AUGUST 1951 . VOL. 9 • NO. 8 KAY STARR HotD ME, HOLD ME, HOLD ME OCEAN OF TEARS BONAPARTE’S RETREAT Wabash c a n n o n b a l l OH, BABE IM ™E LONESOMEST g a l in CAPITOL N EW S PACE 3 Bud Freeman's dissonance Les-Mary Under Cap’s Dome Les Paul and M ary Ford have signed a new long A lot of guys have stories to tell. Pentup Miller is lerm contract w ith Capitol usually one o f them . Like so m any lads who always dog Records. The husband and up there is the superstition th a t Pentup is a wise one. TK; wife team are currently on top m ay or m ay not be true. So seldom does Pentup open h n the recording industry. With yap it's hard to find out whether he's smart or stupic 'Chicken Reel," "G oofus," "Mock- When the brothers were talking the other night, Penlu; ngbird Hill," "Tennessee W altz," gets on and tells a yarn. Since this comes from Pentu: How High the M o on ," "W a lk in ' everyone listens, which is quite unusual in a conversant and Whistlin Blues" and th e ir where every word is put in edgewise—just in case. IlA latest, "I Wish I Had Never Seen story that Pentup tells is about Adder Kent, a guy who Sunshine" and "Jo se p h in e " Les blowing in one of those traps where the smoke is and Mary have sold more than dense as yesterday's oatmeal. Suddenly, Adder becomes: three million records since the "rage.*' You ain't been born until you've heard Add; first of January, 1950. Adder blows like no one ever; unless you call Adder "II An established g u ita ris t by v ir­ Ad," you're down as the o'riginal eight pointed cube. Th: tue of his work with Fred W aring Pentup says, is the kind of talk that gets around. It's bd and Bing Crosby, Les Paul joined and it fills the trap. Everyone's happy until some Capitol ranks in 1947. His character who isn't sharp enough to hide his ignorant second record, "Lover" and "Bra­ asks, "what's he sayin'?" zil" released in February o f 1948 That, according to Pentup, starts it. Conversation take was his first hit. Since then he's over. There are 'authorities' on "The Ad," and the had ttop scores on every side he is w ritte n dow n. One critic pens these definitive li« 1,las cut. "Here is alabaster and old acne. 'The Ad' is saying tin Harold Mooney (left) discusses arrangements with Helen O 'Con­ The multiple -guitar system, life is an argyle sock with a hole in it unravelling at nell and Bob Eberly at their first recording session in New York. seam; a cry to an old crone from the dark corner ol with Les playing as many as boxcar; the hope in a stale snipe; the bitter restfullness twelve guitars, is all the more a flophouse bunk." This is, Pentup admits, quite a pluj remarkable in th a t he devised his own system both musically Adder is pretty good, doesn't take any of it took Helen and Bob Teamed and electronically. Les still does Betty Black is billed as "The He just keeps sayin', "I'm tryin' to find myself. I'm Irfii his own recording. He makes his Little Princess o f S ong." She to say somethin'." Some guys, according to Pentup, figi stands an even five feet. Even this pretty smart on Adder's part 'cause once "The H recordings at home, acts as his On First New Discs the British Socialists would not cracks about what he's saying, then the debate is ovr own technician and engineer. The Helen O'Connell and Bob Eberly have teamed up want to redistribute her 105 Other characters say Adder is really playing it straigfl numbers are put on tapes which again on "If You're Gonna Love Me, Love Me" and pounds. Betty's currently singing submitted to C apitol. Those and one nuisance claims that if it can be put in wor€ 0re "The Little Things in Life." The pair last recorded in H aw aii. "The Ad" ought to quit blowin' and write a book. chosen are transcribed to dubs together in 1942 when they both starred with the In the end Adder went commercial. That's certainly and ultimately made d ire ctly into records. Jimmy Dorsey organization. Harold Mooney, another Dorsey alum­ twist ending for this kind of story. But the way Pentu; nus, flew in from California to arrange and conduct. told it there was a kind of angle. Adder went way o« Les and M ary are cu rren tly on the deep end, joined the stickiest outfit in the busines: o personal appearance tour of The individual styles of both O'Connell and Eberly were combined w e n t more com m ercial than a C alifo rn ia mortuary. L the East. in an unique fashion that created such hits as "Green Eyes," "A m a ­ E dited By according to Pentup that's really the way Adder felt. TIk pola," "Yours," "Tangerine" and "Brazil." The "Love Me" side o f BUD FREEMAN sweet sound was an eternal lullaby to him. Sure he 1« their new record is in the style that made them famous w hile the commerce route, Pentup a dm itte d, but he's still playj "Little Things" displays a different duet approach. what he feels. For a time he had something to get off DeVol Rises When Helen left show business to become a housewife and Bob 9 5 chest. When he did, that was the end. joined the Army, she had been with the Dorsey band for four years The brothers said that Adder was simply kidding hi» and Bob for nearly ten. During the past year both o f them made self, that he just took the soft way and was justifying With "Tide” strong re-entries to the music world, each as soloists. Helen joined Frank DeVol for a five week stand at the Hollywood Palladium But Pentup stuck to the claim it was how the man reo Frank DeVol has been signed felt. "And," Pentup added, "any fathead may want Qs musical director and arranger while Bob worked as a single in Eastern night clubs. unload, may really want to get something off his die? L°r Proctor and Gamble's "Tide" They were signed by Capitol individually within a period of five Published Monthly by weeks. Bob inked his contract in New York while Helen joined Capi­ CAPITOL PUBLICATIONS, INC. That doesn't mean he's got anything worth listening •&stlow for the fourth consecutive Sunset ond Vine, Hollywood 28, Calif Pentup, after those words, clammed up and to i”! year- Radio program returns to tol in California. Printed in U. S. A. knowledge hasn't opend his mouth since. •he air on August 27th after sum- Helen has also paired up with Dean Martin on several sides in­ mer layoff. cluding "H o w Do You Like Your Eggs in the M orning." P A G E 4 CAPITOL NMypiTOL NEWS P A G E 5 RAY ANTHONY Arnolds Park, Iowa 1 A ug. Sioux Falls, So. Dakota 2 Aug. like a biography in Quick. The Herman the Hermit agement quickly agreed to tear Clear Lake, Iowa 3 Aug. handle, Ross Bagalapudianarout up the contract when the Fresh­ Kathryn Grayson stars Des Moines, Iowa 4 Aug. Marilyn Maxwell switches men called for more lights and Metro Goldwyn Mayer's gi Fort Dodge, Iowa 5 Aug. from Bob Hope to Ken Murray the management requested more musical, "Show Boat." The | Forestburg, So. Dakota 6 Aug. for personal appearances in Chi­ schmaltz. The boys moved to the duction will push the brilli Marshall, Minnesota 7 A ug. cago during August . Desi Ar- Waterloo, Iowa 8 A ug. Surf Club, a spot for younger Jerome Kern Oscar Hammers naz and wife Lucille Ball expect Mankato, Minnesota 9Aug. patrons . Eddie Fisher is taking score back to the top of then their offspring early in September played lists. St. Paul, Minnesota 10 Aug. his basic training at Camp Hood, . Meredith Willson's latest Austin, Minnesota 11 Aug. Kileen, Texas . Ernie Felice and Dubuque, Iowa 12 A ug. book, "Who Did What to Fidelia" the Quartet are spotted in War­ Back to song, Mickey Rooney roll Great Bend, Kansas 14 Aug. set for fall publication . Car­ ner's "Starlift" in which Doris in Columbia musical "Sound OS] Goodland, Kansas 15 Aug. men Miranda opens a tour of the Day and Jane Wyman are the . Jim Henaghan in the HollJ Denver, Colorado 16-29 Aug. south in Atlanta, Ga. on 22 Au­ luminaries. Ernie and the boys wood Reporter tells of a girl, Vil Rock Springs, Wyoming 30 Aug. Barbara Bates, 20th - Century gust. She'll be on the road for also doing a stand in the Jane ginia Hewitt, who made a M Fox starlet, takes over the quar­ Eric Vaehne, Swiss Yodeler. six weeks . Add film person­ Frohman story at 20th-Century she could keep two dates simul SHARKEY BONANO terdeck of a sloop. The graceful Fox . Donald O'Connor has alises in the warbler lists: Preston taneously in one evening. SrJ San Francisco, Calif. 12 July-12 Aug. miss will be featured in a forth­ Foster and wife on a nite club signed an exclusive TV contract staked o ut the boys in night dull! coming Dan Dailey musical.
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