E2650 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 19, 2007 Bob Martin and Kelly Martin of Kearney, Mis- INTRODUCTION OF FOUNTAIN ence will be critical to determining the options souri. Alexander is a very special young man CREEK WATERSHED FEASIBILITY for restoring the health and stability of the who has exemplified the finest qualities of citi- STUDY ACT Fountain Creek watershed. zenship and leadership by taking an active The idea of such a multipurpose project on part in the Boy Scouts of America, Troop 374, HON. MARK UDALL the Fountain is not new. It was first proposed and by earning the most prestigious award of OF COLORADO in 1970 by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Eagle Scout. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES after the 1965 flood that inundated commu- nities along the Fountain Creek, including par- Alexander has been very active with his Wednesday, December 19, 2007 troop, participating in many scout activities. ticularly the city of Pueblo. The proposal was Over the years Alexander has been involved Mr. UDALL of Colorado. Madam Speaker, supported by the States of Colorado and Kan- with scouting, he has earned 28 merit badges today with my Colorado colleague, Represent- sas and local officials, and was even the pre- and held numerous leadership positions in- ative JOHN SALAZAR, I am introducing a bill to ferred option of the Army Corps for addressing cluding assistant patrol leader, patrol leader, authorize a feasibility study regarding a multi- flooding in the Fountain. Like Senator scribe, and assistant senior patrol leader. Al- purpose project in the Fountain Creek water- SALAZAR, I think a similar proposal should be exander was also a past member of the Tribe shed in Colorado. The bIll is in the House evaluated again, in light of changed conditions of Mic-O-Say and earned his Brotherhood in companion to a similar bill, S. 2384, the and increased flows in Fountain Creek result- Order of the Arrow. Fountam Creek Feasibility Study Act, intro- ing from urban development in the Colorado duced by Senator Ken SALAZAR. Springs metro area. For his Eagle Scout project, Alexander dem- As Coloradans know, Fountain Creek is a onstrated his ability to effectively lead and or- Senator SALAZAR has laid out a vision to re- major tributary to the Arkansas River. Its wa- vitalize Fountain Creek and connect the com- ganize by putting all that he learned into con- tershed, which encompasses some 927 structing a storage basement for his church munities along its bank in a regional project. square miles, supports a wide variety of plants The feasibility study called for in S. 2384 and rectory in Liberty, Missouri, with the help of his and wildlife and directly affects many residents scout and adult helpers. Alexander spent more this House companion would be an essential of our state—in fact, according to the 2000 first step. I agree with Senator SALAZAR on the than 140 hours of diligently planning, design- census, more than 500,000 people live in the ing, and installing two storage units in order to desirability of taking that step, and the bill I am watershed’s boundaries. But the effect of introducing today is intended to assist in mak- maintain supplies for important committees Fountain Creek’s flows extends beyond the and organizations within the church. ing it happen. watershed’s boundaries. Water from the wa- f Madam Speaker, I proudly ask you to join tershed serves municipal, industrial and agri- me in commending Alexander Martin for his cultural uses. Creeks within the watershed IN HONOR OF MIKE LIPSKI accomplishments with the Boy Scouts of contribute about 15 percent of the—drinking America and for his efforts put forth in achiev- water for Colorado Springs and are a source HON. CHARLES W. ‘‘CHIP’’ PICKERING ing the highest distinction of Eagle Scout. of irrigation for over 100 farms and ranches. OF MISSISSIPPI The fertile farmland there produces wheat, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f com, hay, oats, and vegetable crops; there are Wednesday, December 19, 2007 also many working livestock ranches along HONORING SCOTT SPERLING ON Fountain Creek. But the watershed has its Mr. PICKERING. Madam Speaker, as we HIS 50TH BIRTHDAY problems, and in recent years, issues related begin to wrap up this year’s work in Congress, to Fountain Creek have tended to divide local I wish to recognize a valued Mississippian HON. RAHM EMANUEL residents who otherwise would be united by its who recently left my staff to pursue opportuni- ability to serve as an important link for com- ties in the private sector back home in Mis- OF ILLINOIS merce and recreation. sissippi. Mike Lipski served as my military leg- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Decades of neglect, increased waterflows islative assistant and special projects director, resulting from urban development in the north- and later, as my Legislative Director here in Wednesday, December 19, 2007 ern part of the watershed, increased Washington, DC. Mike’s heart has always Mr. EMANUEL. Madam Speaker, I rise stormwater discharges, and sewage spills been with his home on the Mississippi gulf today to extend my warmest congratulations to have all contributed to the problems and the coast; now he has returned there and taken a Mr. Scott Sperling on the occasion of his fif- controversies. The watershed is subject to fre- position as director of sector administration at tieth birthday. Scott is a man known for his in- quent flood damage, erosion, and sedimenta- Northrop Grumman. Mike’s service to Mis- tellect and business acumen, and I am fortu- tion. In 1999 a major flood caused millions of sissippi and our country spans a lifetime of nate to call him a friend. dollars of damage to public and private prop- hard work. Scott is currently Co-President of Thomas erty, and destroyed the foundations of numer- Mike’s two-decade service in the Navy H. Lee Partners and Trustee and General ous homes and roads. Indeed, earlier this year stretches from his time as a surface warfare Partner of various THL Equity Funds and is there was minor flooding from the Fountain in officer on the USS Oliver Hazard Perry to also President of TH Lee Putnam Capital. Ad- the Pueblo area. Farmers and ranchers near service as a Navy Civil Engineer Corps officer, ditionally, he keeps busy as Director of Hawk- the downstream end of the watershed in par- including time at the Pentagon on the staff of eye Holdings, Thermo Fisher Corp., Univision ticular have suffered substantial losses of pro- the Chief of Naval Operations. He brought to Communications, Inc., Warner Music Group, ductive farmland. Degradation of the water my office experience as executive officer of and several private companies. quality and thus aquatic and wetland habitats Navy’s Engineering Field Activity Southeast in Jacksonville, Florida, as well as a stint as a In addition to his business commitments and is accelerating due to wastewater spills, loss Navy Legislative Fellow serving on Senator accomplishments, Scott is also a director of of natural vegetation, and high water volume. TRENT LOTT’s National Security staff. several charitable organizations including the Simply put, Fountain Creek watershed’s eco- On my staff, Mike utilized, promoted, in- Brigham & Women’s / Faulkner Hospital logical conditions are unstable and under con- creased, and protected the defense commu- Group, The Citi Center for Performing Arts stant threat. Senator SALAZAR’S bill, and this House com- nity’s value, not only for security, but also as and Wang Theater and Harvard Business panion to it, aim at laying a foundation stone an engine of the economy. He demonstrated School’s Rock Center for Entrepreneurship. for the work of restoring Fountain Creek and his commitment to the needs of our war fight- Scott started on his illustrious career path turning the corridor between Colorado Springs ers—past, current, and future—with his work after earning a B.S. from Purdue University and Pueblo into an environmental, agricultural, on veterans legislation; support and funding and an MBA degree from Harvard University. and recreational ‘‘crown jewel’’ for Colorado. for our troops in Iraq, Afghanistan, and around Scott and his wife Laurene have four chil- Under the legislation, the Army Corps of Engi- the world; and preparation and planning for dren, Michael, Jenny, Zach, and Melanie. It neers would be required to conduct a study of military training and base infrastructure around seems as if each Sperling is more intelligent the feasibility of constructing one or more Mississippi and specifically at Meridian’s Naval than the next, and much of the credit for that dams and reservoirs to provide more reliable Air Station and our National Guard facilities. should probably go to Laurene. flood and sediment control, to conserve fish He served as the point person in my office Madam Speaker, it is a pleasure to wish a and wildlife and preserve their ecosystem, and during the most recent round of BRAC, base happy 50th birthday to my dear friend, Scott to improve the water quality throughout the realignment and closure. He coordinated Sperling. watershed. The Corps’ expertise and experi- statewide efforts of military and community VerDate Aug 31 2005 09:05 Dec 20, 2007 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00048 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K19DE8.006 E19DEPT1 bajohnson on PROD1PC71 with REMARKS December 19, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2651 leaders to effectively communicate the na- and for his continued service to our country by CONGRATULATING THE CHAZY EA- tional mission value of our bases and defend building a memorial to veterans from Denton GLES UPON WINNING THE 2007 them in the face of downsizing and cuts.
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