The Royal Navy October 1801 At Home San Josef 112 Ville de Paris 110 Royal George 100 Royal Sovereign 100 Atlas 98 Barfleur 98 Formidable 98 Glory 98 London 98 Neptune 98 Prince 98 Prince George 98 Princess Royal 98 Prince of Wales 98 Temeraire 98 Windsor Castle 98 Namur 90 Malta 80 Donegal 80 Juste 80 Hercule 74 Achilles 74 Belleisle 74 Bellerophon 74 Blenheim 74 Brunswick 74 Canada 74 Captain 74 Centaur 74 Courageux 74 Defiance 74 Edgar 74 Elephant 74 Excellent 74 Impetueux 74 Irresistible 74 Magnificent 74 Majestic 74 Mars 74 Monarch 74 Orion 74 Princess of Orange 74 Resolution 74 Robust 74 Saturn 74 Terrible 74 Theseus 74 Thunderer 74 Vengeance 74 1 Leyden 68 De Ruyter 68 Agamemnon 64 Ardent 64 Asia 64 Polyphemus 64 Raisonnable 64 Ruby 64 St. Albans 64 Standard 64 Veteran 64 York 64 Batavia 54 Beschermer 54 Isis 50 Loire 46 Amelia 44 Anson 44 Fisgard 44 FortunQe 44 Indefatigable 44 Revolutionnaire 44 Serapis 44 Vlieter 44 Acasta 40 Beaulieu 40 Cambrian 40 Desire 40 Princess Charlotte 40 San Firoenzo 40 Amazon 38 Amethyst 38 Boadecia 38 Clyde 38 Diamond 38 Diana 38 Hussar 38 Latona 38 Medusa 38 Naiade 38 Unité 38 Urania 38 Alceste 36 Ambuscade 36 Blanche 36 Dedaigneuse 36 Doris 36 Dryad 36 Glenmore 36 Immortalité 36 Nymphe 36 Oiseau 36 Phoebe 36 Sirius 36 Thalia 36 2 Trent 36 Surprize 34 Aquilon 32 Aeolus 32 Castor 32 Galathea 32 Lowestoffe 32 Magicienne 32 Maidstone 32 Narcissus 32 Shannon 32 Tartar 32 Triton 32 Unicorn 32 Arrow 30 Dart 30 Amphitrite 28 Brilliant 28 Enterprize 28 Heldin 28 Lapwig 28 Nemesis 28 Jamaica 26 Waakzamheid 26 Braak 24 Constance 24 Eurydice 24 Hyaena 24 Raison 24 Squirrel 24 Albion 22 Anne 22 Hermes 22 Sardine 22 Selby 22 Ariadne 20 Daphne 20 Nimrod 20 Redoubt 20 Renard 20 Beaver 18 Cruizer 18 Eugenie 18 Harpy 18 Hunter 18 Imogene 18 Seagull 18 Swallow 18 Stork 18 Swift 18 sylph 18 Sophie 18 Albacore 16 Atalante 16 Bitern 16 3 Dasher 16 Driver 16 Diable U Quatre 16 Espiegle 16 Favourite 16 Gorée 16 Garnet 16 Hazard 16 Inspector 16 Lynx 16 Lierty 16 Ranger 16 Redbridge 16 Rosario 16 Seaflower 16 Savage 16 Serpent 16 Scorpion 16 Spitfire 16 Spider 16 Thorne 16 Venture 16 Waezel 16 Wolverine 16 Adder 16 Piercer 16 Plumper 16 Firm 16 Anacreon 14 Alonso 14 Childers 14 Diligence 14 Ealing 14 Gier 14 Galgo 14 Halifax 14 Hound 14 Nimble 14 Speedwell 14 Suffisante 14 Swan 14 Agressor 14 Archer 14 Bold 14 Basilisk 14 Bloodhound 14 Conqueror 14 Censor 14 Charger 14 Concert 14 Dixmunde 14 Escort 14 Ferreter 14 Jackal 14 Locust 14 4 Mallard 14 Mariner 14 Minx 14 Monkey 14 Nieuport 14 Pelter 14 Starling 14 Snipe 14 Swinger 14 Teaser 14 Insolent 14 Conflict 14 Autumn 12 Trial 12 Viper 12 Acute 12 Aimwell 12 Attack 12 Assault 12 Bravo 12 Biter 12 Borer 12 Bouncer 12 Boxer 12 Bruiser 12 Courser 12 Cracker 12 Crash 12 Defender 12 Eclipse 12 Fearless 12 Flamer 12 Force 12 Furious 12 Furnace 12 Gallant 12 Grappler 12 Griper 12 Hardy 12 Hasty 12 Haughty 12 Hecate 12 Manly 12 Meteor 12 Pincher 12 Pouncer 12 Rattler 12 Ready 12 Safeguard 12 Sparkler 12 Spiteful 12 Tickler 12 Tigress 12 Vesuve 12 Expedition 10 5 Mink 10 Ant 8 General Small 8 Thetis 8 James & Elizabeth 4 Success 3 Anne & Teresa 2 Brothers 2 Elizabeth 2 Forester 2 Fowey 2 1st Friendship 2 2nd Friendship 2 Love & Friendship 2 William 2 Adventure 2 Blazer 2 Sandfly 2 Bishop 1 Camden 1 Guardships Cambridge 80 Nonsuch 64 Overysel 64 Zeeland 64 Glatton 54 Actaeon 44 Flora 36 Princess 26 Prison Ships Commerce de Marseilles 120 Sandwich 98 San Nicolas 80 Alfred 74 San Damaso 74 Camperdown 74 Fortitude 74 Rochester 74 Royal Oak 74 San Ysidro 74 Vrijheid 74 Guildford 70 Caton 64 Captivity 64 Prudent 64 Sampson 64 Bristol 50 6 Hospital Ships Union 90 Buckingham 64 Holstein 64 Argonaute 64 Alkmaar 56 Engageante 38 Matilda 24 Spanker 22 Receiving Ships Chatham 50 Assurance 44 Resolue 36 Barges Vixen 14 Wrangler 12 George 2 Luisa 2 Packenham 2 Speaker 2 Tyrone 2 General Duff 1 General Lake 1 Kingsmill 1 Shannon 1 Bomb Ketches Discovery 16 Zebra 16 Hecla 10 Sulphur 10 Explosion 8 Terror 8 Vesuvius 8 Volcano 8 Hanover 8 Fireships Megaera 14 Victoire 14 Zephyr 14 Alecto 12 Akers 10 Nancy 10 7 Slop Ships Portland 50 Boreas 28 Flutes Hebe 38 Dolphin 24 Storeships Abundance 16 Buffalo 14 Empress Mary ? Alliance 20 Gloria 40 Yachts Dorset 10 Mary 10 Medina 10 Royal harlotte 10 Chatham 8 Portsmouth 8 Plymouth 8 Princess Augusta 8 Tenders Deptford 12 Sheerness 10 Woolwich 10 Advice Boats Advice 6 Express 6 Armed Transports Calcutta 24 Coromandel 24 Hoys Badger 4 Eagle 4 Fiery 4 Scorpion 4 Scourge 4 Terror 4 Tiger 4 Viper 4 8 Wasp 4 Wolf 3 Vengeance 3 River Barges Caroline 3 Grace 3 Mary & Martha 2 Mary & Betsy 2 William & Anne 2 Portland 2 Convict Ship Gladiator Hired Ships Chapman 24 Earl St. Vincent 20 Aristocrat 18 Laurel 18 Hurler 18 Lady Anne 16 Fanny 16 Lord St. Vincent 16 London Packet 14 Prince William 14 Pomona 14 Sally 14 Wright 14 Flora 14 Marshal de Coburg 14 Vedette 14 Cygnet 14 Drake 14 George 14 Hind 14 Kent 14 Lord Nelson 14 Nox 14 Swan 14 Stag 14 Swift (II) 14 Telemachus 14 Union 14 Jane 14 Lark 14 Nile (III) 14 Phoenix 14 Rover 14 Sandwich 14 Leith 14 Lady Charlotte 12 9 Adam Mitchell 12 Advice 12 Alert 12 Camperdown 12 Courier 12 Dover 12 Earl Spencer 12 Earl of Spencer 12 Fox (II) 12 Fox (III) 12 Hawk 12 Joseph 12 King George 12 Lord Duncan 12 Mary 12 Nile 12 Queen 12 Queenborough 12 Sheerness 12 St. George 12 St. Vincent 12 Swift (I) 12 Tartar 12 Lady Duncan 12 Resolution 12 Thetis 12 Speedwell 12 Hart 10 Hirondelle 10 Mary Anne 10 Narcissus 10 Charlotte 10 Flirt 10 Fly 10 Fox (I) 10 Grand Falconer 10 Griffin 10 Liberty 10 Lion 10 Phoenix 10 Prince d'Auvergne 10 Princess of Wales 10 Providence 10 Suvarov 10 Edwinstone 10 Rowcliffe 10 Alfred 8 Brilliant 8 British Fair 8 Britannia 8 Dolly 8 Dorset 8 Duchess of Cumberland 8 Duchess of York 8 Minerva 8 10 Nimrod 8 Prestwood 8 Rose 8 Venus (I) 8 Venus (II) 8 Venus (III) 8 Speculator 8 Alligator 6 Carteret 6 Champion 6 Diligent 6 Duke of Clarence 6 Dispatch 6 Hazard 6 Hope 6 Vigilant 6 Agenoria 6 Alert 6 Concord 6 Little Sally 6 Queen 6 Speedwell 6 Coast Of Spain Caesar 80 PompQe 74 Audacious 74 St. Anthoine 74 Russell 74 Spencer 74 Superb 74 Venerable 74 Warrior 74 Bellona 74 Defence 74 Sta Dorothea 42 Phaeton 38 Phoenix 36 Carolina 36 Nuestra Senora del Carmen 36 Thames 32 Voltigeur 18 Peterel 16 Pasley 16 Hired Ship Plymouth 14 Hired Ship Valiant 14 Hired Ship In the Mediterranean Dreadnought 98 St. George 98 Gibraltar 80 Tigre 74 Ajax 74 11 Alexander 74 Dragon 74 Ganges 74 Genereux 74 Goliath 74 Hector 74 Kent 74 Minotaur 74 Northumberland 74 Poerful 74 Ramillies 74 Renown 74 Triumph 74 Vanguard 74 Zealous 74 Haarlem 68 Agincourt 64 Atheniene 64 Monmouth 64 Stately 64 Brakel 54 Madras 54 Africaine 44 Diane 44 Pomone 44 Minerve 42 Sta. Teresa 42 Pique 40 Prevoyant 40 Active 38 Arethusa 38 Hydra 38 Leda 38 Florentia 38 Penelope 36 Phoenix 36 Greyhound 32 Mermaid 32 Pearl 32 Solebay 32 Hind 28 Mercury 28 Champion 24 Determine 24 Bonne Citoyenne 20 Chamelion 18 Corso 18 Cynthia 18 Kangaroo 18 Port Mahon 18 Termagent 18 Vincejo 18 Cruelle 16 Minorca 16 Mondovi 16 12 Morgiana 16 Netley 16 Salamine 16 Falcon 14 Mutine 14 Pygmy 14 Transfer 14 Calpe 12 Victorieuse 12 Plymouth 8 Malta 6 Roso ? Self ? Victoire ? Tender Entreprenant ? Tender Elephant ? Tender Courageix 32 Receiving Ship Dover 44 Armed Transport Woolwich 44 Armed Transport William 22 Armed Transport Dangereuse 6 Gun Boat Legere 6 Gun Boat Janissary 6 Gun Boat Negress 4 Gun Boat Urchin 4 Gun Boat Torrid 7 Fireship Fury 16 Bomb-vessel Tartarus 10 Bomb-vessel Strombolo 8 Bomb-vessel Delft 64 FlIte Diadem 64 FlIte Dictator 64 FlIte Inflexible 64 FlIte Wassenaar 64 FlIte Europa 50 FlIte Trusty 50 FlIte Pandour 44 FlIte Charon 44 FlIte Chichester 44 FlIte Dolphin 44 FlIte Experiment 44 FlIte Gorgon 44 FlIte Regulus 44 FlIte RenomQe 44 FlIte Roebuck 44 FlIte Pallas 38 FlIte Modeste 38 FlIte Inconstant 36 FlIte Romulus 36 FlIte Winchelsea 32 FlIte Astrea 32 FlIte Blonde 32 FlIte Ceres 32 FlIte Druid 32 FlIte Eurus 32 FlIte 13 Heroine 32 FlIte Niger 32 FlIte Tourtourelle 32 FlIte Alligator 28 FlIte Cyclops 28 FlIte Dido 28 FlIte Pegasus 28 FlIte Resource 28 FlIte Thisbe 28 FlIte Vestal 28 FlIte Telegraph 16 Hired Ship Good Design 14 Hired Ship Lady Nelson 14 Hired Ship Sir Sidney Smith 14 Hired Ship Hexham 6 Hired Ship Severn 6 Hired Ship Cape & Africa Tremendous 74 Lancaster 64 Texel 64 Hindostan 54 Adamant 50 Jupiter 50 Argo 44 Carysfort 28 Terpsichore 28 Star 18 Snake 18 Rattlesnake 16 Rambler 14 Euphrosyne 4 Liveley 4 North America Resistance 36 Concord 36 Boston 32 Andromache 32 Alcmene 32 Aurora 28 Pheasant 28 Wasp 28 Camilla 20 Fly 16 Pluto 14 Trepassey 6 14 West Indies Emerald 36 Sta.
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