Annual Report BRAC University BRAC University ' . Dhaka Bangladesh Advisory Editors: Professor r irdous Azim rarzana Chaudhry Editor: ;\nika i\li ' . Copyright ·t' 2005 BRAC University June 2005 l'ubltsher: BR/\C Universi ty 66. Mohakhali Ohi~ka I2 12, Bangladesh E-mai l: [email protected] l"ax: 8R0-2-R8 103R3 Telephone: 9SR 1265. 8824 180 (PARX) Website: http:iiwww.bracunivcrsil y.ac.bd Layout&. Illustration: M Shahidul Islam Cover design: S<ciedur Rahman Photograph: BRAC Universi ty Photography Club (HUI'C) Table of Contents Fourlh Year of ARAC llni,·crsity Academic Progrc .~.-. 3 Governance 4 AC<ldcmic Counc1l 5 Dcpnrl ments: 6 Oepanmenl ofArchiteciUrc 6 l)cpanmcnt of Computer Science and Engineering 7 lle panm ~ nt of English and Humanities N Ocpanmell! of Econonlic:. and Social Sciences <) l)cparhncnt of fvl~na g~ mc n1 ~n d l:lusincss 9 Ocpan menl of Mathematics and \;uural Science~ II School of l.aw II School of Pub lic Heatrh 12 Student> Acti\iloc!>: 14 Cltobs and Forums 16 Rcsidential Scmes1er 1& School Visit:. 19 Ca reer Pl accmcm O illce 20 Facoliucs for Learning 22 E7noulty 0..:-vd upl'l'ICIU Proga·n•ns 24 Annex A: Li:.t of l'acuhy Members 26 i\nncx R: Lisl of Manageor cm. Officials & Stall 29 A nne \ C: Audit Rcpoo·t 20t•4 31 , • I II I \ • 1 1 ' \ BRAC University .A.nm1al H ~f'Orl 20<14 Fourth Year of BRAC Chair, MNS, headed the Editorial Board of University the HU JournaL The lhurth ycHr of HRAC University (BlJ) The hHcrnational Oevelopmem Research saw the dawn or many important evems. Program (IDRC), Canada, th <'ough its Pan This year academic endeavours \vere 1\sia Netwo rk ing (PAN) Program and coupled with s11·ings or seminars and National University of Computer and events <) 11 educatiOJtal .and other lopical Emerging Sciences ( NU CES), Pakistan, issues. Sports and cultural events throug h its Centre lh r Research in Urdu Language Processing (CRULP) h i ..g hl igln~d.... the wlcnts of our .yo ung... generation and gave them a platfonn from announced the ir initial thrcc-vcar ' w hic h to di splay th eir individua l partnership in ISangladcsh with HU to capabilities. bui ld capacity in regional institutions lor local language computing. The PAN Several nowhle events took place. this Localization Research Project started on year. The James P Grant School of Pu))l ic the I st of f'eb ruary. 2004 with thre.e broad 1-J ealth stancd operations on September 8. objectives w develop sustainable human 2004 with the nominatio n of Dr. A M R resource capacity in 1hc l\ SiiH1 region for Chowdhury as its Dean and Dr. Demiss.ic R&D in local hmgu~tge technology, to I labte as the Imcrnational Oirector. taise current levels of technological support for Asian languages and to The School of Law commenced in the advance policy for local language content <K'ademic session of Summer 2004 with creation and <lCCCSS across Asia for Dr Shahdeen Mal ik as Director and Mr. K development. S hamsuddin Mahmood <Js Head of undergraduate progran1. (;) \\I('IC~) Il)C Wit h the a i m of contributing to 1\ Ja:.;u.,r·· l)r l'\,ihl·ic Hl':lllh professional capacity build ing and .f:Jn)t'S. f'. ( ;n\•H S<.: IH,tll stl'engtltening the knowledge hase fo r the cicvclopment or the national education system, BRAC initiated the Institute or Education Project in July, 2004. Dr. Manzoor Ahmed was appointed as the Director· M.>d a smi<ll number of staff was seconded to the project from ~RAC 11U hosted the seventh International Education Programme and the Research C'on fetence on Computer and Jn!omwtion and Evaluation D.ivision of BRAC. The Techno logy ' (lCClT 2004). Ed ucatio n evcntu<.ll goal was ro set it up as an f'..'H nisrer ~, r. 1vl Osman Faruk in ~ugu rated Institute o f HU. the conletence in the city on December 26. 2004. The three-day conference took The fi rs t issue of B U .lomnal was place at the Plenaty H<>l l of the China­ publ ished on April I 5, 2004. The second l:langladesh r ricn<lsh ip Confcrcnct' Centre issue was published on September I 5, and l3RAC Ccnt r~. The JCCJT 2004 2004. Professor Moth Uddin Ahmed. provided a unique OJ>portunity for 2 BR/\C Univcr.:;ity Annual R~pt'll t 2004 and Development Srudics. The partner~IHI> purport; to achieve three goals in rclatton 10 BU capacity de' clopment: I) modcmi.dng teaching style, using uS ca~c methods and more imeractivc leaming in and out of the classroom; 2) improving the c~1 1>aci t y of BU faculty in research. ex posing them to frontier ntclhods and helping them to make progress on the pillh c(l m putc1· u nd in format ion . tee hno logy to crcAiing and maintaiHing rt:seu rch professionals. scientists, engineers, und programs that are relevant both to their rc~C<li'ChC I'> from all over tile world to teaching and to the development needs Qf exchange scient ific ideas, views and Bangladesh; and 3) exposing nu adminis· thoughts with fellow researchers and trutors to administrative approaches. partictpants and to present their current )ystcms. and theories at major US and future work to the scicnti fie and universities. Funded by the US State tcduucal community. The ICCIT 20().1 l)cpanment, the 3-year project "ill help Procccdmg~ contained 126 Prcscntatton GWC build on its commitment 10 l'ape~ and 43 Posters ,Session Papers of leadership in international education. whtch 25 were contributions from abroad international rlcvelopment studtcs. and t5 from l:lU. research. and pub I ic outreach. The Jlartncrshi t> also provides opportumty tO In Jnnuary, 2004 !31! and Asian Institute \)f recruit o utstanding Bangladeshi s tud ~nts Technology (AIT) signed ait fvloU t(>r for teachi ng ass istantships and other collllbOrat ion between the Department or f'i nancial uid in lJS universities. Man:lgcmcnt & Business (MGll) of 13 U und the School of Management of 1\JT in A new Posi~Gm d u a te D iploma Progrum in the tlclds or credi t transter and exchange South Asian Developrncm nnd of fnculty members between the two Cooperation ( S t\ OC) Studies wa> institutions. luunchcd on April I. 2004. In September 2004 BC developed a BU set up its Career Placement and partnership "ith George Washington Rc.carch & Advisory Services Oflicc> and Umvcrstty (Ci\VU) in USA. which will upgraded the Smdcnt Affairs Office to a locu, on the academic areas of Education directomte in the FY 2004. BRAC University Annu;;tl R.cpon 2004 3 Academic Prog-ress flU otTers tour-year q ndcrgraduatc b;lchc lor degree in Computer Science, Computer Science and Engineering, Management and lSusine.ss, Architecture, English, Ecorlomics and Law. Two 1vl asten; programs MBA (\<lasters in Business Management) and MDS (Masters in Development Studies) are also offered. Cuncntly there arc six academic o!Thed ccni ficatc and diploma progmms departments and Lwo s<.::huols (it 1hc such :iS CISCO und B. .. nk M"nagement & university. These arc: IT (BMlT). Following is a break down of .srudc.nt.s: Architecture (ARC) Computer Science and Enoinccrino Nn. nf Stud(•nts Admitted ~ ~ (CSR) Un.d ~rgn1duate ARC 132 Economics and Social Sciences (ESS) BBA 689 English and Humanit ies (ENH) CSE 674 Management and Business (MGfl) ECO 60 Mathematics and ~atural Sciences ENG 71 (tvlNS) l.LB 20 School of l.aw (LU3} Total: 1646 School of Public Health (SI'H) I Graduate ~lBA IS.1 ML)S The total number of swdents at BU as on 32 Total: 215 3 I Oe.cember 2004 was 1646 i n Diploma unde rgraduale progra ms and 2 l 5 in I CISCO 96 gradlWIC pro gr~nns. BRAC Univen;j1y also HMIT )'<,, SADC ·1 :-\umbt l' tJ fStuch:nt.s in c:·ach prog r~~m :Jl:i of Total: U5 Oeccmbee· 2004 Grand total: 1996 The la.rgcsl .numbers. of' studcnl~ \vcn.: enrolled in .. the Dep3nmcnts of :VIanagc· men! and I3usiness and Compute!' Science and Engine.e r ~ng. = 5((1 ~0 ~ u m b~ r Of Sl u(lf'rH'i: i n cf iffw·('ul v; 4•:•) p•1og•·:lms ....... of ll ('tt .nl>~·· 1004 'B )~01) Hollll "'·• '•XI . !.!.(1~1 0 ~ J:10!l 1M ; !(ltlfJ U2 "• ~l)IJ :v:o - ''"'' 7.• .l.!1o) 2(1tl \ 1 • \ l<t• 1~11.\ "" " Governance C IIAi'\CELLOR A:'I<O PRII'Cif'AL OFFICERS Chancellor Trentttr('r l'rofessor Dr. lajuddinAhmcd Do·. S:l lchuddin Ahmed ll ono rab\~ Pr~sident 1\'1 r. S ukhcndra K Sarkar (Actin~(} l'cople's Republic of13angladcsh f Ice C/wnc:ellor Regi.wrar l'rofessor J amilur Rc1:a Choud hury M r. :\'1uhnmmad Sahool A f1al Co,·crning Board The (ioverning 13oao·d i; the highc;t po licy making body of BRAC Universi ty. It is responsible for ensuring thai the highest levels ofeducat ional and adminislralive swndnrds arc sct and maintained 111 11R/\C Uni versity. The CliiTCnl Oovcrning Board cons i s t ~ of the fo I lowing eminent personal icics ofBnngladesh: Pl'('.sitlmr Ur. llamccda Hossain \1r. F:ozle Hasan Ahcd Research Director Ch:urperson A in 0 Shalish Kendra (ASK). Dhaka BRAC l'rof~·sso o· Or. Tchmina Hussain Fonner Sccrecmy Memil<•rs Primary 1111tl Mass Education Divi>ion l't·ofcssor Jarnilur Hcta Cho udhury Govcl'l\lllCrlt of Bangladesh Vice Chancello r BRA(' University Oo·.
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