United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,011,997 Hazen et al. (45) Date of Patent: Apr. 30, 1991 54 PROCESS FOR 2,822,396 2/1958 Dent ............................... 564/414 X BIS(4-AMINOPHENYL)HEXAFLUOROPRO. 3,897,498 7/1975 Zengel et al. ....................... 564/44 PANE 3,904,69 9/1975 Carnmam et al. ............. 564/414 X 4,082,749 4/1978 Quadbeck-Seeger et al. ..... 564/44 (75) Inventors: James R. Hazen, Coventry; William X R. Lee, E. Providence, both of R.I. 4,198,348 4/1980 Bertini et al. ....................... 564/44 (73) Assignee: Hoechst Celanese Corp., Somerville, OTHER PUBLICATIONS N.J. Houben-Weyl, "Stickstoff Verbindungen', Methoden 21 Appl. No.: 105,857 der Organischen Chemie, vol. 10, Part 3, pp. 375–377 (1965). 22 Fied: Oct. 7, 1987 Primary Examiner-Glennon H. Hollrah 51 Int. C. ................... CO7C 211/50; CO7C 209/50 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Perman & Green (52) U.S.C. .................................... 564/335; 564/330; 564/414 57 ABSTRACT 58 Field of Search ............... 564/330, 158, 335, 181, This invention is an improved process for preparing 564/.414 2,2-bis(4-aminophenyl)hexafluoropropane which com prises subjecting 2,2-bis(4-aminocarbonylphenyl)hexa 56) References Cited fluoropropane to the Hofmann reaction and then treat U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS ing that reaction product under reducing conditions to 902,150 0/1908 Heidenreich ................... 564/414 X produce the desired amine in high yield. 1,850,526 3/1932 Zitscher .......................... 564/.414 X 2,334,201 11/1943 Kamm et al. ................... 564/414 X 7 Claims, No Drawings 5,011,997 1. 2 ite and then subjecting the reaction product to reducing PROCESS FOR conditions to produce the desired diamine in an overall BIS(4-AMINOPHENYL)HEXAFLUOROPROPANE yield of 90 percent or greater. The first step of the pro cess is known in the literature as the Hofmann Reaction BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 5 for the conversion of an amide to the primary amine but The aromatic diamine 2,2-bis(4-aminophenyl)hexa it does not produce a high purity product in high yield fluoropropane is a known product which is useful in the but rather a low purity reaction product which is ex preparation of polyimides and polyamides These poly tremely difficult to purify The second process step com mers are known in the literature; see e.g. U.S. Pat. No. prises subjecting the Hofmann reaction product to re 3,356,648 and U.S. Pat. No. 3,328,352. These polymers 10 ducing conditions which converts the by-products of possess high thermal stability, enhanced light transpar the Hofmann reaction to the desired diamine. ency, and improved processing characteristics. These properties give such polymers application in areas DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED where high service temperature stability is required, EMBODIMENTS such as aircraft composites and high temperature 15 The process of the invention comprises the following shaped parts and films. They are prepared by reacting reaction scheme: the aromatic diamine with a dianhydride or dicarbox ylic acid chloride to produce the polyimide or polyam ide, respectively f alkali The literature describes several methods to prepare 20 H2N-C f C-NH2 hwdohalite the 2,2-bis(4-aminophenyl)hexafluoropropane interme diate. U.S. Pat. No. 3,328,352 teaches its preparation by CF3 the direct condensation of aniline with hexafluoroace (I) tone in the presence of an aluminum chloride catalyst F. The reaction conditions are severe and the reported 25 H2N C NH2 + Undesired yield is very low-approximately 26 percent. By-Product Another literature preparation is reported in Chemi CF3 cal Abstracts, 65, 185236. This method involves the (II) application of the Curtius rearrangement of the diacyl azide prepared from the corresponding dicarboxylic 30 acid chloride; i.e., 2,2-bis(4-chlorocarbonylphenyl)hex f 90% H afluoropropane. However, here again the reported H2N f NH2 i (H) yield is low-only 42 percent. CFs I-GeIII Another literature preparation is reported in U.S. Pat. (III) No. 3,310,573. This method involves the application of 35 the Schmidt reaction (R. F. Schmidt, Ber., 57, 704 Although the above reaction scheme is presented in (1924) on the 2,2-bis(4-carboxylphenyl)hexafluoropro terms of the unsubstituted diamine, it may be a substi pane. Here, the dicarboxylic acid is reacted with hydra tuted or unsubstituted aromatic diamine having the zoic acid to give the desired diamine directly. The yield following generic formula: again is reported "poor' with no specific value re ported. The low yields of the above literature reports appar An An ently prompted another approach to produce the de CX3 sired diamine. Lau et al J. Polymer Science, Polymer Chemistry Edition, 20, 2381 (1982) reported its prepa 45 ration from 2,2-bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)hexafluoropro pane. Here, the commercially available dihydroxy com pound was reacted with 2-chloro-4-phenylquinazoline wherein: A is a substituent which is independently se to give the bis quinazoline condensation product which lected from lower alkyl of 1 to 3 carbons, chloro or was then thermally rearranged to the quinazolinone 50 fluoro; n is an integer independently selected from 0 to which was then hydrolzyed to the diamine. Again, the 2; and X is a halogen selected from chloro and fluoro. reported yield was low-just 16.5 percent. In addition The process of the invention comprises a first step (I) the method requires severe reaction conditions and a of subjecting the starting amide to the Hofmann Reac chromatographic purification of the product which is tion. The amide is prepared from the known dicarbox not readily adapted to a commercial manufacturing 55 ylic acid or its acid chloride by conventional tech process. niques; for instance, by reacting the dicarboxylic acid in It is the object of this invention to produce high pu the presence of ammonia and thermally converting the rity 2,2-bis(4-aminophenyl)hexafluoropropane in high salt to the amide or forming the acid chloride by react yield from readily available materials by a simple, com ing the dicarboxylic acid with thionyl chloride, phos mercially feasible process. phorus trichloride or phosphorous pentachloride, pref. erably thionyl chloride, and then treating the acid chlo SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION ride with ammonia; see also March, J., Advanced Or This invention is that of an improved process for the ganic Chemistry: Reactions, Mechanisms and Struc preparation of 2,2-bis(4-aminophenyl)hexafluoropro ture, 3rd Edition, pages 370-379, John Wiley & Sons, pane in vastly improved yield over the prior art by a 65 NY (1985). practical, commercially feasible method. Step (I) of the process is known as the Hofmann The process comprises reacting the 2,2-bis(4- Reaction and it has been extensively reviewed in the aminocarbonyl)hexafluoropropane with alkali hypohal literature; see e.g. Wallace, E. S. and Lane, J. S.; Or 5,011,997 3 4 ganic Reactions; Vol. 3, p. 267-306, John Wiley & Sons The overall yield of the process of the invention has (1964); Smith, P. A. S. in Molecular Rearrangements, been found to be in excess of 90 percent of theoretical Editor DeMao, P. Chapter 8, Interscience Publishers, based upon the starting diamide. Also, the technically NY (1967)1; and A. W. Hofmann, Ber., 14, 2725 pure reaction product can be easily purified by conven (1881)-the teachings of which are hereby incorporated tional techniques to high purity suitable for polymer by reference. synthesis, which is another advantage of the process of The Hofmann Reaction comprises the treatment of an the invention. This high purity could not be obtained amide with a hypohalite such as sodium hypobromite or from the crude reaction mixture of the Hofmann reac sodium hypochlorite in the presence of an alkali metal tion by standard purification techniques. hydroxide; preferably sodium hypochlorite is used as it O In summary, the process of the invention can be con is readily available. Alternately, the hypohalite may be ducted by slurrying the 2,2-bis(4-aminocarbonyl formed in situ from the halogen (chlorine or bromine) in phenyl)hexafluoropropane in an excess of aqueous al the presence of sodium hydroxide. kali, preferably sodium hydroxide, and treating it with a In the presence of the hypohalite, the amide is con slight equivalent excess of alkali metal hypohalite (i.e. verted to the amine in the Hofmann Reaction. How 15 about 2.2 moles of hypohalite per mole of diamide; ever, in the case of 2,2-bis(4-aminocarbonyl)hexafluoro preferably sodium hypochlorite at about -5° C. to propane, the reaction produces a mixed reaction prod about 10 C., preferably about 0°C. After several hours, uct comprising the desired diamine and a highly colored the homogeneous reaction mixture is gradually allowed by-product which can only be removed by a tedious to warm to room temperature and then the reaction is purification process. This by-product was produced in 20 finished by warming it to 30-50 C., preferably about an amount of about 20-40 percent by weight. The puri 35-40 C. for 10-60 minutes. fication process involved multiple acid extractions and It was determined that a preferable effective amount recrystallizations which in turn reduced the yield even of hypohalite reactant was about 10 to 15% molar ex further The color and amount of the by-products was cess-the theoretical amount being 2 moles of hypothal not anticipated nor is it reported in the literature and 25 ite per mole of diamide. Higher excesses of the hypohal attempts to eliminate or prevent its formation by modifi ite are effective to convert the diamide to diamine but cation of the reaction parameters were unsuccessful.
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