSIBILITY IS ACCEPTED FOR THE PUBLICATION OF ADVERTISEMENTS REGARDING CHANGE OF NAME IN THE TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. PERSONS NOTIFYING THE CHANGES WILL REMAIN SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE LEGAL CONSEQUENCES AND ALSO FOR ANY OTHER MISREPRESENTATION, ETC. (By Order) Director of Stationery and Printing. CHANGE OF NAMES 37934. I, Sihapuselvi, daughter of Thiru A. Veerapandian, 37937. My daughter, R. K. Sangeetha, daughter of Thiru born on 18th January 1990 (native district: Sivagangai), M. Karuppiah, born on 20th February 1996 (native district: residing at Old No. 5-3/64, New No. D 6-4/72, Keelakattu Dindigul), residing at No. 3/15, Thathar Konar Lane, Road, Singampunari, Sivagangai-630 502, shall henceforth Y. M. R. Patty, Dindigul-624 001, shall henceforth be be known as VP LAVANYA RANI. known as R. K. NIVETHITHA. SIHAPUSELVI. REVATHI. Sivagangai, 2nd September 2013. Dindigul, 2nd September 2013. (Mother.) 37935. I, Usha, son of Thiru M. Marimuthu, born on 37938. I, T. Sakthisatheshkumar, son of Thiru S. Thenraj, 3rd October 1992 (native district: Madurai), residing at born on 26th May 1992 (native district: Virudhunagar), residing No. 202, Bharathiyar 1st Street, Arasaradi, Madurai- at Old No. 105/58, New No. 222A/5 East Street, 625 010, shall henceforth be known as M. BHAVANI. Shanmugasigamani Nagar, Kovilpatti, Thoothukkudi-628 502, USHA. shall henceforth be known as T. SAKTHI SATHISH. Madurai, 2nd September 2013. T. SAKTHISATHESHKUMAR. Kovilpatti, 2nd September 2013. 37936. My son, K. Mohamed Malik, born on 27th March 1998 (native district: Tirunelveli), residing at No. 37939. My son, S. Surya, born on 12th February 2002, 2, Siththik Nagar, Melapalayam, Annaihajara (native district: Madurai), residing at Old No. 49, New No. 32, Main Road, Tirunelveli-627 005, shall henceforth be Kathapattar Street, Melur, Madurai-625 106, shall henceforth known as K. MALIK BADHUSHA. be known as T. S. SURIYA. M. KAJAMYDEEN. T. SIVAKUMAR. Melapalayam, 2nd September 2013. (Father.) Melur, 2nd September 2013. (Father.) D.T.P.—VI-4 (36)—1 [ 2495 ] 2496 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [Part VI—Sec.4 37940. I, M. Katturaja, son of Thiru Mokkai, born on 37949. I, M. Kanthimani, son of Thiru A. Mookaiya, born on 10th March 1985 (native district: Madurai), residing at 1st January 1967 (native district: Madurai), residing at No. 2/272, Poyyakaraipatti Village, Kallathiri Post, Madurai- No. 30, Ayyanar Kovil Street, Sellur Post, Madurai-625 002, 625 301, shall henceforth be known as CHINNAKARUPPAN. shall henceforth be known as M. GANTHIMANI. M. 裆´ó£ü£. M. KANTHIMANI. Madurai, 2nd September 2013. Madurai, 2nd September 2013. 37941. I, Alagu, son of Thiru Veerasamy, born on 37950. I, S. A. Master Sreejith, son of Thiru P.S. Srinivasan, 10th March 1967 (native district: Sivagangai), residing at born on 9th June 1992 (native district: Kanyakumari), residing Old No. 1/14, New No. 30, Keelappedavur Uthamanoor at No. A6/3, Race Corse Colony, Madurai-625 002, shall Post, Manamadurai Taluk, Sivagangai-630 702, shall henceforth be known as S. A. SREEJITH. henceforth be known as ALAGUTHEVAN. S. A. MASTER SREEJITH. Üö°. Madurai, 2nd September 2013. Sivagangai, 2nd September 2013. 37951. I, S. Sheik Abdullah, son of Thiru Sibackathullah, 37942. I, T. Jayarama Chandran, son of Thiru Thangapalam born on 27th November 1977 (native district: Thoothukkudi), Nadar, born on 22nd July 1957 (native district: Kanyakkumari), residing at Old No. 57B, New No. 165, Beach Street, residing at No. 16-53L, North Vallayavilai, Eathamozhy Kayalpattinam, Thirucandhur Taluk, Thoothukkudi-628 204, Post, Kanyakmuari-629 501, shall henceforth be shall henceforth be known as S SHAIK ABDULLAH. known as T. JAYARAMAN. S. SHEIK ABDULLAH. T. JAYARAMA CHANDRAN. Kayalpattinam, 2nd September 2013. Kanyakumari, 2nd September 2013. 37952. I, H. Ratnakumar, son of Thiru W. S. Henry 37943. My son, S. Jahubar Sathic Bathusha Bavas, Chellappa, born on 10th November 1975 (native district: born on 31st May 2003 (native district:Kanyakkumari), Madurai), residing at No. 534, Shalom Plot No. 69, Bexel residing at No. 134/B, Parakkai Road, Kottar Nagar, Industrial Estate, Pudukkottai-622 004, shall Post, Kanyakumari-629 002, shall henceforth be henceforth be known as H. STEPHEN SURESH. known as S. BATHUSHA BAVAS. H. RATNAKUMAR. B. SADIQUE ALI. Pudukkottai, 2nd September 2013. Kanyakumari, 2nd September 2013. (Father.) 37953. I, M. Annalatcumi, wife of Thiru K. Mahalingam, 37944. I, J. Christopher, son of Thiru John James, born on born on 3rd May 1980 (native district: Ramanathapuram), 17th May 1982 (native district: Madurai), residing at No. 14, residing at No. 4180, Padayachi Street, Nambutalai Post, Railar Nagar, 2nd Street, Vilangudi, Madurai-625 018, shall Thiruvadanai Taluk, Ramanathapuram-623 403, shall henceforth be known as J. KRISH. henceforth be known as M. ANNALAKSHMI. J. CHRISTOPHER. M. ANNALATCUMI. Madurai, 2nd September 2013. Ramanathapuram, 2nd September 2013. 37945. My son, I. Jaidev, born on 26th September 2012 37954. My son, V. Hari Sudhan, born on 30th March 1996 (native district: Madurai), residing at No. 2/171, Narikudi (native district: Madurai), residing at No. 10, Road, Thiruchuli Taluk, Virudhunagar-626 129, shall Karpaga Vinayaga Bhavanam, Jaihindpuram 1st Street, Jaihindpuram, Madurai-625 011, shall henceforth be henceforth be known as R. I. KESAVARDHAN. known as V. HARI SUTHAN. R. ILAYARAJA. G. VISWANATHAN. Tiruchirapalli, 2nd September 2013. (Father.) Madurai, 2nd September 2013. (Father.) 37946. I, T. Anand Babu, son of Thiru Thangarasu, 37955. My son, B. Dharun, son of Thiru P. Babu, born on born on 5th April 1985 (native district: Ramanathapuram), 24th November 2001 (native district: Madurai), residing at residing at No. 1/38-A, Naraiyurani, Keelamankundu, No. 8/26, Athimoolam Pillai Lane, Madurai-625 001, shall Ramanathapuram Diatrict, shall henceforth be henceforth be known as B. SRIDHAR. known as T. ANANDHABABU. B. T. ANAND BABU. ó£üô†²I. Madurai, 2nd September 2013. (Mother.) Ramanathapuram, 2nd September 2013. 37956. My son, S. Arjun, born on 20th October 2010 37947. I, G. Karthiyayini, wife of Thiru S. Sureshkumar, (native district: Madurai), residing at Old No. 66, born on 5th December 1981 (native district: Pudukkottai), New No. 174/3C, Vishalakshi Nagar, Kalankarai, residing at No. 3/507, Bharathi Veethi, Muneeshwara Nagar, Reserveline Post, Madurai-625 014, shall henceforth be Thiruppalai, Madurai-625 011, shall henceforth be known as S DIVAKAR. known as S. KARTHIYAYINI. V. SANGARAPANDIAN. G. KARTHIYAYINI. Madurai, 2nd September 2013. (Father.) Madurai, 2nd September 2013. 37957. My adopted son Prabu alias Ramprasath, Adopted 37948. I, K. Mookammal, wife of Thiru C. Kanagaraj, from Clearation Mercy Home Madurai, born on 28th March born on 14th April 1960 (native district: Dindigul), residing at 2006 (native district: Madurai), residing at No. 1169/L/6, No. 17/1, A.P.M.P. Nagar, Thinammal Street, Rajiv Nagar, 6th Street Kovilpatti, Thoothukkudi-628 501, Ayyankottai, Dindigul-624 211, shall henceforth be shall henceforth be known as B. RAMPRASATH. known as K. RAJESWARI. R. BALAKRISHNAN. K. Í‚è‹ñ£œ. Kovilpatti, 2nd September 2013. (Adopted Father) Dindigul, 2nd September 2013. Sep 11, 2013] TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2497 37958. I, A Akbar Sahib, son of Thiru S Abdul Majeed, born 37967. My son, P. Bezalel Osborn Samuel, born on on 8th October 1958 (native district: Ramanathapuram), 23rd December 2010 (native district: Madurai), residing at residing at Old No. 3/935, New No. 935, North Street, No. 65, Varaivalar Nagar, Othakadai, Madurai-625 107, shall Pudumadam Post, Ramanathapuram-623 524, shall henceforth be known as P. BEZALEL JUDE. henceforth be known as A AKBAR. J. PENIEL EBENEZER. A AKBAR SAHIB. Madurai, 2nd September 2013. (Father.) Ramanathapuram, 2nd September 2013. 37968. My son, P. Phinehas Smith, born on 1st February 37959. I, V. Preeti Kumari, wife of Thiru U. Vishal, born on 2012 (native district: Madurai), residing at 65, Varaivalar 24th November 1989 (native district: Vijayawada-Andhra Nagar, Othakadai, Madurai-625 107, shall henceforth be Pradesh), residing at No. 2, Arihant Society Sri Nagar, Area known as P. PHINEHAS LEVI Thiruppalai, Madurai-625 017, shall henceforth be known as V PREETHI V HIRAN. J. PENIEL EBENEZER. V. PREETI KUMARI. Madurai, 2nd September 2013. (Father.) Madurai, 2nd September 2013. 37969. I, T. Manimegalai, wife of Thiru S. Gandhi, born 37960. I, S.Shahubar Sadiq, son of Thiru Sulthan Mohideen, on 15th October 1967 (native district: Virudhunagar), residing born on 1st January 1966 (native district: Sivagangai), residing at Old No. 25, New No. 65, Chairman Shanmuga Nadar at Old No. 5/33, New No. 3/1105 North Salaigramam, Road, Sivakasi, Virudhunagar-626 123, shall henceforth be Saligramam, Sivagangai-623 710, shall henceforth be known known as T. MANIMEHALAI. as S SADIQ BATCHA. T. MANIMEGALAI. S. SHAHUBAR SADIQ. Sivakasi, 2nd September 2013. Sivagangai, 2nd September 2013. 37970. My daughter, V. Harini, born on 14th June 1999 37961. I, A. Arulanandam, son of Thiru
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