60:CUMENT RESUMB ED 027 215 SE 006 287 Aerospace Bibliography, Third Edition. National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washingtan, D.C. Repor t No- EP -35 Pub Date (651 Note-68p. EDRS Price f1F-$0.50 HC-$3.50 Descriptors-*Aerospace Technok)gy, *Annotated Bibliographies, Astronomy, *Bibliographies, Physical Sciences, *Science Education, Technology Identifiers-National Aeronautics and Space Administration Thisthirdeditionbibliographylistsbooks and teaching aids related to aeronautics and space. Aeronautics titles are limited toaerospace-related research subjects, and books on astronomy to those direCtly related to space exploration. Also listed are pertinent references like pamphlets, films,film strips, booklets, charts, pictures, periodicals, and sources of in.formation on specific space subjects available from aerospace industry companies. Reading levels for each document are indicated according to primary, intermediate, upper elementary, secondary, and adult or college. (GR) 33' $ t 'k 4 ;(' " ; , othisit-erP-ie I l if= WIN IP , ., k a k ' II U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION & WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGINATING IT.POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFF!CIAL OFFICE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY. 0 ,"'". Al 1011011104- 1,," 1. 1,=z;z0z2i Ent AEROSPACE BIBLIOGRAPHY THIRD EDITION Compiled for Educational Programs Division, Office of Public Affairs NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION by National Aerospace Education Council For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C., 20402 -Price 50 cents *kg IZZ.raZa.4:-Zi'::ia'=*Tik..i=-**MT,Z*7.17-7fr-a*Z1.1=MIZiltii'S TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface Part I BOOK- General Overview of Space Exploration_ 3 Science in Space 4 Rocketry 6 Astronomy 7 Unmanned Spacecraft and Space Probes 9 Manned Space Flight 10 Bioastronautics 12 Extraterrestrial Life 13 Impacts of the Exploration of Space 14 History of Space Flight 15 Biography 16 Careers 17 Miscellaneous 18 Aeronautics 18 Looking to the Future 18 Other 18 Part II REFERENCES Atlases 21 Bibliographies 21 Chronologies 22 Dictionaries 23 Encyclopedias 24 Miscellaneous Special References 25 General References for Elementary and Secondary School Students 26 Part III PERIODICALS Periodicals 29 Part IV TEACHING AIDS Teaching Aids 33 Aerospace Industries Information Sources 45 Part V FILMS AND FILMSTRIPS Films 49 Filmstrips 60 INDEX TO AUTHORS 65 INDEX TO TITLES 67 PUBLISHERS' ADDRESSES 70 7,73-77,47717.7"7.,M,,-,4 PREFACE As our Nation's space program has developed, there has lists sources of information on specific space subjects, been a corresponding growth in educational materials to available from aerospace industry companies.Requests explain its purposes and activities.In the past four for free materials and orders for sale items should be years the National Aeronautics and Space Administration sent directly to the publisher or supplier as indicated. has published two editions of the Aeronautics and Space Addresses of publishers appear on pages 70 and 71. BRliography to help the general reader and especially In every case each item listed is designated by code let- the teacher to locate numerous books, teaching aids, films ter as suitable for particular reading levels as follows: and filmstrips on space flight subjects. (P) primary, grades 1-3; (I) intermediate, grades 4-6; The first and second editions of the bibliography, each (U) upper elementary, grades7-8 ; (5)secondary, grades issued in three parts, covered books published between 9-12; and (A) adult and college level. January1958and April1963. This third edition, now Users of this bibliography are urged to consult library under one cover, includes books published in the period volumes of The Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature January1963through summer1965. For the most part where listings of numerous articles on space flight sub- the books listed are written for the nonspecialist, gener- jects may be located in current magazines under such al reader.However, a small number of selected semi- subject headings as :astronauts, Project Apollo, space technical titles have been included for readers who wish medicine, manned space flight, spacecraft, etc. to delve more d eply into specific space flight subjects. The books and teaching aids appearing in this bibliog- Aeronautics titles have been limited to aerospace-related raphy comprise only a partial listing and therefore this aeronautical research subjects. Bor ks on astronomy are bibliography should not be considered as complete or limited to those that seemed most directly related to exhaustive. The listing of any item should not be viewed space exploration. as an endorsement by either the National Aeronautics Asterisksbythe namesoftheauthorsindicate and Space Administration or by the National Aerospace books that were not listed in previous editions of the Education Council, compile- bibliography. The National Aerospace Education Council acknowl- The bibliography also includes listings of pertinent ref- edges with thanks the assistance of representatives of erences; teaching aids such as pamphlets, booklets, charts, the many publishers, organizations, government agencies, pictures, units, and bibliographies; dims; filmstrips ; and and private firms whose cooperation in comr ling this a new section on space periodicals. Another new section bibliography was solicited and most courteously extended. wr-,...x.".........=hosokiertanwsAsonota131111., ----1-----=-...,>...^,tA ra,Timr n" at..e - - '<;;. ; 41. ": 151 A 1.00.01 ot 7..."71` - t." 4;1 !? _ . "7,4 PART I BOOKS General Overview of Space Exploration Books in this section give the reader a general, overall view of the many phases and facets of space exploration.Topics discussed include the fundamentals of space flight, rocket propulsion, unmanned spacecraft, maimed space flight, tracking and telemetry systems, space medicine, the training of astronauts, and the benefits derived from the exploration of space.For books with more detailed information consult the table of contents of this bibliography.Asterisk (*) indicates title not listed in previous editions of the bibliography. *ALEXANDER, GEORGE. MOONPORT U.S.A. Brownell, 109 and experimental spacecraft launched through p., illus., 1964.Paperback, $1.25. A "primer" of June,1962,together with their missions and space tchnology and fundamentals of space flight results.(U) with a close look at Cape Kennedy and our manned MEHRENS, H. E. THE DAWNING SPACE AGE.Civil and unmanned space exploration programs.( SA) Air Patrol, 245 p., illus., rev. 1963.Paperback, BENDIOK, JEANNE. THE FIRST BOOK OF SPACE $1.50. An explanation of rocket engines, guidance TRAVEL. Watts, 93 p., illus., revised 1963.$2.65. and control, research by rockets, and instrumenta- Discusses rockets, missiles, satellites, space power, tion of rockets. Also considers manned space flight and space living conditions.(I) and its hazards.(5) *CHESTER, MICHAEL. ROCKETS AND SPACECRAFT OF *moon, PATRICK. SPACE IN THE SIXTIES.Pelican, THE WORLD. Norton, 205 p.,illus., 1964.$3.95. 218 p., 1963.Paperback, 95 cents. A summary of A survey of major space programs of 12 nations, work being done today in space research and organized on a subject, rather than on a national speculations about where it will lead.(A) basis.Principles of rocket propulsion, types of *ORDWAY, FBEDEBIOK,I.,III and RONALD C. WAKEFORD. fuels, guidance, etc. are also discussed.(U) CONQUERING THE SUN'S EMPIRE.Dutton, *CROSBY, ALEXANDER L. THE WORLD OF ROCKETS. 128 p.,illus., 1963.$3.95.An account of the Random, 96 p., illus., 1965.$1.95. How rockets achievements and unsolved difficulties in man's work. The problems and dangers of manned space conquest of the solar system.Features descrip- flight.What we hope to learn by exploring the tions of space vehicles for future exploration.(U) moon and the planets.(I) *SILCOCK, BRYAN. PATHWAYS IN SPACE. Roy, 70 p., *GATLAND, K.w.,editor. SPACEFLIGHT TODAY. illus., 1964.$2.95. A brief summary, from the Aero, 254 p., illus., 1963.$7.50. A collection of British viewpoint, of man in space with emphasis articles on space flight propulsion, spacecraft, as- on the problems of navigation.(SA) tronomy, extraterrestriallife, and space flight *SONNEBORN, RUTH A. THE QUESTION AND ANSWER problems, contributed by 15 space experts.( SA) BOOK OF SPACE. Random, 64 p., illus., 1965. GEORGE, FRANCES. YOU AND SPACE. National Aerospace $1.95.Answers questions about space,rockets, Education Council, 32 p.,illus., revised 1964. Pa- satellites, space ships, astronauts, space stations perback, 50 cents.A supplementary beginning and a trip to the moon.(P) reader to build concepts of space and space travel. *TYLER, A. EDWARD. THE SPACE AROUND US. Harper, Includes suggested questions to stimulate discus- 239 p., illus., 1964.$4.95. A general overview of sion, understandings to be reached, and a brief what space is and how we have learned about it. bibliography.(P) Covers the geography of space, natural and man- *HAGGERTY, JAMESJ.,JR.and JOHN H.WOODBURN. made objects, and the problems of space travel SPACECRAFT. Scholastic, approx. 160 p., revised navigation,communication,propulsion,lifein 1965.Paperback, 50 cents.Explanations of the spaceand how we may benefit fromspace spacecraft program of the National Aeronautics exploration.(SA) and Space Administrationsounding probes, lunar WEISER, wiLuextJ. THE SPACE GUIDEBOOK. craft
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