A STUDY OF MATURITY INDICES FOR HALEHAVEN PEACHES DISSERTATION Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in the Graduate School of The Ohio State University By Surinder Singh Attrl, B. A,, M. S. ****** The Ohio State University 1959 Approved by Adviser Department of Horticulture ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Throughout the course of this study the following people have materially aided the author* In acknowledgment of their help and the value of their association* the author wishes to express his appreciation* To Dr* Freeman S* Hewlett, Chairman* Department of Horticulture* for his invaluable advice* criticism* and suggestion in the writing of this dissertation* and particularly far his guidance and one ouragement • To Professor Donald Comin* who has given freely and willingly of his time* interest* guidance* and advice* To Dr* C* R. Weaver* Statistician* Ohio Agricultural Experi­ ment Station* for his interest and assistance in the statistical analysis of the data* To Jfr. Harold S* Steamer, whose co-operation and assistance in operating the equipment used for this work has materially aided the author* Surinder Singh Attri ii TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter PaC° I. INTRODUCTION....................................... 1 II. REVIEW 01'’ LITERATURE................................ 4 A. Teminolo^' of Maturity.......................... 4 1* ihturo and its Derivatives........••••.••••..••.*4 2. lUpe and its Derivatives ...... ...5 B, Indicos of Maturation, ............ 6 1, Color.......... ,••••...••6 2, Pressure.......... •••««••». ,.•••...... .£ 3, Soluble Solids......... ••..•••,..10 4* Acidity, ......... ••••........ ,,10 5. Ifcrdrogen Ion Concentration.........11 6. Index Humber................ ...*........ ...12 7. Soluble Solids/Acids Ratio,....... •••••12 T, Cliloropliyll .......................... 13 9. Carotono and Carotonoids,.,.••.•••..,••••••••••13 III. MATERIALS AND METHODS............................. 14 A. Firmness Tests,, .... •••••.••.... .,,17 1, Test with the Durcmeter,.•••••••••••.... 17 2, Test with the Ka^ness-Taylor Pressure Tester...lc D. Color Tests...,.•••......... ,.......... IT 1. Subjective........ .......••••*..... Id 2, Objective................... 19 Hi C. Chemical Tests*............. *....... *.......... 20 1* Soluble Solids *.... *...................21 2. hydro^on Ion Concentration............. ...... 21 3. Total Titratablo Acidity........*.............21 4. Index Number....... 21 5. Soluble Solids/Acids Ratio............... •••*21 6* Clilorophyll content.............. 22 7. Carotene Content........*................... 22 IV. RESULTS............................................ 23 A* Firmness Tests............ 23 1* Test with the Durcmeter........ *.......... ..23 2, Test with the tfagnass-Teylor Pressure Tester...26 3. Color Tests...... 20 1. Subjective Tests..................... •••••■••28 2. Objoctlve Test.............................. 35 C. Chemical Tests ....................••••••••51 1. Soluble Solids Percentage..... ..51 2. Ifrdrogen Ion Concentration............ 56 3. Titratable Acidity Percentage... ....... 61 4. Index Number Test........ ••••...... 65 5. Soluble Solids/Acids Ratio............ ..71 6. Chlorophyll Content Test.......... •••••76 7. Carotene Content Test......•••••••••••••.... ..81 iv V. DISCUSSION OF RESULTS.................................... 86 A. Maturation Phase.. *..........................•••••86 1. Physical Indices......... 86 2. Chemical Indices ............ 90 B. Storage and Ripening Phases............................. 95 1. Physical Indices.............. ,95 2. Chemical Indices... ......... 96 C. Correlation of Magness-Taylor Pressure Tester with Other Indices ...... ••*••••••••99 D. Other Correlations................. ...... •••••••..... 100 1. Indices with Descending Linear Regression Curves...... 100 2. Indices with Ascending LinearRegression Curves.......l00 3. Indices with an Initial Fall Followed by a Rise...••• .101 4. Indices with an Initial Rise Followed by a Fall.......101 5. Negative Correlations............... ......... ••••••101 E. Suggested Indices........................ •*••••••..... 102 1. Ratios of Color and Firmness. ...... 102 2. Ratios of Color and Titratable Acidity............. ..103 VI. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS........ ......................... 1°5 LITERATURE CITED.................................. ..........107 AUTOBIOGRAPHY.............. 112 v LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1* Harvest dates far each stage of maturation during August 1957 and August 1953 seasons .... •••••14 2, Tentative pressure test ranges of maturity of Hale- haven peaches suggested by Craft (11)•• ••••••.... ••••.... 16 3. Dur erne ter firmness values of Halehaven peaches at eight stages of maturation prior to harvest and after storage during 1957-1953..... •••••••••...... 24 4* Migness-Taylar firmness values of Halehaven peaches at eight stages of maturation prior to harvest and after storage during 1957-1953*••••••• ....... •••26 5* USDA Color Chart values of Halehaven peaches at eight stages of maturitlon prior to harvest and after storage during 1957-1953.......................... •••••••29 6. Upshall's Peach Chart values of Halehaven peaches at eight stages of maturation prior to harvest and after storage during 1957-1958.................. ••••.......... 32 7. Gardner-Hunter meter color values of Halehaven peaches at eight stages of maturation prior to harvest and after storage during 1957-1953............. 36 8* Refract cine trie soluble solids percentages of Halehaven peaches at eight stages of maturation prior to harvest and after storage during 1957-1953...... ••••••••••.... •••52 9. PH values of Halehaven peaches at eight stages of maturation prior to harvest and after storage during 1957-1958.............................................. 57 10« Titratable acidity percentages of Halehaven peaches at eight stages of maturation prior to harvest and after storage during 1957-1958*.••....... 61 11. Index numbers of Halehaven peaches at eight stages of maturation prior to harvest and after storage during 1957-1958.............................................. 66 12. Soluble solids/acids ratios of Halehaven peaches at eight stages of maturation prior to harvest and after storage during 1957-1958............................... 72 vi 13. Chlorophyll contents of Halehaven peaches at eight stages of maturation prior to harvest and after storage during 1957-195#................... 77 14* Carotene contents of Halehaven peaches at eight stages of maturation prior to harvest and after storage during 1957-1958...................................... 82 vii LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Page 1. Regression of Durcmeter firmness values of lot a in 1957 and 1958.............................................. 25 2. Regression of Magness-Taylcr firmness values of lot a in 1957 and 1958......................................... 27 3. Regression of USDA Color Chart values of lot a in 1957 and 1958................. ............................ 30 4. Regression of Upahall'a Peach Chart color values of lot a in 1958........................................... 33 5. Regression of Upahall'a Peach Chart color values of lot b in 1958........................................... 34 6. Color diagram showing the relationship of Gardner* Hunter "a* and "b* scales to visual color..................37 7. Regression of Gardner-Run ter "Rd" values farlot a in 1957 and 1958......................................... 38 8. Regression of Gardner-Hunter Ma" values for lot a in 1957 and 1958............................... .......... 39 9. Regression of Gardner-Hunter "b* values far lot a in 1957 and 1958......................................... 40 10. Regression of Gardner-Hunter "a/b" values far lot a in 1957 and 1958..................................... 41 11. Regression of Gardner-Hunter "a" values for lot b in 1958..... 43 12. Regression of Gardner-Hunter " W values far lot b in 1958......44 13. Regression of Gardner-Hunter "Rd" values forlot c in1958 ...... 45 L4. Regression of Gardner-Hunter "a" values forlot c in 1958......46 15. Regression of Gardner-Hunter "b" values far lot c in 1958.,.,,.47 16. Regression of Gardner-Hunter "a/b" values for lot c in 1958.,..48 17. Color diagram of Gardner-Hunter "a" and *bN valuesfar lot a in 1957 and 1958......................................50 viii 18. Color diagram of Gardner-Hunter "a" and "b* values far lots b and o In 1958............................. ..50 19* Regression of soluble solids percentages for lot a In 1957 and 1958......................................53 20.Regress!on of soluble solids peroentages for lot c in 1957..... 55 21. Regression of pH values far lot a in 1957 and 1958........... .58 22. Regression of pH values far lot b in 1957*. ...... ...59 23. Regression of pH values far lot c in 1957 and 1958....... •••..60 24* Regression of titratable acidity far lot a in 1957 and 1958....62 25. Regression of titratable acidity far lot b in 1957 and 1958.••.63 26. Regression of titratable acidity for lot c in 1957 and 1958.*•.64 27. Regression of Index numbers far lot a in 1957 and 1958.....67 28. Regression of index numbers far lot b in 1958... ..68 29. Regression of index numbers for lot c in 1958. ....... ..69 30. Regression of soluble solids/acids ratios far lot a in 1957 and 1958.......... *.... .•••*».... 73 31. Regression of soluble solids/acids ratios far lot b in 1957 and 1958..................................... 74 32. Regression of soluble sollds/aclds ratios far lot c in 1957 and 1958....................................
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