r /()!.. XXV. CRAN.BURY, N. J., FRIDAY. MAY 13, 1910. NO. 41. from -which,, owlnc to tho cxtrcmo shortness! of the KIIIR'M neck, it was impossible to afford him any relief RAILWAY Blll PASSED EDWARD VII. DIES OF PNEUMONIA; throughout his il'ncr-s. To tho end he- was not in bed, but in a halt-blltlng Brilliant Ceremony From Balcony Over 800 Dead in Ancient Costa md h.iir-rccliiiing position on an in- -VOTE is am io m Rican City. 'alid. couch.. of SL James' Palace. Greets Prince as Jtlng. ^ First United Republican Action When the end came, In addition to of This Session. Coming Without Warning nnd Last* tho -royal family and tho doctors. People i>f lionilon SlnR "God Save the Ing IS Seconds the Old Cnpltal Homo Secretary "Winston Churchill KI11R," With Accompaniment of was present, and to'hlm fell the duty Coiinon. Washington Collapsed Burying Hundreds. • British Sovereign Expires in Buckingham Palace, London, ~>f kneeling lo tho Prince of Wales INSURGENTS FORCED CHANGES md first-greeting him ns King. ' Such t quantities of obsolete"* and - From Bronchial Affection After a Short Illness. Tho royal family Immediately wlth- London.—-.With, time-honored cere- useless public documents arc being San Jose, Costa Rica.—The carth- Irc\Y from the death chamber, t)ow- monies »f -a most brilliant -and lm- shipped into Virginia under tho Amendment I'ermlUlnR Mercer-, in Quako which laid waste -.the town of .iffer CJueen Alexandra being led tiway p'-'WllTO character George V. was pub- franks of members of Congress that "Certain " Condition!*" Vails— Cartago, In tho province of Cartago, • by the . new. King and—Queen, who licly proclaimed King of the United emphatic protests arc Senntc Kxpcctrd to lieject Phys- occurred at G.50 o'clock p. m,- It" ROYAL FAM&Y AT DEATHBED shortly afterward returned to Marl- Kingdom of Gieat Britain, and Ireland .A Disgrace- beginning to reach the ical Valuation Section. camo without waminq, and continued borough House. ful Practice, members whose franks and the British dominions "beyond tho about eighteen seconds. The KIHI is Announced. seas,'Defender of the Faith, Emperor this waste paper bean:. Washington, D. C.—Tho Republi- Tllo reason for this deluge, which is In that brief space of tlmo tho Just ut ilio stroke- of midnight tho of India. \ cans of tho House, uniting for the buildings of the place collapsed, Prince of Wales Succeeds Without Ceremony---"! Have Done My Duty,"crowds massed ut the palace gate bii^w nrouslng the ire not only of the post- masters, but of those to whom th'ff first time this nesslon, passed tho ad- burying hundreds' of persons. Tho Says Dying King—All England In Hournfng—Crowds at Palace • <v carriage drive Mvlftly- out and' At the stroke of 9 four heralds ar- dead woro first estimated at 300, but caupUit a, glimpse of the Prince and rayed In medieval uniforms of scarlet stuff is nddressod, is that the mails ministration railroad bill. The meas- are being . weighed in that State. ure went throiiEh by a vote of 200 to It is bBllcvod that the fatalities wero During'Day-End Just Before Midnight. Princess of Wales—the former, then heavily braided with gold mounted much greater. .Many hundreds more tho reigning King—within, haggard the- balcony of the Friary Court, at Onco in two yoars tho malls in a given 12S. Not a Republican strayed from section of the country are weighed, woro injured. Lnto next day S00 bod- and grjnf stricken. St. James' Palace, whero Queen Vic- the fold. Ton Democrats, on tho'ieB had boon recovered. A few minutes later ono of tho toria presented herself to tho people nnd the average struck is' made the other hand, deserted the minority at basis of compensation of tho railroads Cartago is the oldest city of Costa Court officials left the palace. upon the ppenlng of her memorable tho critical moment. Rica, and Is twenty miles to the oast 1 "Is the l.iM news about the King's reign, and blew a fanfare through until there is. another weighing. Of course the heavy public documents, "While tho bill contains some pro- of San Joso, and at a much higher al- condition being critical true?" asked their long silver; trumpets. visions that are objectionable to Pres- tltudo than the capital. Its buildings, ono in tho. Ihrong Tho precincts'of the palace by this ancient volumes of The Congressional 1 Rt'CCJrd andLsimllar valuable publica- ident Taft, administration leadeis with tho exception of tho Carnegie — "The Kins:, Kir," "was tho quiet re- tlmo wcrp crowded with a great mass wero dated over the fact that tho Peace Palacej wcie almost all built in ply, 'Ma doad." of people," many of whom could obtain tions greatly Increase this average. but -the briefest glimpse of the pro- It is assorted that the railroads em- measure was now on Its way to tho tho old Scanlsh style.. KB 10.000 in- Yet in the silence of tho night, ploy tho entire time of a man who Senate, and Republicans generally habitants generally are as blond a3 though btrU'lccii beyond belief, tho ceedings. The balconies nnd roofs of , agreed that "a good railroad bill" tho Saxons. hundreds stood mute about tho palace the ancient palace, which had been j goes about asking the secretaries ot members of Congress to mall this, will Be enacted. Tho climate is excellent, being cool gates, loyal and sympathetic In their draped with led cloth, wero reserved and .(nvlgoratinc, and tho town has sorrow. I for the notables, all of whom were hn that or tho other publication to ad- Tho Indications are that the admin- dresses furnished in order thus to istration measure ponding In the Sen- beon'much favored for tho location Tho actual illness from which tho tho deepest mourning. of a sanitarium by tho authorities of King suffered was an asthmatic car- Members of tho 'royal household, cheat tho Government. A thorough ate will be passed. It will then go to investigation of this antiquated nnd a conference committee representing the Canal zone. diac affection. ! tho ministers and their wives nnd The ancient town had sufferc:l con-" The King dlod an he had lived—In high officers of state, all in brilliant Inaccurate method of compensating the two houses. There are provisions the railroads for carrying tho mails In tho House bill that will not bo tlnuously from carthshocks since tho harness. He refused to^tay in bed I uniforms,-wero gathered around tho middle of April, and the series of on Friday morning, but got up, and '; court. General Sir John D. P. French, would doubtless prove far more pop- accepted by the Senate. Among the ular, and probably not less profitable, more objectionable Is one authorizing quakes did much damage to property even tianaacted business as usual, with the headquarters staff In full between April 13 and ID. with Lord Knollya, his private secre- dress uniform, stood surrounded by a than the increase of the/postage rates tho Interstate Commerce Commission on periodicals so energetically advo- to make-o-physical-valuation'Of rail- Since.tho latter date the people had tary. troop ot horse guards in their red tu- 'become rather indifferent to tho He faced his illness, tho Time3 nics nnd breast plates of polished cated by tho Pjjstmastcr-Gcneral. road property. This proposition was fiteel. rejected by the Republican national slight tremors, which have continued. ' says, with courage-and determination, "* * * This violent chock tool: them by sur»- and except dm ing his attacks of From the windows of Marlborough- - convention of 1908 by a vote of 10 to I. ' prise. coughing i:id chuking- conversed as House, Immediately opposite, tho The Republican members of the ParalE0,_a village of 2000 inhab- usual. He had a bad paroxysm of Duko of Cornwall, tho young heir to Houso Committee on Postofilces havo Another section of the House bill itants, about eighteen miles east of coughing In the forenoon, and In tho LATE KING EDWARD Vll. AND QUEEN ALEXANDRA IN TIIRIU the throne; tho joungor princes and jcome to a verbal agreement on a that will meet opposition in the Sen- CORONATION ROBES. San. Joso, also suffered severely from afternoon such paro\>sma recurred, Princess Mary watched the ceremony. • postal savlng3 bank bill which they ate Is that declaring telegraph and tho earthquake. Roporta Indicato until in the evening the attacks took . Sir Alfred Scott Scott-Gatty. garter ,, oxpect to pass as soon as telephone companies to bo "common that nearly 100 persons wero killed the form rather of«ti failure of breath principal king of arms, with the Duko Postal tho sundry- civil blll, the carriers." Senate Republicans and .thero. and ho • became comatose, but of Norfolk and two officers bearing Savings last but one of the big ap- tho House leaders agree that If tele- Largo DssurC3 have opened up in throughout he remained up Notable Achievements of the Late King. the staves of office, stepped to the Runkti. propriatlon bills, is passed. graph and telephono companies are Cartago Province and have caused- ad- Outsldo the palace early In tho front ot the balcony and in a voice Tho House bill will limit to be brought under the Interstate ditional alarm. ..Ten-thousand- per- - afternoon long strings of motor cars During his nine-year reign King Edward's efforts were which could be heard across the court individual deposits to $500; will au- commerco law that they should be sonB havo been rendered homeless, and carriages had begun to fill tho especially devoted to furthering the cause oi peace.
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