CURRICULUM VITAE Name : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Shamsul Bahri Hj Mohd Tamrin Department : Environmental & Occupational Health Faculty : Medicine and Health Sciences Area of Specialization : Industrial Hygiene/Occupational Ergonomics Staff Number : A02473 Identity Card Number : 720305105651 Date of Birth : 5th March 1972 Contact numbers Office : 89472394 Mobile : 0173134792 Fax : 89472394 E-mail : [email protected] Year of Commencement : 20/11/1997 of Service Date of Confirmation : 29/01/2003 Date of Appointment of : 1/2/2013 Associate Prof Year and Pass Grade for : 29/01/2003 In-Service Training Salary Grade : DS54 Basic Salary to Date : RM9550 Language Qualification : Bahasa Malaysia : C4 : English : C3 : IELTS : 7 H Index : 15 I-10 Index : 20 1 A. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND Degree Awarding University/Body Year Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) 1997 Master of Medical Science (Public Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) 2002 Health) Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Mie University – Japan 2008 Science B. TEACHING ACTIVITIES Course title Code Credit hours Year Status Industrial Hygiene EOH 3203 3 2003-now Coordinator Research Project ENV 4999 9 2000-2011 Lecturer Ergonomics EOH 4201 3 2005-now Lecturer rd Industrial Training (3 Year) EOH 3901 9 2010-2011 Lecturer Health Management System EOH4202 3 2009-now Coordinator and Occupational Safety Industrial Safety EOH 3201 3 2005-now Coordinator Industrial Toxicology and EOH 4301 3 2010-2011 Lecturer Environment Advance in industrial hygiene EOH 5203 3 2008-now Coordinator Environmental & EOH 3301 3 2011-now Coordinator Occupational Health Law Health Management System EOH5202 3 2009-now Coordinator and Occupational Safety C. SUPERVISION Level No. of students Undergraduate supervision 81 Undergraduate co – supervision 22 Post graduate supervision (Master’s) 16 Post graduate co-supervision (Master’s) 5 Post graduate supervision (Ph.D) 15 Post graduate co-supervision (Ph.D) 7 2 107. Student supervision (Under graduate) No Project Title Student Supervised Year Status Implication of noise exposure to the hearing Zuraini Zainol B.Sc 1 ability among steel (Environmental and 2000/2001 Completed workers in Gurun Occupational Health) Industrial Area, Kedah Concentration of indoor PM10 in school and at homes and the prevalence Arividya Arimuthu of acute and chronic B.Sc (Environmental 2 2000/2001 Completed respiratory symptoms and Occupational among primary Health) schoolchildren in Serdang, Selangor Schoolbag load and its effects on the stature Lim Poh Ai B.Sc profile and erector spinae 3 (Environmental and 2000/2001 Completed muscle of primary Occupational Health) schoolchildren in Seri Serdang, Selangor Effect on Liver enzymes due to the exposure of Israuha Mohamad B.Sc pesticides among tobacco 4 (Environmental and 2000/2001 Completed planters in Kampung Occupational Health) Telaga Papan, Pasir Puteh, Kelantan Darul Naim Prevalance of hearing loss Azlan Hamzah. B.Sc 5 among grass cutters in (Environmental and 2000/2001 Completed Perlis Occupational Health) Muscles activities and its association with musculo- Fakrul Razi Abu Bakar skeletal problem among B.Sc (Environmental 6 2000/2001 Completed nurses in Tengku Ampuan and Occupational Afzan’s Hospital in Health) Kuantan, Pahang Study of noise exposure and hearing loss among Muniandy M. Nathan foggers from Vectorborne B.Sc (Environmental 7 1999/2000 Completed Unit, Department of and Occupational Health, State of Negeri Health) Sembilan 3 No Project Title Student Supervised Year Status Whole body vibration and Abdul Rahim Muda muscle activity associated B.Sc (Environmental 8 with low back pain among 2000/2001 Completed and Occupational drivers in Kuantan Health Health) District Exposure to hexavalent chromium compound and Ridhuan Mhd Dan B.Sc 9 carcinoembryogenic (Environmental and 2001/2002 Completed antigen (CEA) level among Occupational Health) stainless steel welders Exposure to nickel Chiang Lee Juan compound and B.Sc (Environmental 10 carcinoembryogenic 2001/2002 Completed and Occupational antigen (CEA) level among Health) stainless steel welders Noise exposure and it Yong Kui Jin B.Sc Relationship with Hearing 11 (Environmental and 2002/2003 Completed problem among workers Occupational Health) in textile industry Hearing problem among Norhaslinda Hassan workers in natural rubber B.Sc (Environmental 12 2002/2003 Completed processing plant in and Occupational Kelantan Health) Wholebody Vibration exposure and its relation with erector spinae Mohd Rotpi Abdullah muscles activities and the B.Sc (Environmental 13 2002/2003 Completed prevalence of low back and Occupational pain among commercial Health) vehicle drivers in Kota Bahru, Kelantan Electromyography of the erector spinae muscles Mohd Noor Mamat and it relationship with B.Sc (Environmental 14 2002/2003 Completed musculoskeletal problem and Occupational among nurses in Hospital Health) USM, Kelantan 4 No Project Title Student Supervised Year Status Heat stress and the relationship with Victor Lazarus B.Sc 15 biological parameter (Environmental and 2002/2003 Completed among steel workers in Occupational Health) Klang, Selangor Heat stress and the Nurul Ainun Hamzah relationship with B.Sc (Environmental 16 physiological changes 2002/2003 Completed and Occupational among welders in Shah Health) Alam, Selangor Getaran seluruh badan Mohd Afrul Nizam B.Sc dan kesannya ke atas otot 17 (Environmental and 2003/2004 Completed trapezius di kalangan Occupational Health) pemandu trak ATM Pendedahan bunyi bising Mohd Ridzuan Salleh dan hubungannya dengan B.Sc (Environmental 18 ambang pendengaran di 2003/2004 Completed and Occupational kalangan pekerja kilang Health) kertas di Bentong, Pahang The use of wrist braces in Sham Poh Hai B.Sc reducing CTS among data (Environmental 19 processing operator in 2003/2004 Completed andOccupational Jabatan Perangkaan Health) Negara, Cyberjaya Getaran seluruh badan Amad Mahmud dan kesannya ke atas otot Muslim B.Sc 20 2003/2004 Completed spina erector di kalangan (Environmental and pemandu trak ATM Occupational Health) Kesesuaian kerusi kepada Mohd Kamri Mamat pemandu-pemandu bas di B.Sc (Environmental 21 Kuala Lumpur 2004/2005 Completed and Occupational menggunakan kaedah Health) pengukuran antropometri Keberkesanan penggunaan kusyen lembut dan lapik getah Lucy Dana B.Sc 22 dalam mengurangkan (Environmental and 2004/2005 Completed getaran seluruh badan di Occupational Health) kalangan pemandu bas SKMK, Kelantan 5 No Project Title Student Supervised Year Status Keberkesanan Penyokong Lumbar Terhadap Aktivit Jenny Milin B.Sc 23 Otot Erektor Spina (Environmental and 2004/2005 Completed dikalangan pemandu bas, Occupational Health) SKMK Tekanan mental dan fizikal Serta hubungannya Daliana Dali B.Sc dengan perubahan 24 (Environmental and 2004/2005 Completed fisiologi tubuh di kalangan Occupational Health) pemandu bas sekitar Kota Bharu Kelantan. Analisa spina dan Kaintannya Dengan Imelda Marazing B.Sc 25 Kapasiti Kekuatan (Environmental and 2004/2005 Completed Isometrik di kalngan Occupational Health) Pekerja Ladang, UPM The use of Transcutaenous electro- Nor Hafizah Ramlan nerve stimulation (TENS) B.Sc (Environmental 26 2004/2005 Completed in reducing erector spinae and Occupational muscle fatigue among Health) drivers. School bag load capacity Nurulhuda Hassan B.Sc and relation with 27 (Environmental and 2004/2005 Completed distribution of stepping Occupational Health) force and motion. Ovaco analysis of prolong seating and the Puteri Yusnizawati B.Sc association with the 28 (Environmental and 2004/2005 Completed prevalence of back pain Occupational Health) among commercial vehicle drivers Use of forearms support Mohammad Zulhafni in reducing static load in Ahmad B.Sc 29 the trapezius muscles and 2004/2005 Completed (Environmental and supinator muscles during Occupational Health) computer typing task. 6 No Project Title Student Supervised Year Status Association between extreme temperature, Nor Hidayah Daud B.Sc heart rate and body core 30 (Environmental and 2004/2005 Completed temperature among Occupational Health) acclimatize rice mill workers. Prevalance of hearing loss Sarawanan A/L and noise exposure in Subramaniam B.Sc 31 2002/2003 Completed automobile (Environmental and manufacturing sector Occupational Health) Noise exposure and it Siti Sahartini Hanafi relationship with hearing B.Sc (Environmental 32 2002/2003 Completed loss among workers from andOccupational printing industry Health) Post Engineering control in reducing heat stress Norhadi Kasah B.Sc 33 and extreme temperature (Environmental and 2005/2006 Completed in a canned soup Occupational Health) manufacturing industry Heat stress and Khairunnisa Azizan physiological effects B.Sc (Environmental 34 among workers in an 2005/2006 Completed and Occupational automotive parts Health) industry, negeri Sembilan The effectiveness of transcutaneous electro Khairunnisa Adenan nerve stimulation (TENS) B.Sc (Environmental 35 in reducing trapezius 2005/2006 Completed and Occupational muscle fatigue among Health) female office workers of UPM Relationship between Nurul izzah Abd Samad heat exposure and stress B.Sc (Environmental 36 among metal diecasting 2006/2007 Completed and Occupational factory workers in Health) Selangor Penambahbaikan ergonomic dalam Mohd Nasir B.Sc mengurangkan masalah 37 (Environmental and 2006/2007 Completed otot rangka (MSD) di Occupational Health) kalangan pekerja kilang kertas, Bentong, Pahang 7 No Project Title Student Supervised Year Status Getaran seluruh
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