The , Every ail: monilia the Yugoalav Ch... Federation brin~ out a ne" book of the fin.. t gamell played d uring Ihe preceding half year. A unique, newly-deviaed ayatam of annotating gam_ by coded aiqns avoid. aU lanquage obatacles. Thia makes poaaible a \lIl.iversalJ.y "'able and yet r.aaonably.priced book which brin91 the newest idecu in the openings and throughout the game to "ery dun enthusiaBt more quickly than ever before. Book 6 contain. 821 gam_ played ~tw.. n July I and December 31, 1968. A qreat ••lecti on 01 theoretically importcmt gam.. from 28 tournaments and match.. including the Lugano Olympiad. World Student Team Championship (Ybb.), Mar del Plata. Netanyo, Amsterdam. Skopje. Dehrecen. Sombor. Havana, Vinkovd , Belgrade, Palma de Majorca. and Atheu, Special New Feature! Beginning with Book 6, each CHESS INFORMANT contains a aection for rIDE communications, r. placing the former official publication FIDE REVIEW. The FIDE MCl lon in th1I iuue contain, complete RequlatioD.8 for the Tournament. and Match.. for the Men'. emd Ladi ..' World Championahipl. Prescribes the entire competi tion sr-tem from Zonal emd Intenonal Toumamentl through the Candidat. Matche. to the World Cbampionsbip Match. Book 6 hcu aectiona featuring 51 brilliant Combinationa and (S Endings from actual play during the precedinq ail:: months. Another iDter.. Ung feature is a table lilting in order the Ten Best Gam.. from Book 5 emd ahowing how each of the eiqht Grandmmtera on the jury voted. Conloins em English·lcmquage introduction, explemation of the annotation code, index of play. ers and commentators, and lilt of tournamentl emd match... Croutabl.. given for every tournament. look 6, Immediate Shipment • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Postpaid $5.50 BACK IN 5 3 4 STILL AVAILABLE Containl 679 complete games played between January I and June 30. 1968. All games carefully selected from the world of master chess to give you important opening ideas and theoretical contributions from Moscow, Bucharest. Monaco, ail Candidates Matches, and fourteen other evenls. BOOK 3 4 Plus two special sections, one containing (S brilliant Com- binations from actual play and the other containing 27 748 Games 867 Games highly instruclive End Games. Played 'anuory-June, 1967 luly·December, 1967 Postpaid, $5.00 Poltp.id, $5.00 Postplid, $5.00 OFFER-ALL FOUR ABOVE SI Books I and 2 oul 01 s tock. Please do not order unless we read.,ertise them. 1968 CHESS LIFE ANNUAL A full year of the finest English·language chess magazine, boWld in a rich, black cover with gold leltering, a beautiful volume you will be proud to own. For aU chesaplayers. an invaluable record composed 01 the twelve 1968 isau.. of CHESS LIFE, The year's qreatest qames, instructively annotated. lrom international. national, and leqional events. Special leatures, aBDOtatec:i qames, and requIar columns at and by the stellar names of the chess uni· verse-Fischer, Petrosian, Spassky, Botvinnj'k, Larsen-regular contributors include Benko, World Cor· respondence Champion Berliner, Robert Byrne, Collins. United States Champion Evans. the incompar. able Keres, Koltanowskl. Lombardy, Pachman, Radojcic. Reshevsky. Saidy, and ZucJ::erman. A r.cord of all major U.S. tournaments and reports on events lrom international /0 city and club level. Supplemental Rating Lists qive standinqs of all nationaIly·rated U.S. to umamelll ployers. NOW AVAILABLE, EACH $8.00 POSTPAID 1961 Annuals still available, each $1.00 postpaid 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, and 1965 Annuall, lingle volumH, uc:h $6.00 postfNkI. SPECIALI FIVE VOLUMES FOR $22.501 (0.... for Nc:h YNr, five for a 9iv8n Y81r, or Iny IUO' Imlnt of five volum ...) Pleo,. do not order 1966 Annual. aU sold out. Send payment with ord.r to USCF, 479 lroael •• " N •• burgh, N.Y. 12550 • 350 CHESS LIFE ~UNITED Volume XXIV Number 9 September. 1969 EDITOR: Burt Hochberg FEDERATION CONTENTS PRESIOENT Dr. Leroy Dub~ck VICE.PRESIDENT Presidential Report, by Marshall Roh land ............................................ 352 Frank Skorr Chess Life, Here and There ... ..................... 352, 362, 374, 375, 391, 395 SECRET ARY , Eric BonC! A Letter From the Chomp, by Kimball Nedved .................................... 354 EXECUTI VE DIRECTOR Observation Point, by Mira Rodojeic ............. .. ........ .................... ....... 355 E. B. Edmondson RE GIONAL VI CE·PRESI DENTS A Treasury at Hi story, by Burt Hochberg ..................................... .. ..... 357 NEW ENGL AND n .. "jamln La"d... ~· Bisguier Wins Great Plains Open .............. .................. ........................ 358 S I<" 'CII J, ~' r y mo:r F red T""' n ~ ,,"d Other Places, Some Faces, by Pol Benko ... .... ................. ..... ... .......... 359 EASTERN WllUam {j()khh"r~ nenls Ilarry Allen KBU!""'" Col lege Chess News, by Peter Meschter ............................................ 360 M I D·A TLA NTIC Jam .... Vall Horn Dr. ~'rcd /\ . Sorenson The Art of Posi tional Play, by Sammy Resh evsky .......................... ...... 361 tcw l ~ HuckS SOUTHE RN Samuel F \llk<' r~o n The Jacklyn Brothers, by John W. Collins ................... ................... 363 lI u ll<, r l C"lc '-'o nald Schultz GREAT lAK ES 1I"..,,,rl II.,,,,,, At lantic Open Sets Record .................................................................. 366 J an.... s C;I';' " Tl,..odol"\' I"'h,w(' Ukrainion Tournament Won by Popel .................................................... 367 NORTH CE NTR AL t>dH \\' ''If Hichard \"Hb",· Lorry Evans on Chess ......... .. ... ......................... .............. ... ... ........... .... 368 ,\ I"k ~ ~"'kr I.kl'Ili",'k, SOUTH WESTE RN K,-n S ",lth itul .... 1 UrifJ:C' Benko's Ba fflers ....... .. ... ................... ....................................................... 370 n r. Alfn'd Sot",,>o n PACIF IC A. ) 1. (::,,'d,w. State Champions .. , .. ... ................. .... .. ................................... .. , ........... .... 375 1I,, ~s dl ~1II 1 " r CuI. n llOrll" tJaiy Third Internotianal Rating List, by Arpad Elo .. .......................... .. .... .. 376 NATIONAL CHAIRMEN .nd OFFICERS Fa ll Rating Supplement .. , .... .. ... ................ ... ...................... , ................ 378 ARMED FORCES CHE SS .. ,..... , ~!"j . Arthur Joy BYLAWS .......... , ,_, _._. J,,,,,,,. \ '"n !lul'n Tournament Life ................. .... ...... , .. .. .......... ... .. ...... .. ... ....................... 392 CHESS EDUCAT ION ...... ......... _. 1)"I~ Gustafson COLl. EGE CHE SS... ....... M • •••••••••••• .I ' cler :\Ie...,hter COUNUL & T.EASU.E . ........ Duld Ho (!m.. nn INDUST. IAL CHESS .. __ •....• ~ Malth e ... A. Pavitt JU NIOR CHESS __ __ __ ___ ... ~I~ j o , ' n"I ..·U ":,n·h MASTERS APFA I.S .......................... Ro bert Byrne ME RIT AWA RDS .......... .. ......... ... .... ... .. :II Bourdon NOMINATIONS .. ...... " .. .. ................ J:llnc ~ VBn I[orn JOIN THE UNITED STATES CHESS FEDERATION RATINGS & PAIRINGS ........ .. .......... Arpld E. E10 TAli; DEDUCT[ .ILITY ........ _..... .. ", II ~ r o ld Dondis USCf i~ 3 n un.p roflt democratic or,anllatlon. the oU icial ,o" ernlnll: body and F1 Dt: , Wor ld TOU RN AMEN T A DM ........... Geor.e Kolt.. nowskl Chl'''' f'eduation l .. nit l or chess In the 0 5,\. ,\nyone interested In IIdvancln, ,\ mcrlc.,n chen I. (' 1I . lble for membership. w ll h bl' ne fl l ~ which Include a CHESS LIFE subserlpUon . nd ell.lblllty TOUR NAMENT DIREC TOR CERT lf ICATlON _ __ .. _............................ ...... ................ :. lJ. .:dnlOndso" for USCF <"atlna. U. S. CHAM P ID HSHI P .................. M.uriee Kuper 1I.,ul.r Membe.,hlp: I year. 510.00; 2 )'l'ars, '19.00; 3 years. $27.00. J unior Memberlhlp WOMEN'S e HESS .... ...................... ...... Eu Aronson 'tinde r 21 at expiration date): I )'e;,r, 55.00; 2 )·urs. 59.:;0; l ycarl. SI3.SO. SU i tlining Membtr· Women'. lat.. n .. Uon. I.. ............ K. thryn Slater Ih ip (become, Life artcr 10 cons('cutin' .. nnual p3ymentsl: $20.(}(I. Once " Su~lalnlnR Ml'mber' Ihlp hu bellun. each i ucccnive y('a,"s d\les mUll be paid before the expiration datc. Other. wise, the sust aining crcle starh OVl'r 311111n ~t yenr one and at whateve r mtes are then In e(fect. Life Mrm benhlp: 5200.00. WORLD CHESS FEDERATION CHESS LIFE is published monthly by USCF and entered as $«ond·class matter at £ UI (F.I.D.E.) Dubuque. Illinois. No~m . m b .. I·yr . subscription: 56.50 (S7.50 outside USA); sln.le eopy: $Sf t7$t o u tside US,\I. Ching. o f , ddreu: ,\110'" ~tx "'el'kl notice; piu S(! g ive ul both t he neW add r u~ Fred Cramer lind the o ld addr ess. Includln. the numben and dales o n the top line o f )fOUr steneil. Vice·President, Zone 5 (U.S.A.) ""ddrl'lI all communication,. and makr all chrcks p .. yable t o: UNITED STATES CHESS FEDERATION, 47. Bro,dway, Nl wbur.h, N.Y. 12550 SEPTEMBER. 1969 351 Presidential Report At the end of one's Presidency, it is in the deficit yearS, some dedicated peo­ appropriate and constructive to look ple envisioned it. These dedicated pro­ back over the progres:; in USCF during moters, some working regionally, some the three year term, and also the pre­ working nationally, gave generously of ceding years. Looking back in perspec­ their time, heart, and even personal tive reveals a long story of struggle funds for the good of Chess. The purpose and accomplishment. was service to Chess, to create a demo­ The accompanying chart and table craOc national organization for Chess, show dramatically that USeF was not and to establish it in its proper
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