NOV-DEC Pfl 0 0 . i.: .t' :::. :.f \ /' \ ::',\i OFF BROfrDW IGHTCTU BTACK TOP RECORDING ARTISTS ANSON FUNDERBURGH E THE ROCI(ETS FEATURING SAM MYERS AND THE MEMPHIS SOUL SURUIUOHS FRIDAY NOVEMBEP 15 FRIOAY NOVEMBER 29 ACOUSTICITY - Bed Hot Bhvthm E Blues THE ROCKIN'LUCKYS MICHAEL COONEV SAruOAY, NOVEMBER 16 Warner Brother Artists SATUBoAY, NovEMBEB 30 TI{URSDAY, DECEMBER 19 JIMMY BUFFETS BAND Bullseve Eecordino Artists sT. rours Musrc NEnn oRK P.M. LITTLE-JIMMY KING E THE SHOWCASE MEMPHTS SgUL SUBUTVORS WEDNESOAY, NOVEMBER 20 THURSDAY DECEMBER 26 Black Too Eecordind Artists 'FRIDAY DECEMBER 6 ACOUSTIC NIGHT WITH ANSON.FUNDERBI'RGH S BILLY PEEK TOM WOOD E GUESTS THE ROCKETS FEATURING SAM MYERS Snrunony DEcEMBEP z FRI s sAT, DEcEMBEB 27-28 ACOUSTICITY THE BEL AIRS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21 ST. LOUIS IUUSIC NETWORK WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 11 SHOWCASE ST. LOUIS BLUES SOCIETY : ANNUAL MEETTNG E PARTY FRIDAY, NOUEMBER 22 MONDAY NIGHTS TOM RU9SEL 6 ANDREW THUPSDAY, OECEMBER 12 THE FRANK GAGLIANO BAND }IARDIN III'ITH KATY MOFFAT BLUE DIXIE FOBMERLY WITH MAMAS PRIOE SATURDAY NOVEMBEB 23 FRIDAY DECEMBER 13 Rockabillu Pioneer COLIN SPHINCTER BAND CORDETL JACKSON WITH BRIAN with Special Guest SERAPIS EUEPY TUESDAY ilIGHT HENNEMAN J: GRAIITYS BLUES JAM SATUROAY, DECEMBER 14 WITH ST. LOUIS'BEST MIUISICIANS WEONESDAY NOVEMBER 27 RUGBURN CHRISTMAS sI{OW MUSICIANS BBING YOUR AXE' ACOUSTICITY 3509 Lemp (st Bfpodwoyl 773-3363 Minutes from Downtown I ffi illIffilltffi ffiffi#&ffikffi &ffiffi lssuE No,16 /NOV-DEC 1991 PUBLTSHER: St. Louis Blues Sociely ffiffimffisHeBr-wffi MANAG|NGEolron: Teni F. Reilly ART DIRECTOR: JOhN Ir4AY Heller St" Louls Blues'lovers. I'm here to teII you the Blues are stlll PRoDUcTIoN IIANAGER: Mark O'Shaughnessy coNTRrBUTOns EDIToRS: Barrett Braun, Ron alive and doingvery well tur St. Louts as errldent bythe wealth of gcod Edwards, Steve Morgan, Mark O'Shaughnessy, Bluas muslc to be had here ln the upcomtng months. And thts tssue of Leroy Pierson, Tom Ray, Teni F. Reilly, Charmoine Thorpe, PeterYev'tell the Bluesletter wiII fiIIyou tn on aII the detatls. ADVERTTSTNG: Ron Edwards, Luana Hqys-Hood Growth, and lots of lt, ls what the Blues Soctety has been Stwe Morgan, Patti Thomas pertenctng fur the last year, specffically the past several months. It's clRcULATloN / HEMBERSHTP: Paul Stewart PHoToGMPHy: Ron Edwards, Bill Greensmith deflnitely been a tlme of new dtuectlon for the Soctety. And by aII COYER DESIGN: JOhN MAY lndlcattons, there are many more good thtngs to come. The BLUESLETTER is published bimonthly by A good thing you sfiould mark your calendar for ls the btggest THE ST. TOUIS BTUES SOCIETY. gatherturg of 5t. Louts blues artlst ever fur one place. "St. touts Blues Telephone (31 4)-941 -8LUE. Showcase '91," qrhlch will feature 37 acts during a two-day event, wiII Mail Subscriptions, Address Chang€s to: take place Frtday and Saturday, Nov. 22 and 23 at Mtssisstppt Nights. ST. TOUIS BLUES SOCIETY BOX 78894 This wiII be a must-see. Check ost the rclated story fur thts lssue. sT. LOU|S, MO 63178 Speaking of the Blues Showcase, Ikthy Corley of Legaey BACK ISSUES ARE AVAITABLE AT $C EACH. Prodtrctions, wiII be capturing the entlre two-day event on vldeo tssuEs 1,2,3 50LD OUT. especiafiy for our Blues Ardrfues collectlon, whlch ls housed at ttre AD DEADLINE FOR JANUARy l59JE: DEC 31 | 1991 CONTENIS OF THE BLUEsTETTEN ARE COT/NIGHT I9'1 History Museum, fur conJunction wlth the Mtssourt Histortcal Soclety, a THE ST. IOUIS BTUES SO€IET}' co-spofisor of this proJeet. In other golngs-on, we wtII be holdtng our annual members meeting at OffEroadway on Wednesday, Dec. 11. For more details, see the related i:n Chairman's Perspective I ad thts issue. F, couple mor€ notes...the Board of the St. Louts Blues Societ"g is Desert lsland List very happy and honorcd to finally caII Paul Stewart, a long-ttme New More Taxes 6 volunteer to the Socielg and lover of the Blues, a mernber of the board. (ool Johnnies 0h So 7 Paul's bio appears ful tfus lssue. St. Louis Blues Showcase I The Boasd would like very mudr to thank Chamrature Thorpe for all Anson FunderburEh 10 her iielp tua tluowim.g a speclal Halloween Blues party at Off Broadway. Autumn Blues Party 't1 It's because of vslunteers ltke Ctrarmatne that the Blues Soctety tfufues. FinaIIy, we're back on ffack wtth the Bluesletter, so you can cou$t PaulStewart Elected 11 on recefuing your copy every two months and tt's guaranteed to keep Portraits in Blue 19, Von up to date on aII the Blues happenfngs at home and elsewhere. Recalling Sadie's 14 We very rnuch appreclateyour contfurued support of the tslues Henry Townsend 17 Society and Blues music tn St. Louts. DtnEctoRs tho fi. Lods Blues Wety, e noryoft I'llsrool cotry#on non Edrirdr, Chakrlt{r fr, tcventh yea& h *crcdtcd to preerylng dtd F.,r& 3.6cck grcv{th N. B.r.ti Baarn nu* ln *, lods, to tattef ftt drd NEW & RENEWAL MEMBERS btry C.bnnctlil and to WanA. gw {fists the oprytuillty {ot DcYld Detrrlng p.,fo,ncnce $d htffitt{ inpravema#"ln tkb frol* UPCOMING EVENTS xffi-b John A{ly lqtl|. cdxfund *usdrbct,tr,fr ofthc gf;rrrrd Jhtl Atldr.sleG ',td ST. LOUIS BLUES ARTISTS 15 Btffms f .rk Osh.ugftnctry Wh a ma nfusup of 5N tVow and a N*d a{ dft<tcit 6cnc Norman ol 16 *ra&d Nt/Ettor,tfr, the Ah/f;r sEd,cty BLUES ON THE AIR =r=a*EFE}E ]€loy PFrtol| 1g ln a ntmba of yajxts, / A OFFICERS Ir?nl E Illlly ongohtg CLUBS TEATURING IIVE BLI'Es 1 6 tson Edrvards, fhakman olhrrSrh thc acd*nad ?uc' tn ttiE Schfolf Wr&r, tt e al t4.* O'Shaughnersy, Scort shlpton *tbna aWa of orc*edied newrlattq tlged RECORD REVIEWS l,l vkc chairnnan P.ul Starart Y,t€,L.f,t.',' thc acq,'ldon ol Biurr *cfive6 natgrds, and J. $coti Slrip*on, Tlearurat lixt "Felha" lhbncr t,,' Ncd/d,tg of gw Bhtct conc('t t{,let thwagip,uttlp N. Banetl Brailn, Se(,ctary Henry lbrvl!3cld rcr, vhlchathnlne.'lntt,c a,ilfid * lotls NucsFasthat. NOV-DEC 1991 BLUESLENER ffi 3 tuu,ttt, November 20 lU[$[EII[[ Anson Funderburgh & The Rockets featurtng $am Myers OffBroadway Ntghtclub ADVERTISING RATEfiRD November 22'23 St. Louts Blues Soctetv 91 13141241-B[UE, P.0. Box 78894, ST. L0UIS' M0 63178 Rhythm & Blues Showcase - Mlsstsstppt Nt$hts Deadtine is two weeks Prior to publicati0n. a PMI ot a velox ol vour CAMERA-BEABY DISPI,AY ADS: A camera'ready ad musl be November 30 flnfifreO ad that ls protesslonal in a[pearancs and t0 IHE BTUESIETIER'S exacl slze. Ltttle Ilmmv KtnE & All ads musl bB Handwritlen, pootly tyBewrllt8n 0t xeroxed ads ate not acceplable. The Memphts Sciul Stirvtuors ad thal ls done on b0rdered. Hall-tones must be 8s'tlne scleen 0l Goalsel. Any OffBroadway Ntghtclub lllusllati0n board, ol onc thal musl [e lewotked ln any manner, ls nol camela.readl produsllon wlll be assesssd. and a charge November 11 AUAIIABLE AIIS PRrGE mEGHAt{lCAt0lMEllsl0l{s St. Louls Blues Soclety plcas) tuinual Meettng & PartV TULT PAGE S325 57 X 10 lnches [42-112 X 60'1/2 (28 OffBroadway Nightclub IW(} IHIRIIS PAGE s255 4-Y8 X 10 lnches X 60-U2 Plcas) plcas) PAGE sl65 7 x4-ll4lnches [42-tl2 X 28'1/2 HALT December 27-28 THIRI! PAGE $125 3-112x2-UB lnches 121'll4 X l4'1/4 0lcasl (13'l/2 X 60'1/2 plcasl The Bel Airs OUARIEA PAGE $85 2-114X,l0 lnches (13-l/2 plcas) Nightclub SIXIH PAGE $50 2-114X4-Ut lnches X 28'U2 OffBroadway BUSIHESS CABD s20 IHE BTUESTETIER ls slapled and trlmmed t0 8 X I I lnches GE.i IHUOLUED.I}{ Mary & Dennls AtnIeY Btll Guth Don Ocdtt Paul Adamson Vtrginta Hayden Mark O'Shaughnessry TH.E BLUES Gregory W. Aubuchon Phyllts Hlll AIIen Palmer John Badalamentl Norman Hlll Jtm Pauntcka Soticty Commiftccs Roger "Btg Daddy" BatleY Charles O. Johnson G.R. Peeper Phtlllps Dan Ballinger Rlchard & PatJones Btll LEru lesearch & Consuhatioh...',,, Mark Barlos Lori Klefer Dlck Pressler Robert Bentzlnger Gary Kleman Nathan Pyle fllt/tfrCEr lund Raising, Grant Chrlstopher KIug Nlcholas M. RagerJr. Steve Bermel .'. l James Blrd Patrlcta Kozlowskl Louts Ray Acquisltion, Selcr;ltaficting, .:..i., .,i. N. Barrett Braun Paxson & Mellssa Itause Russell Rhodes Randy Brtggs Ctndy Lefton Ntles & Carol Ross Accounting Mtchael Roth Marilyn Burba Jtm Lockhart PLAlllltHC & DEWLOPllENlt Connie Calse Tom Lohse Rtchard Rulz John Carr Robbtn Long Jtm Sardo Btablish Sosigil li &:0tFdirca Jane Carricker Edward Luecklng Ray Schoch Blues Boy Clancy Dout Macleod Rtchard W. Scott norcfl qt t iltilLllc tElAltottst S. Collter John Mann John B. Shepherd Jeffrey Public Rehtions, Ms & GraPhia, Joseph Coveny Barry L, Marmer Becka Shtpp Dave Slkora Ramona Culp IGthy Marquan Ihe Bluesletter Martin Daly Ron & Georgta Martln John & Maryann Slmpson Pat Darvson AIan McArthur Rtchard E. Slmpson EYEltlsBlucs in the Schoob, Blues Ratph A. Dobbersteln Matt McGrath Robert Stnger Mike Doyle Joanne McGraw Sandra Smtth Arihiucif toncetti; Iestiid Ltncoln J. Dreher Carol Meagher Henry H. Smtth Robert E. Fleming Doug Mensman Paullne Sptegel Wl,Ailfrn [iiis0n, :& Sshcdule uith Vlctor Miller Paul Stewart l.G. Fo(ey Gonmittees on an nccded Bads, Charles Howard Ford Andre Mosqueda Robert & Sally Tedrtck il Chrlstina Forde AIbefi K. Nakantsht Mtke Vargo ilcmbcnhip, Po$cr Dhtdbution Bob Fowler Curtis Norman Mark A. Velleca John W. Frtcke Kathleen M, Noss MtchaelJ. Vdenlch Chris Galamlck Ted O' Netll Mark'ltr/aintng. ton lilm PLUSE$[[ lll.BLUE Hera Gerber Gen Obata Michael R.
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