~~~~:.... !..: ...................................................................~~:~~.: ............................................................ ~.?..:..... ~.:.~ THE -DEVOTED TO- (§ MUSIC, ART AND ~ITE~ATURE . ; ·-·. EDITED BY JOHN VV. BUTLER. ..... FUBLIS:::HED BY No. 11'1 NORTH FIFTH STREET, ·St. Louis. Southwestern Book and Publishing Co~, Printers, 510 and 512 Washington Av., St. Louis. ADVERTISEMENTS. ~~m.i'IU1!!5 @~ S,ll!eet Jm'Ol~Si(!l, I mih~t IJafte~~•tlG+ ICHEAPEST PAPER IN THE woRLD. To be Selected from our Catalogue. A MONTIILY MAGAZINE, THE LARGEST RELIGIOUS Pf\PER IN D.l!:VOTED TO THE WORLD. Music, Literature and the Fine Arts, 2 Subscribers at $1 50 each music valued at $1 oo 3 " " " 1 6o NEws, H.EviEws, CRrncrs~s, &c. 4 " " " 2 2S Two pieces of New Music in each number-one Vocal, The St. Louis Christian Advocate,. 2 90 5 " " " the other Instrumental-the latter printed from engraved 6 " 60 " " 3 plates, with a handsome title, and issued as a supplement, EDITED BY 4 30 7 " " " for subscribers only. 8 00 " " " s Reading matter, original and selected_, in all dep2rt­ Rev. THOS. M. FINNEY and Rev. THOS. E. BOND. 9 " " " 5 7S ments of the Art. 10 6 " " " so News, fresh and reliable, from all parts of the United II Price, $2 Per Annum, in advance. " " " 7 3°S States; also, latest Foreign intelligence. I2 8 1 " " " Printed on the finest tinted paper, stitched and cut, 13 00 " " " 9 $I 50 per year. I4 " " ,," 9 9° Single copies, 25 cents, including Supplement. THE SOUTHERN REVIEW, 10 8o IS " " Subscriptions may commence with any number. I6 " " " II 7S BOLLMAN & SCHATZMAN, Edited by A. T. BLEDSOE, LL.D., I7 " " " I2 8o 18 " " " 13 8s Publishers and Proprietors, I9 " " ",, 14 90 III North Fifth Street, St. Louis. THE fiNEST ~ARTE~LY IN jtMER...,!CA 20 " " IS 00 JOIIN vV. BUTLER, Edito?'. Price, $5 per annum; to Ministers, $4. ftDVERTJSEMENTS. OUR CASH RATES. Twenty-five cents per line, each insertion. Special Notices, thirty-five cents per line. The Children's Advocate, (iT'PAYABLE IN ADVANCE.~ All advertisements are counted by space (solid Non- I Copy, one year. ................. $ 1 so pareil type). Edited by REv. W. M. LEFTWICH, 2 Copies, " . 2 7 o 3 " " . 3 90 AGENTS WANTED.-We want an agent in every PRICE, FORTY CENTS PER ANNUM. 4 " " . S 20 town to solicit subscriptions to the IMPRES~ARIO. A S " " . 6 so good sized list can be obtained in almost any neighbor- 6 " · " . 7 8o hood, and a valuable premium secured with very little 7 " " . 9 I o effort, either in cash• or music, at the option of the party PUBLISHED BY THE 8 " " . 10 40 sending us a Jist. 9 " " · .. · ... - . I I 70 POSTAGE. SOUTHWESTERN 10 " " .. --- .... -- .. - .. -. 13 00 II " " 14 30 The postage on the IMPRESSARIO is I2 cents per year, 12 " " IS 6o payable quarterly, in advance, at subscriber's postoffice. Book and Publishing Company 13 " " I 6 8o Subscriptions from the British Provinces must be 14 " " 18 20 accompanied with 24 cents extra to prepay U. S. postage IS " " 19 so to the line. 510 and 512 Washington Av., 16 " " 20 6 S City subscriptions ~re I2 cents extra, as we must pre- I7 " 2 I 30 pay all city delivery. SAINT LOUIS, I8 22 8o " " 6s Send Direct to us for your Music. 19 " " 23 Wholesale and Retail Dealers in If your regular music dealer has not the piece of music 20 " " 24 00 you wish, send your orders direct to us, and you will get it by return of mail. BOOKS AND STATIONERY Remember, it is no more trouble or expense to us to In remitting, send Draft on St. Louis, or send music one thousand miles than it is to send one AND MASONIC GOODS, mile. Therefore, send direct for what you want, and Postal Money Order, payable to BoLLMAN & save both time and expense. ScHATZMAN; or where these can not be obtained, In ordering Sheet Music or Books, give, if you can, PRINTERS, BOOKBINDERS, the correct and complete title, and name of the autlior, as enclose your money in a registered letter. AND Write plainly your name, postoffice, State there are many pieces of music with the same or similar and county, and address all letters to name, b~.tt by different composers. Music Books of all descriptions, Instruction Books for Blank Book Manufacturers. BOLLMAN & SCHATZMAN, all kinds of Instruments. No matter where a piece of music or music book is Address orders to the Company, or to III North Fifth Street, St. Louis, Mo., published, you will obtain it by sending to us. Music Publishers and Dealers in Musical BOLLMAN & SCHATZMAN, LOGAN D. DAMERON, Merchandise. I I I N. Fifth Street, St. Louis. President and Manager. A Monthly Magazine Devoted to Music, Literature, and Art. VOL. I. ST. LOUIS, MARCH, 1872. N0.1. with the different classes of artists, and in r8r9 Donizetti was also a gifted poet, and wrote produced his first opera, Henrico di Borgogna, himself the text to several of his operas. He [For the Imprcssario.l which was performed for the first time at the possessed a wonderful facility in composing his theater of San Luca, in Venice. Although it scores, and the Instrumentation of some of TO .J1 FRIEND. met with a certain degree of success, this, like his operas he wrote in less than thirty hours. BY WAHSREK. eighteen other operas th.at he wrote up to the From r8r9 to r845 he composed no less than My faithful, true, mo ·t honored friend, year 1828, did not create any particular furore. seventy operas. We will here mention th~ most In whom aU good and kindness blend; Of this number we \\'ill mention l'Ajo nell popular: Lucia di Lammermoor (r835), Lucretia How many acts of purest worth Borgia (1834), Les Martyrs, or Polliuto (r84o), Come forth .to light-to thee owe birth. lmbarazzo, Elvida, Alfredo il Grande, Olivo e Pasquale, Alaltor itt Granata, Chiara e Serafino, La Favorita ( r84o ), Dom Stbastian ( 1843), How many little trifling things il Falegname de Li1.10nia, &c. Maria di Rohan (1843), Belisario (r835), Linda (Forgotten quite) for me you've clone. di Chamouni (t8,p), Don Pasquale (1843), And, oh! how fond my mem'ry clings With the production of Esula di Roma, per­ L'Elisire d'Amore (r832), La Pille du Regiment To these and thee, the friend I've won. formed in Naples, in the year r8z8, commenced (r84o), in all of which we find rich treasures As morning sun succeeds the night his great success and celebrity. During the of melody, and a large amount of dramatic Wide spread the streams of golden light, same year he produced Alina Regina di" Gol­ effect. And fills the world with happiness conda, Gianni di Calais, il Giovedi grasso, and in His muse was particularly adapted to the (Full shown in Nature's radiant dress). the following year il Patia, il Castello di Kenil­ Italian and French taste, and in latter years be­ As evening dews refresh the flowers, worth, il Diluvio Universale, I Pazzi per Progetto, came popular with all civilized and enlightened Which op'nmg, drink the pearly showers .Franusca di Foix, Imelda di Lambettazzi, la nations. Donizetti followed faithfully in the Of heavenly food, then gladly spread Romanzieta, all in Naples. With the produc­ Their fragrance 'long the soft winds tread. foot prints of his I tali an predecessors, and kept tion of Anna Bolena, written in r83r, for Milan, pace with his contemporaries, . particularly the So gentle words and kindly deeds begins a new and successful period in the life of celebrated Rossini, whose history we will briefly Are spread-across our beings roll; Donizetti, and following up his success he wrote, On these the longing spirit feeds; give in a future number. in the year r835, Elisire d'Amore, Fausta, il 'Tis these that fill the craving soul. Furioso, Parisina. During the same year three different authors appeared to contest for the DO.NIZETTI. supremacy at the Italian opera in Paris, namely, V.Jl.LUE OF WORKS OF .Jl.RT. Bellini, with I Puritani, Drmizetti with Marino Faliero, and Mercadante with I Briganti, but ONIZETTI, who is, perhaps, the most ·wRITER in the Art youmal, of Lon­ D popular Italian composer, was born at Bellini was the successful competitor, and Don­ A don, in an article entitled "The Golden Bergamo, September 29, 1797. He re­ izetti, in order to revenge himself, wrote, during Age of Art," cites Sir Joshua E.eynolds ceived his first musical instruction at the Lyceum the same year, his celebrated opera. Lucia di as a wonderful example of a successful painter, Lammermoor, for Naples. Having been chosen having made about £6,ooo a year, and leaving of that city, his tutor being the celebrated Simon at his death a fortune of more than £8o,ooo. Mayer. Later he went to Bologna and studied music director and professor of composition at He charged for portraits twenty- .. five guineas for for two years and a half under Pilotti and Padre the conservatory of music at Naples in r834, he three-quarter lengths, one hundred guineas for Mattei. was appointed in the following year professor of half-lengths, and two hundred guineas for whole The first wish of his parents was to make a counterpoint in the same institution, then assist­ lengths. "The Strawberry Girl," which was ant director under Zingarelli, and after the death originally sold by Reynolds for fifty guineas, lawyer of young Donizetti. Failing in this, they was, at the Rogers sale in r8s6, bought by the were anxious for him to become a painter, but of the latter he received the appointment of first Marquis of Hertford for £z,zos.
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