See 17-20 for Home & Garden Fair winds Leaders blow over to address Shalom change Apartments at annual 'Green' grant of$ 1.4 meeting million includes wind turbine B Y MAnY Ko,rn Special to The Voice & Herald WARWICK - 'Shalom Apart­ ments, affordable housing fo r seniors and disabled individuals administered by Jewish Seniors Agency QSA) of Rhode Island, / Wendy Joering is the recipient of a $1.4 million NECHAMA volunteers take a break grant through federal stimulus /E lizabeth Roberts dollars, the only applicant in the LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR state to receive one thus far. from their hack-breaking labor ELIZABETH ROBERTS Shalom is also the first in the nation to receive approval for a FROM LEFT, FRONT, Mark Sweeberg, a volunteer through Temple Am David; Elie Lowenfeld, Outstanding wind turbine through the pro­ founder of Jewish Disaster Response Corps; Lori Jargo, a volunteer through Temple Beth-El; Dan gram, which will generate 80 Hoeft, NECHAMA's operations manager; Sarah Sellers and Heather Stern, NECHAMA volunteers volunteers will be percent of the property's common from Pennsylvania; Chad Ostlund, rear, left; and Dave Castle, rear, right, NECHAMA volunteers recognized area electricity. It should be up from Minnesota. They were at the site of a flood-damaged home in Greenville on Wednesday, April 21 . and running by the end of Sep­ B Y NANCY Kmsc u tember of this year. [email protected] The grant was awarded through Volunteering is an honor the G reen Retrofi t Program for PROVIDENCE The multi-family housing, created Jewish Federation of Rhode through the A meri can Recov­ and a labor of love Island 's QFRI) annual meeting, ery and Reinves tment Act of smell of mold. On that day - as worked side-by-side doing the on Monday, M ay 3 at 7 p.m., in 2009,which is administered by NECHAM.A, ]FRI on other days since the fl oods - heavy lifting and providing emo­ the Jewish Community Center the U.S. D epartment of H ousing volunteers came together to help tional support to the family whose of Rhode Island QCCRI) social and Urban D evelopment (HUD). and others join forces fl ood-damaged victi ms take stock finished basement contained 44 hall, will enlighten and educate "Shalom is leading the way," of and begin to reclaim their years worth of personal effects B Y N ANC Y Krnsc,, all who attend. - file cabinets full of financial said HUD Sec retary Shaun D on­ [email protected] upside-down lives. A terrific trio of prominent ovan, who visited the apartment Volunteers from NEC HAMA, records, diplomas, photo albums, community leaders - Lt. G over­ holiday ornaments, extra kitchen complex on M onday to announce WARWICK - Friday, April 16 the Jewish response to disaster nor Elizabeth Roberts, Anthony supplies, a sewing machine ... all the award. was a raw and chilly day; even the (a nd agency staff, as well), the Maione, the president and chief The program is providing constant drizzle of rain couldn't Jewish Federation of Rhode Island executive officer at the United See VOLUNTEERS, Page 13 $250 million nationally to reduce wash away the unmistakably acrid QFRI) and Providence C ollege Way of Rhode Island; and Saul Kaplan, founder of Business See SHALOM, Page 20 How does Innovation Factory, and the What's Inside: former executive director of the Rhode Island Economic D evel­ opment Corporation (RIEDC) Business ......................... 26-27 your garden - will participate in an interac­ Calendar .. ... .. ...... ..... ........ 10-11 tive panel discussion that Stephen Community ... 2-3, 7-9, 13-16, 22 grow? Silberfarb, JFRI's executive vice Home & Garden ............ 17-20 president/chief executive offi cer, Nation .......... ...... .. ........ ........ 12 will moderate. Panelists will field ques tions from the audience - so Obituaries ..... ........ .. .. .. .. 29-30 ANA JACOBSON OF Providence will become a bat mitzvah on come prepared with ques tions Opinion .................. .. ..... .... 4-6 Saturday, May 1 at Temple about the issues that bemuse, Seniors. ............... 25, 28 Beth-El in Providence. For her befuddle or bewitch you. Simchas/Wc Are Read ...... 31 mitzvah project, she worked at The future of Jewish Rhode Island is inextricably linked to the Torah........ ... .. .. .. ... ...... 28 a community garden where she grew and harvested vegeta- future of greater Rhode Island. NEXT ISSUE: ~ bles for Camp Street Ministries, D espite the economic climate, ] a food pantry in Providence. the Jewish community and the %!J,tJv g For more on gardeners of larger Rhode Island community .B all ages, dig into our story on & 9?,e,Ql,liJf s:~ page 17. See ENGAGE, Page 8 • 'll PAGE 2 Jewish Voice <\,l-krald April 30, 2010 0 MUNITY The Voice & Herald wins Metcalf Award again Despite lean staff Metcalf, publisher of 7he Provi­ nist, in our Oct. 16 issue, about dence Journal. Bishop Geralyn W olfs Jewish 1:j:MIU:f:1:1=*·11Ji4 paper recognized RIC] is a nonprofit social justice heritage. organization dedicated to fighting • "Palestinian activist: From for excellence in bias, bigotry and racism and pro­ angry young man ... ," by freelance moting understanding and respect writer Philip Eil, in our July 24 reporting among all races, religions and cul­ issue about Aziz Abu Sarah, who BY VO ICE & H EHALD STAPF tures through advocacy, conflict spoke at the JCCRI. [email protected] resolution and education. • "Let me tell you ... about the 7he Jewish Voice & Herald sub- Holocaust," by Merci Pauline, a PROVIDENCE 12-year-old girl who - For the third ,AG£ l _,..._. , __ U,aoll MkJZJl,©liid fled Carner- consecutive year, ,,. Hope and spirit shine for special bar mitzvah boy oon. H er piece, Skl; fu~ m/r.;,,al, '----- K<•Mh',llJdiaM ,1=1cit~"'a11so Rhode Island fo r f/1111111/wn 7t"mpk published in Emum,,£1 tuppyth.o1you~• Community & 1,0happy. Howhard the May 29 you~wor~io Justice (RIC]) MtMor•thhcby. 11 issue, was a !ells me ol MlrMON has awa rded WholSflJIQfk,.,a student essay ~nd gffltfo,,rty.• 7he Jewish Voice -~,-- recognized by & Herald a the H olocaust Michael P. M et­ Edu c ation calf Award. The & Resource award, which is Center. "United lancer for the by faith ... ," by newspaper, United by fai th, ,,,. ,,,_.,.....,..., _.,... .. .. .. .... freelance writer for a story committed to ..__....... i,, _ _ ..... -.~,. Marcy Brink­ called "Faith, act ion and change !:!'..::'.. ,:r.···.. - ~ .... ... ... ... divider or Mort 1ha11 200 attmd _,_, .... --:::._~... Danan, in our R.I. lmrrji1irh ro11frrmrr May 15 issue, uniter?" roftghrfl011tny IT~LoA:',"aa-.o,..,;._, about an ,,-;.,.a,,.11,;;,t,Hno,!/ J'RO\'IOOICt-"\\'tJ,o,,)-.I IO presented mined six pieces published in 2009 was about the interfait h :.':.:X-.,:.:,::::zi:,:t;r MC•Mlh!Jlll~liiM fo rum at 'i'!:...tb,,..,... ... ('..._ to media that range from religious, racial Rhode island out l e t s and ethnic diversity to diversity In terfaith Salve Regina in ~=x:.~=.. .... ......., ,ut,l,,<ldori:r-1--- Newport. -"l' ... -..,.,.i. .. 11.oom.1y that foster due to poverty and special needs. Coaliti o n e~cellence The pieces we submitted that Against Pov­ 7he 2010 Met­ ~-=-~~~,bed1--..1,('ooMioo•M't'•"lor \\·,n;.-~ ca(f Awards cer­ H,,.oodoONJ.-.wi...Nby in foster­ earned us our third M etcalf were erty. ~'.':!;~~~ ing under­ these: "The emony will be held Ccw><ilol.0..,-.wbo~"Allol sta ndin g • "Hope and spirit shine ... ," Miriam as a on May 6 at 8 a.m., and good­ by Mary Korr, freelance writer, world- class Hotel Providence, will, was in our D ec. 11 issue, about Sid institution," 139 Mathewson St., established Skurkovich, a young man with by Nancy Providence. Tickets in 1988 special needs, who celebrated his Kirsch, in are $40 per person. to honor bar mitzvah. the May the late "One prominent woman issue, about For more informa­ Michae l reveals ... ," by Josh Stein, colum- the hospital's Musli m, Christian and Jewish tion about the event, leaders working together. contact Ann Clanton at 467-1717, In M ay 2009, the paper won for ext. 101 or [email protected]. several stories and, in May 2008, Jewish Federation of Rhode Island's Nancy Kirsch won, then a free- Women's Event • Sunday, June 6 New Publication Date: October 1 I Materials Due: August 15 The Hilton Hotel Providence Some secrets are 4PM 2010 GUIDE TO JEWISH LIVING IN RHODE ISLAND! too good to keep. Be part of the only publication that reaches 22,000 Jewish readers for a full year. This Guide will be mailed 10 every known Jewish I household m Rhode Island and Soulheas1em Featuring Jill Zarin of Bravo's Massachusetls with our Oclober 1, 2010 issue of Th e Jewish Voice & He,ald, publisher of this 1nformat1ve handbook. Real Housewives of New York, Rates Price Back cover glossy stock, 4-color ............ $1 ,475 11,,1 , .J,.,., /l,11/,1 .. ,11 ,,,,,, , _.. ,, Inside front or back cover, 4-color .......... $1 ,325 her sister radio host Lisa Wexler, Full page 4-color glossy ........................... $1 ,000 Fufl page 4-color .... .......... ... $825 Full page spot color ______ $ 670 and their mother Gloria Kamen Full page b&w .... .. $ 780 Half page 4-colOf glossy.... ... .. $500 Half page 4·color .... ...... $450 ~ c - Half page spot color.... .. .. ..... $4 10 Half page b&w vertical or honzontal. ........ $300 Limited Seating. Tickets: $36 Open rates: $ 20 per column inch Advance reservations required Special rates: $1 5 per column inch for lull­ ' .... year adve rt isers ol The Jewish VOlce & Herald "' For more information call 401.421 .4 111 newspaper (25 insertions) Color: 4-color: Add $1 50 Spot. Add $110 For tickets please visit www.JFRl.org Advertising Deadline: August 15, 20 10 Contact: George Peckham Mechanical Info: 1 column width 2.25" 401 ·225-6901 :2 column width: 4.6:25" 3 column width: 7" ..
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