8 83 Young oad. Chilliw ck, BC • V2P 6 192-0272· olla op.oom • 1 270-3595 Introduction........................... .. 3 Sandwich Spreads .................. 44 Sinterklaasl Christmas........... 4-1- Sandwich Sprinkles ................ 45 Gift Baskets......................... -10 Recipes •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 4E;,47 Christmas Gift Items ..•.•.•....... 11 irth .. Wedding Tiles............. 48 Céll1d"...............••••..•••.............. lL� F»lates St Tiles.......................... Ltd. 4� Cand" Rolis St Tins •••••••••••••••••• 13 Season Tiles St F»lates ••••••••••••• 50 BLilk Cëll1d" ..•.•.•.•..•.•.•............. lL4 BoerenlJont........................ 51-53 Sweet Bulk Candy ...••.............. 15 Dt!lft BIIIE!........................... 54,55 Salt" IItJIIt Cand" •••••••••••••••••••• iE; Birthda" Calendars ••••••••••••••••• 5E; Venco Licorice ........................ 17 Postca rds. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... 57 Drop I Licorice ...............••........ 18 Sou"enirs........................... 58,5� Chocolate •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1� tce"chains••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• E;O Sugar Free •••••••••••••.••••••........•. �O Bike llells, Dolis .. Games•...... E;1 Pumpernickel Cakes..•.•.•.••.. �1 DVD's" ooks ...........•......•.••.. E;� VegetéllJles••••••••••••••••••••••••• ��,�3 André RieCentreu CD's ..•................... E;3 Sauces St Gourmet Sets ..... �4,�5 Cleaning F»roducts.................. E;4 Soup Mixes St Spices•.•.........•.. �E; F»ersonal Care ......................... E;5 Cup-a-Soups St Soup Extras ... �7 Tea St Hand Towels....•.....•. E;E;,E;7 Dinner Mixes" Gra"" .••....•.•... �8 tcitchenware ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• E;II aking Items" Cereals.••.•.•... �� Itots lil I'ans....•.•.••.•.•.•....•.•.••.. E;� usks • Snacks .•.•.•.••.•.•.••...•.• 30 CLltlt!",..............•.........•........... 70 S"rups, P-uddings Drinks ••••• 31 �witJséll•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• �lL Cheese ............................... 3�,33 tclompen• Clogs .................... 7� Cookies .............................. 34,35 Slippt!r!5................................... 73 C()t9ft!4!••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 3E; Jlt!wt!l",••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 74 TE!éI•.......................................... 37 Tea Co�ies•.............................. �5 Sil"o Spices•............................ 311 Orange Products ................ 7E;,77 Verstegen Spice s •••••••••••••••••••• 3� RIJg!;....................................... 78 Indonesian ........................Shopping 40-43 Holland Holland Shopping Guide I 1.800.270.3595 I www.hollandshop.com Dnce again, our catalogue has arrived! This is our 27th year of mail order and we are pleased to offer you another large and colourful catalogue. We wish to thank all of our customers in Canada, the United States, and all around the world for their continued loyalty. Ltd. Dur website, www.hollandshop.com. continues to expand and change. New updated pictures are provided for all our products, as weil as a list of ingredients. Shopping online continues to be quick and simple because you can see your shipping charges when you have completed your order. Dur catalogue is now available online and we will be sending one out every other year. Dur American customers should note that prices are in Canadian funds. Your total will reflect the current exchange rate. Please let us know if you would like an estimate of your total in US dollars, and we will contact you when your order is ready to be shipped. Centre We hope that as you enjoy browsing through our catalogue, you feel connected with Holland. Please note that prices are subject to change throughout the year. If you are unsure about the prices, please go to our website for up-to-date prices, or feel free to give us a call. We thank-you for your patronage and look forward to serving you in the coming year! Chilliwack westminster Janeanne Aikema Denise Meyer Leah Baugh Emily Ramsay Cheryl Binnendyk Ta ko & Frances Slump Emily Duifhuis Esther Slump Ki m Bisschop Gloria Te rHaar Rebecca Duifhuis Rebekah Slump Amy Lagemaat ChristinaShopping Va ndekamp Juliana Garrone Ta ko & Frances Slump Ki m Lagemaat Danielle Hummelman Mirjam Va ntil Hannah Mallie Nel Va n Der Mey Julia Noort CONVERSION CHART 1 cm = 0.4 inch 1 inch = 2.54 cm CALL: 1.800.270.3595 1 mm= 0.04 inch 1 inch = 25.4 mm Monday - Friday 9:00 - 5:30 PST 1 gr = 0.035 oz loz = 28.0 gr 12:00 - 8:30 EST 1 kg = 2.20 Ibs 11b = 0.45 kg Weekends & Holidays CLOSED 1 mi = 0.03 ft oz 1 ft oz = 30.0 mi *Fax, email, or shop online any time! 1 1.06 1 0.95 L HollandL = quarts quart = *See website for store hours! Holland Shopping Guide I 1.800.270.3595 I www.hollandshop.com Ltd. DeHeer Chocolates - 175gr Speculaas - white 01031 $7.69 Wreaths - pure 02461 $7.69 Baro Ie Chocolate Wrea - 200gr Wreaths - milk 0246 $7.69 Coloured sprinkled 0210 $6.49 Wreaths - milk & pure 0247 $7.69 Assorted 0261 $6.49 Mini letters - milk & white 0104 $7.69 FilledCentre sprinkled 0260 $6.49 (not pictured) Wreaths - milk & white 02471 $7.69 Sinterklaas - milk & pure 00941 $7.69 Chocolate coin net bag - 30gr 0150 $1.69 Milk (65gr) - $1.99 (0011) G H I J K L M N V A B D E F T I I i c I I I I I I I I I I I lol pi Q I Rls I I U I Iwl X I y I z I Milk (135gr) - $3.99 (00111)Shopping Pure (65gr) - $1.99 (0012) C G HIJ KLM NOP S V W AB D E F R T Pure (135gr) - $3.99 (00121) � Holland Ltd. ates Donkers beans (200gr) $4.79 Brandt (200gr) 0262 $5.49 Donkers wreaths (200gr) $4.69 EKA (250gr) 0263 $7.25 Va n Dungen (150gr) $8.29 Va n Dungen (250gr) $14.99 Centre Eljo Roo - 200gr Va nilla & chocolate 0098 $5.25 - 200gr Sinterklaas fruit 0271 $3.79 Christmas assortment 0267 $3.99 Deluxe assorted wreaths 0265 $4.69 Fruit wreaths 026Shopping4 $3.19 pan Shapes NMK sausage cuts (lOOgr) 01191 $6.19 Zentis potatoes (lOOgr) 0111 $2.29 NMK small fruit (140gr) 0123 $5.49 Rijk bokkepootjes (200gr) 0128 $4.69 NMK dentures (70gr) 01203 $4.99 (not pictured) Holland Zentis potatoes (200gr) 01111 $4.69 Ltd. Centre Va n Delftdali (180gr) 0042 $3.49 AH (SOOgr) 00471 $4.39 Kruidnoten Va n Delft (SOOgr) 0039 $5.89 Bolletje truffle coated (22Sgr) 00453 $4.99 $1.89 Bolletje (SOOgr) 0047 $6.89 Bolletje (200gr) 0044 Bolletje (SOOgr) 0045 $4.39 Bolletje chocolate coated (2S0gr) 00452 $4.99 Bolletje (lOOgr) 00431 $1.79 Va n Delft (200gr) 0043 $1.99 Va n Delft (SOOgr) 0043A $3.29 Shopping(not pictured) Bali e - low sugar (200gr) 00455 $4.69 (not pictured) Bolletje Cinnamon Star Cookies (200gr) 0048 $3.49 Modderman friese 175gr 0053 $3.79 0052 $4.29 Bolletjeoud-hollan dse (SOOgr) $3.59 (200gr) 00454 BolleHollandtjefriese �-iiiiiiii;;;;--tr::==Items ipius doll with almonds (2S0gr) 0028 $5.69 ipius butter wreaths (17Sgr) 0026 $4.69 ...... len speculaas brokken (400gr) 002Ltd.1 $3.69 Gevulde speculaas (240gr) 0010 $2.29 DeMolen speculaas doll (200gr) 0015 $2.59 DeMolen speculaas brokken (270gr) 0020 $2.89 DeMolen deluxe almond speculaas (2S0gr) 0022 $3.99 Nipius almond speculaas (200gr) 00161 $5.39 Centre Ba len ix - 500gr Butter almond ring (SOOgr) 0101 $22.95 Koopmans 0339 $4.79 Kerst Stollen - almond bread (700gr) 0102 $14.99 Atlanta 0340 $3.79 Butter almond stick (2S0gr) 0100 $10.50 Dutch Bakery kronenbrot Stollen (SOOgr) 0415 $8.59 Shopping $13.39 3 Koetjesre te mentos 2 Koetjesre a marzipan roll, a mini king peppermint roll, a mini filled chocolate frog, a mini mentos roll and fruitelIa roll, and 2 marzipan filled choco­ a fruitella roll held in a small wooden shoe. late frogs held in a medium wooden shoe. HollandITEM# 56620 $13'70 ITEM# 56621 $19.99 Ltd. 1jPicaf&fJutch m�ooreafr�dro�wm�w��� products, or surprise a Dutch "vriend"with this basket A SOOgr piece of medium gouda, 2 Kiene .�'!"T . !!IiIo.U4oi�lo"':""'I\.- _ drop rolis, Droste milk/pure chocolate pastilles, Honig julienne soup mix, Hip Hap ontbiCentrejtkoek, Dutch Bakery stroopies, DeRuijter speculaas, Douwe Egbert redmark coffee, Timson applestroop, DeRuijter pure chocolate hail (400gr), Koopmans panne­ koek mix, a tea towel and a Dutch postcard . ITEM# 56611 SinterklaasS peda( Help a friend or loved one celebrate on December 5 with a variety of delicious Sinterklaas goodies. Shopping A Bolletjekru idnoten (SOOgr), Kleutertaai (SOOgr), DeHeer milk chocolate wreaths, Brandt brandy filled chocolates, Bolletje strooigoed, Zentis marzipan chocolate bar (lOOgr), DeMolen speculaas dells, a butler almond stick, and a Dutch postcard . ITEM# 56612 Holland 9náoneJ'ian13aJ'kef Enjoy these Dutch Indonesian goodies! Inproba Nasi and Bami vegetables, Conimex curry sauce, Conimex javaanse pinda satesauce, Conimex natural kroepoek, Conimex sambal oelek (SOgr), Conimex ketjap manis (12Sml), Conimex sambal badjak (200gr), Conimex pinda satLtd.esauce, and Honig mixes for Nasi and Bami speciaal. ITEM# 56616 $54.95 13reakfaJ't13aJ'k.et Start your day oftproperly! Centre The latest edition of the Windmill Heraid, Douwe Egberts red mark coffee, Honig brinta, Koopmans pancake mix, Sicof apple spread, Pickwick english tea, Bolletje rusk, DeRuijter pure chocolate hail (400gr), and a Bolletj e honey cake. ITEM# 56617 $57.95 1Jinner13aJ'kef Don 1: know what to make tor dinner or Shoppingdessert? Let this basket give you some ideas. Maggi ovendish for green beans, Maggi spicy and onion gravy mix, Lipperland kale, Honig vegetable soup mix, Honig bie sauce mix, Honig macaroni and hetti mix, Duyvis garlic butter, fiesta and herb salad mixes, Dr. Oetker custard, Dr. Oetker raspberry instant pudding mix and Verstegen meatball mini shaker. Holland EM# 56618 $52.95 Co(fèe/7ea l1me Great for the
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