| Volume 15, Issue 1 | Summer 2019 | In this issue: Highlighting Repertoire by Women Composers Carolina Course 3 at the 2019 RSCM Summer Courses St. Louis Course 3 by Susan Jane Matthews, composer-in-residence post. of them might aspire. A sur- Gulf Coast Course 4 DMA While I had been disheart- vey of these sixteen choral Kings College Course 5 Each Spring, I eagerly seek ened in the Winter to find in works by women composers out the posting of the reper- the 2019 summer course bro- follows, from Chiara Coz- Massachusetts Boy Choir 6 chure that no women had zolani and Raphaella Aleotti Course toire lists for the RSCM Sum- mer Training Courses. This been included as guest direc- composing in 17th-century Pacific Northwest Course 7 will be repertoire that our tors, only one women organ- Italian convents to 20th- and Rhode Island at Newport 8 choristers study intensely, ist, and merely two women 21st-century composers in Course and through their enthusi- chaplains, it was a delight to America and England. asm often becomes a part of discover in the Spring that Washington D.C. Course 9 * * * the repertoire of our choir at seven of the nine 2019 RSCM Charlotte Course 9 St. Paul’s Burlingame. Two Summer Training Courses Gulf Coast Course for teens returning from the included at least one choral Girls and Adults work by a women composer. 2018 Rhode Island Newport www.rscmgulfcoast.org Choristers in attendance course with Patricia Van Director: Walden Moore could see role models of Ness’s Cor meum est tem- Course Managers: Anna women as composers of sa- plum sacrum (My heart is a Teagarden and Chris Betts holy place) even led from a cred choral music, a vocation close collaboration with the open to both men and wom- This year's Gulf Coast Course en, a vocation to which each composer to the creation of a continued on page 2 Bless O Lord, us thy servants who minister in thy temple. Grant that what we sing with our lips we may believe in our hearts, and what we believe in our hearts we may show forth in our lives, through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen. Choristers from the Pacific Northwest Course sing at their final Eucharist on June 30, 2019. Highlighting Repertoire by Women Composers continued from page 1 featured music from the Ital- Contact [email protected] ian Renaissance and also for a perusal copy, and to music written by female purchase a pdf with permis- composers, the latter making sion to copy. up more than one-third of Quoting the Veni Creator the repertoire list. chant, this lovely setting was Course manager Anna composed in 2015 for the Teagarden notes: “Our girls Junior and Intermediate especially enjoyed singing Girls at the RSCMA King’s works by current students and sisters, Maggie and Katie Burk, who grew up going to RSCM courses and still par- ticipate in the courses. That Choristers from the Massa- was especially inspiring. We chusetts Boy Choir Course and had a composition activity the Pacific Northwest Course which the girls loved! I enjoying some social time would like to see more en- couragement of girls for Chaplain: The Rev. Dr. composition. For girls in par- Noelle York-Simmons ticular, it seems to me that Course Manager: Matthew there is an uneven balance Brown toward a push to perfor- mance.” Cecilia McDowall (b. 1951) Also see Daley’s Hymn to College Course where both | from Three Latin Motets: Maggie Burk (b. 1990) | God below, included at Katie and her twin Maggie Preces and Responses MBCC. 1. Ave Regina have long been active partici- SSATB A cappella SATB with divisi A cappella pants. Katie is currently a Elizabeth Poston (1905- 2. Ave Maria Sung Prayers for Evensong doctoral student in organ at 1987) | Jesus Christ the SSA A cappella Contact Indiana University. Both apple tree Publisher: Oxford [email protected] for a twins grew up as choristers SATB A cappella perusal copy, and to pur- at Grace Cathedral, Topeka, These are gorgeous settings, Advent Lessons and Carols, chase a pdf with permission Kansas where their father, worthy of the challenge of General to copy. Steve Burk, is Organist/ negotiating many close dis- Publisher: Banks Music Pub- Choirmaster. sonances. In guest director These Preces and Responses lications Jared Johnson’s words, Ave were written for David Hill Eleanor Daley (b. 1955) | If you’d like a fresh twist on Regina was the “runaway hit and the Schola Cantorum at Come, renew us (2011) this favorite, listen to the of the week.” Yale, where Maggie Burk Text: David Adam (b. 1936) exquisite canon on final vers- completed a Master of Music To sample further the large SATB with divisi A cappella es as sung by Seraphic Fire in conducting. She is cur- and diverse oeuvre of Cecilia General, Lent (Patrick Dupré Quigley, con- rently a doctoral student in McDowall, also consider: A Publisher: Alliance ductor) at conducting at the University Prayer of St. Columba (SAB; https://www.youtube.com/w of Michigan. This evocative setting was The Oxford Book of Easy atch?v=SixnHKwyrjI commissioned in 2011 for Flexible Anthems) and for Katie Burk (b. 1990) | Christ Church, Cambridge, Carolina Course for Girls Pentecost, Celestial Fire Listen, sweet dove Massachussetts, a prayer to & Adults (Veni, Creator Spiritus). Text: George Herbert open souls to be renewed in http://carolinarscm.org/ In response to whether he Two-part treble and organ the joy, peace, hope, light, Director: Jared Johnson Pentecost strength and love of God. continued on page 10 Page 2 Royal School of Church Music in America Carolina Course by Matthew Michael Brown, choristers relished the op- pass for our week together. Course Manager portunity to present two Her daily homilies were an The 2019 Carolina Course beautiful compositions by a inspiration to everyone, and I celebrated its 24th year on living female composer. also recommend her for the beautiful campus of Duke McDowall’s Ave Maria and many future courses. Ave Regina were sung during University in Durham, NC. The Carolina Course also communion. Dr. Johnson Our course reached maxi- welcomed two guest artists also selected Bruce Neswick’s mum enrollment for girl for voice classes for girls and I Will Set His Dominion for choristers in March and also adults: Cristy Lynn Brown, the offertory anthem. Other welcomed many new adult Professor of Voice at Salem (New Canaan, CT). Tipton repertoire perfectly suited for participants. College in Winston-Salem, also provided a wonderful the vast acoustic of Duke NC and Sarah Rose Taylor of seminar for our adult partici- Dr. Jared Johnson, Canon Chapel included Gerre Han- Charleston, SC, provided pants, during which time he for Music at Trinity Episco- cock’s Preces and Responses, seminars and pedagogical spoke about his career at the pal Cathedral in Columbia, David Hogan’s O Gracious wisdom in several classes. American Cathedral in Paris SC was our music director. Light and Mt. St. Alban Can- Yoga balls, bobble heads, and and his studies with the leg- Dr. Fred Teardo, Director of ticles, alongside Herbert “tongue-stretch-baby-sighs” endary Marie-Madeleine Music at Cathedral Church of Howells’ Te Deum Lauda- were the perfect way to con- Duruflé. the Advent in Birmingham, mus (Collegium Regale). The nect with our choristers and AL was organist. We took Course also offered Philip Girl choristers were treated to teach healthy vocal pro- great delight in welcoming Wilby’s beautiful setting of to a Saturday visit to the duction when dealing with Mr. Alden Wright, a rising God Be in My Head and the Duke Lemur Center and also fatigue and tension. Please senior in the studio of Na- final amen from Gerald Fin- enjoyed daily activities contact me for their infor- than Laube at the Eastman zi’s Lo, the Full Final Sacri- planned by our proctor staff mation if you are interested School of Music, as this fice. Organ voluntaries led by Pamela Hair of Co- in hosting either of these year’s organ scholar. Jona- included music of César lumbia, SC. than Poe of Christ Church, terrific artists for guest clas- Franck, Louis Vierne, The Carolina Course will cel- Macon, GA, served as Verger. ses with your programs. Percy Whitlock, and ebrate its 25th anniversary in Dr. Johnson was a tremen- Edward Elgar. Our trebles were admirably 2020 at Duke University. We led in daily rehearsals by dous leader and inspiration, Using our course theme, “We eagerly welcome alumni and Brandon Straub, and I wholeheartedly recom- Praise Thee, O God” as our new participants for this cel- (Washington, D.C.), Nigel mended him for other cours- focus, the week’s Chaplain ebratory year! As course Potts (Charleston, SC), es. He chose outstanding was The Reverend Dr. Noelle plans are finalized, we en- Christin Barnhardt repertoire, most notably, two York-Simmons, Rector of courage early registration, as (Winston-Salem, NC), and Latin motets by Cecilia Christ Church in Alexandria, space is limited. Please visit Homer Ferguson (Southern McDowall for the closing VA. Reverend Noelle was a www.carolinarscm.org for Pines, NC). The adults were morning service. The girl tremendous spiritual com- more information. prepared by Ned Tipton St. Louis Course by Weezer Weir, spent the week rehearsing ites from the week included: Course Manager and worshipping, singing at Thou, O God, Art Praised in The St. Louis Course had two services (Evensong at St. Zion by Malcom Boyle, Even- another great year! 2019 was Paul United Church of Christ ing Service in B by Noble, As organist. Nick will also be the 22nd year of the St.
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