Ce THE KENYA\GAZETTE Published by Authority of the Republic.of"Kenya (Registered as a Newspaperat the G.P.O.) Vol. CX—No. 22 NAIROBI, 14th March, 2008 Price Sh. 50 CONTENTS GAZETTE NOTICES. ‘ ' ; ae tt : * o : : PAGE vey poe? ut Peete The Banking Act—Declaration of Bank Holiday... 478 SUPPLEMENTNo.14 00. TheTeachers Service Commission Act—Appointment........ 478 Bills, 2008 The Water Act—Appointmentt..........icscsessssseessssseearssssanseeteses 478 PAGE The Oaths and Statutory Declarations Act-—Commissions.. 478-479 S7Censtiio of:Kenya (Amendment) Bill, 2008....... 1 i The Exchequer and Audit Act—Appointiment .....cscs 479 q The Public Procurementand Disposal Act—Appointment.. 479 Liquor Licensing 479 SUPPLEMENTNo.15 The Registration of Titles Act—Issue of Provisional . : Certificates 480 Bills, 2008, The Registered Land Act—Issue of New LandTitle Deeds, LK. PAGE etc 480-485 e National Accord and Reconciliation Bill, .2008......... oT Co-operati Societies Act—A t of : Kiquidatorerative enes . Ppointment 0 ~ 485 (All Published as SpecialIssues on 6th March, 2008) The Refugees Act—Validity of Refugees Identity Cards...... 485 . oo. eth Probate and Administration ..........cssscvsssssssssseeesesacssmeesnessesssane 486-513 baat wins The Civil Aviation Act—Applications for Variation or SUPPLEMENTNo. 16 Issue Of Air Service Licences.....cscsccsscsseesessessscsseseecerssesseete - * 514-515 hes " Legislative Supplement The Kenya Ppwer and Lighting Company _ / . op Limited—Foreiga Exchange Fluctuation Adjustment....... 516 LEGAL NOTICE,.NO. ‘PAGE The Bankruptcy Act—Receiving Order and Creditors’ 26—The Privatization (Privatization Conunission) . “ Meetings 517-518 (Oath of Secrecy) Regulations, 2008.............. 4] The Companies Act—Winding-up.......sssssssssssssccessessssasesersieees 318 oe bee a op te peg tee 27—The Advocates Act—Specification,..........0s00 : 43 The Environmental Management and Co-ordination ot one me PANT ga tas Act—Environinental Impact AssessmentStudy Reports... 518-519 poe The Physical Planning Act—Completion of Part oe Development Plans 519-520 SPECIAL NOTICE — Election Petition . 520 AS Friday, 21st March, 2008, will bea public holiday, theIssue of isposal \ a 520- the Kenya Gazette which should-have been published: on that date will oe of Uncollected Goods $20-521 _ now be published on Thursday, 20th2 March,"2008. ws Loss of Policies §21-522 s 0. oKu ASU moe " B Business Transfer sernamesssseeseeninnensseesnennnrne sen 522 GovernmentPrinter. Change of Naimes,...csmsspesssesssgeerssesessssestsssessenteapennssgrecennsent 522 [477 478 THEKENYAGAZETTIE , 14th March, 2008 CORRIGENDA GAZETTE NG#ICE No. 1765 IN Gazette Notice No. 1463 of 2008, amend theexpression printed’. | THE WATER ACT as “Succession Cause No. 8 of 2008”to read “Successio&Cause No.4 °-" |: : of 2008”, eo . (No. 8 of 2002) THE RIFT VALLEY WATER SERVICES BOARD APPOINTMENT IN Gazette Notice No. 9076 of 2007, Cause No..277 of .2006 . IN EXERCISEofthe powers conferred by section 5! of the Water amend the deceased names printed as M’Rinkanya Githongo”to read ‘Act, 2002, the Minister for Water and Irrigation appoints— “M’ Rinkanya Kithing’o”. et _ Robert Loyelei, * The Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Finance, to be. members of the Rift Valley Water Services Board,for a period of IN Gazette Notice No. 11600 of 2007, delete the expression “ for a three (3) years, with effect from 10th March, 2008, and revokes the period of five (5) years” and insert “for a period of three (3) years”, appointment of Christopher Eporon* and delete the name “David K..Birech” from the list ofDirectors’. Dated the 10th March, 2008. a ie eh : ‘ ’.. JOHN MUNYES, Sted< +2 zs te as * Ministerfor Water andIrrigation. IN Gazette Notice No. 11705 of 2007, amendthe first petitioner's *G.N. 1907/2007. nameprinted as “Maina Mwihaki™ to read “Thomas Maina Mwihaki”. L E OATHS AND STATUTORY DECLARATIONS ACT GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 1763 (Cap. 15) , THE BANKING ACT A COMMISSION (Cap. 488) ToAll to Whom These Presents Shall Come Greeting: DECLARATION OF BANK HOLIDAYS BE IT KNOWNthat on the 30th April, 2007— IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 46 of the Banking Act, the Minister for Finance declares Saturday. the 22nd JOSEPH GITONGA M’LIMBUNE March, 2008 and Sunday, the 23rd March, 2008,'to be bank holidays, an advocate of the High Court of Kenya, was appointed to be a for all branches and the Sarit Centre Branch, respectively of the Bank commissiOnerfor oaths under the above-mentionedAct, for as long as of Baroda (Kenya) Lintited. he continues to practice as such advocate and this commission is not Dated the 3rd March, 2008. revoked. , : Given under my hand and the seal of the court, 30th April, 2007. AMOS KIMUNYA, Ministerfor Finance. J..E. GICHERU, ChiefJustice. serene No. 1767 , GAZETTE NOTICE No. 1764 HE OATHS AND STATUTORY DECLARATIONS ACT (Cap. 15) THE TEACHERS SERVICE COMMISSION ACT A COMMISSION (Cap, 212) To All to WhomThese Presents Shall Come Greeting: THE TEACHERS SERVICE REMUNERATION COMMITTEE BE IT KNOWNthat on the 12th April, 2005— APPOINTMENT JOSEPH NGUMBAti MUSOMBA UNDERsection 13 (2) of the Teachers Service Commission Act, the Teachers Services Remuneration Cominittee shall consist of the an advocate of the High Court of Kenya, was appointed to. be a following members with effect from Ist January, 2008. commissioner for oaths under the above-mentioned Act, for as long as he continues to practice as such advocate and this commission is not Underparagraph (a)— revoked. Michael Gachinga Kamore—(Chairman), Given under my hand andthe seal of the court, 12th April, 2005. J. E, GICHERU, Underparagraph (b)— WA , ChiefJustice. Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Education, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Finance. GAZETTE NOMICE NO, 1768 Permanent Secretary. Ministry of State for Public Service. Chairman, Teachers Service Conmnission, f OATHS AND STATUTORY DECLARATIONS ACT Secretary, Teachers Service Commission: (Cap. 15) A COMMISSION Under paragraph(¢)—-__ To All to WhomThese Presents Shall Come. Greeting: National Chairinan, Kenya National Union of Teachers. Secretary-General, Kenya National Union of Teachers, BE IT KNOWNthat on the 2nd April. 2003— National Treasurer, Kenya National Union of Teachers, Deputy Secretary-General, Kenya National Union of Teachers. GIDEON ONG’ONO BARONGO Vice-National Treasurer, Kenya National UnionofTeachers: an advocate of the High Court of Kenya. was appointed to be a commissionerfor oaths under the above-mentioned Act, for as long-as Gazette Notice No. 862 of 2008, is revoked. he continuesto practice as such advocate and this commissionis not revoked. ~ Dated the | 1th February, 2008. Given under my handandthe seal of the court, 2nd April, 2003. S.K. ONGERI. J. E. GICHERU, Ministerfor Education. ChiefJustice. GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 1769 THE OATHS AND‘, TUTORY,DECLARATIONS ACT District Livestock ProductionOffiicer,, wvingi, toto be the Chairman of (Cap. 15) the District Tender Committed, with effect from 14th January, 2008, and revokes the applesoFEMad T:: Whiiaswa.* A COMMISSION Toato Whit These Presents Shall Come Greeting: BEIT KNOWN that on the8th March, 2007-— tant EUNKE KITCHE ONGADI- an‘advocate ofthe High Court. of Kenya, was“appointed to be a commissioner for oathsunder the above-mentioned Act, for as.long.as he, continues to-practice.as such advocate and this:commission is not ate *(Cap.Wu au ravoked. : : : THE MURANG'A SOUTH LIQUORLICENSING COURT. _ Given under my hand and the seal of the court, ‘8th March,2007. ..,SEATUTORY MEETING “Sy E. GICHERU, NOTICEis given that the first statutorymeeting of the-Murang’a ChiefJustice. South Liquor Licensing Court. will be held at the District Commissioner'sboardroom; of Monday, 42thMay, 2608. GAZETTE:NOTICE NO. 1770 Applications to be considétéedat’this’ iifeeting whether for new, “THEOATHS ND SFATUTORY DECLARATIONS ACT. renewals, transfers, removals: or ‘coaversions of I¥¢énces should be submitted on’ theprescribedform G,P..147forforpeGP148 in/case (Cap. 15) of transferor.,‘remaval),iin: triplicate. with,,a, KShy:.20.cevenuesanp A COMMISSION affixed on the,original ‘copy--onty andaddressed :tasbe..Chairman, Murang’a South Liquor, Licensing: Court...‘BowaulKenol; 2 SOS. to To All to WhomThese Presents Shall Come Grereeting: reach-him.on or: before:25th Mare, 2008 : BE IT KNOWN that on the 6th December, 2004— ~ Late applications will only be,sabreceived,NnOf, before ti April, 200 8,.and|onn payment of KSh. 1,000. be ing Jate- application: ‘DAVID MAINA NYAMU ee ots Meat Teas sae ¢ an advocate of the High Court of Kenya, was appointed to, be a Applicants’ fo?new:curate fefnovat' or'donvérdtbnéf' fi&biied commissioner for.caths under the above-mentioned ‘Acti.for as long as must appear in person before the liqudr.:licensiag! court-‘of be he continues to. practice-as such-advocaie and this commission is nol represented: by aw advocate. Attendance in court by applicants for revoked. 4 renewals is: optional;: unléss there are objections in which case the attendance is desirable. Applicants for renewals must attach-photostat Given under my hand ands the seal of. the cour 6th December, copies of their previous licences and should“séiid théirappticatidns by- 2004. registered post or deliver them by|handto© the.Ghajrman. Murang’a South LiquorLicetising Cou." J. E. GICHERU, wa Get a>) 6oL. S. NGALUMA, Ai ChiefJustice. Chairman, ’ GAZETTE TICE No. 1771 THE EXCHEQUER AND ‘AUDIT ACT GAZETTENOTICENO,iiam3 chines (Cap. 442) “THE LIQUOR’LICENSING‘ACT ‘THE, EXCHEQUER AND AUDIT PUBLIC PROCUREMENT : (AMENDMENT)
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