Feb. 15', 1927. 1,617,554 . e. E._ SWARTZ DRILL B'dsaI-ne Filed Dec. 16, 1925" 8 v .7 v 1 Patented‘' UNHTEEE Feb. 15, 1927. or ' 1,617,554 ' FATEWorries.~ ) GUY-E.‘ SXVARTZ, OF DETRQIT, MICHIGAN. ' ' ‘ DRILL BUSHING. .. ' Application ?led December ~1e,>1a25l Serial No. 75,683. _ _ ;In the drilling of metals considerable ‘for a drill, the said bushingibeing provided trouble is oftenv experienced from the (forma with a downwardly openingconical or ‘?ared tion of long chips or cuttings which fit is nmuth and withlupwardly extend-ing grooves often necessary to remove manually and .in the wall-of the bore thereof, the said which often results in the hands of the opera grooves being "widened at’ their lower ends tor being cut, although this danger is some to receive the extremities of chips'or cuttings timesavoided-by the use ofa hook. In any travelling upwardly-on the drill whereby the V case the necessity for such removal of the spiral. progress of thesa'id cuttings is inter ' chips presents an inconvenience and in many rupted and; they tend to travel‘ upwardly 10 cases slows up the work,,as they have ‘a through! , the said ‘grooves, f with " the v‘result tendency to wind upward ‘on the drill and “that, as the drill revolves, the said cuttings their frequent removal occupies a certain are broken'into small pieces and, fall from - amount of times and. ‘distracts the operator’s the mouth of the said bushingon to the'work attentionfrom the, work. - i or work table. ' ' , ‘ > _ it i I‘ 70 15 ' “There drill jigs are employed it is usual 4 All ofnwhich' is morejlparticularly de ' toemploy a bushing for the guidance of the V scribed and ascertained hereinafterrby way drill, and the presence ofunbroken chips or of ‘example, having reference to the¢accom~ cuttings winding upwardly on the drill fre panying drawing, wherein-é quently necessitates removing the‘bushing-or vFigure l is an elevation partlyin section. 75 1 20 allowing it to lift out of- the ?xture inorder a drill jig, illustrating the lower end of to ‘prevent the chips clogging thereunder as a drill andv work in positiomthev said drill would otherwise occur, and such removing being guided by a, bushing "embodying the . or lifting ‘of the bushing is alsoliable to ‘said invention; _, _ . result in inaccurate drilling particularly Figure 2' is a section taken tn the line 80 .25 when the lifting is e?ected by the pressure 24-25, Figure 1; and . of the chipsgtherebeneath so that the bush~ ' Figure 3' is a detail sectional elevation of 7 ing ?oats out of, position and its usefulness the bushing removed. _ 1 , ."i ' _ as a guide is lost for the time being. , - ‘ Similar characters of‘ reference ’ indicate Still further, time is frequently lost by. the ‘similar parts in thielfseveral V?gures‘of the 85 necessity of clearing ‘the drill of» long chips ‘drawing. ’ " - ' " which are curled thereon before the bushing‘ 1 indicates a drill jig‘ fixturesupporting a Y can be placed in position for the drilling of. piece ‘of work 2, and 3 a drill operating upon a succeeding hole. i the said‘swork, the said fixture ‘being ‘bored ' V This invention therefore has for its object . at 4 for the reception, ofa bushing 5,‘thefsaid 90 35 to provide a form of bushing which by its bushing acting as a guide for the said drill, use will eliminate the disadvantages here vin the manner well known. ' inbefore referred to, and which may be per Ordinarilyplain bushings are employed ‘ V _manently placed in a jig ?xture due to the in this capacity, and the chips formed by fact’ that there‘ is no necessity of removing and extending upwardly around the drill re— 40 or lifting it from the ?xture ,for the'pur suit in. the disadvantages"hereinbefore re poses related. - ferred to. I ' i A, further object is to provide a bush- 7 It will be seen that the present bushing is ing for use in drilling operations wherein provided at its lower end» with ,a- conical special means are provided for the breaking or ?ared mouth 6 for the interruption and 100 45 of the cuttings, resulting from a drilling op reception of chips or cuttings which curl era-tion, into short lengths whereby they will upwardly around the drill, and that the fall downward instead of winding upwards inner wall of the said ‘bushing is‘ provided ly on the drill; and still furtherobjects sub with upwardly extending grooves 7‘, the sidiary to or resulting from the aforesaid lower ends of which are widened as at 105 50 objects, or from the construction or opera 8 to provide approaches therefor. Thus tion of the invention as it may be carried when the ends of cuttings travelling up- ‘ into effect, will become apparent as the said wardly around the drill strike the conical invention is hereinafter further disclosed. a mouth of the said bushing they will in the In carrying the said invention into effect, course of their motion eventually enter the 110 ' 55 I may provide a bushing of brass or other widened lower ends of. the said grooves 7, suitable material adapted to act asra guide and as theirymotion is a rotary one, this 1,617,554 .7 motionwill be interrupted by the‘ tendency intended torefer to any formor slot,'notch ' of th‘ecut'tings to travel upwardly through or recess inthe mouth of the bushing which the grooves and the interruption of their vwill serve as a means of interrupting the 45 i rotary motion’ by the "sides of the ‘ grooves drill chips at the mouth ofthe bushing and ' I"o1- I and consequently the cutti'ngs?will be broken breaking them between the mouth of the up into short lengths. These short. lengths bushing and the work. a V p. ' ' “being nov longer supported will then fall i This invention may be developed within ‘downwardly around the drill and are easily‘ the-scope of the following claims, without disposed ofwithout danger or loss of‘ time, departing from the essential features of the 110 land the [upper part of the drill ,is there said invention,‘ andv it‘ is desired that the ;forejkept free'of such cuttings. V a speci?cation and drawing be read as ‘merely Incidently; no‘ clogging'of the’chips be illustrative anclnot in a limiting sense7 ex "nieath the bushing 4 will take place,‘ as is cept as necessitated by theprior art.v V pa-po'ssible'j'wi h" he "ordinary plain ‘bushing, 'andxas noi'inecessity'for the lifting or‘ re ‘ 1. A self cleaning guide for ‘metal work; ‘ 15 ing ‘drills comprising bushing bored‘for ‘ mOval 0f‘ the" bushing to‘relieve such chips the passage of a drill 'therethroughi said . ; 7 ion‘cuttings exists, the bushing may be firm ‘bushing havinga ?ared mouth at its ‘lower Vrly‘ffixed in the said‘jig fixture so that noad~ end, and upwardly extending grooves in the ‘ justments thereof will‘ be required, ZIIlCl'lt inner wall thereof from said' ?ared mouth,‘v 20 "will always be ‘maintained in ‘correct rela< said ‘grooves being adapted '‘ to interrupt " iti'Oh" to thegwork. ,7 V ,»_.,. ‘It is preferred that the ‘lower end, or’ cuttings extending upwardly around the ' ' "mouth of the bushing shall be arranged in ‘drill whereby such 'cuttingsare broken into 7 spaced relation ‘to the work in order to give small pieces. I i y 3 a _ » V su?icientlclearai'ice for the free discharge of a 2. A device according to claim 1,‘where1n .the vchips therefrom; the grooves are widened at their ends‘ ad- ' ' Although very simple in construction ‘and j acent the mouth of’ said bushing. ' i‘ it. o'peratiomthedescribed ‘device successfully . In combination with a device for the ' ‘overcomesall of the disadvantages previous guidance of a- metalworking drill‘ relative 'ly pointed out which are met with in the use to‘work, a self-cleaning-drilllguideffixed in 30 said device, said‘ guide compmsmg a’ ?xed of‘bushings, ‘and by its usevv theH drilling_ of work in’ ji'gy?xtures is greatly facilitated; bushing havlng a ?ared mouth in spaced “The ' grooves 7 are‘ shown as" extending relation to the‘ workvv and provided with! » completely through‘ the bushings 5 because grooves extending upwardly'in the inner " ' ' wall of‘said bushing'lf-rom said flared mouth this'is 'a' satisfactory forrnyfor machining by for the interruptionywof cuttings ‘entering < ‘ordinary imethodsrbut itfis not essential the' mouth of said bushing, whereby such i that 1 “the .groo'ves'f‘so; extend‘ completely so' through the‘ bushing as it ‘is the lower ends cuttings are broken up between the mouth of thebushing and the worl . j ' f or mouths of ‘the grooves which form the‘ In testimony whereof I a?ix my signature. I '46 vabutnientvs resulting ‘in the breaking of the chips ,in’r ‘the manner ' described; Conse . ?uently term r“sreove’,’~, ‘as usedherem, 1s . GUY swAR'rz. .
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