OctOber 2013 VOlume 36, Number 5 PAID NM Permit 8 ® CIMARRON t h e m a g a z i N e O f t h e P h i l m on t S ta f f a sso c i at i on® U.S. POSTAGE Non-Profit Organization high countrY check us out! www.philstaff.com ® Mission unites (PSA) Association Staff Philmont The and present— staff—past Philmont the adventure, purpose of serving the the for Ranch Scout Philmont of experience and heritage Boy Scouts of America. and the 17 DEER RUN ROAD CIMARRON NM 87714 Our Mission HigH Country®—VOlume 36, Number 5 PhilmONt Staff aSSOciatiON® OctOber 2013 bOard Of directOrS ed PeaSe, editOr mark dierker, layOut editOr Jim lyNch, PreSideNt ScOtt tONey, Vice PreSideNt, memberShiP raNdy SauNderS, associate editOr tim rOSSeiSeN, Vice PreSideNt, SerVice daVe kenneke, Staff contributOr JOhN murPhy, Vice PreSideNt, deVelOPmeNt keViN “leVi” thOmaS, cartooniSt ray czech, Secretary Jack PerSON, treaSurer in this issue contributiNg editOrS rObert birkby daVid caffey NatiONal directOrS columns bill cass gregOry hObbS ray batchelOr WarreN Smith mark Stinnett bill caSS mary StueVer StePheN zimmer keN daViS 4 from the prez mark griffiN HigH Country® iS the Official Publication Of the lee huckSteP 14 ranch roundup Philmont Staff association® aNd iS PubliShed Six SteVe rick 37 trail talk timeS Per year aS a beNefit tO itS memberS. SteVeN zimmer © 2012, the Philmont Staff association, iNc. regiONal directOrS articles all rightS reSerVed. NO copyright claimed fOr NOrtheaSt PreViOuSly copyrighted Or Public material. adam frOmm Permission graNted fOr non-cOmmercial rePriNtiNg kathleeN Seitz 6 psa news - regional reunions Or rediStribution With Proper attribution. ceNtral 7 psa news - celebration trek HigH Country®, Philmont Staff association®, catheriNe hubbard 9 psa news - staff amigos PSa® aNd the Official PSa lOgO® chriS maNheim are all regiStered trademarkS Of: 9 psa news - calendars SOutherN the Philmont Staff association, iNc. bryaN delaNey On the cover: the official logo commem- 10 psa news - california celebration 17 deer ruN rOad mark leiNmiller orating the 75th anniversary of Waite 13 psa news - election results cimarron, NeW mexicO 87714 Phillips’s first gift of land to the BSA, 575-376-1138 WeSterN 17 75 years of philmont staff amy bOyle November 28, 1938. See related story fOr memberShiP aNd SubScriPtion iNfOrmation, michael WaggONer beginning on page 17. 23 ptc news ViSit Our WebSite at: bill mckOWN, raNch cOmmittee rePreSeNtatiVe 26 philmont history WWW.PHILSTAFF.cOm ed PeaSe, immediate PaSt PreSideNt mark aNderSON, PhilmONt Staff adViSOr 32 ‘63 ranger reunion 33 philmont document archive ex OfficiO memberS HigH Country® WelcOmeS articleS, PhOtos aNd emery cOrley, legal adViSOr letterS fOr consideration fOr future issueS. dOuglaS faSchiNg, techNOlOgy maNager other Submission dOeS not guaraNtee Publication. the editOrS aNd PubliSher reSerVe the right tO 5 bulletin board Select aNd edit materialS tO be PubliShed. raNdy SauNderS, executiVe directOr 38 19.73 club SeNd Submissions, letterS Or cOmmeNtS tO Julia mccullOch, Office maNager “ HigH Country” at the above address Or e-mail: 39 good campsite [email protected] PSA® FELLOWS BOB HArvEy FELLOW if yOu would like tO receiVe HigH Country® PAUL And MARY JAnE HARVEY iN electronic rather thaN PaPer fOrmat, PleaSe GLEnn A. FOWLEr FELLOW contact the PSa Office at [email protected] BRUCE BARnES GEOrGE A. BuLLOck FELLOW MeMbers only ACCess ® OPiNions exPressed iN HigH Country are those Of WILLIAM d. BRYCE Contributing Writers the WriterS aNd, uNless OtherWiSe Stated, Sarah burgeSS bill caSS cathy hubbard JOE DAviS FELLOW user nAMe: PHilliPsJunCtion dO not Necessarily reflect the Views Of the BILL CASS lee huckSteP daVe keNNeke JOe Parker Philmont Staff association®, Philmont JOHn A. MAxBAuEr, Jr. FELLOW ark tiNNett l hOmSON cOtt ONey Om illS cOut aNch Or the Oy cOutS Of merica PAssWord: porcupine m S a t S t t W S r , b S a . AnOnYMOUS Volume 36, number 5— oCtober 2013 Volume 36, number 5— oCtober 2013 3 from the president BULLETIn BOARd As I look back on my 10 years on the mark their ballot, sign it, seal it, place Upcoming PSA® Events board of our beloved association, I am a stamp on it—and get it to 87714 in PSA Northeast Regional Reunion – October 11-13, 2013 always struck by how willing and gen- time be counted. Over a hundred more Camp Wheeler, Stanhope, NJ erous our members are in supporting than the last election—a sure sign of Contact: Rick Touchette at [email protected] or David Setzer at [email protected] the PSA with their time and treasure. our health and vitality. We also had PSA Autumn Adventure Trek – October 13-18, 2013 This embarrassment of riches always an exceptionally well-qualified slate Philmont Scout Ranch reminds me of a science fiction story I of candidates nominated and willing Contact: Steve and Cynthia Truemper at [email protected] read as a child. It brought home to me to serve our association for the next New Years at Philmont – December 31, 2013-January 2, 2014 the power of unintended consequences. three years. After the results had been PSA Omelet Breakfast on January 1 The story had a time traveler going tabulated I was able to talk with the Contact: Randy Saunders at [email protected] way back in time and accidentally step- unsuccessful candidates, and each one Celebrating the Lives of Genevieve & Waite Phillips Event – February 1, 2014 ping on and killing a brightly colored volunteered to stay involved and serve Westwood Village, Los Angeles, CA butterfly. This seemingly insignificant on a PSA committee. This is a huge Contact: Lee Huckstep at [email protected] event alters the future, so when he win for the PSA: the more members PSA Annual Reunion – July 11-13, 2014 returns to the future it is a drab and that help in leading the organization, Philmont Training Center Orwellian world. His seemingly in- the better it will be for all of us, and the PSA Summer Trek @ Philmont – July 14-21, 2014 significant act changed the world. All PSA’s future. Philmont Scout Ranch because the world was deprived of the In closing, I appreciate all the inten- beauty of a butterfly, the world became tional things everyone in the PSA does a dismal place. to further our goals of supporting the Now some seemingly insignifi- people, place and programs that ARE cant acts can have a positive effect on Philmont. When you pause and think our future. I have been thankful that that your gift or action is too small to our organization has succeeded and move the organization forward—re- flourished because of the cumulative member that every step gets us that effects of the many intentional acts our much further down the trail of success. members perform every year. These Just watch out for butterflys! include: voting for PSA officers, attend- ing reunions, hosting reunions, donat- – Jim Lynch ing to capital campaigns, donating to the annual fund, renewing member- Beginning with this issue, ships, and of course the Phil Amigos! “Under the Zia”, our column Each of these acts makes the PSA the about upcoming events in great place it is and keeps us all con- nected to the Ranch and the impact it New Mexico, will move from has on people year in and year out. High Country to the PSA web- This year we had over 600 of our site. members take the time to read the bios, Volume 36, number 5— oCtober 2013 Volume 36, number 5— oCtober 2013 4 from the prez bulletin board 5 psa® news psa® news regional reunions celebration trek - the return of SPAM First Southwest ohio reunion by Lee Huckstep The Celebration Trek – celebrating the 75th anniversary of Philmont and the 40th anniversary of your Philmont Staff Association – saw the return of Spam, an early form of mystery meat, to trail lunches. Introduced by Hormel Food Cor- poration in 1937, Spam is a year older than Philmont. Spam, or a similar product called Treet, had been present in trail lunches before, but has not been seen in many years. The reappearance Southwest Ohio Reunion draws a nice crowd of Philstaff and families. of Spam brought back long forgotten memories of previous experiences to by Joe Parker conversations. Emily Darr talked about this product. For some youth partici- Classic SPAM! trailing Philbears in the backcountry as pants, this was their first exposure to The storm clouds rolled away early and she was part of the Bear Research staff. this legendary substance. when they arrived at Philmont, they left a glorious morning for the South- Saturday dinner was held at the Instead of being in a can with a soon acquired them or got wet. By the west Ohio PSA reunion. The setting Moerlien Lager House just across the key that often broke during the can- afternoon of the second trail day the was Cincinnati’s Sharon Wood Park street from Great American Ballpark, opening, the 2013 Spam version comes weather improved markedly, though, for a pot luck lunch as eleven former home of the Cincinnati Reds. The Lager in single person foil packets. The taste and no further substantial weather staffers, spouses and children gathered House provided an extraordinary view remains unchanged. problems were presented. to celebrate and reminisce about their of the Ohio River which didn’t look so The Celebration Trek was the larg- For many, their Trek was a trip years of service at Philmont. muddy on this day. est in the history of the PSA Trek with down memory lane and for Phil Of course there was the requisite After dinner it was a brief walk 114 members and guests trekking the Yunker, more so than most.
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