25 May 2001 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOC1KTY OF WASHINGTON 1I4(2):497 500. 2001. Parmops echinatus, a new species of flashlight fish (Beryciformes: Anomalopidae) from Fiji G. David Johnson, Johnson Seelo, and Richard H. Rosenblatt (GDJ) Department of Systematic Biology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 20560-0109, U.S.A.; (.IS) Marine Studies Programme, The University of the South Paciiie, Suva, Fiji; (RHR) Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La .Tolla, California 92093, U.S.A. Abstract. A second .species of the genus Parmops is described from two specimens collected in 440m and 550m respectively in Fiji. Parmops echinatus n.sp. is distinguished most prominently from P. coruscans in lacking midven- tral scutes and an external tooth patch on the lateral face of the dentary, and in having papillose ridges on the gular isthmus, 15 dorsal-fin soft rays, 12 anal- fin soft rays, 15 or 16 pectoral-fins rays, 34 pored lateral-line scales and 14 + 17 vertebrae. The species of the family Anomalopidae of fieqa Island and north of Yanuca Island, were reviewed most recently by McCoskcr from a prawn trap in 250 fathoms (440 m) & Rosenblatt (1987). Shortly thereafter, 20 Sept 1983, University of the South Pa- Johnson & Rosenblatt (1988) described the cific (USP) R/V Aphareus. anatomy of the mechanisms of light-organ Paratype.—XJNSM 361380, 88.5 mm occlusion in the family, introduced a new SL, sex unknown, off the Suva Barrier genus, and proposed a phytogeny of the Reef, from a prawn trap in 300 fathoms family. Since that time two additional gen- (550m), 9 Jul 1981, USP R/V Nautilus. era and species have been described (Ro- Both specimens now faded and in poor con- senblatt & Johnson 1991, Baldwin et al. dition. 1997) bringing the total to six genera and Diagnosis.—A Parmops without mid- seven species. Except for the two monotyp ventral scutes or an external tooth patch on ic New World genera, one each in the west- antcrolateral face of dentary near tip, gular ern Atlantic and eastern Pacific, all known isthmus with papillose ridges, posterior su- anomalopids have Indo-Wesi-Pacilic distri- pramaxilla comprising one or two autoge- butions. Material from Fiji that has become nous pieces posteriorly, and 5 dorsal-Hn available recently contains a second and spines, 15 dorsal-fin soft rays, 12 anal-fin larger specimen of Parmops coruscans and soft rays, 15 or 16 pectoral-fin rays, 14 117 two specimens of an undescribed species vertebrae, and 34 pored lateral-line scales. that we refer to Parmops. The purposes of Description.—Counts and measure- this paper are to describe the new species, ments, in mm, of the holotype and (para- compare it with and amplify the description type): dorsal-fin rays V-I,15 (VI, 15); anal- of P. coruscans, and to modify the generic- fin rays 11,11(11,11); pectoral-fin rays iil2ii diagnosis of the genus Parmops. (iillii); pelvic-fin rays 1,5 (1,5); caudal-fin rays 8, J 0+9,8 (8,10+9,8); btanchiostegals Parmops echinatus, new species 8 (8); gill rakers 8 { 22 (8 1 21); pored lat- Fig. I eral-line scales 34 (34); scales above lateral Halotype.— USNM 361379, 46.0 mm line 8 (8); scales between pelvic girdle and SL( sex unknown, off Viti Levu, Fiji, west anus 12 (12); vertebrae 14+17. Head length 498 PROCEEDINGS Oh'THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY Of WASHING TON Fig. I. Holotype or Parmops cofuscans, USNM 361374, 46 mm SL, right side reversed. 18.8 (28.6); head depth 17.4 (29.4); head and deepening subocular pocket that ac- width 10.0 (19.9); hilerorbit width 5.0 (8.8); commodates light organ. Lacrima] with two predorsal length 20.8 (36.5); prepelvic pores and three larger cavities. Postorbital length 18.1 (33.5); body depth 18.3 (38.5); with two skin-covered openings at corner, caudal-peduncle depth 4.9 (10.0); caudal- followed by three openings, the central the peduncle length 11.8 (28.6); snout length largest. Prcopercular canal without bony 4.6 (7.0); orbit diameter 8.2 (13.7); light- bridges, except, at corner. Mandibular canal organ length 8.6 (11.7); light-organ depth with two pores anteriorly followed by 2.7 (5.4); pectoral-fin length 9.5 (23.4); pel- trough roofed by bone only at junction with vic-fin length 7.9 (15.3). prcopercular canal. Canals of cranium ap- Body compressed, width of head 1.8 in parently entire but not in good condition. A depth, body depth 1.7 in post-head length. single lleshy papilla on rear margin of orbit. Snout blunt, profile sloping forward with Subocular light organ and shutter as in P. little curvature from occiput. Nostrils above corns-cans (Jonhson & Rosenblatt 1991, fig. anterodorsal margin of eye, the posterior 2). Ovoid organ free except at anterior end, approximately twice as large as anterior. rot at able so that luminous face can be ro- Mouth strongly oblique, tip of lower jaw at tated dowward into pocket formed by flared level of mid orbit, upper jaw slightly in- inl'raorbitals. Outer margin of adpresscd or- cluded. Maxilla extending posteriorly to gan well below infraorbital rim. Black elas- vertical through anterior % of eye; postcr- tic shutter membrane attached along lateral oventral corner not dentigerous, but lightly margin of suborbilal pocket, lying Hat on papillose. Posterior suprainaxilla ovoid, lloor of pocket when relaxed, with free with an anterior process; posterior end of margin medially. Scales strongly spin old, suprainaxilla comprising one autogenous with rows of almost erect spines on exposed plate in the holotype, two in the paratypc. portion. Scales on ventral mid line not en- Anterior suprainaxilla much smaller, com- larged or scute-like. Head scales is in P. prising one piece in the holotype, two in the cormcans, Gular isthmus with well-devel- paratype. No enlarged external teeth on oped papillae on transverse ridges. Basal dentaries. Vomer toothless, palatines with scale sheaths on dorsal- and anal-fin soft bands of teeth. Posterior margin of supra- rays strongly developed, with a distal en- cleilhrum smooth. Inl'raorbitals 1-4 en- larged row, covering about 40% of fin. larged and laterally flared to form vent.ro- Pseudobranch with about 23 filaments. Spi- medially sloping shelf effectively widening nous dorsal fin low, most spines and soft VOI.UMH 114, NUMKHK 2 499 rays damaged, as are the anal-fin rays. Pec- clade, and lacks the two uniting Phthano- toral fin ungulate, its ventral margin sloping phaneron with Kryptophanaron and the one anteriorly. Pelvic (ins extending to within uniting the I alter two genera. Its placement about 40% of eye diameter of anus. Color as the sister taxon of P. coruscans (and thus now faded to brown, but undoubtedly black within the genus Parmops) is supported by in life. the apomorphic expanded infraorbitals and Etymology.—From the Latin, echinatus, the resultant subocular pocket configuration spiny, with reference to the strongly ctenoid it shares with that species. scales and well-developed spination on Remarks.—The Fiji material includes the head and fin rays. second known specimen of P. coruscans Occlusion mechanism.—The light organ (USNM 361381), which is considerably and associated structures are as in P. co- larger than the holotype. It was caught off ruscans. (Sec Rosenblatt and Johnson, Suva Barrier Reef in 240 fathoms (440 m) 1991, pp. 331-332, fig. 2). in August 1983 in a prawn/Nautilus trap Generic placement.—PamtopS echinatus from the USP R/V Nautilus. Its counts and agrees with the character slates defining P. measurements in mm are: coruscans given in tables I and 2 of Ro- Dorsal-fin rays VI, 16; anal-fin rays II, senblatt & Johnson (1991), except that there 12; pectoral-fin rays iil3ii; pelvic-fin rays are more cpincural bones (sec Remarks be- I, 5; caudal-fin rays 10,10+9,10; branchios- low), 14+17 vertebrae (vs. 14+16), no ex- tcgal rays 8; gill rakers I 1+23; lateral-line ternal patch of enlarged teeth on dentary, scales 31; scale rows above lateral line 8; and no midventral scutes. The latter feature vertebrae 14+16. Standard length 66.5; requires modification of the diagnosis of the head length 25.2; predorsal length 30.5; genus provided by Rosenblatt & Johnson prepelvic length 34.5; body depth 34.0; (1991), which included "a row of enlarged caudal-peduncle length 21.9; caudal-pedun- scutes on the belly." P. echinatus is the cle depth 8.4; head length 25.2; snout only member of the family (indeed, lor thai length 6.4; eye diameter 11.4; orbit diam- matter, of the Trachichthyoidci) without eter 13.1; light-organ length 8.3; light-organ midventral scutes or external teeth on the depth 3.1; pectoral fin length 17.0; pelvic- dentary. The latter can he interpreted as a fin length 15.2; first dorsal spine length 4.5; mailer of degree, as there are leeth on the fifth dorsal spine length 6.4; upper caudal- dorsal surface of the dentary that are visible lobe length 17.6; middle caudal-lin ray anteriorly with the mouth closed, but they length 8.3. do not extend around the anterolateral tip The larger specimen agrees well with the to contact the serrate ridges along the ven- description of the much smaller holotype, tral surface of the dentary as in P. corus- except that the pectoral lin is proportionate- cans. The midventral scales arc neither ly longer, (about 1.2, rather than 1.5, in the ridged nor enlarged. Considering the ubiq- head), the second anal-fin spine is fully uity of scutes and external dentary teelh in transformed and unsegmented, the poster- Irachiehthyoids, their absence in P.
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